#' @title Plot the number of reads vs the proportion of '+' stranded reads.
#' @description Plot the number of reads vs the proportion of '+'
#' stranded reads of all windows from the input data frame.
#' @details This function will plot the proportion of '+' stranded reads for
#' each window, against the number of reads in each window.
#' The threshold lines indicate the hypothetical boundary where windows will
#' contain reads to kept or discarded using the filtering methods of
#' \code{\link{filterDNA}}.
#' Any plot can be easily modified using standard ggplot2 syntax (see Examples)
#' @param windows data frame containing the strand information of the sliding
#' windows. Windows should be obtained using the function
#' \code{\link{getStrandFromBamFile}} to ensure the correct data structure.
#' @param split an integer vector that specifies how you want to partition the
#' windows based on coverage.
#' By default \code{split} = c(10,100,1000), partition windows into 4 groups
#' based on these values.
#' @param threshold a \code{numeric} vector between 0.5 & 1 that specifies
#' which threshold lines to draw on the plot.
#' The positive windows above the threshold line (or negative windows below the
#' threshold line) will be kept when using \code{\link{filterDNA}}.
#' @param save if TRUE, then the plot will be save into the file given by
#' \code{file} parameter
#' @param file the file name to save to plot
#' @param groupBy the column that will be used to split the data (which will
#' be used in the facets method of ggplot2).
#' @param useCoverage if TRUE then plot the coverage strand information,
#' otherwise plot the number of reads strand information. FALSE by default
#' @param ... used to pass parameters to facet_wrap during plotting
#' @return The plot will be returned as a standard ggplot2 object
#' @seealso \code{\link{getStrandFromBamFile}}, \code{\link{plotHist}}
#' @importFrom dplyr select mutate distinct one_of starts_with
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_point aes_string labs
#' @importFrom ggplot2 theme_bw theme facet_wrap geom_line ggsave
#' @importFrom grid unit
#' @examples
#' bamfilein = system.file('extdata','s2.sorted.bam',package = 'strandCheckR')
#' windows <- getStrandFromBamFile(file = bamfilein,sequences = '10')
#' plotWin(windows)
#' # Change point colour using ggplot2
#' library(ggplot2)
#' plotWin(windows) +
#' scale_colour_manual(values = rgb(seq(0, 1, length.out = 4), 0, 0))
#' @export
plotWin <- function(
windows, split = c(10, 100, 1000), threshold = c(0.6, 0.7, 0.8,
0.9), save = FALSE, file = "win.pdf", groupBy = NULL, useCoverage = FALSE,
# The initial checks for appropriate input
reqWinCols <- c(
"NbPos", "NbNeg", "CovPos", "CovNeg", "MaxCoverage"
stopifnot(all(reqWinCols %in% colnames(windows)))
stopifnot(is.logical(c(save, useCoverage)))
allows_facet_wrap <- setdiff(colnames(windows), c(reqWinCols, "Start"))
facets <- intersect(groupBy, allows_facet_wrap)
# Check to see if we have SE or PE
readType <- ifelse("Type" %in% colnames(windows), "PE", "SE")
if (readType == "SE") windows$Type <- "R1"
# Calculate the proportion of reads for the + strand, based on either
# coverage or the number of reads
keepCols <- c("Nb", "Cov")[useCoverage + 1]
windows <- as.data.frame(windows)
windows <- dplyr::select(
windows, one_of(c("MaxCoverage", facets)), starts_with(keepCols)
names(windows) <- str_extract(
paste0(c("MaxCoverage", facets, "Pos", "Neg"), collapse = "|")
windows$NbReads <- windows$Pos + windows$Neg
windows$PosProp <- windows$Pos/windows$NbReads
# Annotate windows by the level of coverage in the each window
if (length(split) == 0) {
windows$group <- as.factor("all")
} else {
covBreaks <- unique(c(0, split, max(windows$MaxCoverage)))
nBreaks <- length(covBreaks)
breakMat <- cbind(covBreaks[-nBreaks], covBreaks[-1])
covLabels <- apply(
breakMat, MARGIN = 1,
FUN = function(x) {paste0("(", x[1], ",", x[2], "]")}
covLabels[nBreaks - 1] <- gsub(
"\\(([0-9]+),.+", "> \\1", covLabels[nBreaks - 1]
windows$group <- cut(
windows$MaxCoverage, breaks = covBreaks, include.lowest = TRUE,
labels = covLabels
# Remove duplicated points for faster plotting
windows <- mutate(
windows, NbReads = round(NbReads, -1), PosProp = round(PosProp, 2)
windows <- distinct(
dplyr::select(windows, c("NbReads", "PosProp", "group", facets))
# Generating the threshold lines
maxReads <- max(windows$NbReads)
ThresholdP <- data.frame(
NbReads = c(), PosProp = c(), Threshold = c()
ThresholdN <- data.frame(
NbReads = c(), PosProp = c(), Threshold = c()
nbSampling <- 1000
x <- floor(seq(1, sqrt(maxReads), length.out = nbSampling)^2)
for (t in threshold) {
tP = log(t/(1 - t))
positiveReadsT <- vapply(
x, function(N) {
p = seq(round(N * t), N, 1) # Number of positive reads
pP = p/N # Prop of positive reads
mP = log(pP/(1 - pP)) # Mean prop-pos-reads (logit scale)
sdP = sqrt(1/(N * pP * (1 - pP))) # SD prop-pos-reads
# pBinom <- pbinom(t*N,size = N, prob = pP)
pNorm <- pnorm(tP, mean = mP, sd = sdP)
aNorm <- which(pNorm <= 0.05)[1]
tP <- data.frame(
NbReads = x, PosProp = positiveReadsT/(x), Threshold = paste0(t)
ThresholdP <- rbind(ThresholdP, tP)
tN <- data.frame(
NbReads = x, PosProp = 1 - positiveReadsT/(x), Threshold = paste0(t)
ThresholdN <- rbind(ThresholdN, tN)
# Make the basic plot
xlab <- c("Number of reads", "Number of aligned bases")[useCoverage + 1]
g <- ggplot() +
data = windows,
aes_string(x = "NbReads", y = "PosProp", colour = "group")
) +
data = ThresholdP,
aes_string(x = "NbReads", y = "PosProp", linetype = "Threshold")
) +
data = ThresholdN,
x = "NbReads", y = "PosProp", linetype = "Threshold"
) +
x = xlab, y = "Proprotion of Reads on '+' Strand",
colour = "Max Coverage"
) +
theme_bw() + theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0.02, 0.04, 0.03, 0.02), "npc"))
if (length(facets) > 0) {
# Get any facet arguments from dotArgs that have been set manually
dotArgs <- list(...)
allowed <- names(formals(facet_wrap))
keepArgs <- names(dotArgs) %in% setdiff(allowed, "facets")
argList <- c(list(facets = facets), dotArgs[keepArgs])
myFacets <- do.call(facet_wrap, argList)
g <- g + myFacets
if (save == TRUE) {
message("The plot will be saved to the file ", file)
dotArgs <- list(...)
allowed <- names(formals(ggsave))
keepArgs <- names(dotArgs) %in%
setdiff(allowed, c("filename", "plot", "..."))
argList <- c(list(filename = file, plot = g), dotArgs[keepArgs])
do.call(ggsave, argList)
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