#' Reads Bionano Bedfiles
#' @param BNFile character. Path to Bionano Bed File.
#' @return Data Frame Contains the gene information.
#' @examples
#' BNFile <- system.file("extdata", "HomoSapienGRCH19_lift37_BN.bed", package="nanotatoR")
#' bed<-readBNBedFiles(BNFile)
#' @import utils
#' @export
readBNBedFiles <- function(BNFile) {
## Reading the Bed File con<-file(BNFile,'r') r10<-readLines(con,n=-1)
## close(con) Converting the data to data frame
## dat4<-textConnection(r10)
## r12<-read.table(dat4,sep='\t',header=FALSE) Extracting data
r12 <- read.table(BNFile, header = TRUE)
chrom <- r12[, 1]
chromstart <- r12[, 2]
chromend <- r12[, 3]
gene <- as.character(r12[, 4])
strand <- as.character(r12[, 5])
## Combining the data to form a data frame
dat1 <- data.frame(
Chromosome = chrom, Chromosome_Start = chromstart,
Chromosome_End = chromend, Gene = gene, Strand = strand
#' Reads BED files to produce bionano Bed files
#' @param bedFile character. Path to UCSC Bed File.
#' @param outdir character. Path to output directory.
#' @param returnMethod character. Path to output directory.
#' @param fname character. Output File name.
#' @return Data Frame or text file. Contains the gene information.
#' @examples
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "HomoSapienGRCH19_lift37.bed",
#' package="nanotatoR")
#' bed<-buildrunBNBedFiles(bedFile,returnMethod="dataFrame")
#' @import utils
#' @import stringr
#' @export
buildrunBNBedFiles <- function(bedFile, returnMethod = c("Text", "dataFrame"),
outdir, fname) {
## Reading the Bed File
con <- file(bedFile, "r")
r10 <- readLines(con, n = -1)
## Converting the data to data frame
dat4 <- textConnection(r10)
r12 <- read.table(dat4, sep = " ", header = FALSE)
## Extracting data
# print(dim(r12))
chrom <- stringr::str_trim(r12[, 1])
chromstart <- stringr::str_trim(r12[, 2])
chromend <- stringr::str_trim(r12[, 3])
gene <- stringr::str_trim(as.character(r12[, 4]))
strand <- stringr::str_trim(as.character(r12[, 5]))
## Changing the chromosome Start Name
chrom1 <- gsub("chr", "", x = chrom)
## Male and Female chromosome association
if (length(grep("X", chrom1)) > 1 & length(grep("Y", chrom1)) > 1) {
chrom1 <- gsub("X", 23, chrom1)
chrom1 <- gsub("Y", 24, chrom1)
} else if (length(grep("X", chrom1)) > 1) {
chrom1 <- gsub("X", 23, chrom1)
} else {
print("Genome doesnot have any Sex Chromosome")
## Combining the data to form a data frame
num <- seq_len(length(strand))
dat1 <- data.frame(
Chromosome = as.character(chrom1),
Chromosome_Start = as.numeric(chromstart),
Chromosome_End = as.numeric(chromend),
Gene = as.character(gene),
num, Strand = as.character(strand),
chromStart = as.numeric(chromstart), chromEnd = as.numeric(chromend),
colors = rep("128,0,128", length(strand)), row.names = NULL
## writing Bionano Bedfiles
if (returnMethod == "Text") {
'if (length(grep("\\\\", bedFile)) >= 1) {
st <- strsplit(bedFile, split = "\\\\")
fname <- st[[1]][4]
st1 <- strsplit(fname, split = ".bed")
fname1 <- paste(st1[[1]][1], "_BN.bed", sep = "")
if (length(grep("/", bedFile)) >= 1) {
st <- strsplit(bedFile, split = "/")
g1 <-
fname <- st[[1]][4]
st1 <- strsplit(fname, split = ".bed")
fname1 <- paste(st1[[1]][1], "_BN.bed", sep = "")
else {
fname <- bedFile
st1 <- strsplit(fname, split = ".bed")
fname1 <- paste(st1[[1]][1], "_BN.bed", sep = "")
dat1, file.path(outdir, fname),
row.names = FALSE)
} else if (returnMethod == "dataFrame") {
} else {
stop("Method of Return improper")
#' Reads SMAP files to extract information from SVMerge
#' @param smap character. Path to SMAP file.
#' @param smapdata dataframe. variable for smap dataset.
#' @param input_fmt_smap character. input format for smap
#' text or dataframe.
#' @return Data Frame or text file. Contains the SMAP information.
#' @examples
#' smapName="NA12878_Q.S_VAP_SVmerge_solo5.txt"
#' smap = system.file("extdata", smapName, package="nanotatoR")
#' readSMap(smap, input_fmt_smap = "Text")
#' @import utils
#' @export
readSMap <- function(smap, smapdata,
input_fmt_smap = c("Text","dataFrame")) {
## reading the smap text file
if(input_fmt_smap == "Text"){
con <- file(smap, "r")
r10 <- readLines(con, n = -1)
# datfinal<-data.frame()
g1 <- grep("RawConfidence", r10)
g2 <- grep("RefStartPos", r10)
gg1 <- grep("# BSPQI Sample", r10)
gg2 <- grep("# BSSSI Sample", r10)
if(length(gg1) > 0 & length(gg2) > 0){
stt <- strsplit(r10[gg1], split = ":")
stt35 <- strsplit(r10[gg2], split = ":")
fname_temp <- stt[[1]][2]
fname_temp1 <- stt35[[1]][2]
stt1 <- strsplit(fname_temp, split = "_BspQI_assembly*")
fname1 <- stt1[[1]][1]
stt2 <- strsplit(fname_temp1, split = "_BssSI_assembly*")
fname2<- stt2[[1]][1]
if(fname1 == fname2){
fname <- str_squish(fname2)
} else{stop("Mismatch in File Names")}
g1 <- grep("RefEndPos", r10)
g2 <- grep("RefStartPos", r10)
# r10<-as.character(r10)
if (g1 == g2){
#g3 <- grep("# ",r10)
dat <- gsub("# ", "", as.character(r10))
# dat<-gsub('\t',' ',as.character(dat))
dat4 <- textConnection(dat[g1:length(dat)])
##### print(dim(dat4))
r1 <- read.table(dat4, sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
}else{stop("File Incorrect!!!")}
g1 <- grep("RefEndPos", r10)
g2 <- grep("RefStartPos", r10)
# r10<-as.character(r10)
if (g1 == g2){
#g3 <- grep("#h ",r10)
dat <- gsub("#h ", "", as.character(r10))
# dat<-gsub('\t',' ',as.character(dat))
dat4 <- textConnection(dat[g1:length(dat)])
##### print(dim(dat4))
r1 <- read.table(dat4, sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
}else{stop("File Incorrect!!!")}
fname_temp <- as.character(unique(r1$Sample))
g2 <- grep("*_BspQI*", fname_temp)
g3 <- grep( "*_BssSI*", fname_temp)
if(length(g2)> 0 & length(g3)>0){
stt1 <- strsplit(fname_temp, split = "*_BspQI*")
stt2 <- strsplit(fname_temp, split = "*_BssSI*")
fname1 <- stt1[[1]][1]
fname2<- stt2[[1]][1]
if(fname1 == fname2){
fname <- str_squish(fname1)
}else{stop("Mismatch in File Names")}
}else if (length(g2)> 0 & length(g3) == 0){
stt1 <- strsplit(fname_temp, split = "*_BspQI*")
fname1 <- stt1[[1]][1]
fname <- str_squish(fname1)
}else if (length(g2) == 0 & length(g3) > 0){
stt2 <- strsplit(fname_temp, split = "*_BssSI*")
fname2<- stt2[[1]][1]
fname <- str_squish(fname2)
}else{stop("No Sample ID")}
sampnam <- grep("SampleID", names(r1))
if(length(sampnam) != 1){
r1 <- cbind(SampleID = rep(
times = nrow(r1)), r1
} else { r1 <- r1 }
}else if(input_fmt_smap == "dataFrame"){
stop("Input Format incorrect")
#sampID <- str_squish(as.character(unique(r1$SampleID)))
#' Reads DLE SMAP files to extract information
#' @param smap character. Path to SMAP file.
