#' Computes the components of the M3D test-statistic over all regions for all
#' sample-pairs.
#' Returns the two components of the M3D test-statistic - the MMD
#' (Gretton et al. 2006) for the full data and the coverge
#' only data, respectively - for all regions and all samples pairs, as a matrix.
#' @param rrbs An rrbs object containing methylation and coverage data as
#' created using the BiSeq pacakge
#' @param overlaps The overlaps between the list of testing regions and the
#' methylation data. This is obtained using the
#' function findOverlaps(CpGs,rrbs) for a GRanges object CpGs detailing the
#' testing regions.
#' @param para Set to true if called via M3D_Para
#' @return This returns the two components of the M3D test-statistic for each
#' region over all sample pairs as a matrix.
#' Subtracting them gives the M3D test-statistic. This is processed with the
#' function pvals.
#' @author Tom Mayo \email{t.mayo@@ed.ac.uk}
#' @references Gretton, A., Borgwardt, K. M., Rasch, M., Scholkopf, B., Smola,
#' A. J. (2006). A kernel method for the two-sample-problem. In Advances in
#' neural information processing systems (pp. 513-520).
#' @examples
#' \donttest{data(rrbsDemo)
#' data(CpGsDemo)
#' overlaps <- findOverlaps(CpGsDemo,rrbsDemo)
#' M3D_list <- M3D_Wrapper(rrbsDemo,overlaps)
#' head(M3d_list$Full-M3D_list$Coverage)}
#' @export
M3D_Wrapper <- function(rrbs, overlaps, para=FALSE){
nSamples = length(colnames(methReads(rrbs)))
if (nSamples==2){
samplesIdx <- c(1,2)
numPairs <- 1
} else {
a <- unlist(lapply(1:(nSamples-1), function(i) rep(i,(nSamples-i))))
b <- unlist(lapply(1:(nSamples-1), function(i) (i+1):nSamples))
samplesIdx <- cbind(a,b)
numPairs <- length(samplesIdx[,1])
# store objects here to avoid slow lookups, potential memory hazard
m_reads <- methReads(rrbs)
t_reads <- totalReads(rrbs)
locs_all <- start(ranges(rowRanges(rrbs)))
q_hits <- queryHits(overlaps)
sub_hits <- subjectHits((overlaps))
islands <- unique(queryHits(overlaps))
CSites <- rowRanges(rrbs)
MMD <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(islands),ncol=numPairs)
MMDCoverage <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(islands),ncol=numPairs)
col_sample_names <- colnames(m_reads)
### make colnames - vectorize
ColumnNames <- unlist(lapply(1:numPairs, function(pairInd){
if (numPairs==1){
pair <- c(1,2)
} else {
pair <- samplesIdx[pairInd,]
sample1 <- colnames(m_reads)[pair[1]]
sample2 <- colnames(m_reads)[pair[2]]
return(paste(sample1, ' vs ', sample2))
# loop over islands, then over samples
pb <- txtProgressBar(min=1,max=length(islands),style=3)
for (i in 1:length(islands)) {
island <- islands[i]
methIndices <- sub_hits[q_hits==island]
meth_isl <- m_reads[methIndices,]
total_isl <- t_reads[methIndices,]
unmeth_isl <- total_isl - meth_isl
# compute the location matrix
## define easy labels
locs <- locs_all[methIndices]
locs <- locs - min(locs)
# make location matrix
G <- locs%*%t(locs)
L <- ncol(G)
nor <- rep(G[seq(1,L^2,L+1)],L)
# locMx is the squared distance between sites
locMx <- -2*G + matrix(nor, nrow=L, byrow=TRUE) + matrix(nor, nrow=L)
locInds <- which(locMx!=0)
for (pairInd in 1:numPairs){
if (numPairs==1){
pair <- c(1,2)
} else {
pair <- samplesIdx[pairInd,]
sample1 <- col_sample_names[pair[1]]
sample2 <- col_sample_names[pair[2]]
# this is the meth data
methData <- meth_isl[,c(sample1,sample2)]
# this is the total data
unmethData <- unmeth_isl[,c(sample1,sample2)]
testData <- matrix(0, nrow = dim(methData)[1], ncol = 4)
testData[,1:2] <- methData
testData[,3:4] <- unmethData
# compute the MMDs
res <- M3D_Single(testData,locMx,locInds,method='MinusCovMMD')
MMD[i,pairInd] <- res[[1]]
MMDCoverage[i,pairInd] <- res[[2]]
colnames(MMD) <- ColumnNames
colnames(MMDCoverage) <- ColumnNames
ret <- list(MMD,MMDCoverage)
names(ret) <- c('Full','Coverage')
if (para==FALSE){
} else {
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