#' @title fitGLM
#' @description Visualising the CI using barplot
#' @author Yingxin Lin
#' @param res results from \code{scDC_noClustering}, \code{scDC_clustering} function
#' @param condition a vector indicate the condition associate the results
#' @param subject_effect A logical input for whether fit the subject effect
#' @param pairwise A logical input for whether the subject in different condition are paired
#' @param fixed_only A logical input for whether only fiftting the fixed effect GLM model.
#' @param verbose A logical input for whether print the progress.
#' @return return GLM results
#' @import mice
#' @import lme4
#' @import broom.mixed
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Loading example data
#' \dontrun{
#' library(scDC)
#' data("sim")
#' cellTypes = sim$sim_cellTypes
#' subject = sim$sim_subject
#' res_scDC = scDC_noClustering(cellTypes, subject,
#' calCI = TRUE, calCI_method = c("BCa", "percentile"))
#' barplotCI(res_scDC, c("cond1","cond1","cond2","cond2"))
#' }
fitGLM <- function(res, condition, subject_effect = TRUE, pairwise = TRUE, fixed_only = FALSE, verbose = TRUE){
fit_random <- list()
fit_fixed <- list()
for(i in 1:ncol(res$nstar)){
# idx <- indexes_list[[i]]
print(paste("fitting GLM...", i))
glm_df <- cbind(res$info[,1:2], res$nstar[,i])
# glm_df <- melt(glm_df)
colnames(glm_df) <- c("cellTypes", "subject", "cell_count")
glm_df$cond <- condition
mod <- stats::glm(cell_count ~ cellTypes + cond + cellTypes:cond + subject,
data = glm_df,
family = poisson(link=log))
degree_freedom = mod$df.null
fit_fixed[[i]] <- stats::glm(cell_count ~ cellTypes + cond + cellTypes:cond + subject,
data = glm_df,
family = poisson(link=log))
fit_random[[i]] <- lme4::glmer(cell_count ~ cellTypes + cond + cellTypes:cond + (1 | subject ),
data = glm_df, family = poisson(link=log),
control = glmerControl(nAGQ = 0L))
fit_fixed[[i]] <- stats::glm(cell_count ~ cellTypes + cond + cellTypes:cond + subject,
data = glm_df, family = poisson(link=log))
fit_random[[i]] <- lme4::glmer(cell_count ~ cellTypes + cond +
cellTypes:cond + (1 | subject ), data = glm_df,
family = poisson(link=log),
control = glmerControl(nAGQ = 0L))
fit_fixed[[i]] <- stats::glm(cell_count ~ cellTypes + cond + cellTypes:cond, data = glm_df,
family = poisson(link=log))
fixed_only = TRUE
pool_res_random = mice::pool(fit_random, dfcom = degree_freedom)
pool_res_fixed = mice::pool(fit_fixed , dfcom = degree_freedom)
return(list(pool_res_random = pool_res_random,
pool_res_fixed = pool_res_fixed,
fit_random = fit_random,
fit_fixed = fit_fixed))
pool_res_fixed = mice::pool(fit_fixed, dfcom = degree_freedom)
return(list(pool_res_fixed = pool_res_fixed,
fit_fixed = fit_fixed))
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