#' Clean raw DIAUmpire files
#' @param msstats_object Object that inherits from MSstatsInputFiles class.
#' @param use_frag TRUE will use the selected fragment for each peptide.
#' 'Selected_fragments' column is required.
#' @param use_pept TRUE will use the selected fragment for each protein
#' 'Selected_peptides' column is required.
#' @return data.table
#' @keywords internal
.cleanRawDIAUmpire = function(msstats_object, use_frag, use_pept) {
FragmentIon = ProteinName = PeptideSequence = Selected_peptides = NULL
Selected_fragments = Proteins = ProteinKey = FragmentKey = Run = NULL
frag_input = getInputFile(msstats_object, "Fragments")
pept_input = getInputFile(msstats_object, "Peptides")
prot_input = getInputFile(msstats_object, "Proteins")
if (!is.element("Selected_fragments", colnames(pept_input)) |
!is.element("Selected_peptides", colnames(prot_input))) {
msg = "** Selected_fragments column is required. Please check it."
getOption("MSstatsLog")("ERROR", msg)
pept_cols = c("PeptideKey", "Proteins", "Selected_fragments")
pept_input = pept_input[, pept_cols, with = FALSE]
pept_input = pept_input[Proteins != "", ]
pept_input[, Selected_fragments := as.character(Selected_fragments)]
c("PeptideSequence", "ProteinName", "FragmentIon"),
skip_absent = TRUE)
pept_input = pept_input[
, lapply(list(FragmentIon),
function(x) unlist(data.table::tstrsplit(x, "|",
fixed = TRUE))),
by = c("ProteinName", "PeptideSequence")
data.table::setnames(pept_input, "V1", "FragmentIon", skip_absent = TRUE)
pept_input = pept_input[pept_input[["FragmentIon"]] != "", ]
pept_input[["ProteinName"]] = as.character(pept_input[["ProteinName"]])
prot_input = prot_input[, c("ProteinKey", "Selected_peptides"),
with = FALSE]
prot_input = prot_input[ProteinKey != "", ]
prot_input[, Selected_peptides := as.character(Selected_peptides)]
prot_input[, Selected_peptides := trimws(Selected_peptides, "both")]
data.table::setnames(prot_input, colnames(prot_input),
c("ProteinName", "PeptideSequence"),
skip_absent = TRUE)
prot_input = prot_input[
, lapply(list(PeptideSequence),
function(x) (unlist(data.table::tstrsplit(x, "|",
fixed = TRUE)))),
by = c("ProteinName")]
data.table::setnames(prot_input, "V1", "PeptideSequence",
skip_absent = TRUE)
prot_input = prot_input[PeptideSequence != "", ]
prot_input[, ProteinName := gsub(";", "", ProteinName)]
if (use_frag & use_pept) {
input = merge(pept_input[, c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE), with = FALSE],
prot_input, all.x = TRUE, by = "PeptideSequence",
sort = FALSE)
getOption("MSstatsMsg")("INFO", "** Using selected fragments and peptides.")
} else if (use_frag & !use_pept) {
input = pept_input
input$ProteinName = gsub(";", "", input$ProteinName)
getOption("MSstatsMsg")("INFO", "** Using selected fragments.")
} else {
msg = "** MSstats recommends to use at least selected fragments."
getOption("MSstatsLog")("ERROR", msg)
input[, FragmentIon := gsub("\\+", "_", FragmentIon)]
intensity_cols = grepl("Intensity", colnames(frag_input))
frag_col_names = c("FragmentKey", "Protein", "Peptide", "Fragment")
key_cols = colnames(frag_input) %in% frag_col_names
frag_cols = intensity_cols | key_cols
frag_input = frag_input[, frag_cols, with = FALSE]
new_names = c("ProteinName", "PeptideSequence", "FragmentIon")
data.table::setnames(frag_input, frag_col_names[2:4], new_names,
skip_absent = TRUE)
frag_input = .fixColumnTypes(
frag_input, character_columns = c(new_names, "FragmentKey"))
if (!grepl("\\+", frag_input[["FragmentIon"]][1])) {
last_char = nchar(frag_input[["FragmentKey"]])
frag_input[, FragmentIon := paste(FragmentIon,
substr(FragmentKey, last_char,
last_char), sep = "_")]
} else {
frag_input[, FragmentIon := gsub("\\+", "_", FragmentIon)]
frag_input = frag_input[, (colnames(frag_input) != "FragmentKey"),
with = FALSE]
setkey(input, ProteinName, PeptideSequence, FragmentIon)
setkey(frag_input, ProteinName, PeptideSequence, FragmentIon)
to_join = unique(frag_input[input, which = TRUE,
allow.cartesian = TRUE, drop = FALSE])
frag_input = frag_input[to_join]
frag_input = melt(frag_input,
id.vars = new_names, variable.name = "Run",
value.name = "Intensity", value.factor = FALSE)
frag_input[, Run := gsub("_Intensity", "", Run)]
getOption("MSstatsMsg")("INFO", paste("** Extracted the data from selected",
"fragments and/or peptides."))
.logSuccess("DIAUmpire", "clean")
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