# gds.class "method" for prcomp
# Notable changes:
# [1] Scaling and centering is NOT performed by default as
# prcomp is usually performed on normalized data.
# Notable Time save as samples are expected to be normalized already.
# [2] Number of learned principal components is optional,
# 5 are default, however this is assuming that majority of variance can be
# found in the first few PCs hence why the output is slimmed down.
# No Notable time save (May affect timesave when retx=T)
# Due to how the principal components are learned
# it is not a memory efficient operation
# Therefore the forthcoming approach is chosen:
# [3] Perform pca on a subset of data (optionally), by default we opt for 1%
# As it is felt that considering the wide berth of probes 1% is enough to
# learn the rough indication of the principal components.
# Notable Time save (obviously), limits memory usage as svd is performed
# on a small subset.
prcomp.gds.class <- function(x, node.name, center = FALSE, scale. = FALSE,
rank. = NULL, retx=FALSE, tol = NULL,
perc = 0.01, npcs = NULL,
parallel = NULL, method = c('quick', 'sorted'),
verbose = FALSE, ...){
method <- match.arg(method)
if(method=="quick") parallel <- NULL
# Parallel only amenable to calculating variance for sorted method.
if(!inherits(parallel, 'cluster')){
if(requireNamespace('parallel') & as.integer(parallel) > 1){
if(verbose) message('Making Cluster of ', parallel, ' cores.')
parallel <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel)
} else {
message('Cannot make cluster, continuing on single core.')
parallel <- NULL
# x = gfile
# node.name = node to pca
# method = quick or sorted
# parallel = if Multicore to be used for applicable steps!
x0 <- x # Original gfile
x <- inode <- index.gdsn(x, node.name)
dim <- objdesp.gdsn(x)$dim
f <- createfn.gds("temp.gds", allow.duplicate=TRUE)
n.t <- add.gdsn(f, val = NULL, valdim = c(dim[1], 0),
replace = TRUE, name = "scale", storage = "float64")
cen <- NULL
sc <- NULL
if(center|scale.){ # If normalized Center | Scale = FALSE
if(verbose) message('Scaling data... ')
# if(!is.null(parallel)){
# censc <- clusterApply.gdsn(cl = parallel,
# gds.fn = x0$filename,
# node.name = node.name,
# margin = 2,
# as.is="double",
# FUN=function(val, center, scale.,n.t){
# y <- scale(val, center=center, scale=scale.)
# append.gdsn(n.t, y)
# if(!is.null(attr(y, "scaled:center"))){
# out <- attr(y, "scaled:center")
# }
# if(!is.null(attr(y, "scaled:scale"))){
# names(out) <- attr(y, "scaled:scale")
# }
# }, center=center, scale.=scale., n.t = n.t)
# } else {
# censc <- apply.gdsn(x, margin = 2, as.is='double', FUN=function(val, center, scale., n.t){
# y <- scale(val, center=center, scale=scale.)
# append.gdsn(n.t, y)
# if(!is.null(attr(y, "scaled:center"))){
# out <- attr(y, "scaled:center")
# }
# if(!is.null(attr(y, "scaled:scale"))){
# names(out) <- attr(y, "scaled:scale")
# }
# }, center=center, scale.=scale., n.t = n.t)
# }
# apply.gdsn could work but getting cen and sc is difficult.
for(i in 1:dim[2]){
val <- readex.gdsn(x, sel = list(NULL, i))
y <- scale(val, center = center, scale = scale.)
if(!is.null(attr(y, "scaled:center"))){
cen[i] <- attr(y, "scaled:center")
if(!is.null(attr(y, "scaled:scale"))){
sc[i] <- attr(y, "scaled:scale")
append.gdsn(n.t, y)
x <- n.t
n <- dim[1]
p <- dim[2]
k <- if(!is.null(rank.)) {
stopifnot(length(rank.) == 1, is.finite(rank.),
as.integer(rank.) > 0)
min(as.integer(rank.), n, p, npcs)
## Note that La.svd() *still* needs
# a (n x p) and a (p x p) auxiliary
} else {
min(npcs, n, p)
# Current method would be to run a % of probes and learn a fewer pcs...
sel <- rep(FALSE, times = n)
if(method == "sorted"){
if(verbose) message('Identifying largest variance in rows...')
f <- openfn.gds('temp.gds', allow.duplicate = TRUE)
x <- n.t <- index.gdsn(f, 'scale')
variances <- clusterApply.gdsn(cl = parallel,
gds.fn = if(center | scale.) 'temp.gds' else x0$filename,
node.name = if(center | scale.) 'scale' else node.name,
margin = 1,
as.is = 'double',
FUN = function(val){
isna <- sum(is.na(val))>0
fn <- quantile(val, na.rm = TRUE)
if(isna) out <- NA else out <- fn[4] - fn[2]
} )
} else {
variances <- apply.gdsn(node = x, margin = 1, as.is = 'double', FUN = function(val){
isna <- sum(is.na(val)) > 0
fn <- quantile(val, na.rm = TRUE)
if(isna) out <- NA else out <- fn[4] - fn[2]
} ) }
sel[order(variances, decreasing = TRUE)[1:round(n*perc)]] <- TRUE
} else if(method=="quick"){
if(verbose) message('Stochastically selecting rows ... ')
sel[sample(1:n, round(n*perc), replace = FALSE)] <- TRUE
# Not Memory efficient though!
mat <- na.omit(readex.gdsn(node = x, sel = list(sel, NULL)))
if(verbose) message('Learning first ', k, ' Principal components.')
s <- svd(mat, nu = 0, nv = k)
j <- seq_len(k)
# s$d <- s$d / sqrt(max(1, n - 1))
# Incase NA's are removed, we need to account for the change selection.
s$d <- s$d / sqrt(max(1, round(nrow(mat)*perc) - 1))
## we get rank at least one even for a 0 matrix.
rank <- sum(s$d > (s$d[1L]*tol))
if(rank < k){
j <- seq_len(k <- rank)
s$v <- s$v[,j , drop = FALSE]
# dimnames(s$v) <- list(colnames(x), paste0("PC", j)) # Broken
r <- list(sdev = s$d, rotation = s$v,
center = if(is.null(cen)) FALSE else cen,
scale = if(is.null(sc)) FALSE else sc)
# There isn't a clever way to perform matrix multiplications yet.
if (retx) {
# Original Statement: r$x <- x %*% s$v
# Slow (Memory Intensive) Method:
r$x <- read.gdsn(x) %*% s$v
if(verbose) message('Stopping Cluster')
class(r) <- "prcomp"
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