#' Align time-course data based on an Mixed-Effects alignment model
#' The function deals primarily with time-course data of different
#' targets which have been measured under different experimental
#' conditions and whose measured values might be on a different
#' scale, e.g. because of different amplification. The algorithm
#' determines the different scaling and estimates the time-course on
#' a common scale.
#' @param data data.frame containing the the data to be scaled. Usualy the
#' output of \link{read_wide} is used. Obligatory are the columns \code{name},
#' and \code{value}. In the case of time dependet data, a \code{time} column is
#' also necessary. Additionally, \code{data} should have further columns,
#' e.g. characterizing experimental conditions (the fixed effects) and
#' sources of variance between data of the same experimental condition
#' (the scaled variables).
#' @param model character defining the model by which the values in
#' \code{data} can be described, e.g. "yi/sj"
#' @param error_model character defining a model for the standard
#' deviation of a value, e.g. "sigma0 + value * sigmaR". This model
#' can contain parameters, e.g. "sigma0" and "sigmaR", or numeric
#' variables from \code{data}, e.g. "value" or "time".
#' @param biological two-sided formula of the form
#' \code{par1+par2+... ~ name1+name2+...} where "par1, par2, ..." are
#' parameters contained in \code{model}, e.g. "yi", and "name1, ..."
#' refers to variables in \code{data}, e.g. "condition".
#' The parameters "par1, ..." are determined specific to the levels of
#' "name1, ...".
#' @param scaling two-sided formula of the form
#' \code{par1+par2+... ~ name1+name2+...} where "par1, par2, ..." are
#' parameters contained in \code{model}, e.g. "sj", and "name1, ..."
#' refers to variables in \code{data}, e.g. "Experiment".
#' @param error two-sided formula of the form
#' \code{par1+par2+... ~ name1+name2+...} where "par1, par2, ..." are
#' parameter contained in \code{error}, e.g. "sigma0" and "sigmaR", and
#' "name1, ..." refers to variables in \code{data}. If the same values
#' of "par1, ..." should be assumed for all data, the right hand side of ~ has
#' to reffer to the "name" column of \code{data}.
#' @param parameter_fit_scale_log logical, defining if the parameters are
#' fitted on a log scale. Computational reasons.
#' @param normalize logical indicating whether the biological effect
#' parameter should be normalized to unit mean.
#' @param average_techn_rep logical, indicates if the technical replicates
#' should be averaged
#' @param names_as_factors logical, indicates if the \code{name} columns of the
#' output should be parsed as factors instead of characters.
#' @param verbose logical, print out information about each fit
#' @param normalize_input logical, if TRUE the input will be normalized before
#' scaling, helpful if convergence fails because the data varies for to many
#' orders of magnitude.
#' @param iterlim numerical argument passed to \link{trust}.
#' @param ci_profiles Logical, if \code{TRUE}, the confidence intervals (CI) are
#' calculated based on the profile likelihood (PL). Default is \code{FALSE}, the
#' CI will then be approximated by the Fisher information (FI). Calculation via
#' PL is more exact but roughly 20times slower. The FI approximates the CI
#' conservatively compared to the PL (FI leads to larger CI).
#' @details Alignment of time-course data is achieved by an alignment
#' model which explains the observed data by a function mixing
#' fixed effects, usually parameters reflecting the "underlying"
#' time-course, and latent variables, e.g. scaling parameters taking
#' account for effects like different amplification or loading, etc.
#' Depending on the measurement technique, the data has constant
#' relative error, or constant absolute error or even a combination
#' of those. This error is described by an error function. The error
#' parameters are usually global, i.e. the same parameter values are
#' assumed for all data points.
#' @return Object of class \code{aligned}, i.e. a data frame of the
#' alignment result containing an attribute "outputs":
#' a list of data frames
#' \describe{
#' \item{aligned}{data.frame with the original column names plus the column
#' \code{sigma}. Each set of unique biological effects i.e. biological
#' different condition (e.g. time point, target and treatment) has one set
#' of \code{value} and \code{sigma}. The values are the estimated true
#' values i.e. the determined biological parameters. The errors in the
#' \code{sigma} column are estimated by employing the fisher information
#' to quantify the uncertainty of the respective fit. Both, the value and
#' its error are on the common scale.}
#' \item{scaled}{The original measurements scaled to common scale by applying
#' inverse model. The errors are the result of the evaluation of the error
#' model and then also scaled to common scale by use of Gaussian error
#' propagation.}
#' \item{prediction}{Original data with \code{value} replaced by the prediction
#' (evaluation of the model with the fitted parameters), and \code{sigma}
#' from the evaluation of the error model. Both are on the original scale.
