knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE)
library(ggplot2) library(reshape2) library(dplyr) library(pheatmap) library(limma) library(DT) library(tidyr) library(igraph) library(grid) library(plotly) organism = "" library(organism, character.only = TRUE) library(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v79) library(msigdbr) library(clusterProfiler) library(DOSE) library(enrichplot) library(data.table) library(DT)
find_de_CCI <- function(data){ data <- t(data) patient <- unlist( lapply( strsplit( colnames(data), "_cond_"), `[`, 1) ) remove <- which(patient == "NA") if (length(remove) > 0 ){ patient <- patient[-c(remove)] data <- data[ , -c(remove)] } condition <- unlist( lapply( strsplit( colnames(data), "_cond_"), `[`, 2)) condition <- data.frame(condition = condition ) design <- model.matrix(~condition, data = condition) fit <- lmFit(data, design) fit <- eBayes(fit) tT <- topTable(fit, n = Inf) tT <- tT[ tT$P.Value < 0.1, ] celltype <- unlist(lapply ( strsplit( rownames(tT), split = "--", fixed=TRUE ), `[`, 1)) celltype <- sort(table(celltype), decreasing = TRUE) celltype <- celltype[1:min(length(celltype), 3)] celltype <- data.frame(data.frame(celltype)) number_celltype <- nrow( tT ) return( result = list(number_celltype, celltype)) } find_de_pathway_specific <- function(data){ celltype <- unlist( lapply(strsplit(colnames(data) ,split = "-", fixed=TRUE ) , `[`, 2) ) df <- NULL for (thiscelltype in unique(celltype)){ index <- which(celltype == thiscelltype) thisdata <- data[, index ] thisresult <- find_de_not_celltype_specific( thisdata ) df <- rbind(df, data.frame( thiscelltype , thisresult[[1]][1], thisresult[[1]][1] / ncol(thisdata) ) ) } colnames(df) <- c("celltype" , "num_sig_features" , "prop_sig_features") df <- df[order(df$prop_sig_features, decreasing = TRUE), ] df <- df[ 1: min(nrow(df), 3), ] return(df ) } find_de_celltype_specific <- function(data){ celltype <- unlist( lapply(strsplit(colnames(data) , split = "-", fixed=TRUE ) , `[`, 1) ) df <- NULL for (thiscelltype in unique(celltype)){ index <- which(celltype == thiscelltype) thisdata <- data[, index, drop=FALSE ] thisresult <- find_de_not_celltype_specific( thisdata ) df <- rbind(df, data.frame( thiscelltype , thisresult[[1]][1], thisresult[[1]][1] / ncol(thisdata) ) ) } colnames(df) <- c("celltype" , "num_sig_features" , "prop_sig_features") df <- df[order(df$prop_sig_features, decreasing = TRUE), ] df <- df[ 1: min(nrow(df), 3), ] return(df ) } find_de_not_celltype_specific <- function(data){ data <- t(data) patient <- unlist( lapply( strsplit( colnames(data), "_cond_"), `[`, 1) ) remove <- which(patient == "NA") if (length(remove) > 0 ){ patient <- patient[-c(remove)] data <- data[ , -c(remove)] } condition <- unlist( lapply( strsplit( colnames(data), "_cond_"), `[`, 2)) condition <- data.frame(condition = condition ) design <- model.matrix(~condition, data = condition) fit <- lmFit(data, design) fit <- eBayes(fit) tT <- topTable(fit, n = Inf) tT <- tT[ tT$P.Value < 0.1, ] number_celltype <- nrow( tT ) top_celltype <- rownames(tT)[1:min(number_celltype, 3)] return( result = list(number_celltype, top_celltype)) } find_de_celltype_interaction <- function(data){ data <- t(data) patient <- unlist( lapply( strsplit( colnames(data), "_cond_"), `[`, 1) ) remove <- which(patient == "NA") if (length(remove) > 0 ){ patient <- patient[-c(remove)] data <- data[ , -c(remove)] } condition <- unlist( lapply( strsplit( colnames(data), "_cond_"), `[`, 2)) condition <- data.frame(condition = condition ) design <- model.matrix(~condition, data = condition) fit <- lmFit(data, design) fit <- eBayes(fit) tT <- topTable(fit, n = Inf) tT <- tT[ tT$P.Value < 0.1, ] celltype <- rownames(tT) celltype <- sort(table(celltype), decreasing = TRUE) celltype <- celltype[1:min(length(celltype), 3)] celltype <- data.frame(data.frame(celltype)) number_celltype <- nrow( tT ) return( result = list(number_celltype, celltype)) }
This file runs association study using the given features and sample conditions and plots the key features from each feature category using a representative figure. The purpose is not to provide a comprehensive analysis in a single HTML but to help point directions for future investigation.