#' @param smapdata dataframe. variable for smap dataset.
#' @param input_fmt_smap character. input format for smap
#' text or dataframe.
#' @return Data Frame or text file. Contains the SMAP information.
#' @examples
#' smapName="GM24385_Ason_DLE1_VAP_trio5.smap"
#' smap = system.file("extdata", smapName, package="nanotatoR")
#' readSMap_DLE(smap, input_fmt_smap = "Text")
#' @import utils
#' @export
readSMap_DLE <- function(smap, smapdata,
input_fmt_smap = "Text") {
## reading the smap text file
if(input_fmt_smap == "Text"){
con <- file(smap, "r")
r10 <- readLines(con, n = -1)
# datfinal<-data.frame()
g1 <- grep("RefEndPos", r10)
g2 <- grep("RefStartPos", r10)
'gg1 <- grep("# BSPQI Sample", r10)
stt <- strsplit(r10[gg1], split = ":")
fname_temp <- stt[[1]][2]
if(length(grep("UDN*", fname_temp)) ==1){
stt1 <- strsplit(fname_temp, split = "_P_BspQI_assembly*")
fname <- stt1[[1]][1]
} else{
stt1 <- strsplit(fname_temp, split = "_BspQI_assembly*")
fname <- stt1[[1]][1]
stt1 <- strsplit(fname_temp, split = "_BspQI_assembly*")
fname <- stt1[[1]][1]'
#print (paste0("SampleName:", fname))
if (g1 == g2) {
dat <- gsub("#h ", "", as.character(r10))
# dat<-gsub('\t',' ',r10)
dat4 <- textConnection(dat[g1:length(dat)])
r1 <- read.table(dat4, sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
} else {
stop("column names doesnot Match")
if(any(unique(r1$Sample) == "ExperimentLabel") == TRUE){
g1 <- strsplit(smap, split = "/")
g2 <- strsplit(g1[[1]][length(g1[[1]])], split = ".smap")
#g3 <- strsplit(g1[[1]][length(g1[[1]])], split = "_")
#Samp <- as.character(g2[[1]][1])
Samp <- as.character(g2[[1]][1])
Samp <- as.character(unique(r1$Sample))
#Samp <- as.character(unique(r1$Sample))
'st1 <- strsplit(Samp, split = "*_DLE")
SampleID <- st1[[1]][1]'
if(length(grep("*_BspQI_*", Samp)) >= 1){
stt1 <- strsplit(Samp, split = "*_BspQI")
fname_temp <- stt1[[1]][1]
}else if(length(grep("*_BssSI_*", Samp)) >= 1){
stt1 <- strsplit(Samp, split = "*_BssSI")
fname_temp <- stt1[[1]][1]
}else if(length(grep("*_DLE_*", Samp)) >= 1){
stt1 <- strsplit(Samp, split = "*_DLE")
fname_temp <- stt1[[1]][1]
}else{print("Sample pattern not Found")}
SampleID <- fname_temp
r1 <- cbind(SampleID = rep(str_squish(as.character(SampleID)),
times = nrow(r1)), r1)
else if(input_fmt_smap == "dataFrame"){
stop("Input Format incorrect")
#sampID <- str_squish(as.character(unique(r1$SampleID)))
#' Calculates Genes that overlap the SV region
#' @param bed Text Bionano Bed file.
#' @param chrom character SVmap chromosome.
#' @param chrom2 character SVmap chromosome number 2.
#' @param SVTyp Character. Type of SV.
#' @param bperrorindel Numeric. base pair error indel.
#' @param bperrorinvtrans Numeric. base pair error invtranslocation.
#' @param startpos numeric starting position of the breakpoints.
#' @param endpos numeric end position of the breakpoints.
#' @param svid numeric Structural variant identifier (Bionano generated).
#' @return Data Frame. Contains the SVID,Gene name,strand information and
#' percentage of SV covered.
#' @examples
#' smapName="GM24385_Ason_DLE1_VAP_trio5.smap"
#' smap = system.file("extdata", smapName, package="nanotatoR")
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "HomoSapienGRCH19_lift37.bed",
#' package="nanotatoR")
#' bed<-buildrunBNBedFiles(bedFile,returnMethod="dataFrame")
#' smap<-readSMap_DLE(smap, input_fmt_smap = "Text")
#' chrom<-smap$RefcontigID1
#' chrom2 <- smap$RefcontigID2
#' startpos<-smap$RefStartPos
#' endpos<-smap$RefEndPos
#' if (length(grep("SVIndex",names(smap)))>0){
#' svid <- smap$SVIndex
#' }else{
#' svid <- smap$SmapEntryID
#' }
#' SVTyp <- smap$Type
#' overlapGenes(bed = bed, chrom = chrom, startpos = startpos,
#' endpos = endpos, chrom2 = chrom2, svid = svid,
#' SVTyp = SVTyp,
#' bperrorindel = 3000, bperrorinvtrans = 50000)
#' @import utils
#' @export
overlapGenes <- function(bed, chrom, startpos, endpos, svid, chrom2, SVTyp,
bperrorindel = 3000, bperrorinvtrans = 50000) {
## Initialising data
print("***Overlap Genes***")
data1 <- data.frame()
gnsInf <- c()
SVID <- c()
