
Defines functions SNPsites.phyMSAmatched SNPsites

Documented in SNPsites SNPsites.phyMSAmatched

#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
#' @importFrom ape Ntip

#' @rdname SNPsites
#' @title Finding sites with variation
#' @description Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the whole package refers
#'   to variation of amino acid. \code{SNPsite} will try to find SNP in the
#'   multiple sequence alignment. A reference sequence and gap character may be
#'   specified to number the site.
#' @param tree A \code{\link{phyMSAmatched}} object.
#' @param minSNP Minimum number of a mutation to be a SNP. The default is 10th
#'   of the total tree tips.
#' @param ... Other arguments
#' @return A \code{SNPsites} object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(zikv_tree_reduced)
#' data(zikv_align_reduced)
#' tree <- addMSA(zikv_tree_reduced, alignment = zikv_align_reduced)
#' SNPsites(tree)
SNPsites <- function(tree, ...) {

#' @rdname SNPsites
#' @export
SNPsites.phyMSAmatched <- function(tree, minSNP = NULL, ...) {
    extraArgs <- list(...)
    x <- .phyMSAmatch(tree)
    nTips <- Ntip(attr(x, "tree"))
    # Set default 'minSNP' value
    if (is.null(minSNP)) {
        minSNP <- attr(x, "minSize")
    } else if (!is.numeric(minSNP)) {
        stop("\"minSNP\" only accepts numeric")
    } else if (minSNP >= nTips / 2) {
        stop("\"minSNP\": ",
             " is greater than half of the total tips: ",
             floor(nTips / 2))
    align <- attr(x, "align")
    msaNumbering <- attr(x, "msaNumbering")
    if (!is.null(extraArgs[["useAllSites"]])) {
        msaNumbering <- seq_len(nchar(align[[1]]))
    refSeqName <- attr(x, "reference")
    unambiguous <- .unambiguousChars(x)
    # Find SNP for each tree tip by comparing with the consensus sequence or the
    # reference sequence if specified
    if (is.null(refSeqName)) {
        # Find the major SNP of each site as the consensus sequence
        refSeq <- vapply(
            X = msaNumbering,
            FUN = function(s) {
                aaSummary <- tableAA(align, s - 1)
                # The amino acid/nucleotide having the most appearance
            FUN.VALUE = character(1)
        align <- strsplit(x = align, split = "")
    } else {
        align <- strsplit(x = align, split = "")
        refSeq <- align[[refSeqName]]
    # Get the amino acid/nucleotide of each locus
    allSNP <- lapply(attr(x, "loci"), function(site) {
        snp <- vapply(
            X = align,
            FUN = "[[",
            i = msaNumbering[site],
            FUN.VALUE = character(1)
        # An SNP has to be different from the reference and not gap or ambiguous
        # character
        snp <-
            snp[which(snp != refSeq[[site]] & snp %in% unambiguous)]
        res <- data.frame(
            "Accession" = names(snp),
            "Pos" = rep(site, length(snp)),
            "SNP" = snp
    allSNP <- do.call(rbind, allSNP)
    # Calculate the frequency of each mutation/SNP
    snpSummary <- as.data.frame(table(allSNP[["Pos"]],
    allSNP <- merge(
        x = allSNP,
        y = snpSummary,
        by.x = c("Pos", "SNP"),
        by.y = c("Var1", "Var2"),
        all.x = TRUE
    # Filter out low frequency mutation/SNP
    allSNP <- allSNP[which(allSNP[, "Freq"] >= minSNP),
                     c("Accession", "Pos", "SNP")]
    rownames(allSNP) <- NULL
    # Extract all the qualified sites as 'res' to be compatible with the return
    # of previous version
    res <- sort(unique(allSNP[["Pos"]]))
    attr(res, "allSNP") <- allSNP
    # Transfer attributes
    attr(res, "phyMSAmatched") <- x
    class(res) <- "SNPsites"
Takkoona/sitePath documentation built on Sept. 28, 2022, 1:24 a.m.