raw_prot: raw_prot

raw_protR Documentation



Example of input TrP dataset.




A data.table consisting of 9,120 rows and 29 columns. Raw TrP data for use in testing and examples.


Input to MSstatsLiP converter SpectronauttoMSstatsLiPFormat. Contains the following columns:

  • R.Condition : Label of conditions (EG Disease/Control)

  • R.FileName : Name of spectral processing run

  • R.Replicate : Name of biological replicate

  • PG.ProteinAccessions : Protein name

  • PG.ProteinGroups : Protein name, can be multiple

  • PG.Quantity : Protein Quantity

  • PEP.GroupingKey : Peptide grouping

  • PEP.StrippedSequence : Peptide sequence

  • PEP.Quantity : Peptide quantity

  • EG.iRTPredicted : Predicted value

  • EG.Library : Name of library

  • EG.ModifiedSequence : Peptide sequence including any post-translational modifications

  • EG.PrecursorId : Peptide sequence wiht modifications including charge

  • EG.Qvalue : Qvalue

  • FG.Charge : Identified Ion charge

  • FG.Id : Peptide sequence with charge

  • FG.PrecMz : Prec Mz reading

  • FG.Quantity : Initial quantity reading

  • F.Charge : F.Charge

  • F.FrgIon : Fragment ion

  • F.FrgLossType : Label for loss type

  • F.FrgMz : Mz reading

  • F.FrgNum : numeric Frg

  • F.FrgType : character label for Frg

  • F.ExcludedFromQuantification : True/False boolean for if to exclude

  • F.NormalizedPeakArea : Normalized peak intensity

  • F.NormalizedPeakHeight : Normalized peak height

  • F.PeakArea : Unnormalized peak area

  • F.PeakHeight : Unnormalized peak height



Vitek-Lab/MSstatsLiP documentation built on April 5, 2024, 3:25 a.m.