chrom2 = chrom2
chrom = chrom
## Getting the midpoint of the geme bed$geneMid <-
## ceiling(bed$Chromosome_Start + ((bed$Chromosome_End -
## bed$Chromosome_Start)/2)) Detecting Genes present between the SV
## breakpoints and Calculating the percentage coverage of genes across
## the breakpoints per chromosome.
for (ii in seq_len(length(chrom)))
#for (ii in 1:5)
{ #print(paste("OverLap:",ii))
# Checking for genes in the breakpoint
if(startpos[ii] == -1 | endpos[ii] == -1){
SVID <- c(SVID, svid[ii])
gnsInf = c(gnsInf,"-")
dat10 <- bed[which(bed$Chromosome == chrom[ii]), ]
dat15 <- bed[which(bed$Chromosome == chrom2[ii]), ]
if(SVTyp[ii] == "insertion"
| SVTyp[ii] == "deletion"
| SVTyp[ii] == "duplication"
| SVTyp[ii] == "duplication_split"
| SVTyp[ii] == "duplication_inverted"){
start_adj <- startpos[ii] - bperrorindel
start_adj1 <- startpos[ii] + bperrorindel
end_adj <- endpos[ii] + bperrorindel
end_adj1 <- endpos[ii] - bperrorindel
dat11 <- dat10[which(((
(dat10$Chromosome_Start >= start_adj
& dat10$Chromosome_Start <= start_adj1)
& (dat10$Chromosome_End <= end_adj
& dat10$Chromosome_End >= end_adj1))
| (dat10$Chromosome_Start <= start_adj
& dat10$Chromosome_End >= end_adj)
| (dat10$Chromosome_Start >= start_adj
& dat10$Chromosome_End <= end_adj)
| (dat10$Chromosome_Start >= start_adj1
& dat10$Chromosome_End <= end_adj1)
| ((dat10$Chromosome_Start >= start_adj1
& dat10$Chromosome_Start <= end_adj1)
& dat10$Chromosome_End > end_adj)
| (dat10$Chromosome_Start <= start_adj
& (dat10$Chromosome_End >= start_adj1
& dat10$Chromosome_End <= end_adj1))
| (dat10$Chromosome_End >= end_adj
& (dat10$Chromosome_Start >= end_adj1
& dat10$Chromosome_Start <= end_adj))
| (dat10$Chromosome_Start <= start_adj
& (dat10$Chromosome_End >= start_adj
& dat10$Chromosome_End <= start_adj1)))), ]
if (nrow(dat11) > 1) {
## Extracting strand and chromosome start information
chromos <- dat11$Chromosome
chromStart <- dat11$Chromosome_Start
chromEnd <- dat11$Chromosome_End
gen1 <- dat11$Gene
strnd <- dat11$Strand
genMid <- dat11$geneMid
geneInfo <- c()
## Calculating the coverage of the gene
for (k in seq_len(length(gen1)))
##Checking if orientation of the gene and calculating
##length based on that
lengthgene <- chromStart[k] - chromEnd[k]
lengthgene <- chromEnd[k]-chromStart[k]
lengthbp <- end_adj-start_adj
# print(paste('distfromStart:',distfromStart),sep='')
# print(paste('distfromEnd:',distfromEnd),sep='') Checking for
# partial/complete inclusion in the SV
if ((chromStart[k] >= start_adj & chromEnd[k] <= end_adj)) {
percentage <- 100
else if ((chromStart[k] < start_adj
& chromEnd[k] > end_adj)
& (lengthgene > lengthbp)) {
percentage <- round(abs(((start_adj - end_adj) / (chromStart[k] - chromEnd[k])) * 100), digits = 2)
else if (((chromStart[k] < start_adj)
& (chromEnd[k] > start_adj)
& (chromEnd[k] <= end_adj))) {
distfromStart <- chromEnd[k] - start_adj
percentage <- round(abs((
distfromStart / (chromEnd[k] - chromStart[k])) * 100),
digits = 2)
else if (((chromStart[k] >= start_adj)
& (chromStart[k] < end_adj)
& (chromEnd[k] > end_adj))) {
distfromEnd <- end_adj - chromStart[k]
percentage <- round(abs((
distfromEnd / (chromEnd[k] - chromStart[k])) * 100), digits = 2)
else {
percentage <- "NA"
if (is.na(percentage)) {
geneInfo <- "-"
else {
geneInfo <- c(geneInfo, paste(
gen1[k], "(", strnd[k], ":",
percentage, ")", sep = ""
geneInfo1 <- paste(geneInfo, collapse = ";")
gnsInf <- c(gnsInf, str_squish(str_trim((geneInfo1),side="both")))
# print(paste("1:",ii,":",svid[ii],sep=""))
SVID <- c(SVID, svid[ii])
} else if (nrow(dat11) == 1) {
chromos <- dat11$Chromosome
chromStart <- dat11$Chromosome_Start
chromEnd <- dat11$Chromosome_End
gen1 <- dat11$Gene
strnd <- dat11$Strand
genMid <- dat11$geneMid
geneInfo <- c()
distfromStart <- start_adj - chromStart
distfromEnd <- end_adj - chromEnd
lengthgene <- abs(chromStart - chromEnd)
lengthbp <- abs(start_adj - end_adj)
if ((chromStart >= start_adj & chromEnd <= end_adj)) {
percentage <- 100
} else if ((chromStart < start_adj & chromEnd >
end_adj) & (lengthgene > lengthbp)) {
percentage <- round(abs(((
start_adj - end_adj) / (chromStart - chromEnd)) * 100
), digits = 2)
} else if (((chromStart < start_adj
& chromEnd > start_adj)
& (chromEnd <= end_adj))) {
distfromStart <- chromEnd - start_adj
percentage <- round(abs((
distfromStart / (chromEnd - chromStart)) * 100
), digits = 2)
} else if (((chromStart >= start_adj
& chromStart < end_adj)
& (chromEnd > end_adj))) {
distfromEnd <- end_adj - chromStart
percentage <- round(
abs((distfromEnd / (chromEnd - chromStart)) * 100
), digits = 2)
} else {
percentage <- "NA"
if (is.na(percentage)) {
geneInfo <- "-"
else {
geneInfo <- c(geneInfo, paste(
gen1, "(", strnd, ":",
percentage, ")", sep = ""
gnsInf <- c(gnsInf, str_squish(str_trim((geneInfo),side="both")))
SVID <- c(SVID, svid[ii])
} else {
SVID <- c(SVID, svid[ii])
gnsInf <- c(gnsInf, "-")
# print(paste("1:",ii,":",svid[ii],sep=""))
}else if((length(grep("inversion", SVTyp[ii])) >= 1)){
start_adj <- startpos[ii] - bperrorinvtrans
start_adj1 <- startpos[ii] + bperrorinvtrans
end_adj <- endpos[ii] + bperrorinvtrans
end_adj1 <- endpos[ii] - bperrorinvtrans
dat9 <- dat10[which(
(dat10$Chromosome_Start <= start_adj
& dat10$Chromosome_End >= start_adj1)
| (dat10$Chromosome_Start <= start_adj
& (dat10$Chromosome_End >= start_adj
& dat10$Chromosome_End <= start_adj1))
| (dat10$Chromosome_End >= start_adj1
& (dat10$Chromosome_Start >= start_adj
& dat10$Chromosome_Start <= start_adj1))), ]
dat8 <- dat10[which(
(dat10$Chromosome_Start <= end_adj1
& dat10$Chromosome_End >= end_adj)
| (dat10$Chromosome_Start <= end_adj1
& (dat10$Chromosome_End >= end_adj1
& dat10$Chromosome_End <= end_adj))
| (dat10$Chromosome_End >= end_adj
& (dat10$Chromosome_Start >= end_adj1
& dat10$Chromosome_Start <= end_adj))), ]
if(startpos[ii] != endpos[ii]){
dat11 <- rbind(dat8, dat9)
dat11 <- dat9
if (nrow(dat11) > 1) {
## Extracting strand and chromosome start information
chromos <- dat11$Chromosome
chromStart <- dat11$Chromosome_Start
chromEnd <- dat11$Chromosome_End
gen1 <- dat11$Gene
strnd <- dat11$Strand
genMid <- dat11$geneMid
geneInfo <- c()
## Calculating the coverage of the gene
for (k in seq_len(length(gen1)))
##Checking if orientation of the gene and calculating
##length based on that
lengthgene <- chromStart[k] - chromEnd[k]
lengthgene <- chromEnd[k]-chromStart[k]
lengthbp1 <- start_adj1 - start_adj
lengthbp2 <- end_adj - end_adj1
# print(paste('distfromStart:',distfromStart),sep='')
# print(paste('distfromEnd:',distfromEnd),sep='') Checking for
# partial/complete inclusion in the SV
if ((chromStart[k] >= start_adj & chromEnd[k] <= start_adj1)
| (chromStart[k] >= end_adj1 & chromEnd[k] <= end_adj)) {
percentage <- 100
