#' @title scDC_noClustering
#' @description Single-cell Differential Composition Analysis without performing clustering
#' @author Yingxin Lin
#' @param cellTypes A vector indicates the cell type info of the data
#' @param subject A vector indicates the subject info of the data
#' @param calCI A logical input for whether calculating the confidence interval for proportion
#' @param calCI_method A string indicates the method that is used to calculate confidence interval. Options include \code{BCa}, \code{percentile}, and \code{multinom}.
#' @param nboot Number of bootstrap. If \code{calCI = TRUE}, \code{nboot = 10000} by default. Otherwise, \code{nboot = 500}.
#' @param conf_level confidence level, with default 0.95
#' @param ncores Number of cores that are used.
#' @param verbose A logical input for whether print the progress.
#' @return Returns a data frame.
#' @import parallel
#' @import reshape2
#' @import DescTools
#' @import stats
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Loading example data
#' library(scDC)
#' data("sim")
#' cellTypes = sim$sim_cellTypes
#' subject = sim$sim_subject
#' \dontrun{
#' res_noCALCI = scDC_noClustering(cellTypes, subject, calCI = FALSE)
#' res_BCa = scDC_noClustering(cellTypes, subject, calCI = TRUE, calCI_method = "BCa")
#' res_percentile = scDC_noClustering(cellTypes, subject, calCI = TRUE, calCI_method = "percentile")
#' res_multinom = scDC_noClustering(cellTypes, subject, calCI = TRUE, calCI_method = "multinom")
#' }
scDC_noClustering <- function (cellTypes = NULL,
subject = NULL,
calCI = TRUE,
calCI_method = c("BCa", "multinom", "percentile"),
nboot = 10000,
conf_level = 0.95,
ncores = 1,
verbose = TRUE)
x <- 1:length(cellTypes)
n <- length(x)
stop("the vector length of cell type info and subject info don't match!")
calCI_method <- match.arg(calCI_method, choices = c("BCa", "multinom",
"percentile"), several.ok = TRUE)
warnings("number of bootstrap is set as 10000")
nboot = 10000
warnings("number of bootstrap is set as 100")
nboot = 100
cellTypes <- as.character(cellTypes)
subject <- as.character(subject)
tab <- table(cellTypes, subject)
info <- reshape2::melt(tab)
print("Calculating sample proportion...")
df <- data.frame(cellTypes = cellTypes, subject = subject)
# thetahat <- .calculateProp(x, df)
calProp_hat <- .calculateProp(x, df)
thetahat <- calProp_hat$prop
nhat <- calProp_hat$count
print("Calculating bootstrap proportion...")
bootsam <- do.call(rbind, .stratifiedBootstrap(1:length(cellTypes),
strata = subject, times = nboot))
# thetastar <- do.call(cbind, parallel::mclapply(1:nboot, function(i){
# .calculateProp(bootsam[i,], df)
# }, mc.cores = ncores))
calProp_star <- parallel::mclapply(1:nboot, function(i){
.calculateProp(bootsam[i,], df)
}, mc.cores = ncores)
thetastar <- do.call(cbind, lapply(calProp_star, "[[", "prop"))
nstar <- do.call(cbind, lapply(calProp_star, "[[", "count"))
res_multinom <- NULL
res_BCa <- NULL
res_percentile <- NULL
alpha <- c((1-conf_level)/2, 1-(1-conf_level)/2)
if (!all(alpha < 1) || !all(alpha > 0))
stop("All elements of alpha must be in (0,1)")
alpha_sorted <- sort(alpha)
if (nboot <= 1/min(alpha_sorted[1], 1 - alpha_sorted[length(alpha_sorted)]))
warning("nboot is not large enough to estimate your chosen alpha.")
print(paste("Calculating", calCI_method, "..."))
if("multinom" %in% calCI_method){
### Calculating the CI based on the multinomial
confpoints = lapply(1:ncol(tab), function(i){
multi_res <- DescTools::MultinomCI(tab[,i], conf.level = conf_level)
multi_res <- multi_res[,-1]
colnames(multi_res) <- c("conf_low", "conf_high")
res_multinom <- info[,1:2]
res_multinom <- cbind(res_multinom, do.call(rbind, confpoints))
rownames(res_multinom) <- 1:nrow(res_multinom)
res_multinom$method <- "multinom"
# return(list(results = res,
# confpoints = confpoints,
# thetastar = thetastar,
# thetahat = thetahat,
# nstar = nstar,
# nhat = nhat,
# info = info))
if("BCa" %in% calCI_method){
print("Calculating z0 ...")
z0 <- sapply(1:nrow(thetastar), function(i) qnorm(sum(thetastar[i,] < thetahat[i])/nboot))
print("Calculating acc ...")
u <- list()
u <- parallel::mclapply(1:n, function(i){
.calculateProp(x[-i], df)$prop
}, mc.cores = ncores)
u <- do.call(cbind, u)
uu <- matrix(rep(rowMeans(u), ncol(u)), ncol = ncol(u)) - u
acc <- apply(uu, 1, function(x) sum(x * x * x)/(6 * (sum(x * x))^1.5))
zalpha <- qnorm(alpha)
tt <- list()
for(i in 1:length(z0)){
tt[[i]] <- pnorm(z0[i] + (z0[i] + zalpha)/(1 - acc[i] * (z0[i] + zalpha)))
confpoints <- lapply(1:length(tt), function(i) quantile(x = thetastar[i,], probs = tt[[i]], type = 1))
confpoints_original <- confpoints
confpoints <- lapply(confpoints, function(x) {
names(x) <- NULL
confpoints <- lapply(confpoints, function(x) cbind(alpha, x))
confpoints <- lapply(confpoints, function(x){
dimnames(x)[[2]] <- c("alpha", "bca point")
res_BCa <- info[,1:2]
res_BCa$conf_low <- do.call(rbind, lapply(confpoints, function(x)x[1,2]))
res_BCa$conf_high <- do.call(rbind, lapply(confpoints, function(x)x[2,2]))
colnames(res_BCa) <- c("cellTypes", "subject", "conf_low", "conf_high")
res_BCa$method <- "BCa"
# return(list(result = res,
# confpoints = confpoints,
# z0 = z0,
# acc = acc,
# u = u,
# thetastar = thetastar,
# thetahat = thetahat,
# nstar = nstar,
# nhat = nhat,
# info = info,
# confpoints_original = confpoints_original,
# tt = tt))
if("percentile" %in% calCI_method){
confpoints <- apply(thetastar, 1, function(x)quantile(x, probs = alpha))
res_percentile <- info[,1:2]
res_percentile$conf_low <- confpoints[1,]
res_percentile$conf_high <- confpoints[2,]
res_percentile$method <- "percentile"
# return(list(results = res,
# confpoints = confpoints,
# thetastar = thetastar,
# thetahat = thetahat,
# nstar = nstar,
# nhat = nhat,
# info = info))
res <- rbind(res_BCa, res_percentile, res_multinom)
return(list(results = res,
thetastar = thetastar,
thetahat = thetahat,
nstar = nstar,
nhat = nhat,
info = info))
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