
Defines functions calc_rsq fast_iasva

Documented in fast_iasva

#' A function for fast IA-SVA 
#' The iterative procedure of fast IA-SVA is implemented in this 
#' function (fast_iasva). fast_iasva() iteratively identifies a hidden factor
#' for unwanted variation while accounting for all known factors, and
#' computes its contribution  (i.e., the percentage of unmodeled variation
#' explained by the hidden factor) on the unmodeled variation in the data. 
#' If the contribution is greater than a user-defined cutoff (pct.cutoff,
#'  default = 1%), the factor is retained and used as a known variable in 
#'  the next iteration to find further hidden factors.  
#' @importFrom irlba irlba
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment assay
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @param Y A SummarizedExperiment or SingleCellExperiment class containing
#' read counts where rows represent genes and columns represent samples.
#' @param X  A design matrix of known variables (e.g., patient ID, gender).
#' @param intercept If intercept = FALSE, the linear 
#' intercept is not included in the model.
#' @param num.sv number of surrogate variables to estimate. 
#' @param pct.cutoff percetage threshold for SV retention. 
#' IA-SVA computes the percentage of unmodeled variance explained by the
#'  putative hidden factor and compare it with the user-defined threshold. 
#'  If the percentage is greater than the threshold, SV is retained.
#' @param num.tsv num of top singular values to be used in computing the
#'  percentage of unmodeled variation explained by the putative hidden factor.
#'   If num.tsv = NULL, all singular values are used.
#' @param tol stopping tolerance for the augmented implicitly restarted 
#' Lanczos bidiagonalization algorithm
#' @param verbose If verbose = TRUE, the function outputs detailed messages. 
#' @return sv matrix of estimated surrogate variables,
#'  one column for each surrogate variable. 
#' @return pct vector of percentages of unmodeled variance explained 
#' by each surrogate variable, one value for each surrogate variable.
#' @return n.sv number of obtained surrogate variables. 
#' @examples
#' counts_file <- system.file("extdata", "iasva_counts_test.Rds",
#'  package = "iasva")
#' counts <- readRDS(counts_file)
#' anns_file <- system.file("extdata", "iasva_anns_test.Rds",
#'  package = "iasva")
#'  anns <- readRDS(anns_file)
#' Geo_Lib_Size <- colSums(log(counts + 1))
#' Patient_ID <- anns$Patient_ID
#' mod <- model.matrix(~Patient_ID + Geo_Lib_Size)
#' summ_exp <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(assays = counts)
#' iasva.res <- fast_iasva(summ_exp, mod[, -1], num.sv = 5)
#' @export

fast_iasva <- function(Y, X, intercept = TRUE, num.sv = NULL, pct.cutoff = 1,
                       num.tsv = NULL, tol = 1e-10, verbose = FALSE) {
  # error handling
  stopifnot(class(Y)[1] == "SummarizedExperiment" | class(Y) == "SingleCellExperiment",
  # transpose the read counts
  Y <- as.matrix(t(assay(Y)))
  message("fast IA-SVA running...")
  if (min(Y) < 0) {
    Y <- Y + abs(min(Y))
  lY <- log(Y + 1)
  svd.all <- NULL
  if (is.null(num.tsv)) {
    svd.all <- svd(t(lY) - rowMeans(t(lY)))
  } else {
    svd.all <- irlba(t(lY) - rowMeans(t(lY)), num.tsv, tol = tol)
  sv <- NULL
  pct <- NULL
  isv <- 0
  while (TRUE) {
    if (!is.null(num.sv)) {
      if (isv == num.sv) {
    if (intercept) {
      fit <- .lm.fit(cbind(1, X), lY)
    } else {
      fit <- .lm.fit(X, lY)
    resid <- resid(fit)
    tresid <- t(resid)
    if (verbose) {
      message("\n Perform SVD on residuals")
    svd.resid <- irlba(tresid - rowMeans(tresid), 1, tol = tol)
    if (verbose) {
      message("\n Regress residuals on PC1")
    fit <- .lm.fit(cbind(1, svd.resid$v[, 1]), resid)
    if (verbose) {
      message("\n Get Rsq")
    rsq.vec <- calc_rsq(resid, fit)
    if (verbose) {
      message("\n Rsq 0-1 Normalization")
    rsq.vec[is.na(rsq.vec)] <- min(rsq.vec, na.rm = TRUE)
    wgt <- (rsq.vec - min(rsq.vec)) / (max(rsq.vec) - min(rsq.vec))
    if (verbose) {
      message("\n Obtain weighted log-transformed read counts")
    tlY <- t(lY) * wgt
    if (verbose) {
      message("\n Perform SVD on weighted log-transformed read counts")
    sv.i <- irlba(tlY - rowMeans(tlY), 1, tol = tol)$v[, 1]
    if (verbose) {
      message("\n Compute the percentage of unmodeled variance explained by SV")
    pct.i <- (svd.resid$d[1] ^ 2 / sum(svd.all$d ^ 2)) * 100
    if (verbose) {
      message("\n ", pct.i, "% of unmodeled variance is explained by SV")
    if (pct.i >= pct.cutoff) {
      sv <- cbind(sv, sv.i)
      pct <- c(pct, pct.i)
      X <- cbind(X, sv.i)
    } else {
    isv <- isv + 1
    message("\nSV ", isv, " Detected!")
  if (isv > 0) {
    colnames(sv) <- paste0("SV", seq(from = 1, to = ncol(sv), by = 1))
    message("\n# of obtained surrogate variables: ", length(pct))
    return(list(sv = sv, pct = pct, n.sv = length(pct)))
  } else {
    message("\nNo surrogate variables obtained")

calc_rsq <- function(resid, fit) {
  RSS <- colSums(resid(fit) ^ 2)
  TSS <- colSums(t(t(resid) - colSums(resid) / ncol(resid)) ^ 2)
  return(1 - (RSS / (nrow(resid) - 2)) / (TSS / (nrow(resid) - 1)))
UcarLab/iasva documentation built on Aug. 29, 2021, 8:23 p.m.