else if ((chromStart[k] < start_adj
& chromEnd[k] > start_adj1)
& (lengthgene > lengthbp1)) {
percentage <- round(abs(((start_adj1 - start_adj) / (chromStart[k] - chromEnd[k])) * 100), digits = 2)
else if ((chromStart[k] < end_adj1
& chromEnd[k] > end_adj)
& (lengthgene > lengthbp2)) {
percentage <- round(abs(
((end_adj - end_adj1) / (chromStart[k] - chromEnd[k])) * 100), digits = 2)
else if (((chromStart[k] < start_adj)
& (chromEnd[k] > start_adj)
& (chromEnd[k] <= start_adj1))) {
distfromStart <- chromEnd[k] - start_adj
percentage <- round(abs((
distfromStart / (chromEnd[k] - chromStart[k])) * 100),
digits = 2)
else if (((chromStart[k] < end_adj1)
& (chromEnd[k] > end_adj1)
& (chromEnd[k] <= end_adj))) {
distfromStart <- chromEnd[k] - end_adj1
percentage <- round(abs((
distfromStart / (chromEnd[k] - chromStart[k])) * 100),
digits = 2)
else if (((chromStart[k] >= start_adj)
& (chromStart[k] < start_adj1
& chromEnd[k] > start_adj1))) {
distfromEnd <- start_adj1 - chromStart[k]
percentage <- round(abs((
distfromEnd / (chromEnd[k] - chromStart[k])) * 100), digits = 2)
else if (((chromStart[k] >= end_adj1)
& (chromStart[k] < end_adj
& chromEnd[k] > end_adj))) {
distfromEnd <- end_adj - chromStart[k]
percentage <- round(abs((
distfromEnd / (chromEnd[k] - chromStart[k])) * 100), digits = 2)
else {
percentage <- "NA"
if (is.na(percentage)) {
geneInfo <- "-"
else {
geneInfo <- c(geneInfo, paste(
gen1[k], "(", strnd[k], ":",
percentage, ")", sep = ""
geneInfo1 <- paste(geneInfo, collapse = ";")
gnsInf <- c(gnsInf, str_squish(str_trim((geneInfo1),side="both")))
# print(paste("1:",ii,":",svid[ii],sep=""))
SVID <- c(SVID, svid[ii])
} else if (nrow(dat11) == 1) {
chromos <- dat11$Chromosome
chromStart <- dat11$Chromosome_Start
chromEnd <- dat11$Chromosome_End
gen1 <- dat11$Gene
strnd <- dat11$Strand
genMid <- dat11$geneMid
geneInfo <- c()
distfromStart <- start_adj - chromStart
distfromEnd <- end_adj - chromEnd
'lengthgene <- abs(chromStart - chromEnd)
lengthbp <- abs(start_adj - end_adj)'
if(chromStart >= chromEnd){
lengthgene <- chromStart - chromEnd
lengthgene <- chromEnd - chromStart
lengthbp1 <- start_adj1 - start_adj
lengthbp2 <- end_adj - end_adj1
# print(paste('distfromStart:',distfromStart),sep='')
# print(paste('distfromEnd:',distfromEnd),sep='') Checking for
# partial/complete inclusion in the SV
if ((chromStart >= start_adj & chromEnd <= start_adj1)
| (chromStart >= end_adj1 & chromEnd <= end_adj)) {
percentage <- 100
else if ((chromStart < start_adj
& chromEnd > start_adj1)
& (lengthgene > lengthbp1)) {
percentage <- round(abs(((start_adj1 - start_adj) / (chromStart - chromEnd)) * 100), digits = 2)
else if ((chromStart < end_adj1
& chromEnd > end_adj)
& (lengthgene > lengthbp2)) {
percentage <- round(abs(
((end_adj - end_adj1) / (chromStart - chromEnd)) * 100), digits = 2)
else if (((chromStart < start_adj)
& (chromEnd > start_adj)
& (chromEnd <= start_adj1))) {
distfromStart <- chromEnd - start_adj
percentage <- round(abs((
distfromStart / (chromEnd - chromStart)) * 100),
digits = 2)
else if (((chromStart < end_adj1)
& (chromEnd > end_adj1)
& (chromEnd <= end_adj))) {
distfromStart <- chromEnd - end_adj1
percentage <- round(abs((
distfromStart / (chromEnd - chromStart)) * 100),
digits = 2)
else if (((chromStart >= start_adj)
& (chromStart < start_adj1
& chromEnd > start_adj1))) {
distfromEnd <- start_adj1 - chromStart
percentage <- round(abs((
distfromEnd / (chromEnd - chromStart)) * 100), digits = 2)
else if (((chromStart >= end_adj1)
& (chromStart < end_adj
& chromEnd > end_adj))) {
distfromEnd <- end_adj - chromStart
percentage <- round(abs((
distfromEnd / (chromEnd - chromStart)) * 100), digits = 2)
else {
percentage <- "NA"
if (is.na(percentage)) {
geneInfo <- "-"
else {
geneInfo <- c(geneInfo, paste(
gen1 , "(", strnd , ":",
percentage, ")", sep = ""
gnsInf <- c(gnsInf, str_squish(str_trim((geneInfo),side="both")))
SVID <- c(SVID, svid[ii])
} else {
SVID <- c(SVID, svid[ii])
gnsInf <- c(gnsInf, "-")
# print(paste("1:",ii,":",svid[ii],sep=""))
}else if(SVTyp[ii] == "translocation_interchr"
| (SVTyp[ii] == "translocation"
| SVTyp[ii] == "translocation_intrachr")){
start_adj <- startpos[ii] - bperrorinvtrans
start_adj1 <- startpos[ii] + bperrorinvtrans
end_adj <- endpos[ii] + bperrorinvtrans
end_adj1 <- endpos[ii] - bperrorinvtrans
dat9 <- dat10[which(
(dat10$Chromosome_Start <= start_adj
& dat10$Chromosome_End >= start_adj1)
| (dat10$Chromosome_Start <= start_adj
& (dat10$Chromosome_End >= start_adj
& dat10$Chromosome_End <= start_adj1))
| (dat10$Chromosome_End >= start_adj1
& (dat10$Chromosome_Start >= start_adj
& dat10$Chromosome_Start <= start_adj1))), ]
dat8 <- dat15[which(
(dat15$Chromosome_Start <= end_adj1
& dat15$Chromosome_End >= end_adj)
| (dat15$Chromosome_Start <= end_adj1
& (dat15$Chromosome_End >= end_adj1
& dat15$Chromosome_End <= end_adj))
| (dat15$Chromosome_End >= end_adj
& (dat15$Chromosome_Start >= end_adj1
& dat15$Chromosome_Start <= end_adj))), ]
#dat11 <- rbind(dat8, dat9)
if(startpos[ii] != endpos[ii]){
dat8 <- dat8
dat9 <- dat9
dat8 <- dat9
if (nrow(dat8) > 1 & nrow(dat9) > 1) {
## Extracting strand and chromosome start information
#print("1st chromosome")
chromos1 <- dat9$Chromosome
chromStart1 <- dat9$Chromosome_Start
chromEnd1 <- dat9$Chromosome_End
gen1 <- dat9$Gene
strnd1 <- dat9$Strand
genMid1 <- dat9$geneMid
#print("2nd chromosome")
chromos2 <- dat8$Chromosome
chromStart2 <- dat8$Chromosome_Start
chromEnd2 <- dat8$Chromosome_End
gen2 <- dat8$Gene
strnd2 <- dat8$Strand
genMid2 <- dat8$geneMid
geneInfo <- c()
## Calculating the coverage of the gene
for (k in seq_len(length(gen1)))
##Checking if orientation of the gene and calculating
##length based on that
lengthgene1 <- chromStart1[k] - chromEnd1[k]
lengthgene1 <- chromEnd1[k]-chromStart1[k]
lengthbp1 <- start_adj1 - start_adj
lengthbp2 <- end_adj - end_adj1
# print(paste('distfromStart:',distfromStart),sep='')
# print(paste('distfromEnd:',distfromEnd),sep='') Checking for
# partial/complete inclusion in the SV
if ((chromStart1[k] >= start_adj
& chromEnd1[k] <= start_adj1)) {
percentage <- 100
else if ((chromStart1[k] < start_adj
& chromEnd1[k] > start_adj1)
& (lengthgene1 > lengthbp1)) {
percentage <- round(abs(((start_adj1 - start_adj) / (chromEnd1[k]-chromStart1[k])) * 100), digits = 2)
else if (((chromStart1[k] < start_adj)
& (chromEnd1[k] > start_adj)
& (chromEnd1[k] <= start_adj1))) {
distfromStart <- chromEnd1[k] - start_adj
percentage <- round(abs((
distfromStart / (chromEnd1[k] - chromStart1[k])) * 100),
digits = 2)
else if (((chromStart1[k] >= start_adj)
& (chromStart1[k] < start_adj1
& chromEnd1[k] > start_adj1))) {
distfromEnd <- start_adj1 - chromStart1[k]
percentage <- round(abs((
distfromEnd / (chromEnd1[k] - chromStart1[k])) * 100), digits = 2)
