## Paired-end mapping fragments
## computing expected contributions of ONE transcript
## transcript info:
## loc = location of boundaries of *consecutive* and *non-overlapping* regions,
## each can be exon, junction, or both
## nr = number of regions, within this computation
## they will be numbered 1 to nr,
## but they will be mapped back into the original
## region codes in the transcription unit#
sort_ids <- function(x)
id1 <- as.numeric(gsub("^ex_(\\d+).*","\\1",x))
id2 <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(gsub("^ex_\\d+-ex_(\\d+)$","\\1",x)))
id2[is.na(id2)] <- 0
plen1 = function(x,y2,rlen,mulen,sdlen)
a = pnorm(y2-x+rlen,mulen,sdlen) - pnorm(2*rlen,mulen,sdlen)
plen2 = function(x,y2,y1,rlen,mulen,sdlen)
a = pnorm(y2-x+rlen,mulen,sdlen) - pnorm(y1-x+rlen,mulen,sdlen)
makeXmatrixPE <- function(object,probelen=50,mulen=300,sdlen=30,mcpar)
mcpar <- registered()[[1]]
if(missing(object) || !is(object,'GRangesList'))
stop('Input object must be of class \'GRangesList\'')
stop('Input object must be an object returned by \'reshapeTxDb\'')
stop("probelen argument required")
val <- getOption("stringsAsFactors")
.local <- function(id,df,rlen,mulen,sdlen)
subobj <- subset(df,region_id == id)
##obj <- obj[order(obj$start,obj$end),]
## id1 <- as.numeric(gsub("^ex_(\\d+).*","\\1",subobj$exon_name))
## id2 <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(gsub("^ex_\\d+-ex_(\\d+)$","\\1",subobj$exon_name)))
## id2[is.na(id2)] <- 0
## subobj <- subobj[order(id1,id2),,drop=FALSE]
if(!"exLen" %in% names(subobj))
subobj$exLen <- cigarToQWidth(subobj$cigar)
## ## Let's create the all possible pairwise
## cNames <- unique(subobj$exon_name)
## all_names <- outer(cNames,cNames,FUN=paste,sep=".")
## all_names <- all_names[upper.tri(all_names,diag=TRUE)]
df.split <- split(subobj[,c("exon_name","tx_name","exLen","rank")],subobj$tx_name)
nsplt <- names(df.split)
names(nsplt) <- nsplt
ffun <- function(itx,inobj,rlen,mulen,sdlen,id)
ans <- tryCatch(.computeX_R(itx,inobj=df.split,rlen=rlen,mulen=mulen,sdlen=sdlen,id=id),
error=function(e) e)
## ans <- tryCatch(.Call("computeX",itx,df.split,rlen,mulen,
## sdlen,cnames),error=function(e) e)
if('error' %in% class(ans))
msg = gsub("'","",ans$message)
txt = paste("Error: ",msg,". Transcript=",itx,". Region=",id,". Process=",Sys.getpid(),sep="")
## every element is a 2-x-n_exons matrix. First row are the weights, second row the indicators
res <- lapply(nsplt,ffun,inobj=df.split,rlen=rlen,mulen=mulen,sdlen=sdlen,id=id)
res_names <- unique(unlist(lapply(res,colnames)))
res_names <- sort_ids(res_names)
dmat <- matrix(0,nrow=length(res),ncol=length(res_names),dimnames=list(names(res),res_names))
ans <- array(dim=c(nrow(dmat),ncol(dmat),2),dimnames=list(rownames(dmat),colnames(dmat),c("Design","Indicator")))
ans[,,1] <- dmat
for(i in 1:length(res))
ans[i,colnames(res[[i]]),1] <- res[[i]][1,]
ans[i,colnames(res[[i]]),2] <- res[[i]][2,]