Here we provide a brief overview of the association study result, including the number of features in each feature type, and the number of features that are significantly associated ( P-value < 0.1) with the conditions of the interest.
num_features <- lapply(scfeatures_result, dim) num_features <- t( data.frame( lapply(num_features, `[` , 2) )) colnames(num_features) <- "Number of features"
# get number of DE's in proportion_raw df <- NULL if ( "proportion_raw" %in% names( scfeatures_result ) ){ data <- scfeatures_result$proportion_raw de_proportion_raw <- find_de_not_celltype_specific(data) de_proportion_raw <- data.frame("proportion_raw" , de_proportion_raw[[1]][1], paste0( unlist( de_proportion_raw[[2]]), collapse=", " ) ) df <- rbindlist(list(df ,de_proportion_raw ), use.names=FALSE ) } if ("proportion_logit" %in% names( scfeatures_result )){ data <- scfeatures_result$proportion_logit de_proportion_logit <- find_de_not_celltype_specific(data) de_proportion_logit <- data.frame("proportion_logit" , de_proportion_logit [[1]][1], paste0( unlist( de_proportion_logit [[2]]), collapse=", " ) ) df <- rbindlist(list(df , de_proportion_logit ), use.names=FALSE ) } if ("proportion_ratio" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$proportion_ratio de_proportion_ratio <- find_de_CCI(data) de_proportion_ratio <- data.frame("proportion_ratio" , de_proportion_ratio[[1]][1], paste0( unlist( de_proportion_ratio[[2]]$celltype ), collapse="\n" ) ) df <- rbindlist(list(df , de_proportion_ratio ), use.names=FALSE ) } if ("gene_mean_celltype" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$gene_mean_celltype de_gene_mean_celltype <- find_de_celltype_specific(data) de_gene_mean_celltype <- data.frame("gene_mean_celltype" , sum( de_gene_mean_celltype$num_sig_features), paste0( unlist( de_gene_mean_celltype$celltype ), collapse=", " ) ) df <- rbindlist(list(df , de_gene_mean_celltype ), use.names=FALSE ) } if ("gene_prop_celltype" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$gene_prop_celltype de_gene_prop_celltype <- find_de_celltype_specific(data) de_gene_prop_celltype <- data.frame("gene_prop_celltype" , sum( de_gene_prop_celltype$num_sig_features), paste0( unlist( de_gene_prop_celltype$celltype ), collapse=", " ) ) df <- rbindlist(list(df , de_gene_prop_celltype ), use.names=FALSE ) } if ("gene_cor_celltype" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$gene_cor_celltype de_gene_cor_celltype <- find_de_celltype_specific(data) de_gene_cor_celltype <- data.frame("gene_cor_celltype" , sum( de_gene_cor_celltype$num_sig_features), paste0( unlist( de_gene_cor_celltype$celltype ), collapse=", " ) ) df <- rbindlist(list(df , de_gene_cor_celltype), use.names=FALSE ) } if ("pathway_gsva" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$pathway_gsva de_pathway_gsva <- find_de_pathway_specific(data) de_pathway_gsva <- data.frame("pathway_gsva" , sum( de_pathway_gsva$num_sig_features), paste0( unlist( de_pathway_gsva$celltype ), collapse=", " ) ) df <- rbindlist(list(df , de_pathway_gsva ), use.names=FALSE ) } if ("pathway_mean" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$pathway_mean de_pathway_mean <- find_de_pathway_specific(data) de_pathway_mean <- data.frame("pathway_mean" , sum( de_pathway_mean$num_sig_features), paste0( unlist( de_pathway_mean$celltype ), collapse=", " ) ) df <- rbindlist(list(df , de_pathway_mean ), use.names=FALSE ) } if ("pathway_prop" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$pathway_prop de_pathway_prop <- find_de_pathway_specific(data) de_pathway_prop <- data.frame("pathway_prop" , sum(de_pathway_prop$num_sig_features), paste0( unlist( de_pathway_prop$celltype ), collapse=", " ) ) df <- rbindlist(list(df , de_pathway_prop ), use.names=FALSE ) } if ("CCI" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$CCI