else {
percentage <- "NA"
if (is.na(percentage)) {
geneInfo <- "-"
else {
geneInfo <- c(geneInfo, paste(
gen1[k], "(", strnd1[k], ":",
percentage, ")", sep = ""
for (k in seq_len(length(gen2)))
##Checking if orientation of the gene and calculating
##length based on that
lengthgene2 <- chromStart2[k] - chromEnd2[k]
lengthgene2 <- chromEnd2[k]-chromStart2[k]
#lengthbp1 <- start_adj1 - start_adj
lengthbp2 <- end_adj - end_adj1
# print(paste('distfromStart:',distfromStart),sep='')
# print(paste('distfromEnd:',distfromEnd),sep='') Checking for
# partial/complete inclusion in the SV
if ((chromStart2[k] >= end_adj1
& chromEnd2[k] <= end_adj)) {
percentage <- 100
else if ((chromStart2[k] < end_adj1
& chromEnd2[k] > end_adj)
& (lengthgene2 > lengthbp2)) {
percentage <- round(abs(
((end_adj - end_adj1) / (chromEnd2[k] - chromStart2[k])) * 100), digits = 2)
else if (((chromStart2[k] < end_adj1)
& (chromEnd2[k] > end_adj1)
& (chromEnd2[k] <= end_adj))) {
distfromStart <- chromEnd2[k] - end_adj1
percentage <- round(abs((
distfromStart / (chromEnd2[k] - chromStart2[k])) * 100),
digits = 2)
else if (((chromStart2[k] >= end_adj1)
& (chromStart2[k] < end_adj
& chromEnd2[k] > end_adj))) {
distfromEnd <- end_adj - chromStart2[k]
percentage <- round(abs((
distfromEnd / (chromEnd2[k] - chromStart2[k])) * 100),
digits = 2)
else {
percentage <- "NA"
if (is.na(percentage)) {
geneInfo <- "-"
else {
geneInfo <- c(geneInfo, paste(
gen2[k], "(", strnd2[k], ":",
percentage, ")", sep = ""
geneInfo1 <- paste(geneInfo, collapse = ";")
gnsInf <- c(gnsInf, str_squish(str_trim((geneInfo1),side="both")))
# print(paste("1:",ii,":",svid[ii],sep=""))
SVID <- c(SVID, svid[ii])
} else if (nrow(dat8) >= 1 & nrow(dat9)== 0) {
## Extracting strand and chromosome start information
#print("2nd chromosome")
chromos2 <- dat8$Chromosome
chromStart2 <- dat8$Chromosome_Start
chromEnd2 <- dat8$Chromosome_End
gen2 <- dat8$Gene
strnd2 <- dat8$Strand
genMid2 <- dat8$geneMid
geneInfo <- c()
for (k in seq_len(length(gen2)))
##Checking if orientation of the gene and calculating
##length based on that
lengthgene2 <- chromStart2[k] - chromEnd2[k]
lengthgene2 <- chromEnd2[k]-chromStart2[k]
#lengthbp1 <- start_adj1 - start_adj
lengthbp2 <- end_adj - end_adj1
# print(paste('distfromStart:',distfromStart),sep='')
# print(paste('distfromEnd:',distfromEnd),sep='') Checking for
# partial/complete inclusion in the SV
if ((chromStart2[k] >= end_adj1 & chromEnd2[k] <= end_adj)) {
percentage <- 100
else if ((chromStart2[k] < end_adj1
& chromEnd2[k] > end_adj)
& (lengthgene2 > lengthbp2)) {
percentage <- round(abs(
((end_adj - end_adj1) / (chromEnd2[k] - chromStart2[k])) * 100), digits = 2)
else if (((chromStart2[k] < end_adj1)
& (chromEnd2[k] > end_adj1)
& (chromEnd2[k] <= end_adj))) {
distfromStart <- chromEnd2[k] - end_adj1
percentage <- round(abs((
distfromStart / (chromEnd2[k] - chromStart2[k])) * 100),
digits = 2)
else if (((chromStart2[k] >= end_adj1)
& (chromStart2[k] < end_adj
& chromEnd2[k] > end_adj))) {
distfromEnd <- end_adj - chromStart2[k]
percentage <- round(abs((
distfromEnd / (chromEnd2[k] - chromStart2[k])) * 100), digits = 2)
else {
percentage <- "NA"
if (is.na(percentage)) {
geneInfo <- "-"
else {
geneInfo <- c(geneInfo, paste(
gen2[k], "(", strnd2[k], ":",
percentage, ")", sep = ""
geneInfo1 <- paste(geneInfo, collapse = ";")
gnsInf <- c(gnsInf, str_squish(str_trim((geneInfo1),side="both")))
# print(paste("1:",ii,":",svid[ii],sep=""))
SVID <- c(SVID, svid[ii])
}else if (nrow(dat8) == 0 & nrow(dat9) >= 1) {
#print("1st chromosome")
chromos1 <- dat9$Chromosome
chromStart1 <- dat9$Chromosome_Start
chromEnd1 <- dat9$Chromosome_End
gen1 <- dat9$Gene
strnd1 <- dat9$Strand
genMid1 <- dat9$geneMid
## Calculating the coverage of the gene
for (k in seq_len(length(gen1)))
##Checking if orientation of the gene and calculating
##length based on that
lengthgene1 <- chromStart1[k] - chromEnd1[k]
lengthgene1 <- chromEnd1[k]-chromStart1[k]
lengthbp1 <- start_adj1 - start_adj
lengthbp2 <- end_adj - end_adj1
# print(paste('distfromStart:',distfromStart),sep='')
# print(paste('distfromEnd:',distfromEnd),sep='') Checking for
# partial/complete inclusion in the SV
if ((chromStart1[k] >= start_adj & chromEnd1[k] <= start_adj1)) {
percentage <- 100
else if ((chromStart1[k] < start_adj
& chromEnd1[k] > start_adj1)
& (lengthgene1 > lengthbp1)) {
percentage <- round(abs(((start_adj1 - start_adj) / (chromEnd1[k]-chromStart1[k])) * 100), digits = 2)
else if (((chromStart1[k] < start_adj)
& (chromEnd1[k] > start_adj)
& (chromEnd1[k] <= start_adj1))) {
distfromStart <- chromEnd1[k] - start_adj
percentage <- round(abs((
distfromStart / (chromEnd1[k] - chromStart1[k])) * 100),
digits = 2)
else if (((chromStart1[k] < end_adj1)
& (chromEnd1[k] > end_adj1)
& (chromEnd1[k] <= end_adj))) {
distfromStart <- chromEnd1[k] - end_adj1
percentage <- round(abs((
distfromStart / (chromEnd1[k] - chromStart1[k])) * 100),
digits = 2)
else if (((chromStart1[k] >= start_adj)
& (chromStart1[k] < start_adj1
& chromEnd1[k] > start_adj1))) {
distfromEnd <- start_adj1 - chromStart1[k]
percentage <- round(abs((
distfromEnd / (chromEnd1[k] - chromStart1[k])) * 100), digits = 2)
else if (((chromStart1[k] >= end_adj1)
& (chromStart1[k] < end_adj
& chromEnd1[k] > end_adj))) {
distfromEnd <- end_adj - chromStart1[k]
percentage <- round(abs((
distfromEnd / (chromEnd1[k] - chromStart1[k])) * 100), digits = 2)
else {
percentage <- "NA"
if (is.na(percentage)) {
geneInfo <- "-"
else {
geneInfo <- c(geneInfo, paste(
gen1[k], "(", strnd1[k], ":",
percentage, ")", sep = ""
geneInfo1 <- paste(geneInfo, collapse = ";")
gnsInf <- c(gnsInf, str_squish(str_trim((geneInfo1),side="both")))
# print(paste("1:",ii,":",svid[ii],sep=""))
SVID <- c(SVID, svid[ii])
}else {
SVID <- c(SVID, svid[ii])
gnsInf <- c(gnsInf, "-")
# print(paste("1:",ii,":",svid[ii],sep=""))
}else { SVID <- c(SVID, svid[ii])
gnsInf <- c(gnsInf, "-")}
## Extracting strand and calculating percentage coverage information for
## a gene covering the breakpoints if multiple genes are found in the
## breakpoint region.
## Writing a returning a data frame with gene information and SVID
dat3 <- data.frame(SVID, OverlapGenes_strand_perc = gnsInf)
#' Calculates Genes that are near to the SV region
#' @param bed Text Bionano Bed file.
#' @param chrom character SVmap chromosome.
#' @param chrom2 character SVmap 2nd chromosome.
#' @param startpos numeric starting position of the breakpoints.
#' @param endpos numeric end position of the breakpoints.
#' @param svid numeric Structural variant identifier (Bionano generated).
#' @param n numeric Number of genes to report which are nearest to the breakpoint.
#' Default is 3.
#' @param SVTyp Character. Type of SV.
