#' Clean raw Diann files
#' @param msstats_object an object of class `MSstatsDIANNFiles`.
#' @param MBR True if analysis was done with match between runs
#' @param quantificationColumn Use 'FragmentQuantCorrected'(default) column for quantified intensities. 'FragmentQuantRaw' can be used instead.
#' @return data.table
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @keywords internal
.cleanRawDIANN = function(msstats_object, MBR = TRUE,
quantificationColumn = "FragmentQuantCorrected") {
dn_input = getInputFile(msstats_object, "input")
dn_input = data.table::as.data.table(dn_input)
if (!is.element("PrecursorMz", colnames(dn_input))) {
dn_input[, PrecursorMz := NA]
if (!is.element('FragmentInfo', colnames(dn_input))) {
dn_input[, FragmentInfo := NA]
req_cols = c('ProteinNames', 'StrippedSequence',
'ModifiedSequence', 'PrecursorCharge',
quantificationColumn, 'QValue',
'PrecursorMz', 'FragmentInfo', 'Run')
if (MBR) {
req_cols = c(req_cols, c('LibQValue', 'LibPGQValue'))
} else{
req_cols = c(req_cols, c('GlobalQValue', 'GlobalPGQValue'))
dn_input = dn_input[, req_cols, with = FALSE]
dn_input = dn_input[, lapply(.SD, function(x) unlist(tstrsplit(x, ";"))),
.SDcols = c(quantificationColumn, "FragmentInfo"),
by = setdiff(colnames(dn_input), c("FragmentInfo", quantificationColumn))]
if (all(is.na(dn_input[["FragmentInfo"]]))) {
dn_input[, FragmentInfo := paste0("Frag", 1:.N),
by = c("ProteinNames", "ModifiedSequence", "PrecursorCharge", "Run")]
dn_input[, (quantificationColumn) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = quantificationColumn]
dn_input[, FragmentIon := sub('\\^\\.\\*', '', FragmentInfo)]
if (any(grepl("/", dn_input$FragmentInfo))) {
dn_input[, ProductCharge := unlist(strsplit(FragmentInfo, split = "/"))[[1]], by = FragmentInfo]
dn_input[, ProductCharge := strtoi(sub("\\.\\*\\^", "", ProductCharge))]
} else {
dn_input[, ProductCharge := 1]
dn_input = dn_input[!grepl("NH3", FragmentIon), ]
dn_input = dn_input[!grepl("H2O", FragmentIon), ]
dn_input = na.omit(dn_input, cols = quantificationColumn)
data.table::setnames(dn_input, old = c('ProteinNames', 'StrippedSequence',
quantificationColumn, 'QValue',
'PrecursorMz', 'FragmentIon','Run',
new = c('ProteinName', 'PeptideSequence',
'Intensity', 'DetectionQValue',
'PrecursorMz', 'FragmentIon','Run',
skip_absent = TRUE)
dn_input[, PeptideSequence := NULL]
setnames(dn_input, "PeptideModifiedSequence", "PeptideSequence")
.logSuccess("DIANN", "clean")
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