### custom expectations ###
expect_na = function(x){
eval(bquote(expect_equal(sum( !is.na(.(x))), 0)))
expect_not_na = function(x){
eval(bquote(expect_equal(sum( is.na(.(x))), 0)))
### setup ###
hammer.counts = hammer@assayData$exprs[, 1:4]
hammer.design = hammer@phenoData@data[1:4, ]
# create a smaller set of counts to perform (faster) subsampling on
counts = hammer.counts[rowSums(hammer.counts) > 5000, ]
proportions = c(.01, .1, 1)
treatment = hammer.design$protocol
context("Individual handlers")
# for handlers, work with a small set that covers a range of sizes
smallcounts = hammer.counts[rowSums(hammer.counts) <= 100, ]
largecounts = hammer.counts[rowSums(hammer.counts) >= 100, ]
testcounts = rbind(smallcounts[sample(nrow(smallcounts), 20), ],
largecounts[sample(nrow(largecounts), 280), ])
test.output = function(output, numgenes=NULL) {
# run tests on the output of a handler
expect_that(output, is_a("data.frame"))
expect_true("pvalue" %in% colnames(output))
expect_true("coefficient" %in% colnames(output))
expect_true(all(output$pvalue[!is.na(output$pvalue)] >= 0))
expect_true(all(output$pvalue[!is.na(output$pvalue)] <= 1))
if (!is.null(numgenes)) {
expect_equal(nrow(output), numgenes)
test_that("edgeR.glm handler works", {
mm = model.matrix(~ treatment)
test.output(subSeq::edgeR.glm(testcounts, mm=mm), nrow(testcounts))
confounder = rnorm(ncol(testcounts))
mm2 = model.matrix(~ treatment + confounder)
test.output(subSeq::edgeR.glm(testcounts, mm=mm2), nrow(testcounts))
# check that the edgeR applied to a random confounder is roughly uniform
# (and thus that it actually is using that confounder)
conf.out = subSeq::edgeR.glm(counts, mm=mm2, column=3)
test.output(conf.out, nrow(counts))
expect_true(mean(conf.out$pvalue) < .7 & mean(conf.out$pvalue) > .3)
test_that("edgeR handler works", {
test.output(subSeq::edgeR(testcounts, treatment), nrow(testcounts))
test_that("DESeq2 handler works", {
test.output(DESeq2(testcounts, treatment), nrow(testcounts))
test_that("voomLimma handler works", {
test.output(voomLimma(testcounts, treatment), nrow(testcounts))
# DEXSeq has problems; leaving it out
# test_that("DEXSeq handler works", {
# data( "pasillaExons", package="pasilla" )
# n = 200
# exon.counts = head(pasillaExons@assayData$counts, n)
# design = pasillaExons@phenoData@data[c("condition", "type")]
# geneIDs = head(pasillaExons@featureData@data$geneID, n)
# exonIDs = head(pasillaExons@featureData@data$exonID, n)
# ret.exon = DEXSeq(exon.counts, design, geneIDs, exonIDs)
# test.output(ret.exon, n)
# })
ss = subsample(counts, proportions, treatment=treatment,
method=c("edgeR", "voomLimma"))
ss.summ = summary(ss)
test_that("subsamples returns a data table with the right structure", {
expect_that(ss, is_a("subsamples"))
expect_that(ss, is_a("data.table"))
# check that the proportions and depths have the properties we expect
expect_equal(sort(unique(ss$proportion)), proportions)
expect_equal(max(ss$depth), sum(counts))
# check the proportions are about what you expect (has some noise)
proportion.changes = log2(ss$depth / max(ss$depth) / ss$proportion)
expect_that(all(proportion.changes < .05), is_true())
# check that the per-gene counts add up to the total depth
countsums = ss[, list(total=sum(count)), by=c("depth", "method")]
expect_equal(countsums$depth, countsums$total)
# check that no replication was performed
expect_true(all(ss$replication == 1))
test_that("quality metrics improve with increasing depth", {
for (m in unique(ss.summ$method)) {
sm = ss.summ[method == m]
expect_equal(sm$proportion, proportions)
expect_that(all(diff(sm$pearson) > 0), is_true())
expect_that(all(diff(sm$percent) > 0), is_true())
expect_that(all(diff(sm$MSE) < 0), is_true())
test_that("summaries can be created with other p-value corrections", {
ss.summ.BH = summary(ss, p.adjust.method="BH")
ss.summ.bon = summary(ss, p.adjust.method="bonferroni")
expect_that(all(ss.summ.BH$significant < ss.summ$significant), is_true())
expect_that(all(ss.summ.bon$significant < ss.summ.BH$significant), is_true())
# check that you can't give it a nonsense method
expect_that(summary(ss, p.adjust.method="nomethod"), throws_error("should be one of"))
ss.rep = subsample(counts, c(.1, 1), treatment=treatment,
method=c("edgeR", "voomLimma"), replications=2)
test_that("Replications (multiple at each proportion) works", {
