
# Build against static libraries from rwinlib or rwinlib-tiledb

dcffile <- "../tools/tiledbVersion.txt"
if (!file.exists(dcffile)) stop("TileDB Version file not found.")
dcf <- read.dcf(dcffile)
ver <- dcf[[1, "version"]]

if (!file.exists("../windows/rwinlib-tiledb/include/tiledb/tiledb.h")) {
    if (getRversion() < "4") stop("This package requires Rtools40 or newer")
    op <- options()
    options(timeout=180)                # CRAN request to have patient download settings
    download.file(sprintf("", ver), "", quiet = TRUE)
    dir.create("../windows", showWarnings = FALSE)
    unzip("", exdir = "../windows")
    file.rename(sprintf("../windows/rwinlib-tiledb-%s", ver), "../windows/rwinlib-tiledb")
TileDB-Inc/TileDB-R documentation built on Oct. 2, 2024, 8:14 a.m.