#' }
#' \item{original}{The original data as passed as \code{data}.}
#' \item{original_with_parameters}{The original data but with added columns
#' containing the estimated parameters}
#' \item{parameter}{Parameter table with the columns: \code{name}: the name of
#' the current target, \code{level}: the pasted unique set of effects
#' (biological, scaling or error), \code{parameter}: the parameter
#' identifier as defined in the (error) model, \code{value} and \code{sigma}
#' containing the determined values and corresponding errors, \code{nll}:
#' twice the negative log-likelihood of the fit, \code{no_pars} and
#' \code{no_data} containing the number of parameters and data points for
#' the respected fit. This list entry also has two attributes: \code{value}
#' containing the final value (residual sum of squares) passed to
#' \link{trust::trust} by the objective function and \code{df} the degrees
#' of freedom of the fitting process.}
#' \item{biological}{Names of the columns containing the biological effects}
#' \item{scaling}{Names of the columns containing the scaling effects}
#' \item{error}{Names of the columns containing the error effects}
#' }
#' The estimated parameters are returned by the attribute "parameters".
#' @example inst/examples/example_align_me.R
#' @seealso \link{read_wide} to read data in a wide column format and
#' get it in the right format for \code{align_me}.
#' @importFrom stats D
#' @export
align_me <- function(data,
model = NULL,
error_model = NULL,
biological = NULL,
scaling = NULL,
error = NULL,
parameter_fit_scale_log = TRUE,
normalize = TRUE,
average_techn_rep = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
names_as_factors = TRUE,
normalize_input = TRUE,
output_scale = "linear",
iterlim = 100,
ci_profiles = FALSE
) {
if (FALSE) {
if (TRUE) {
sim_data_wide_file <- system.file(
"extdata", "sim_data_wide.csv",
package = "blotIt3"
data <- read_wide(sim_data_wide_file, description = seq_len(3))
data <- subset(data, name == "pAKT")
} else {
data <- read_wide(
file = paste0(
description = 1:7,
sep = ",",
dec = "."
data <- data[c(1, 2, 7, 8, 9)]
names(data) <- c("time", "condition", "ID", "name", "value")
data <- subset(data, name == "pEPOR_au")
model <- "yi / sj"
error_model <- "value * sigmaR"
biological <- yi ~ name + time + condition
scaling <- sj ~ name + ID
error <- sigmaR ~ name + 1
parameter_fit_scale_log <- TRUE
normalize <- TRUE
average_techn_rep <- FALSE
names_as_factors <- TRUE
verbose <- TRUE
normalize_input <- TRUE
output_scale <- "linear"
iterlim <- 100
ci_profiles <- TRUE
# check input for mistakes
input_check_report <- input_check(
data = data,
model = model,
error_model = error_model,
biological = biological,
scaling = scaling,
error = error,
parameter_fit_scale_log = parameter_fit_scale_log,
output_scale = output_scale
if (verbose) {
cat(input_check_report, "\n")
## Check if data is already blotIt output
parameter_data <- NULL
if (inherits(data, "aligned")) {
parameter_data <- data$parameters
data <- data$original
## read biological, scaling and error effects from input
effects <- identify_effects(
biological = biological,
scaling = scaling,
error = error
effects_values <- effects$effects_values
effects_pars <- effects$effects_pars
## prepare data
data <- as.data.frame(data)
to_be_scaled <- split_for_scaling(
# Generate unique list of targets
targets <- make.unique(
vapply(to_be_scaled, function(d) as.character(d$name)[1], ""),
sep = "_"
# Rename names to unique if multiple scalings per target exist
for (n in seq_along(targets)) {
to_be_scaled[[n]]$name <- targets[n]
## Get biological, scaling and error parameter from model and error model
parameters <- get_symbols(c(model, error_model), exclude = colnames(data))
# Include the normalization term as a constraint if saied so in the function
# call
if (normalize) {
constraint <- paste("1e3 * (mean(", effects_pars[1][1], ") - 1)")
c_strength <- 1000
} else {
constraint <- "0"
c_strength <- 0
# Retrieve the covariates as the "remaining" model parameters, when fixed,
# latent and errorparameters are excluded
covariates <- union(
exclude = c(effects_pars[1], effects_pars[2], effects_pars[3])
exclude = c(effects_pars[1], effects_pars[2], effects_pars[3])
cat("Covariates:", paste(covariates, sep = ", "), "\n")
# Check if parameters from (error-) model and passed expressions coincide
if (
) > 0
) {
stop("Not all paramters are defined in either arguments
'scaling', 'biological' or 'error'")
# Name the respective parameters fixed, latent and error
names(parameters)[parameters %in% effects_pars[1]] <- "biological"
names(parameters)[parameters %in% effects_pars[2]] <- "scaling"
names(parameters)[parameters %in% effects_pars[3]] <- "error"
# parse error model by replacing the "value" by the model
error_model <- replace_symbols(
paste0("(", model, ")"),
# Apply transformation according to given 'parameter_fit_scale_log' parameter
if (parameter_fit_scale_log == TRUE) {
model <- replace_symbols(parameters, paste0(
