#' @title Perform the scMerge2 algorithm
#' @description Merge single-cell data from different batches and experiments
#' leveraging (pseudo)-replicates, control genes and pseudo-bulk.
#' @author Yingxin Lin
#' @param exprsMat A gene (row) by cell (column) log-transformed matrix to be adjusted.
#' @param batch A vector indicating the batch information for each cell in the batch-combined matrix.
#' @param cellTypes An optional vector indicating the cell type information for each cell in the batch-combined matrix.
#' If it is \code{NULL}, pseudo-replicate procedure will be run to identify cell type.
#' @param condition An optional vector indicating the condition information for each cell in the batch-combined matrix.
#' @param ctl A character vector of negative control. It should have a non-empty intersection with the rows of exprsMat
#' @param chosen.hvg An optional character vector of highly variable genes chosen.
#' @param ruvK An integer indicates the number of unwanted variation factors that are removed, default is 20.
#' @param use_bpparam A \code{BiocParallelParam} class object from the \code{BiocParallel} package is used. Default is SerialParam().
#' @param use_bsparam A \code{BiocSingularParam} class object from the \code{BiocSingular} package is used. Default is RandomParam().
#' @param use_bnparam A \code{BiocNeighborsParam} class object from the \code{BiocNeighbors} package is used. Default is AnnoyParam().
#' @param pseudoBulk_fn A character indicates the way of pseudobulk constructed.
#' @param k_pseudoBulk An integer indicates the number of pseudobulk constructed within each cell grouping. Default is 30.
#' @param k_celltype An integer indicates the number of nearest neighbours used in \code{buildSNNGraph} when grouping cells within each batch. Default is 10.
#' @param exprsMat_counts A gene (row) by cell (column) counts matrix to be adjusted.
#' @param cosineNorm A logical vector indicates whether cosine normalisation is performed on input data.
#' @param return_subset If \code{TRUE}, adjusted matrix of only a subset of genes (hvg or indicates in \code{return_subset_genes}) will be return.
#' @param return_subset_genes An optional character vector of indicates the subset of genes will be adjusted.
#' @param return_matrix A logical value indicates whether the adjusted matrix is calculated and returned.
#' @param byChunk A logical value indicates whether it calculates the adjusted matrix by chunk
#' @param chunkSize A numeric indicates the size of the chunk.
#' If \code{FALSE}, then only the estimated parameters will be returned.
#' @param verbose If \code{TRUE}, then all intermediate steps will be shown. Default to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param seed A numeric input indicates the seed used.
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam bpparam
#' @importFrom BiocSingular ExactParam
#' @importFrom BiocNeighbors AnnoyParam
#' @importFrom batchelor cosineNorm
#' @importFrom DelayedMatrixStats rowSums2 colSums2
#' @importFrom methods as is
#' @return Returns a \code{list} object with following components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{newY: }{if \code{return_matrix} is \code{TRUE}, the adjusted matrix will be return.}
#' \item{fullalpha: }{Alpha estimated from the fastRUVIII model.}
#' \item{M: }{Replicate matrix.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Loading example data
#' data('example_sce', package = 'scMerge')
#' ## Previously computed stably expressed genes
#' data('segList_ensemblGeneID', package = 'scMerge')
#' ## Running an example data with minimal inputs
#' library(SingleCellExperiment)
#' exprsMat <- scMerge2(exprsMat = logcounts(example_sce),
#' batch = example_sce$batch,
#' ctl = segList_ensemblGeneID$mouse$mouse_scSEG)
#' assay(example_sce, "scMerge2") <- exprsMat$newY
#' example_sce = scater::runPCA(example_sce, exprs_values = 'scMerge2')
#' scater::plotPCA(example_sce, colour_by = 'cellTypes', shape = 'batch')
scMerge2 <- function(exprsMat,
cellTypes = NULL,
condition = NULL,
ctl = rownames(exprsMat),
chosen.hvg = NULL,
ruvK = 20,
use_bpparam = BiocParallel::SerialParam(),
use_bsparam = BiocSingular::RandomParam(),
use_bnparam = BiocNeighbors::AnnoyParam(),