sumrep = summary(ss.rep)
expect_equal(nrow(sumrep), 6)
rep2 = sumrep[replication == 2]
expect_equal(nrow(rep2), 2)
expect_true(all(rep2$proportion == .1))
# confirm there aren't replicates of 1.0
expect_false(any(ss.rep$proportion == 1 & ss.rep$replication == 2))
# confirm that averaging works
av.rep = summary(ss.rep, average=TRUE)
expect_equal(nrow(av.rep), 4)
test_that("subSeq can handle low counts", {
low.counts = hammer.counts[rowSums(hammer.counts) < 2000, ]
low.counts = low.counts[sample(nrow(low.counts), 500), ]
low.proportions = c(.01, .1, 1)
ss.low = subsample(low.counts, low.proportions, treatment=treatment,
method=c("edgeR", "voomLimma"))
# test that plots still work
expect_that(plot(summary(ss.low)), is_a("ggplot"))
# significance might get wonky at this level, but correlations had better line up
summ.low = summary(ss.low)
for (m in unique(summ.low$method)) {
sm.low = summ.low[method == m]
expect_equal(sm.low$proportion, low.proportions)
expect_that(all(diff(sm.low$pearson) > 0), is_true())
expect_that(all(diff(sm.low$MSE) < 0), is_true())
# there should be no NAs or infinities
# expect_not_na(summ.low)
expect_false(any(apply(summ.low, 2, is.nan)))
expect_false(any(apply(summ.low, 2, is.infinite)))
test_that("Combining subsamples works", {
seed = getSeed(ss)
# try three other proportions
more.proportions = c(.05, .3, .5)
ss2 = subsample(counts, more.proportions, treatment=treatment,
method=c("edgeR", "voomLimma"), seed=seed)
combined = combineSubsamples(ss, ss2)
expect_equal(getSeed(ss), getSeed(ss2))
context("Custom Handlers")
test_that("Can provide custom error handlers", {
fake.pvalues = runif(nrow(counts))
custom = function(counts, treatment) {
return(data.frame(pvalue=fake.pvalues, coefficient=-.2))
test.output(custom(counts, treatment), length(fake.pvalues))
ss.custom = subsample(counts, proportions, treatment=treatment,
expect_true(all(ss.custom$method == "custom"))
expect_equal(fake.pvalues, ss.custom[depth == min(ss.custom$depth)]$pvalue)
# check it can be given as a string as well
ss.custom2 = subsample(counts, proportions, treatment=treatment,
expect_true(all(ss.custom2$method == "custom"))
expect_equal(fake.pvalues, ss.custom2[depth == min(ss.custom2$depth)]$pvalue)
test_that("Handlers can have columns that others don't", {
fake.pvalues = runif(nrow(counts))
othercols = replicate(3, runif(nrow(counts)))
custom1 = function(counts, treatment) {
return(data.frame(pvalue=fake.pvalues, coefficient=othercols[, 3], other=othercols[, 1]))
custom2 = function(counts, treatment) {
return(data.frame(pvalue=fake.pvalues, coefficient=othercols[, 2], other=othercols[, 2]))
custom3 = function(counts, treatment) {
return(data.frame(pvalue=fake.pvalues, coefficient=othercols[, 1], other3=othercols[, 3]))
ss.custom = subsample(counts, proportions,
method=c("edgeR", "custom1", "custom2", "custom3"),
# we expect it to fill in missing values with NAs
expect_true(all(c("other", "other3") %in% colnames(ss.custom)))
expect_na(ss.custom[method == "edgeR", other])
expect_na(ss.custom[method == "custom1", other3])
expect_na(ss.custom[method == "custom2", other3])
expect_na(ss.custom[method == "custom3", other])
for (p in proportions) {
expect_equal(ss.custom[method == "custom1" & proportion == p, other], othercols[, 1])
expect_equal(ss.custom[method == "custom2" & proportion == p, other], othercols[, 2])
expect_equal(ss.custom[method == "custom3" & proportion == p, other3], othercols[, 3])
test_that("Handlers don't have to return one row per gene", {
# some handlers, such as for gene set enrichment, don't necessarily return
# one row per gene. Check it can return more and less
for (n in c(nrow(counts) / 2, nrow(counts) * 2)) {
fake.pvalues = runif(n)
othercol = runif(n)
coefs = rnorm(n)
custom.different = function(counts, treatment) {
return(data.frame(pvalue=fake.pvalues, coefficient=coefs, other=othercol,
ss.custom = subsample(counts, proportions, method=c("edgeR", "custom.different"),
ss.edgeR = ss.custom[method == "edgeR"]
ss.custom.different = ss.custom[method == "custom.different"]
expect_equal(nrow(ss.edgeR), nrow(counts) * length(proportions))
expect_equal(nrow(ss.custom.different), length(coefs) * length(proportions))
expect_not_na(ss.custom[method == "custom.different", other])
