#' Clean raw output from OpenMS
#' @param msstats_object an object of class `MSstatsSpectroMineFiles`.
#' @return data.table
#' @keywords internal
.cleanRawOpenMS = function(msstats_object) {
Intensity = PSM = NULL
om_input = getInputFile(msstats_object, "input")
om_input[, Intensity := as.numeric(as.character(Intensity))]
om_input = unique(om_input)
if (getDataType(msstats_object) == "MSstats") {
if (!is.element("IsotopeLabelType", colnames(om_input))) {
om_input = .fillValues(om_input, c("IsotopeLabelType" = "L"))
} else {
om_input[, PSM := do.call(".combine", .SD),
.SDcols = c("PeptideSequence", "Charge", "RetentionTime")]
om_input[, Intensity := ifelse(Intensity == 0, NA, Intensity)]
all_cols = c("ProteinName", "PeptideSequence", "PrecursorCharge", "Charge",
"FragmentIon", "ProductCharge", "PSM", "IsotopeLabelType",
"Condition", "BioReplicate", "Run", "Channel", "Intensity",
"Mixture", "TechRepMixture", "TechReplicate", "Fraction")
cols = intersect(all_cols, colnames(om_input))
om_input = om_input[, cols, with = FALSE]
data.table::setnames(om_input, "Charge", "PrecursorCharge",
skip_absent = TRUE)
.logSuccess("OpenMS", "clean")
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