pseudoBulk_fn = "create_pseudoBulk",
k_pseudoBulk = 30,
k_celltype = 10,
exprsMat_counts = NULL,
cosineNorm = TRUE,
return_subset = FALSE,
return_subset_genes = NULL,
return_matrix = TRUE,
byChunk = TRUE,
chunkSize = 50000,
verbose = TRUE,
seed = 1) {
# Input check
## In case there are complete zeroes in the rows or columns
colsum_exprs <- DelayedMatrixStats::colSums2(exprsMat)
rowsum_exprs <- DelayedMatrixStats::rowSums2(exprsMat)
# if(any(rowsum_exprs == 0)){
# message("Automatically removing ",
# sum(rowsum_exprs == 0), " genes that are all zeroes in the data")
# exprsMat <- exprsMat[rowsum_exprs != 0, ]
# if (!is.null(exprsMat_counts)) {
# exprsMat_counts <- exprsMat_counts[rowsum_exprs != 0, ]
# }
# }
if(any(colsum_exprs == 0)){
message("Automatically removing ", sum(colsum_exprs == 0),
" cells that are all zeroes in the data")
exprsMat <- exprsMat[, colsum_exprs != 0]
batch <- batch[colsum_exprs != 0]
if (!is.null(cellTypes)) {
cellTypes <- cellTypes[colsum_exprs != 0]
if (!is.null(condition)) {
condition <- condition[colsum_exprs != 0]
if (!is.null(exprsMat_counts)) {
exprsMat_counts <- exprsMat_counts[ , colsum_exprs != 0]
.check_input_scMerge2(exprsMat, batch,
cellTypes, condition,
ctl, chosen.hvg, return_subset_genes,
batch <- as.character(batch)
if (!is.null(condition)) {
condition <- as.character(condition)
batch_list <- sort(unique(batch))
if (!is.null(condition)) {
cond_mode <- TRUE
condition_list <- sort(unique(condition))
sample <- paste(batch, condition, sep = "_")
sample_list <- sort(unique(sample))
pseudobulk_sample <- sample
pseudobulk_sample_list <- sample_list
pseudobulk_batch <- batch
pseudobulk_batch_list <- batch_list
} else {
cond_mode <- FALSE
sample <- batch
pseudobulk_sample <- batch
pseudobulk_sample_list <- batch_list
pseudobulk_batch <- batch
pseudobulk_batch_list <- batch_list
meta_sample <- cbind(batch = batch, sample = sample, condition = condition)
meta_sample <- unique(meta_sample)
if (methods::is(exprsMat, "matrix")) {
exprsMat <- methods::as(exprsMat, "CsparseMatrix")
if (is.null(chosen.hvg)) {
chosen.hvg <- try(feature_selection(exprsMat, batch, use_bpparam = use_bpparam),
silent = TRUE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(chosen.hvg)) {
stop("HVG identification fail. Please manually input a hvg list in hvg.")
clust <- group_wtihin_batch(exprsMat = exprsMat,
cellTypes = cellTypes,
pseudobulk_batch_list = pseudobulk_batch_list,
pseudobulk_batch = pseudobulk_batch,
pseudobulk_sample_list = pseudobulk_sample_list,
pseudobulk_sample = pseudobulk_sample,
chosen.hvg = chosen.hvg,
k_celltype = k_celltype,
use_bpparam = use_bpparam,
use_bnparam = use_bnparam,
seed = seed,
verbose = verbose)
if (cosineNorm) {
if (verbose) {
print("Normalising data")
exprsMat <- batchelor::cosineNorm(exprsMat, BPPARAM = use_bpparam)
if (verbose) {
print("Constructing pseudo-bulk")
construct_bulk_res <- construct_pseudoBulk(exprsMat = exprsMat,
exprsMat_counts = exprsMat_counts,
pseudobulk_sample = pseudobulk_sample,
pseudobulk_sample_list = pseudobulk_sample_list,
clust = clust,
cosineNorm = cosineNorm,
pseudoBulk_fn = pseudoBulk_fn,
k_pseudoBulk = k_pseudoBulk,
use_bpparam = use_bpparam,
verbose = verbose)
bulkExprs <- construct_bulk_res$bulkExprs
pseudo_batch <- construct_bulk_res$pseudo_batch
bulk_clustering_res <- construct_bulk_res$bulk_clustering_res
bulk_clustering_distProp <- construct_bulk_res$bulk_clustering_distProp
if (verbose) {
print("Identifying MNC using pseudo-bulk:")
if (cond_mode) {
if (verbose) {
bulk_clustering_res_condition <- meta_sample[match(pseudobulk_sample_list, meta_sample[, "sample"]), "condition"]
replicate_vector_condition <- lapply(condition_list, function(x) {
idx <- bulk_clustering_res_condition == x
bulk_clustering_subset <- bulk_clustering_res[idx]
mnc_res <- findMNC(bulkExprs[chosen.hvg, names(unlist(bulk_clustering_subset))],
bulk_clustering_subset, dist = "cor",
BPPARAM = use_bpparam,
plot_igraph = verbose)
replicate_vector <- mncReplicate(clustering_list = bulk_clustering_subset,
clustering_distProp = bulk_clustering_distProp[idx],
replicate_prop = 1, mnc_df = mnc_res)
replicate_vector_condition <- lapply(1:length(replicate_vector_condition), function(i) {