## Using C++ we already iterate within region
## res <- ffun(itx=nsplt,inobj=df.split,rlen=rlen,mulen=mulen,sdlen=sdlen,cnames=cNames)
txLen <- rowSums(ans[,,1,drop=FALSE])
if(all(txLen == 0))
ans <- ans[txLen > 0,,,drop=FALSE]
txLen <- txLen[txLen > 0]
ans[,,1] <- ans[,,1]/txLen
attr(ans,"txLen") <- txLen
which.cols <- c("tx_id",'tx_name','exon_name','start','end','region_id','cigar','rank','exLen')
df <- GenomicRanges::as.data.frame(object@unlistData)[,which.cols]
lnames <- names(object)
names(lnames) <- lnames
out <- bpmapply(.local,lnames,
out <- out[!is.na(out)]
.computeX_R <- function(itx,inobj,rlen,mulen,sdlen,cnames,id)
obj <- inobj[[itx]]
exLen <- obj$exLen
regs = cumsum(c(0,exLen-rlen+1))
nr <- length(exLen) ## number of regions
frac <- rev((cumsum(rev(exLen)) - 2*rlen + 1)/rev(exLen))
frac[frac < 0] <- 0
frac <- pmin(frac,(exLen-rlen+1)/exLen)
loc <- unique(cumsum(exLen*frac))
## nloc <= nr. If last region(s) is(are) smaller than 2*rlen, it doesn'count for integration
nloc <- length(loc)
mloc <- loc-rlen ## point WITHIN regions rlen from 'upper boundary'
## for regions as long as rlen we actually get the boundary. Remove from mloc
mloc <- unique(mloc[!mloc %in% loc])
## x on rows, y on cols => the marginal (sums along the columns in Fig 1) is computed summing along ROWS!
res = matrix(0,nr,nr,dimnames=list(obj$exon_name,obj$exon_name))
xloc <- sort(c(0,loc,mloc))
yloc <- xloc+rlen
if(max(regs) < max(yloc))
yloc <- yloc[yloc <= max(regs)]
yloc[length(yloc)] <- max(regs)
## Loop along i = x-index (regions)
for (i in 1:nloc)
## lc1 & lc2: boundaries of region #1
if (i==1)
lc2 = loc[i]
pick = (xloc >=lc1) & (xloc<= lc2)
xloci = xloc[pick] # x locations of the same index
## x intervals for integration within region nr. Note: xloci be longer then 3,
## if effective length of the second region is smaller than rlen
## xloci => loc_inf - mloc ( - possibly another mloc) - loc_sup
for (ii in seq(along=head(xloci,-1)))
xlim1 = xloci[ii]
xlim2 = xloci[ii+1]
## iterate along the column, i.e. y-coordinates
## first y-coordinate correspond to triangle regions => plen1
yloci <- yloc[yloc >= xlim1+rlen]
for(idy in seq(along=head(yloci,-1)))
ylim1 <- yloci[idy]
ylim2 <- yloci[idy+1]
yind <- findInterval(ylim1,regs,all.inside=TRUE)
if(idy == 1)
prop =integrate(plen1,xlim1,xlim2,ylim2,rlen,mulen,sdlen)$val
prop =integrate(plen2,xlim1,xlim2,ylim2,ylim1,rlen,mulen,sdlen)$val
res[i,yind] = res[i,yind] + prop
res_names <- outer(colnames(res),colnames(res),FUN=paste,sep=".")
res_names <- res_names[upper.tri(res_names,diag=TRUE)]
ind_res <- row(res)
res <- res[upper.tri(res,diag=TRUE)]
ind_res <- ind_res[upper.tri(ind_res,diag=TRUE)]
names(res) <- names(ind_res) <- paste(res_names,id,sep="__")
## This is the marginal 'mimicking' a single end situation.
## This would deliver a single row (tx) in the single end design matrix
## res <- rowSums(res)/exLen ## return marginal for the moment
## ans <- rep(0,length(cnames))
## names(ans) <- cnames
## ans[match(obj$exon_name,cnames)] <- res
## return(ans)
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