
Defines functions edinfoToURL

Documented in edinfoToURL

#' @title Create a URL for Downloading Data from a edinfo Object
#' @description Creates a properly formatted URL (see \link{formatURL}) from
#'   a datalist either from the package's recommended sources or an ERDDAP
#'   dataset id
#' @param edinfo a edinfo class object, either from \link{getEdinfo} or created by
#'   \link{erddapToEdinfo}
#' @param ranges list of ranges for Longitude, Latitude, and UTC. Must be a
#'   named list with a vector of min/max values for each of the three dimensions
#' @author Taiki Sakai \email{taiki.sakai@@noaa.gov}
#' @return a properly formatted URL that can be used to download environmental data
#' @examples
#' sstEdi <- getEdinfo()[['jplMURSST41']]
#' # select all variables for download
#' sstEdi <- varSelect(sstEdi, TRUE)
#' edinfoToURL(sstEdi, ranges = list(Latitude = c(32, 33),
#'                                   Longitude = c(-118, -117),
#'                                   UTC = as.POSIXct(c('2000-01-01 00:00:00',
#'                                                      '2000-01-02 00:00:00'), tz='UTC')))
#' @importFrom lubridate yday
#' @export
edinfoToURL <- function(edinfo, ranges) {
    # can be a dataset id, convert first
    if(is.character(edinfo)) {
        edinfo <- erddapToEdinfo(edinfo)
    if(is.null(edinfo$varSelect)) {
        # list vars avail, loop through each to set T/F
        edinfo <- varSelect(edinfo)
    if(sum(edinfo$varSelect) == 0) {
        stop('No variables selected for download.')
    if('Depth' %in% names(edinfo$limits) &&
       !('Depth' %in% names(ranges))) {
        ranges$Depth <- edinfo$limits$Depth
    if(inherits(ranges$UTC, 'POSIXct') &&
       identical(edinfo$limits$UTC, c(1, 365))) {
        ranges$UTC <- yday(ranges$UTC)
    # Only found for latitude so far, but including lon just in case
    for(d in c('Latitude', 'Longitude')) {
        if(edinfo$spacing[[d]] < 0) {
            ranges[[d]] <- rev(ranges[[d]])
    formatURL(base = edinfo$base,
              dataset = edinfo$dataset,
              fileType = edinfo$fileType,
              vars = edinfo$vars[edinfo$varSelect],
              ranges = ranges[names(edinfo$limits)],
              style = edinfo$source,
              stride = 1)
TaikiSan21/PAMmisc documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 9:29 p.m.