res <- paste(condition_list[i], replicate_vector_condition[[i]], sep = "_")
names(res) <- names(replicate_vector_condition[[i]])
replicate_vector_condition <- unlist(replicate_vector_condition)
replicate_vector <- replicate_vector_condition[colnames(bulkExprs)]
if (!cond_mode) {
mnc_res <- findMNC(bulkExprs[chosen.hvg, ],
bulk_clustering_res, dist = "cor",
BPPARAM = use_bpparam,
plot_igraph = verbose)
replicate_vector <- mncReplicate(clustering_list = bulk_clustering_res,
clustering_distProp = bulk_clustering_distProp,
replicate_prop = 1, mnc_df = mnc_res)
if (return_subset) {
if (is.null(return_subset_genes)) {
subset_genes <- chosen.hvg
} else {
subset_genes <- intersect(return_subset_genes, rownames(exprsMat))
} else {
subset_genes <- NULL
if (verbose) {
print("Running RUV")
res <- pseudoRUVIII(Y = t(exprsMat),
Y_pseudo = t(bulkExprs),
M = ruv::replicate.matrix(replicate_vector),
ctl = rownames(exprsMat) %in% ctl,
k = ruvK,
BSPARAM = use_bsparam,
return.info = TRUE,
subset = subset_genes,
normalised = return_matrix,
verbose = verbose,
byChunk = byChunk,
chunkSize = chunkSize)
if (return_matrix) {
res$newY <- t(res$newY)
gc(reset = TRUE)
#' @title getAdjustedMat
#' @description Get Adjusted Matrix with scMerge2 parameter estimated
#' @author Yingxin Lin
#' @param exprsMat A gene (row) by cell (column) matrix to be adjusted.
#' @param fullalpha A matrix indicates the estimated alpha returned by \code{scMerge2()}.
#' @param ctl A character vector of negative control. It should have a non-empty intersection with the rows of exprsMat.
#' @param adjusted_means A rowwise mean of the gene by cell matrix
#' @param ruvK An integer indicates the number of unwanted variation factors that are removed, default is 20.
#' @param return_subset_genes An optional character vector of indicates the subset of genes will be adjusted.
#' @importFrom DelayedArray DelayedArray t
#' @importFrom DelayedMatrixStats colMeans2
#' @return Returns the adjusted matrix will be return.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Loading example data
#' data('example_sce', package = 'scMerge')
#' ## Previously computed stably expressed genes
#' data('segList_ensemblGeneID', package = 'scMerge')
#' ## Running an example data with minimal inputs
#' library(SingleCellExperiment)
#' scMerge2_res <- scMerge2(exprsMat = logcounts(example_sce),
#' batch = example_sce$batch,
#' ctl = segList_ensemblGeneID$mouse$mouse_scSEG,
#' return_matrix = FALSE)
#' cosineNorm_mat <- batchelor::cosineNorm(logcounts(example_sce))
#' adjusted_means <- DelayedMatrixStats::rowMeans2(cosineNorm_mat)
#' newY <- getAdjustedMat(cosineNorm_mat, scMerge2_res$fullalpha,
#' ctl = segList_ensemblGeneID$mouse$mouse_scSEG,
#' ruvK = 20,
#' adjusted_means = adjusted_means)
#' assay(example_sce, "scMerge2") <- newY
#' example_sce = scater::runPCA(example_sce, exprs_values = 'scMerge2')
#' scater::plotPCA(example_sce, colour_by = 'cellTypes', shape = 'batch')
getAdjustedMat <- function(exprsMat, fullalpha,
ctl = rownames(exprsMat),
adjusted_means = NULL,
ruvK = 20,
return_subset_genes = NULL) {
exprsMat <- DelayedArray(exprsMat)
exprsMat <- DelayedArray::t(exprsMat)
if (class(ctl) %in% c("character")) {
ctl <- intersect(colnames(exprsMat), ctl)
if (length(ctl) == 0) {
stop("No provided ctl genes in the data")
if (!is.null(return_subset_genes)) {
return_subset_genes <- intersect(colnames(exprsMat), return_subset_genes)
if (length(return_subset_genes) == 0) {
stop("No provided return_subset_genes genes in the data")
m <- nrow(exprsMat)
if (is.null(adjusted_means)) {
Y_stand <- sweep(exprsMat, 2, DelayedMatrixStats::colMeans2(exprsMat), "-")
} else {
Y_stand <- sweep(exprsMat, 2, adjusted_means, "-")
fullalpha <- DelayedArray(fullalpha)
alpha <- fullalpha[seq_len(min(ruvK, nrow(fullalpha))), , drop = FALSE]
W <- Y_stand[, ctl] %*% DelayedArray::t(alpha[, ctl]) %*% solve(alpha[, ctl] %*% DelayedArray::t(alpha[, ctl]))
if (!is.null(return_subset_genes)) {
newY <- exprsMat[, return_subset_genes] - DelayedArray::DelayedArray(W %*% alpha[, return_subset_genes])
} else {
newY <- exprsMat - DelayedArray::DelayedArray(W %*% alpha)
newY <- t(newY)
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