de_CCI <- find_de_CCI(data) de_CCI <- data.frame("CCI" , de_CCI[[1]][1] , paste0( unlist( de_CCI[[2]]$celltype ), collapse=", " ) ) df <- rbindlist(list(df , de_CCI ), use.names=FALSE ) } if ("gene_mean_bulk" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$gene_mean_bulk de_gene_mean_bulk <- find_de_not_celltype_specific(data) de_gene_mean_bulk <- data.frame("gene_mean_bulk" , de_gene_mean_bulk[[1]][1] , "not applicable" ) df <- rbindlist(list(df , de_gene_mean_bulk ), use.names=FALSE ) } if ("gene_cor_bulk" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$gene_cor_bulk de_gene_cor_bulk <- find_de_not_celltype_specific(data) de_gene_cor_bulk <- data.frame("gene_cor_bulk" , de_gene_cor_bulk[[1]][1] , "not applicable" ) df <- rbindlist(list(df ,de_gene_cor_bulk), use.names=FALSE ) } if ("gene_prop_bulk" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$gene_prop_bulk de_gene_prop_bulk <- find_de_not_celltype_specific(data) de_gene_prop_bulk <- data.frame("gene_prop_bulk" , de_gene_prop_bulk[[1]][1] , "not applicable" ) df <- rbindlist(list(df , de_gene_prop_bulk ), use.names=FALSE ) } if ("L_stats" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$L_stats de_L_stats <- find_de_celltype_interaction(data) de_L_stats <- data.frame("L_stats" , de_L_stats[[1]][1] , paste0( unlist( de_L_stats [[2]]$celltype ), collapse=", " ) ) df <- rbindlist(list(df , de_L_stats ), use.names=FALSE ) } if ("morans_I" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$morans_I de_morans_I <- find_de_not_celltype_specific(data) de_morans_I <- data.frame("morans_I" , de_morans_I[[1]][1] , "not applicable" ) df <- rbindlist(list(df , de_morans_I), use.names=FALSE ) } if ("celltype_interaction" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$celltype_interaction de_celltype_interaction <- find_de_celltype_interaction(data) de_celltype_interaction <- data.frame("celltype_interaction" , de_celltype_interaction [[1]][1] , paste0( unlist( de_celltype_interaction [[2]]$celltype ), collapse=", " ) ) df <- rbindlist(list(df , de_celltype_interaction), use.names=FALSE ) } if ("nn_correlation" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$nn_correlation de_nn_correlation <- find_de_not_celltype_specific(data) de_nn_correlation <- data.frame("nn_correlation" , de_nn_correlation[[1]][1] , "not applicable") df <- rbindlist(list(df ,de_nn_correlation ), use.names=FALSE ) } num_features <- data.frame(num_features) num_features$feature_type <- rownames(num_features) colnames(df) <- c("feature_type", "number of significant features", "top three important cell types") df <- merge(df, num_features, by.x = "feature_type" , by.y = "feature_type") df <- df[, c(1, 4, 2, 3)] colnames(df) <- c("feature type", "total number of features", "number of significant features", "top three important cell types") datatable(df)
plot_barplot <- function(data , dodge=F ){ data$patient <- unlist( lapply( strsplit( rownames(data ), "_cond_"), `[`, 1)) data$condition <- unlist( lapply( strsplit( rownames(data ), "_cond_"), `[`, 2)) data <- melt(data, id=c("patient", "condition")) ) if(dodge){ p <- ggplot(data , aes( x = patient , y = value , fill = variable) ) + geom_bar(stat="identity" ) + facet_wrap(~variable+condition, scale="free") + theme_minimal() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust=1)) } else{ p <- ggplot(data , aes( x = patient , y = value , fill = variable) ) + geom_bar(stat="identity" ) + facet_wrap(~condition, scale="free") + theme_minimal() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust=1)) } return (p) }