#' @param bperrorindel Numeric. base pair error indel.
#' @param bperrorinvtrans Numeric. base pair error invtranslocation.
#' @return Data Frame. Contains the SVID,Gene name,strand information and
#' Distance from the SV covered.
#' @examples
#' smapName="GM24385_Ason_DLE1_VAP_trio5.smap"
#' smap = system.file("extdata", smapName, package="nanotatoR")
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "HomoSapienGRCH19_lift37.bed",
#' package="nanotatoR")
#' bed<-buildrunBNBedFiles(bedFile,returnMethod="dataFrame")
#' smap<-readSMap_DLE(smap, input_fmt_smap = "Text")
#' chrom<-smap$RefcontigID1
#' chrom2 <- smap$RefcontigID2
#' startpos<-smap$RefStartPos
#' endpos<-smap$RefEndPos
#' if (length(grep("SVIndex",names(smap)))>0){
#' svid <- smap$SVIndex
#' }else{
#' svid <- smap$SmapEntryID
#' }
#' SVTyp <- smap$Type
#' n<-3
#' nonOverlapGenes(bed = bed, chrom = chrom, startpos = startpos,
#' endpos = endpos, svid = svid, chrom2 = chrom2, SVTyp = SVTyp,
#' bperrorindel = 3000, bperrorinvtrans = 50000, n = 3)
#' @import utils
#' @export
nonOverlapGenes <- function(bed, chrom, startpos,
chrom2, endpos, svid, n = 3, SVTyp,
bperrorindel = 3000, bperrorinvtrans = 50000) {
## Initializing data
print("***NonOverlap Genes***")
data1 <- data.frame()
gnsInf_UP <- c()
gnsInf_DN <- c()
SVID <- c()
SVTyp = SVTyp
## Extracting genes near the breakpoints and calculating distance from
## it.
chrom <- chrom
chrom2 <- chrom2
for (ii in seq_len(length(chrom))){
if(startpos[ii] == -1| startpos[ii] == -1){
SVID <- c(SVID, svid[ii])
gnsInf_UP <- c(gnsInf_UP, "-")
gnsInf_DN <- c(gnsInf_DN, "-")
if(SVTyp[ii] == "insertion"
| SVTyp[ii] == "deletion"
| SVTyp[ii] == "duplication"
| SVTyp[ii] == "duplication_split"
| SVTyp[ii] == "duplication_inverted"){
start_adj <- startpos[ii] - bperrorindel
end_adj <- endpos[ii] + bperrorindel
dat12 <- bed[which(as.character(bed$Chromosome) == chrom[ii]), ]
datup <- dat12[which((dat12$Chromosome_Start < start_adj &
dat12$Chromosome_End < start_adj) & (dat12$Strand=="-")), ]
# datup_minus <- dat12[which(as.character(bed$Chromosome) == chrom[ii]
# & ((bed$Chromosome_End < start_adj & bed$Chromosome_Start <
# end_adj)) & bed$Strand == '-'), ]
datdn <- dat12[which((dat12$Chromosome_Start > end_adj & dat12$Chromosome_End >
end_adj) & (dat12$Strand=="+")), ]
# datdn_minus <- bed[which(as.character(bed$Chromosome) == chrom[ii] &
# ((bed$Chromosome_End > end_adj & bed$Chromosome_Start >
# start_adj)) & bed$Strand == '-'), ] print(datup);print(datdn)
if (nrow(datup) > 0 & nrow(datdn) > 0) {
## Upstream Genes
datup$diff_up <- abs(round((start_adj - datup$Chromosome_Start)/1000,digits=3))
dat_up <- datup[order(datup$diff_up), ]
dat_up <- dat_up[which(dat_up$diff_up > 0), ]
genes_up <- dat_up$Gene[1:n]
strands_up <- dat_up$Strand[1:n]
diff_up <- dat_up$diff_up[1:n]
genesUP <- c()
### Storing the gene, strand and distance information in vectors
for (k in 1:n)
pas <- paste(
genes_up[k], "(", strands_up[k], ":", diff_up[k],
")", sep = ""
genesUP <- c(genesUP, pas)
genesUP1 <- paste(genesUP, collapse = ";")
#pri nt(genesUP1))
gnsInf_UP <- c(gnsInf_UP, str_squish(str_trim((genesUP1),side="both")))
# Downstram Genes
end_adj - datdn$Chromosome_Start)/1000,digits=3)
dat_dn <- datdn[order(datdn$diff_dn), ]
dat_dn <- dat_dn[which(dat_dn$diff_dn > 0), ]
genes_dn <- dat_dn$Gene[1:n]
strands_dn <- dat_dn$Strand[1:n]
diff_dn <- dat_dn$diff_dn[1:n]
genesDN <- c()
### Storing the gene, strand and distance information in vectors
for (k in 1:n)
pas <- paste(
genes_dn[k], "(", strands_dn[k], ":", diff_dn[k],
")", sep = ""
genesDN <- c(genesDN, pas)
genesDN1 <- paste(genesDN, collapse = ";")
#pri nt(genesDN1)
gnsInf_DN <- c(
gnsInf_DN,str_squish(str_trim((genesDN1), side="both"))
else if (nrow(datup) == 0 & nrow(datdn) > 0) {
gnsInf_UP <- c(gnsInf_UP, "-")
# Downstram Genes
end_adj - datdn$Chromosome_Start)/1000,digits=3)
'diffStartGene_startbp <- abs(round((start_adj - datdn$Chromosome_Start)/1000,digits=3))
diffEndGene_startbp <-abs(round((end_adj - datdn$Chromosome_Start)/1000,digits=3))
diffStartGene_endbp <- abs(round((start_adj - datdn$Chromosome_End)/1000,digits=3))
diffEndGene_endbp <- abs(round((end_adj - datdn$Chromosome_End)/1000,digits=3))'
'for (kk in 1:length(diffStartGene_startbp))
if ((datdn$Chromosome_Start[kk] > start_adj & datdn$Chromosome_End[kk] >
end_adj) & (diffStartGene_startbp[kk] < 0 & diffEndGene_startbp[kk] <
0) & (diffEndGene_startbp[kk] > diffEndGene_endbp[kk])) {
datdn$diff_dn[kk] <- as.numeric(diffEndGene_startbp[kk])
} else if ((datdn$Chromosome_Start[kk] > start_adj & datdn$Chromosome_End[kk] >
end_adj) & (diffStartGene_startbp < 0 & diffEndGene_startbp <
0) & (diffEndGene_startbp < diffEndGene_endbp)) {
datdn$diff_dn <- as.numeric(diffEndGene_endbp[kk])
} else {
datdn$diff_dn[kk] <- 0
dat_dn <- datdn[order(datdn$diff_dn), ]
dat_dn <- dat_dn[which(dat_dn$diff_dn > 0), ]
genes_dn <- dat_dn$Gene[1:n]
strands_dn <- dat_dn$Strand[1:n]
diff_dn <- dat_dn$diff_dn[1:n]
genesDN <- c()
### Storing the gene, strand and distance information in vectors
for (k in 1:n)
pas <- paste(
genes_dn[k], "(", strands_dn[k], ":", diff_dn[k],
")", sep = ""
genesDN <- c(genesDN, pas)
genesDN1 <- paste(genesDN, collapse = ";")
gnsInf_DN <- c(
gnsInf_DN, str_squish(str_trim((genesDN1),side = "both"))
else if (nrow(datup) > 0 & nrow(datdn) == 0) {
## Upstream Genes
datup$diff_up <- abs(
round((start_adj - datup$Chromosome_Start)/1000,digits=3
dat_up <- datup[order(datup$diff_up), ]
dat_up <- dat_up[which(dat_up$diff_up > 0), ]
genes_up <- dat_up$Gene[1:n]
strands_up <- dat_up$Strand[1:n]
diff_up <- dat_up$diff_up[1:n]
genesUP <- c()
### Storing the gene, strand and distance information in vectors
for (k in 1:n)
pas <- paste(
genes_up[k], "(", strands_up[k], ":", diff_up[k],
")", sep = ""
genesUP <- c(genesUP, pas)
genesUP1 <- paste(genesUP, collapse = ";")
gnsInf_UP <- c(gnsInf_UP, str_squish(str_trim((genesUP1),side="both")))