"exp(", parameters,
), model)
error_model <- replace_symbols(parameters, paste0(
parameters, ")"
), error_model)
constraint <- replace_symbols(parameters, paste0(
parameters, ")"
), constraint)
if (verbose) {
cat("model, errormodel and constraint are scaled: x <- exp(x)\n")
} else if (verbose == TRUE) {
cat("model, errormodel and constraint remain linear scaled.\n")
# Calculating the derivative
model_derivertive <- deparse(
D(parse(text = model), name = effects_pars[[1]][1])
# Calculating the (error) model jacobian
model_jacobian <- lapply(
function(p) {
deparse(D(parse(text = model), name = p))
error_model_jacobian <- lapply(
function(p) {
deparse(D(parse(text = error_model), name = p))
# Construct math function expressions
constraint_expr <- parse(text = constraint)
# Replace the parameters used in the (error) model and the derivatives
# by placeholders of the respective effect category
for (n in seq_along(parameters)) {
model <- replace_symbols(parameters[n], paste0(
"[", names(parameters)[n], "]"
), model)
error_model <- replace_symbols(parameters[n], paste0(
"[", names(parameters)[n], "]"
), error_model)
model_derivertive <- replace_symbols(parameters[n], paste0(
"[", names(parameters)[n], "]"
), model_derivertive)
model_jacobian <- lapply(model_jacobian, function(myjac) {
parameters[n], "[", names(parameters)[n],
), myjac
error_model_jacobian <- lapply(error_model_jacobian, function(myjac) {
parameters[n], "[", names(parameters)[n],
), myjac
cat("Model: ", model, "\n", sep = "")
cat("Error Model: ", error_model, "\n", sep = "")
# Parse functions to an executable expression
model_expr <- parse(text = model)
model_derivertive_expr <- parse(text = model_derivertive)
error_model_expr <- parse(text = error_model)
model_jacobian_expr <- lapply(
function(myjac) parse(text = myjac)
error_model_jacobian_expr <- lapply(
function(myjac) parse(text = myjac)
# output_scale <- output_scale
# cat("\n\n\n", output_scale,"\n\n\n")
pass_parameter_list <- list(
effects_values = effects_values,
parameter_data = parameter_data,
average_techn_rep = average_techn_rep,
verbose = verbose,
covariates = covariates,
parameters = parameters,
parameter_fit_scale_log = parameter_fit_scale_log,
effects_pars = effects_pars,
model_expr = model_expr,
error_model_expr = error_model_expr,
constraint_expr = constraint_expr,
model_jacobian_expr = model_jacobian_expr,
error_model_jacobian_expr = error_model_jacobian_expr,
c_strength = c_strength,
normalize = normalize,
model_derivertive_expr = model_derivertive_expr,
output_scale = output_scale,
iterlim = iterlim,
ci_profiles = ci_profiles
# * Hand over to scaling --------------------------------------------------
out <- lapply(
pass_parameter_list) {
"Target ", i, "/", length(to_be_scaled), ":",
targets[i], "\n", sep = ""
out <- scale_target(
current_data = to_be_scaled[[i]],
pass_parameter_list = pass_parameter_list
silent = FALSE
# additional parameters for scale_target
pass_parameter_list = pass_parameter_list
# Sanitize results from failed fits
# rbind parameter table from not-failed elements of out
parameter_table <- do.call(
function(o) {
if (!inherits(o, "try-error")) {
} else {
# * * Profiles START -----------------------------------------------------
profileOut <- do.call(rbind, lapply(out, function(o) {
if (!inherits(o, "try-error")) {
} else {
names(profileOut) <- targets
# * * Profiles STOP ------------------------------------------------------
# add up the "values", i.e. the -2*LL
attr(parameter_table, "value") <- do.call(
function(o) {
if (!inherits(o, "try-error")) {
attr(o[[6]], "value")
} else {
# add up degrees of freedom
attr(parameter_table, "df") <- do.call(
function(o) {
if (!inherits(o, "try-error")) {
attr(o[[6]], "df")
} else {
# paste together the other results
out_combined <- lapply(
function(i) {
function(o) {
if (!inherits(o, "try-error")) {
} else {
names(out_combined) <- c(
return_list <- list(
aligned = out_combined$aligned,
scaled = out_combined$scaled,
prediction = out_combined$prediction,
original = out_combined$original,
original_with_parameters = out_combined$original_with_parameters,
parameter = parameter_table,
biological = effects_values[[1]],
scaling = effects_values[[2]],
error = effects_values[[3]],
output_scale = output_scale,
# * * Profiles START -----------------------------------------------------
profiles = profileOut
# * * Profiles STOP ------------------------------------------------------
if (names_as_factors == TRUE) {
return_list$aligned$name <- factor(
levels = unique(return_list$aligned$name)
return_list$scaled$name <- factor(
levels = unique(return_list$scaled$name)
return_list$prediction$name <- factor(
levels = unique(return_list$prediction$name)
return_list$original$name <- factor(
levels = unique(return_list$original$name)
return_list$original_with_parameters$name <- factor(
levels = unique(return_list$original_with_parameters$name)
# class(return_list) <- c("aligned", "data.frame")
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