plot_boxplot <- function(data, num_feature = 3 ){ data <- t(data) patient <- unlist( lapply( strsplit( colnames(data), "_cond_"), `[`, 1) ) remove <- which(patient == "NA") if (length(remove) > 0 ){ patient <- patient[-c(remove)] data <- data[ , -c(remove)] } condition <- unlist( lapply( strsplit( colnames(data), "_cond_"), `[`, 2)) condition <- data.frame(condition = condition ) design <- model.matrix(~condition, data = condition) fit <- lmFit(data, design) fit <- eBayes(fit) tT <- topTable(fit, n = Inf) data <- melt(data) print(paste0( "up regulated in ", unique(condition$condition)[1])) top_gene <- tT[ tT$logFC > 0 , ] top_gene <- rownames(top_gene ) top_gene <- top_gene[1:min(num_feature, length(top_gene) ) ] if (length(top_gene ) == 0){ }else { data_toplot <- data[data$Var1 %in% top_gene, ] data_toplot$cond <- unlist( lapply( strsplit(as.character(data_toplot$Var2), "_cond_"), `[`, 2)) data_toplot$Var1 <- factor(data_toplot$Var1, levels =top_gene ) p <- ggplot( data_toplot, aes( y = value, x = Var1 , colour = cond, text = Var2)) + geom_boxplot() + geom_point(aes(fill = cond), size = 1, shape = 21, position = position_jitterdodge()) + theme_minimal() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust=1)) } return (p ) }
plot_pca <- function(data, filename ){ gse_pca <- prcomp( data) condition <- unlist( lapply( strsplit(rownames(data), "_cond_" ) , `[`, 2)) df_toplot <- data.frame(condition , pc1 = gse_pca$x[,1], pc2 = gse_pca$x[,2] ) df_toplot$patient <- rownames(df_toplot) p <- ggplot(df_toplot, aes(x = pc1, y = pc2, color = condition , text = patient )) + geom_point(size = 4) + theme_minimal() return (p ) }
knitr::include_graphics( system.file("extdata/figure", "celltypeproportion_example_figures.png", package = "scFeatures") )
if ("proportion_raw" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$proportion_raw p <- plot_barplot(data ) ggplotly(p) }
if ("proportion_raw" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$proportion_raw p <- plot_boxplot(data ) ggplotly(p) |> layout(boxmode = "group") }
if ("proportion_raw" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$proportion_raw p <- plot_pca(data ) ggplotly(p) }
plot_heatmap_bulk <- function(data , num_features = 20 ){ patient <- unlist( lapply( strsplit( colnames(data), "_cond_"), `[`, 1) ) remove <- which(patient == "NA") if (length(remove) > 0 ){ patient <- patient[-c(remove)] data <- data[ , -c(remove)] } condition <- unlist( lapply( strsplit( colnames(data), "_cond_"), `[`, 2)) condition <- data.frame(condition = condition ) design <- model.matrix(~condition, data = condition) fit <- lmFit(data, design) fit <- eBayes(fit) suppressMessages ( tT <- topTable(fit, n = Inf) ) gene_output <- tT # print ( DT::datatable(round(tT, 2)) ) print(paste0( "up regulated in ", unique(condition$condition)[1])) top_gene <- tT[ tT$logFC > 0 , ] top_gene <- rownames(top_gene )[1:min( num_features, nrow(top_gene)) ] rownames( condition) <- colnames(data) if ( all( ){ p <- "no significant genes" }else if (length(top_gene) == 1){ pheatmap( data[top_gene, , drop=FALSE] , annotation = condition, cluster_rows = FALSE , color=colorRampPalette(c("navy", "white", "red"))(50) ) }else{ p <- pheatmap( data[top_gene, ] , annotation = condition, fontsize_row = 5 , fontsize_col = 5, scale = "row" , color=colorRampPalette(c("navy", "white", "red"))(50) ) } return(list( gene_output = gene_output, p = p ) ) } plot_go_bulk <- function(gene_output ){ try({ print("up regulated") up <- rownames(gene_output[gene_output$logFC > 0, ])[1:200] gse <- enrichGO(gene = up , ont ="BP" , keyType = "SYMBOL" , minGSSize = 3, maxGSSize = 800, pvalueCutoff =0.05, pAdjustMethod = "fdr", OrgDb = organism ) dotplot <- dotplot(gse, showCategory=10, font.size = 8 ) gse <- enrichplot::pairwise_termsim(gse) emapplot <- emapplot(gse, showCategory = 10, cex_label_category=0.7, cex_line = 0.7 , cex_category = 0.7) treeplot <- treeplot(gse, fontsize = 3 , cex_category = 0.2, label_format = 5, offset = 5) }) return (list( dotplot = dotplot , emapplot = emapplot , treeplot = treeplot )) }
