#' Clean raw SpectroMine TMT data
#' @param msstats_object an object of class `MSstatsSpectroMineFiles`.
#' @importFrom data.table melt setnames
#' @return `data.table`
#' @keywords internal
.cleanRawSpectroMineTMT = function(msstats_object) {
PSM = PeptideSequence = PrecursorCharge = ProteinName = NULL
sm_input = getInputFile(msstats_object, "input")
channels = .getChannelColumns(colnames(sm_input), "PSM", "Raw")
if (length(channels) == 0L) {
msg = paste("There is no channel intensity column in the input data,",
"which should start with 'PSM' and end with 'Raw'.")
getOption("MSstatsMsg")("ERROR", msg)
pg_qval_column = grep("pgqvalue", colnames(sm_input), ignore.case = TRUE, value = TRUE)
data.table::setnames(sm_input, pg_qval_column, "PGQValue")
sm_input = sm_input[, c("PGProteinAccessions", "PMoleculeID", "PPCharge",
"PGQValue", "PSMQvalue", "RFileName", channels),
with = FALSE]
c("PGProteinAccessions", "PMoleculeID",
"PPCharge", "PSMQvalue", "RFileName"),
c("ProteinName", "PeptideSequence", "PrecursorCharge",
"Qvalue", "Run"), skip_absent = TRUE)
sm_input = sm_input[(ProteinName != "") & (!is.na(ProteinName)), ]
sm_input = unique(sm_input)
sm_input[, PSM := paste(PeptideSequence, PrecursorCharge,
1:nrow(sm_input), sep = "_")]
sm_input = melt(sm_input, measure.vars = channels,
id.vars = setdiff(colnames(sm_input), channels),
variable.name = "Channel", value.name = "Intensity")
sm_input$Channel = gsub("PSM", "", sm_input$Channel)
sm_input$Channel = gsub("Raw", "", sm_input$Channel)
sm_input$Channel = gsub(".", "", sm_input$Channel, fixed = TRUE)
sm_input$Intensity = ifelse(sm_input$Intensity == 0, NA, sm_input$Intensity)
.logSuccess("SpectroMine", "clean")
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