gnsInf_DN <- c(gnsInf_DN, "-")
gnsInf_UP <- c(gnsInf_UP, "-")
gnsInf_DN <- c(gnsInf_DN, "-")
SVID <- c(SVID, svid[ii])
}else if((length(grep("inversion", SVTyp[ii])) >= 1)){
start_adj <- startpos[ii] - bperrorinvtrans
start_adj1 <- startpos[ii] + bperrorinvtrans
end_adj <- endpos[ii] + bperrorinvtrans
end_adj1 <- endpos[ii] - bperrorinvtrans
dat12 <- bed[which(as.character(bed$Chromosome) == chrom[ii]), ]
datup <- dat12[which((dat12$Chromosome_Start < start_adj &
dat12$Chromosome_End < start_adj) & (dat12$Strand=="-")), ]
# datup_minus <- dat12[which(as.character(bed$Chromosome) == chrom[ii]
# & ((bed$Chromosome_End < start_adj & bed$Chromosome_Start <
# end_adj)) & bed$Strand == '-'), ]
datdn <- dat12[which((dat12$Chromosome_Start > end_adj & dat12$Chromosome_End >
end_adj) & (dat12$Strand=="+")), ]
# datdn_minus <- bed[which(as.character(bed$Chromosome) == chrom[ii] &
# ((bed$Chromosome_End > end_adj & bed$Chromosome_Start >
# start_adj)) & bed$Strand == '-'), ] print(datup);print(datdn)
if (nrow(datup) > 0 & nrow(datdn) > 0) {
## Upstream Genes
datup$diff_up <- abs(round((start_adj - datup$Chromosome_End)/1000,digits=3))
dat_up <- datup[order(datup$diff_up), ]
dat_up <- dat_up[which(dat_up$diff_up > 0), ]
genes_up <- dat_up$Gene[1:n]
strands_up <- dat_up$Strand[1:n]
diff_up <- dat_up$diff_up[1:n]
genesUP <- c()
### Storing the gene, strand and distance information in vectors
for (k in 1:n)
pas <- paste(
genes_up[k], "(", strands_up[k], ":", diff_up[k],
")", sep = ""
genesUP <- c(genesUP, pas)
genesUP1 <- paste(genesUP, collapse = ";")
gnsInf_UP <- c(gnsInf_UP, str_squish(str_trim((genesUP1),side="both")))
# Downstram Genes
end_adj - datdn$Chromosome_Start)/1000,digits=3)
dat_dn <- datdn[order(datdn$diff_dn), ]
dat_dn <- dat_dn[which(dat_dn$diff_dn > 0), ]
genes_dn <- dat_dn$Gene[1:n]
strands_dn <- dat_dn$Strand[1:n]
diff_dn <- dat_dn$diff_dn[1:n]
genesDN <- c()
### Storing the gene, strand and distance information in vectors
for (k in 1:n)
pas <- paste(
genes_dn[k], "(", strands_dn[k], ":", diff_dn[k],
")", sep = ""
genesDN <- c(genesDN, pas)
genesDN1 <- paste(genesDN, collapse = ";")
gnsInf_DN <- c(
gnsInf_DN,str_squish(str_trim((genesDN1), side="both"))
else if (nrow(datup) == 0 & nrow(datdn) > 0) {
gnsInf_UP <- c(gnsInf_UP, "-")
# Downstram Genes
end_adj - datdn$Chromosome_Start)/1000,digits=3)
dat_dn <- datdn[order(datdn$diff_dn), ]
dat_dn <- dat_dn[which(dat_dn$diff_dn > 0), ]
genes_dn <- dat_dn$Gene[1:n]
strands_dn <- dat_dn$Strand[1:n]
diff_dn <- dat_dn$diff_dn[1:n]
genesDN <- c()
### Storing the gene, strand and distance information in vectors
for (k in 1:n)
pas <- paste(
genes_dn[k], "(", strands_dn[k], ":", diff_dn[k],
")", sep = ""
genesDN <- c(genesDN, pas)
genesDN1 <- paste(genesDN, collapse = ";")
gnsInf_DN <- c(
gnsInf_DN, str_squish(str_trim((genesDN1),side = "both"))
else if (nrow(datup) > 0 & nrow(datdn) == 0) {
## Upstream Genes
datup$diff_up <- abs(
round((start_adj - datup$Chromosome_Start)/1000,digits=3
dat_up <- datup[order(datup$diff_up), ]
dat_up <- dat_up[which(dat_up$diff_up > 0), ]
genes_up <- dat_up$Gene[1:n]
strands_up <- dat_up$Strand[1:n]
diff_up <- dat_up$diff_up[1:n]
genesUP <- c()
### Storing the gene, strand and distance information in vectors
for (k in 1:n)
pas <- paste(
genes_up[k], "(", strands_up[k], ":", diff_up[k],
")", sep = ""
genesUP <- c(genesUP, pas)
genesUP1 <- paste(genesUP, collapse = ";")
gnsInf_UP <- c(gnsInf_UP, str_squish(str_trim((genesUP1),side="both")))
gnsInf_DN <- c(gnsInf_DN, "-")
else {
gnsInf_UP <- c(gnsInf_UP, "-")
gnsInf_DN <- c(gnsInf_DN, "-")
## Upstream genes
## Downstream Genes
## Getting the genes and strand data
### Genes_Up_minusEnd Getting Down streamplus genes
## Getting Genes minus Downstream
SVID <- c(SVID, svid[ii])
}else if((length(grep("translocation", SVTyp[ii])) >= 1)){
start_adj1 <- startpos[ii] + bperrorinvtrans
end_adj <- endpos[ii] + bperrorinvtrans
end_adj1 <- endpos[ii] - bperrorinvtrans
dat12 <- bed[which(as.character(bed$Chromosome) == chrom[ii]), ]
datup <- dat12[which((dat12$Chromosome_Start < start_adj &
dat12$Chromosome_End < start_adj) & (dat12$Strand=="-")), ]
# datup_minus <- dat12[which(as.character(bed$Chromosome) == chrom[ii]
# & ((bed$Chromosome_End < start_adj & bed$Chromosome_Start <
# end_adj)) & bed$Strand == '-'), ]
dat13 <- bed[which(as.character(bed$Chromosome) == chrom2[ii]), ]
datdn <- dat13[which((dat13$Chromosome_Start > end_adj & dat13$Chromosome_End >
end_adj) & (dat13$Strand=="+")), ]
# datdn_minus <- bed[which(as.character(bed$Chromosome) == chrom[ii] &
# ((bed$Chromosome_End > end_adj & bed$Chromosome_Start >
# start_adj)) & bed$Strand == '-'), ] print(datup);print(datdn)
if (nrow(datup) > 0 & nrow(datdn) > 0) {
## Upstream Genes
datup$diff_up <- abs(round((start_adj - datup$Chromosome_Start)/1000,digits=3))
dat_up <- datup[order(datup$diff_up), ]
dat_up <- dat_up[which(dat_up$diff_up > 0), ]
genes_up <- dat_up$Gene[1:n]
strands_up <- dat_up$Strand[1:n]
diff_up <- dat_up$diff_up[1:n]
genesUP <- c()
### Storing the gene, strand and distance information in vectors
for (k in 1:n)
pas <- paste(
genes_up[k], "(", strands_up[k], ":", diff_up[k],
")", sep = ""
genesUP <- c(genesUP, pas)
genesUP1 <- paste(genesUP, collapse = ";")
gnsInf_UP <- c(gnsInf_UP, str_squish(str_trim((genesUP1),side="both")))
# Downstram Genes
end_adj - datdn$Chromosome_Start)/1000,digits=3)
dat_dn <- datdn[order(datdn$diff_dn), ]
dat_dn <- dat_dn[which(dat_dn$diff_dn > 0), ]
genes_dn <- dat_dn$Gene[1:n]
strands_dn <- dat_dn$Strand[1:n]
diff_dn <- dat_dn$diff_dn[1:n]
genesDN <- c()
### Storing the gene, strand and distance information in vectors
for (k in 1:n)
pas <- paste(
genes_dn[k], "(", strands_dn[k], ":", diff_dn[k],
")", sep = ""
genesDN <- c(genesDN, pas)
genesDN1 <- paste(genesDN, collapse = ";")
gnsInf_DN <- c(
gnsInf_DN,str_squish(str_trim((genesDN1), side="both"))