knitr::include_graphics( system.file("extdata/figure", "celltypegene_example_figures.png" , package = "scFeatures") )
if ("gene_mean_celltype" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$gene_mean_celltype data <- t(data) celltype <- rownames(data) celltype <- unlist( lapply( strsplit(celltype,split = "-", fixed=TRUE ), `[`, 1) ) topcelltype <- strsplit( de_gene_mean_celltype[, 3] , ", ")[[1]][1] data <- data[ which(celltype == topcelltype ) , ] result <- plot_heatmap_bulk(data , num_features = 20 ) gene_output <- result$gene_output result$p }
if ("gene_mean_celltype" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ gene_output$gene <- rownames(gene_output) g <- ggplot(gene_output, aes(x = AveExpr, y = logFC , text = gene))+ geom_point(aes(colour=-log10(P.Value)), alpha=1/3, size=1) + scale_colour_gradient(low="blue",high="red")+ ylab("log2 fold change") + xlab("Average expression")+ theme_minimal() ggplotly(g) }
if ("gene_mean_celltype" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ p <- ggplot( gene_output , aes(logFC,-log10(P.Value) , text = gene ) )+ geom_point(aes(colour=-log10(P.Value)), alpha=1/3, size=1) + scale_colour_gradient(low="blue",high="red")+ xlab("log2 fold change") + ylab("-log10 p-value") + theme_minimal() ggplotly(p) }
if ("gene_mean_celltype" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ p <- plot_pca(t( data) ) ggplotly(p) }
if ("gene_mean_celltype" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ rownames( gene_output ) <- make.unique(unlist( lapply ( strsplit( rownames( gene_output ) , split = "-", fixed=TRUE ), `[` , 2) )) result <- plot_go_bulk(gene_output ) print(result$dotplot) }
if ("gene_mean_celltype" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ print(result$emapplot) }
if ("gene_mean_celltype" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ print(result$treeplot) }
knitr::include_graphics( system.file("extdata/figure", "pathway_example_figures.png" , package = "scFeatures") )
if ("pathway_mean" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$pathway_mean data <- t(data) gene_output <- plot_heatmap_bulk(data ) gene_output$p }
if ("pathway_mean" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ p <- plot_boxplot(t(data) ) ggplotly(p) |>layout(boxmode = "group") }
if ("pathway_mean" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ p <- plot_pca(t( data) ) ggplotly(p) }
plot_CCI <- function(data ){ patient <- unlist( lapply( strsplit( colnames(data), "_cond_"), `[`, 1) ) remove <- which(patient == "NA") if (length(remove) > 0 ){ patient <- patient[-c(remove)] data <- data[ , -c(remove)] } condition <- unlist( lapply( strsplit( colnames(data), "_cond_"), `[`, 2) ) celltype <- unlist( lapply( strsplit( rownames(data), split = "--", fixed=TRUE ), `[`, 1) ) thiscelltype <- unique(celltype)[1] df <- NULL for (thiscelltype in unique(celltype)){ data_thiscelltype <- data[which(celltype == thiscelltype), ] cond1_count <- data_thiscelltype[, which( condition == unique( condition)[1])] cond1_count <- sum(cond1_count != 0)/ncol(cond1_count) cond2_count <-data_thiscelltype[ , which( condition == unique( condition)[2])] cond2_count <- sum( cond2_count !=0 )/ncol(cond2_count) temp <- data.frame(ligand = strsplit( thiscelltype, split = "->", fixed=TRUE )[[1]][1], receptor = strsplit( thiscelltype, split = "->", fixed=TRUE )[[1]][2], diff = cond1_count - cond2_count ) df <- rbind(df, temp) } df <- tidyr::pivot_wider(df, names_from = receptor, values_from = diff) ) rownames(df) <- df$ligand df <- df[, -1] setHook("grid.newpage", function() pushViewport(viewport(x=1,y=1,width=0.9, height=0.9, name="vp", just=c("right","top"))), action="prepend") pheatmap( df , fontsize_row = 10 , fontsize_col = 10, cluster_cols = FALSE, cluster_rows = FALSE , display_numbers = TRUE, number_color = "black" ) setHook("grid.newpage", NULL, "replace") grid::grid.text("sender (ligand)", y=-0.07, gp=gpar(fontsize=16)) grid::grid.text("target (receptor)", x=-0.07, rot=90, gp=gpar(fontsize=16)) return(df) } plot_CCI_difference <- function(df){ # df_net <- round( as.matrix(df) , 2) g <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(df_net, mode = "directed", weighted = TRUE) E(g)$color <- ifelse(E(g)$weight > 0,'coral1','cornflowerblue') E(g)$label.color<- "black" plot(g, edge.curved=0.3 , edge.arrow.size=0.4, vertex.label.dist=4 , edge.width=as.integer(cut(abs(E(g)$weight), breaks = 5)) , edge.label = E(g)$weight, vertex.color="azure", vertex.label.color="black" ,"Helvetica","Helvetica") }
knitr::include_graphics( system.file("extdata/figure", "CCI_example_figures.png" , package = "scFeatures") )
For each interacting cell type, the difference is calculated as:
\frac{total\: number\: of\: non-zero\: interactions \:in \: condition 1\: patients}{number \:of\: condition 1\:patients} - \frac{total\: number\: of\: non-zero\: interactions \:in \: condition 2\: patients}{number \:of\: condition 2 \:patients}
if ("CCI" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$CCI data <- t(data) data <- data[, !colnames(data) == "NA"] result <- plot_heatmap_bulk(data, num_feature = 20 ) gene_output <- result$gene_output result$p }
if ("CCI" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ df <- plot_CCI(data ) }
if ("CCI" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ p <- plot_pca(t(data) ) ggplotly(p) }
if ("CCI" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ plot_CCI_difference(df) }
if ("CCI" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ p <- plot_boxplot(t(data)) ggplotly(p) |>layout(boxmode = "group") }
knitr::include_graphics( system.file("extdata/figure", "aggregatedgene_example_figures.png" , package = "scFeatures") )
if ("gene_mean_bulk" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- as.matrix ( scfeatures_result$gene_mean_bulk) data <- t(data) result <- plot_heatmap_bulk(data , num_features = 20) gene_output <- result$gene_output result$p }
if ("gene_mean_bulk" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ gene_output$gene <- rownames(gene_output) g <- ggplot(gene_output, aes(x = AveExpr, y = logFC, text = gene))+ geom_point(aes(colour=-log10(P.Value)), alpha=1/3, size=1) + scale_colour_gradient(low="blue",high="red")+ ylab("log2 fold change") + xlab("Average expression")+ theme_minimal() ggplotly(g) }
if ("gene_mean_bulk" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ p <- ggplot( gene_output , aes(logFC,-log10(P.Value) , text = gene) )+ geom_point(aes(colour=-log10(P.Value)), alpha=1/3, size=1) + scale_colour_gradient(low="blue",high="red")+ xlab("log2 fold change") + ylab("-log10 p-value") + theme_minimal() ggplotly(p) }
if ("gene_mean_bulk" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ plot_pca( t(data) ) }
if ("gene_mean_bulk" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ result <- plot_go_bulk( gene_output ) print(result$dotplot) }
if ("gene_mean_bulk" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ print(result$emapplot) }
if ("gene_mean_bulk" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ print(result$treeplot) }
knitr::include_graphics( system.file("extdata/figure", "spatial_example_figures.png", package = "scFeatures") )
if ("morans_I" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ data <- scfeatures_result$morans_I data <- t(data) gene_output <- plot_heatmap_bulk(data, num_features = 20 ) }
if ("morans_I" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ p <- plot_boxplot( t(data) ) ggplotly(p) |>layout(boxmode = "group") }
if ("morans_I" %in% names(scfeatures_result)){ p <- plot_pca( t(data) ) ggplotly(p) }
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