#'@title Apply thresholds to neighborhood classification
#'@description Apply thresholds for all predictions at the
#'neighborhood level to increase the
#'true positive rate and remove poor classification.
#'@param all.repA data.frame; all predictions and probablity vectors
#'for each protein in replicate A
#'@param all.repB data.frame; all predictions and probablity vectors
#'for each protein in replicate B
#'@param threshold.df data.frame; collection od precision and recall
#'values for each neighborhood
#'@importFrom stats aggregate
#'@examples {
#'df <- loadData(SubCellBarCode::hcc827Ctrl)
#'c.prots <- calculateCoveredProtein(rownames(df), markerProteins[,1])
#'r.markers <- markerQualityControl(c.prots, df)
#'cls <- svmClassification(r.markers, df, markerProteins)
#'test.A <- cls[[1]]$svm.test.prob.out
#'test.B <- cls[[2]]$svm.test.prob.out
#'t.n.df <- computeThresholdNeighborhood(test.A, test.B)
#'all.A <- cls[[1]]$all.prot.pred
#'all.B <- cls[[2]]$all.prot.pred
#'n.cls.df <- applyThresholdNeighborhood(all.A, all.B, t.n.df)
#'@return n.cls.df
applyThresholdNeighborhood <- function(all.repA, all.repB, threshold.df){
couple.lsit <- list(c("Secretory", "S1"), c("Secretory", "S2"),
c("Secretory", "S3"), c("Secretory", "S4"),
c("Nuclear", "N1"), c("Nuclear", "N2"),
c("Nuclear", "N3"), c("Nuclear", "N4"),
c("Cytosol", "C1"), c("Cytosol", "C2"),
c("Cytosol", "C3"), c("Cytosol", "C4"),
c("Cytosol", "C5"), c("Mitochondria", "M1"),
c("Mitochondria", "M2"))
#upgrade compartment labels to neighborhood labels for prediction
replacePrediction <- function(df, column = "svm.pred.all"){
multiple.lst <- lapply(couple.lsit, function(f){
temp.df <- df[df[column] == unname(unlist(f[2])), ]
temp.df[[column]] <- as.character(unname(unlist(f[1])))
replaced.df <- do.call("rbind", multiple.lst)
all.n.repA <- replacePrediction(df = all.repA, column = "svm.pred.all")
all.n.repB <- replacePrediction(df = all.repB, column = "svm.pred.all")
merge.probability <- function(df){
t.secretory.df <- data.frame(df[, colnames(df)[2:5]])
t.secretory.df$Secretory <- apply(t.secretory.df, 1, sum)
t.nuclear.df <- data.frame(df[, colnames(df)[6:9]])
t.nuclear.df$Nuclear <- apply(t.nuclear.df, 1, sum)
t.cytosol.df <- data.frame(df[, colnames(df)[10:14]])
t.cytosol.df$Cytosol <- apply(t.cytosol.df, 1, sum)
t.Mitochondria.df <- data.frame(df[, colnames(df)[15:16]])
t.Mitochondria.df$Mitochondria <- apply(t.Mitochondria.df, 1, sum)
merged.df <- data.frame(Proteins = rownames(df),
svm.pred.all = df[,colnames(df)[1]],
Secretory = t.secretory.df$Secretory,
Nuclear = t.nuclear.df$Nuclear,
Cytosol = t.cytosol.df$Cytosol,
Mitochondria = t.Mitochondria.df$Mitochondria)
# temp neihborhood df
t.n.df <- merged.df[,3:6]
merged.df$svm.pred.all <- colnames(t.n.df)[apply(t.n.df, 1, which.max)]
rownames(merged.df) <- merged.df$Proteins
m.all.repA <- merge.probability(all.n.repA)
m.all.repB <- merge.probability(all.n.repB)
m.all.repB <- m.all.repB[rownames(m.all.repA), ]
#merge the replicates by averaging the probabilities
all.repAB.mean <- rbind(m.all.repA, m.all.repB)[,-2]
all.repAB.mean <- aggregate(.~Proteins, data = all.repAB.mean, mean)
all.repAB <- data.frame(Proteins = all.repAB.mean$Proteins,
svm.pred.all = rep("Unclassified", nrow(all.repAB.mean)),
rownames(all.repAB) <- all.repAB$Proteins
all.repAB <- all.repAB[rownames(m.all.repA), ]
#merge two replicates and average them
n.repA.m <- m.all.repA[m.all.repA$svm.pred.all == m.all.repB$svm.pred.all, ]
n.repB.m <- m.all.repB[m.all.repB$svm.pred.all == m.all.repB$svm.pred.all, ]
combined.reps <- rbind(n.repA.m, n.repB.m)
combined.df <- data.frame(Proteins = combined.reps$Proteins,
combined.reps[, 3:6])
averaged.reps <- aggregate(.~Proteins, data = combined.df, mean)
rownames(averaged.reps) <- averaged.reps$Proteins
averaged.reps <- averaged.reps[rownames(n.repA.m), ]
combined.rep.A.B <- data.frame(Proteins = averaged.reps$Proteins,
svm.pred.all = n.repA.m$svm.pred.all,
averaged.reps[, 2:5])
#apply the theresholds for each neighborhood
neighborhoods <- c("Secretory","Nuclear", "Cytosol", "Mitochondria")
confident.classification <- lapply(neighborhoods, function(m){
# temp precision
t.p <- unname(unlist(threshold.df[threshold.df$Neighborhood == m, ][2]))
#temp recall
t.r <- unname(unlist(threshold.df[threshold.df$Neighborhood == m, ][3]))
if (! is.na(t.p) == TRUE){
t.value <- max(t.p, t.r)
temp.df <- combined.rep.A.B[combined.rep.A.B$svm.pred.all == m, ]
up.threshold.df <- temp.df[temp.df[m] >= t.value, ]
conf.df <- do.call("rbind", confident.classification)
##adding "unclassified proteins"
no.class <- subset(all.repAB, ! rownames(all.repAB) %in% rownames(conf.df))
n.cls.df <- rbind(conf.df, no.class)
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