#'@title Identify candidate relocated proteins
#'@description Identify candidate condition-dependent
#'relocated proteins by comparing neighborhood classifications
#'with respect to protein-protein pearson correlation and minumum PSM,
#'peptide spectrum matching, count.
#'@param sampleCls1 data.frame; merged classification,
#'combination of compartment and neighborhood classification.
#'@param s1PSM data.frame; minimum PSM count table
#'across ten TMT channel
#'@param s1Quant data.frame; fractionation quantification data
#'@param sampleCls2 data.frame; merged classification,
#'combination of compartment and neighborhood classification.
#'@param s2PSM data.frame; minimum PSM count table
#'across ten TMT channel
#'@param s2Quant data.frame; fractionation quantification data
#'@param annotation boolean; labeling the selected proteins
#'@param min.psm numeric; minimum psm, peptide spectra matching value
#'@param pearson.cor numeric; pearson correlation threshold
#'@examples {
#'df <- loadData(SubCellBarCode::hcc827Ctrl)
#'c.prots <- calculateCoveredProtein(rownames(df), markerProteins[,1])
#'r.markers <- markerQualityControl(c.prots, df)
#'cls <- svmClassification(r.markers, df, markerProteins)
#'test.A <- cls[[1]]$svm.test.prob.out
#'test.B <- cls[[2]]$svm.test.prob.out
#'t.c.df <- computeThresholdCompartment(test.A, test.B)
#'t.n.df <- computeThresholdNeighborhood(test.A, test.B)
#'all.A <- cls[[1]]$all.prot.pred
#'all.B <- cls[[2]]$all.prot.pred
#'c.cls.df <- applyThresholdCompartment(all.A, all.B, t.c.df)
#'n.cls.df <- applyThresholdNeighborhood(all.A, all.B, t.n.df)
#'cls.df <- mergeCls(c.cls.df, n.cls.df)
#'candidate.df <- candidateRelocatedProteins(cls.df,hcc827CtrlPSMCount,
#'hcc827Ctrl, hcc827GEFClass, hcc827CtrlPSMCount, hcc827GEF)
#'candidate.df <- candidateRelocatedProteins(cls.df, hcc827CtrlPSMCount,
#'hcc827Ctrl, hcc827GEFClass, hcc827CtrlPSMCount, hcc827GEF,
#'annotation = TRUE, min.psm = 12, pearson.cor = 0.8)
#'@import ggplot2
#'@import ggrepel
#'@importFrom graphics plot
#'@importFrom stats complete.cases
#'@return candidate.df
candidateRelocatedProteins <- function(sampleCls1, s1PSM,s1Quant, sampleCls2,
s2PSM, s2Quant, annotation = FALSE, min.psm,
# just keep neighborhood classification
df1 <- sampleCls1[, seq_len(2)]
df2 <- sampleCls2[, seq_len(2)]
df1 <- df1[intersect(rownames(df1), rownames(df2)), ]
df2 <- df2[intersect(rownames(df1), rownames(df2)), ]
df2 <- df2[rownames(df1), ]
df <- data.frame(Protein = df1$Protein,
C.A = df1$NeighborhoodCls,
C.B = df2$NeighborhoodCls)
s1Quant <- SubCellBarCode::calRowMean(s1Quant)
s2Quant <- SubCellBarCode::calRowMean(s2Quant)
#remove unclassfied proteins at both conditions
f.df <- df[!grepl("Unclassified", df$C.A) & ! grepl("Unclassified",df$C.B),]
rownames(f.df) <- f.df$Protein
#protein pearson correlation between samples
f.df$Pearson.Corr <- unlist(unname((lapply(rownames(f.df), function(x){
condA.prot <- s1Quant[x,]
condB.prot <- s2Quant[x,]
pearson.cor <- cor(t(condA.prot), t(condB.prot), method = "pearson")
df1PSMCount <- s1PSM[rownames(f.df), ]
df2PSMCount <- s2PSM[rownames(f.df), ]
#Minumum PSM count between two condition
psm.df <- data.frame(Condition1 = df1PSMCount$PSMs.for.quant,
Condition2 = df2PSMCount$PSMs.for.quant)
f.df$Min.PSMs <- apply(psm.df, 1, min)
f.df$Relocated <- ifelse(f.df$C.A == f.df$C.B, "Background", "Relocated")
f.df$ColorCode <- ifelse(f.df$Relocated == "Relocated",
"steelblue1", "Black")
f.df <- f.df[order(f.df$Relocated , decreasing = FALSE), ]
Relocalization <- f.df$Relocated
if( ! annotation){
aes(x = log2(f.df$Min.PSMs),
y = f.df$Pearson.Corr,
color = Relocalization))+
geom_point(size = 2) +
scale_colour_manual(values=c("Black","steelblue1")) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0.8, linetype="dashed", color = "red") +
geom_vline(xintercept = 1.3, linetype="dashed", color = "red") +
theme_bw() +
theme(text = element_text(size = 16),
axis.text.x = element_text(face = "bold", color="black"),
axis.text.y = element_text(face = "bold", color="black")) +
labs(title = "",
y = "Pearson Correlation ",
x = "Log2(Min.PSM)"))
f.df <- f.df[f.df$Relocated == "Relocated", ]
candidate.df <- f.df[,c(seq_len(5))]
candidate.df <- candidate.df[candidate.df$Pearson.Corr < 0.8 &
candidate.df$Min.PSMs > 2, ]
text.label.df <- subset(f.df, f.df$Pearson.Corr < pearson.cor &
f.df$Min.PSMs > min.psm &
f.df$Relocated == "Relocated")
text.label.df$Label <- rownames(text.label.df)
rem.df <- subset(f.df, !rownames(f.df) %in% rownames(text.label.df))
rem.df$Label <- ""
annot.df <- rbind(text.label.df, rem.df)
annot.df <- annot.df[rownames(f.df),]
Relocalization <- annot.df$Relocated
label = annot.df$Label,
color = Relocalization)) +
geom_point(size = 2) +
geom_text_repel() +
scale_colour_manual(values=c("Black","steelblue1")) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0.8, linetype="dashed", color = "red") +
geom_vline(xintercept = 1.3, linetype="dashed", color = "red") +
theme_bw() +
theme(text = element_text(size = 16),
axis.text.x = element_text(face = "bold", color="black"),
axis.text.y = element_text(face = "bold", color="black")) +
labs(title = "",
y = "Pearson Correlation ",
x = "Log2(Min.PSM)"))
annot.df <- annot.df[annot.df$Relocated == "Relocated", ]
candidate.df <- annot.df[, c(seq_len(5))]
candidate.df <- candidate.df[candidate.df$Pearson.Corr < 0.8 &
candidate.df$Min.PSMs > 2, ]
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