# check that it doesn't affect the summary of the data
custom.summ = summary(ss.custom)
# check that the handler does need to return an ID column in that case
custom.noID = function(counts, treatment) {
return(data.frame(pvalue=fake.pvalues, coefficient=coefs, other=othercol))
expect_that(subsample(counts, proportions, method="custom.noID",
throws_error("if a handler doesn't return one row per gene then it must specify an ID column"))
context("Reproducibility from seeds")
s.edgeR = ss[method == "edgeR"]
s.voom = ss[method == "voomLimma"]
test_that("seeds are reproducible between methods", {
summ.edgeR = ss.summ[method == "edgeR"]
summ.voom = ss.summ[method == "voomLimma"]
expect_equal(s.edgeR$depth, s.voom$depth)
expect_equal(s.edgeR$count, s.voom$count)
test_that("seeds are reproducible between runs", {
# perform it again with the same seed, and see that it matches the
# first replication all the way through
ss2 = subsample(counts, proportions, treatment=treatment,
method=c("edgeR", "voomLimma"),
expect_equal(ss$count, ss2$count)
expect_equal(ss$pvalue, ss2$pvalue)
expect_equal(ss$coefficient, ss2$coefficient)
# for sanity check, check the same with the summary
ss.summ2 = summary(ss2)
expect_equal(ss.summ$significant, ss.summ2$significant)
expect_equal(ss.summ$MSE, ss.summ2$MSE)
test_that("generateSubsampledMatrix retrieves the correct subsampled matrices", {
p = min(ss$proportion)
seed = getSeed(ss)
subm = generateSubsampledMatrix(counts, p, seed)
expect_that(subm, is_a("matrix"))
expect_equal(dim(subm), dim(counts))
expect_equal(sum(subm), min(ss$depth))
expect_equal(rowSums(subm), s.edgeR[proportion == p]$count, check.names = FALSE)
expect_equal(rowSums(subm), s.voom[proportion == p]$count, check.names = FALSE)
# confirm that edgeR on that matrix gives the same results
subm.results = edgeR(subm, treatment=treatment)
expect_equal(subm.results$pvalue, s.edgeR[proportion == p]$pvalue)
expect_equal(subm.results$coefficient, s.edgeR[proportion == p]$coefficient)
# confirm summary object also contains correct seed
summ = summary(ss)
expect_equal(subm, generateSubsampledMatrix(counts, p, getSeed(summ)))
# confirm generateSubsampledMatrix works if you explicitly
# tell it replication is 1
subm.rep1 = generateSubsampledMatrix(counts, p, seed, replication=1)
expect_equal(subm, subm.rep1)
test_that("Performing multiple replicates is reproducible", {
ss.rep.2 = subsample(counts, c(.1, 1), treatment=treatment,
method=c("edgeR", "voomLimma"), replications=2,
expect_equal(ss.rep$pvalue, ss.rep.2$pvalue)
test_that("plotting is possible without errors", {
expect_that(plot(ss.summ), is_a("ggplot"))
context("Error handling")
test_that("Raises an error on edgeR if there are >2 treatments", {
new.treatment = c("A", "A", "B", "C")
# check with multiple handlers
expect_that(subsample(counts, proportions, treatment=new.treatment,
method="edgeR"), throws_error("more than two levels"))
test_that("Raises an error if it cannot find the handler", {
expect_that(subsample(counts, proportions, treatment=treatment,
throws_error("Could not find handler nomethod"))
test_that("error messages are thrown when proportions are incorrect", {
expect_that(subsample(counts, c(), treatment=treatment, method="edgeR"),
throws_error("No proportions"))
expect_that(subsample(counts, c(.1, 1, 2), treatment=treatment, method="edgeR"),
throws_error("Proportions must be in range"))
expect_that(subsample(counts, c(0, 1), treatment=treatment, method="edgeR"),
throws_error("Proportions must be in range"))
test_that("error message is thrown if counts were normalized", {
# confirming that there was no normalization
expect_that(subsample(scale(counts), proportions, treatment=treatment,
method="edgeR"), throws_error("unnormalized"))
sc.counts = scale(counts, center=FALSE)
expect_that(subsample(sc.counts, proportions, treatment=treatment,
method="edgeR"), throws_error("unnormalized"))
test_that("combineSubsamples raises an error when combining different seeds", {
more.proportions = c(.05, .3, .5)
ss2 = subsample(counts, more.proportions, treatment=treatment,
method=c("edgeR", "voomLimma"))
expect_false(getSeed(ss) == getSeed(ss2))
expect_that(combineSubsamples(ss, ss2), throws_error("different.*seed"))
# handlers:
# -write baySeq, DEXSeq
# plots:
# -volcano plots
# -per-gene plots
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