#'@title Visualize the SubCellBarCode
#'@description Stacked bar plot are plotted for compartment and
#'neighborhood level with respect to classification probabilities.
#'@param sampleClassification data.frame; merged classification,
#'combination of compartment and neighborhood classification.
#'@param protein character; protein gene symbol name
#'@param s1PSM data.frame; minimum PSM count table. Row names should
#'be gene centric protein id.
#'@examples {
#'df <- loadData(SubCellBarCode::hcc827Ctrl)
#'c.prots <- calculateCoveredProtein(rownames(df), markerProteins[,1])
#'r.markers <- markerQualityControl(c.prots, df)
#'cls <- svmClassification(r.markers, df, markerProteins)
#'test.A <- cls[[1]]$svm.test.prob.out
#'test.B <- cls[[2]]$svm.test.prob.out
#'t.c.df <- computeThresholdCompartment(test.A, test.B)
#'t.n.df <- computeThresholdNeighborhood(test.A, test.B)
#'all.A <- cls[[1]]$all.prot.pred
#'all.B <- cls[[2]]$all.prot.pred
#'c.cls.df <- applyThresholdCompartment(all.A, all.B, t.c.df)
#'n.cls.df <- applyThresholdNeighborhood(all.A, all.B, t.n.df)
#'cls.df <- mergeCls(c.cls.df, n.cls.df)
#'proteinPlot <- plotBarcode(cls.df, "TP53", hcc827CtrlPSMCount)
#'@import ggplot2
#'@importFrom graphics plot
#'@return proteinPlot
plotBarcode <- function(sampleClassification, protein, s1PSM){
p.df <- sampleClassification[as.character(protein),]
if( sum(is.na(p.df)) > 0 )
stop('Invalid protein name.
Please make sure the protein is in the classification output.')
comp.df <- data.frame(Locs = as.character(colnames(p.df[8:22])),
Probability = as.numeric(unname(t(p.df[1,8:22]))),
Level = "Compartment")
neigh.df <- data.frame(Locs = as.character(colnames(p.df[4:7])),
Probability = as.numeric(unname(t(p.df[1,4:7]))),
Level = "Neighborhood")
cols <- c("S1" = "gold", "S2" = "orange", "S3" = "salmon",
"S4" = "tomato2", "N1" = "grey90", "N2" = "grey70",
"N3" = "grey50", "N4" = "grey30", "C1" = "lightblue",
"C2" = "aquamarine", "C3" = "cyan", "C4" = "deepskyblue2",
"C5" = "turquoise3", "M1" = "burlywood4", "M2" = "tan4",
"Cytosol" = "cadetblue1", "Secretory" = "goldenrod1",
"Nuclear" = "grey80", "Mitochondria" = "peru")
df <- rbind(comp.df, neigh.df)
df$Locs <- factor(df$Locs,
levels = c("Nuclear", "Secretory", "Cytosol",
"Mitochondria", " ", "S1", "S2", "S3", "S4",
"N1", "N2", "N3", "N4", "C1", "C2", "C3",
"C4", "C5", "M1", "M2"))
#get the PSM count
psm <- as.numeric(s1PSM[protein,][2])
if( length(psm) < 1 & is.numeric(psm) == FALSE)
stop('PSM count could not obtain properly.
Please check the PSM input data')
#calls for classification and probabilities
c.c <- as.character(p.df[,3])
if(c.c == "Unclassified"){
c.p <- round(max(p.df[8:22]), 2)
c.p <- round(p.df[,c.c], 2)
n.c <- as.character(p.df[,2])
if(n.c == "Unclassified"){
n.p <- round(max(p.df[4:7]), 2)
n.p <- round(p.df[,n.c], 2)
#labels for the plot
c.l <- sprintf("Call: %s \nProb: %s", c.c, c.p)
n.l <- sprintf("Call: %s \nProb: %s", n.c, n.p)
proteinPlot <- ggplot(df,
aes(x = df$Level,
y = df$Probability,
fill = df$Locs,
group = df$Probability)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity",
position = "stack",
width = 0.5) +
facet_wrap(.~Level, scales = "free") +
scale_fill_manual(values = c(cols[seq_len(4)],
drop=FALSE) +
theme_bw() +
theme(text = element_text(size = 14),
strip.text.x = element_text(size = 12,
colour = "dodgerblue4"),
axis.text.x = element_text(face = "bold",
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5,
color = "black",
legend.title = element_blank()) +
labs(title = paste(protein, "Classification", sep = " "),
y = "Probability",
caption = sprintf("#PSM: %s", psm)) +
scale_x_discrete(labels=c("Compartment" = c.l,
"Neighborhood" = n.l))
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