else if (nrow(datup) == 0 & nrow(datdn) > 0) {
gnsInf_UP <- c(gnsInf_UP, "-")
# Downstram Genes
end_adj - datdn$Chromosome_Start)/1000,digits=3)
dat_dn <- datdn[order(datdn$diff_dn), ]
dat_dn <- dat_dn[which(dat_dn$diff_dn > 0), ]
genes_dn <- dat_dn$Gene[1:n]
strands_dn <- dat_dn$Strand[1:n]
diff_dn <- dat_dn$diff_dn[1:n]
genesDN <- c()
### Storing the gene, strand and distance information in vectors
for (k in 1:n)
pas <- paste(
genes_dn[k], "(", strands_dn[k], ":", diff_dn[k],
")", sep = ""
genesDN <- c(genesDN, pas)
genesDN1 <- paste(genesDN, collapse = ";")
gnsInf_DN <- c(
gnsInf_DN, str_squish(str_trim((genesDN1),side = "both"))
else if (nrow(datup) > 0 & nrow(datdn) == 0) {
## Upstream Genes
datup$diff_up <- abs(
round((start_adj - datup$Chromosome_Start)/1000,digits=3
dat_up <- datup[order(datup$diff_up), ]
dat_up <- dat_up[which(dat_up$diff_up > 0), ]
genes_up <- dat_up$Gene[1:n]
strands_up <- dat_up$Strand[1:n]
diff_up <- dat_up$diff_up[1:n]
genesUP <- c()
### Storing the gene, strand and distance information in vectors
for (k in 1:n)
pas <- paste(
genes_up[k], "(", strands_up[k], ":", diff_up[k],
")", sep = ""
genesUP <- c(genesUP, pas)
genesUP1 <- paste(genesUP, collapse = ";")
gnsInf_UP <- c(gnsInf_UP, str_squish(str_trim((genesUP1),side="both")))
gnsInf_DN <- c(gnsInf_DN, "-")
else {
gnsInf_UP <- c(gnsInf_UP, "-")
gnsInf_DN <- c(gnsInf_DN, "-")
## Upstream genes
## Downstream Genes
## Getting the genes and strand data
### Genes_Up_minusEnd Getting Down streamplus genes
## Getting Genes minus Downstream
SVID <- c(SVID, svid[ii])
SVID <- c(SVID, svid[ii])
gnsInf_UP <- c(gnsInf_UP, "-")
gnsInf_DN <- c(gnsInf_DN, "-")
## Writing and storing the data
dat4 <- data.frame(
SVID, Upstream_nonOverlapGenes_dist_kb = gnsInf_UP,
Downstream_nonOverlapGenes_dist_kb = gnsInf_DN
#' Extracts gene information from bed files
#' @param smap character or dataFrame depending on the input_fmt_SV argument.
#' If input_fmt_SV= 'Text", it is path to SMAP file. If input_fmt_SV= 'dataFrame",
#' it is a dataframe.
#' @param bed Text. Normal Bed files or Bionano Bed file.
#' @param inputfmtBed character Whether the bed input is UCSC bed or Bionano bed.
#' Note: extract in bed format to be read by bedsv:
#' awk '{
#' if($3 == "gene" && $13 == "gene_status")
#' print $1,$4,$5,$16,$7
#' else if ($3 == "gene" && $13 == "gene_name")
#' print $1,$4,$5,$14,$7
#' }' gencode.v33.annotation.gtf >HomoSapienGRCH19.bed
#' @param outpath character Path for the output files.
#' @param n numeric Number of genes to report which are nearest to the
#' breakpoint. Default is 3.
#' @param returnMethod_bedcomp Character. Type of output Dataframe or in Text format.
#' @param input_fmt_SV Character. Type of output Dataframe or in Text format.
#' @param EnzymeType Character. Type of enzyme. Options SVMerge and SE.
#' @param bperrorindel Numeric. base pair error indel.
#' @param bperrorinvtrans Numeric. base pair error invtranslocation.
#' @return Data Frame and Text file. Contains the smap with additional Gene Information.
#' @examples
#' smapName="GM24385_Ason_DLE1_VAP_trio5.smap"
#' smap = system.file("extdata", smapName, package="nanotatoR")
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "HomoSapienGRCH19_lift37.bed", package="nanotatoR")
#' outpath <- system.file("extdata", package="nanotatoR")
#' datcomp<-overlapnearestgeneSearch(smap = smap,
#' bed=bedFile, inputfmtBed = "bed", outpath,
#' n = 3, returnMethod_bedcomp = c("dataFrame"),
#' input_fmt_SV = "Text",
#' EnzymeType = "SE",
#' bperrorindel = 3000, bperrorinvtrans = 50000)
#' datcomp[1,]
#' @import utils
#' @export
overlapnearestgeneSearch <- function(smap, bed, inputfmtBed = c("bed", "BNBED"),
EnzymeType = c("SVMerge", "SE"), outpath,
n = 3, returnMethod_bedcomp = c("Text", "dataFrame"),
input_fmt_SV = c("Text","dataFrame"),
bperrorindel = 3000,
bperrorinvtrans = 50000) {
print("###Comparing SVs and Beds###")
## Checking if bed file is from UCSC or BN bed files.
if (inputfmtBed == "BNBED") {
r1 <- readBNBedFiles(BNFile = bed)
} else if (inputfmtBed == "bed") {
r1 <- buildrunBNBedFiles(bed, returnMethod = "dataFrame")
} else {
stop("Incorrect File format")
## reading SMAPs and extracting data
smapdata = smap
if(EnzymeType == "SVMerge"){
#smapdata <- readSMap(smap, input_fmt_smap = "Text")
#smapdata <- readSMap_DLE(smap, input_fmt_smap)
} else if(input_fmt_SV=="Text"){
if(EnzymeType == "SVMerge"){
smapdata <- readSMap(smap, input_fmt_smap = "Text")
smapdata <- readSMap_DLE(smap, input_fmt_smap = "Text")
} else{
stop("Input format for SMAP Incorrect")
r2 <- smapdata
chrom <- r2$RefcontigID1
chrom2 <- r2$RefcontigID2
startpos <- r2$RefStartPos
endpos <- r2$RefEndPos
if (length(grep("SVIndex", names(r2))) > 0) {
svid <- r2$SVIndex
} else {
svid <- r2$SmapEntryID
SVTyp <- r2$Type
## Calls for the functions to extract overlap/non-overlap genes and
## calculate informations for the same.
dat3 <- overlapGenes(bed = r1, chrom = chrom, startpos = startpos,
endpos= endpos, svid = svid, chrom2 = chrom2, SVTyp = SVTyp,
bperrorindel = bperrorindel, bperrorinvtrans = bperrorinvtrans)
# print(names(dat3))
dat4 <- nonOverlapGenes(bed = r1, chrom = chrom, startpos = startpos,
endpos = endpos, svid = svid, chrom2 = chrom2, SVTyp = SVTyp,
bperrorindel = bperrorindel, bperrorinvtrans = bperrorinvtrans)
# print(names(dat4))
## Writing results in data frame and text files
data1 <- data.frame(r2,
OverlapGenes_strand_perc = dat3$OverlapGenes_strand_perc,
dat4[, 2:ncol(dat4)])
# print(names(data1))
if (returnMethod_bedcomp == "Text") {
st1 <- strsplit(smap, split = "\\\\")
st2 <- strsplit(st1[[1]][4], split = ".txt")
fname <- paste(st2[[1]][1], "_Final_SVMAP.txt", sep = "")
write.table(data1, file.path(outpath, fname))
} else if (returnMethod_bedcomp == "dataFrame") {
} else {
stop("Method of return incorrect")
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