#' Compare a Single Group of Proteins Between Two Label States
#' This function creates a ?scatter plot? for a subset of proteins in dataFrame
#' specified in groupData. Intended use of the function - using scenario A data,
#' compare shape of the migration profile for a SINGLE GROUP of proteins BETWEEN
#' the two LABEL STATES.
#' @param dataFrame dataFrame: data frame, data frame of normalised values for
#' proteins from SCENARIO A,
#' contains columns:
#' `Protein Group Accessions` character
#' `Protein Descriptions` character
#' Fraction integer
#' isLabel character ('TRUE'/'FALSE' values)
#' `Precursor Area` double
#' scenario character
#' @param max_frac numeric, total number of fractions
#' @param groupData character vector, contins list of Protein Group Accessions
#' that belong to the group we want to plot
#' @param groupName character, name that should be used for the group specified
#' in groupData
#' @param meanLine logical, specifies whether to plot a mean line for all values
#' in the group
#' @param medianLine logical, specifies whether to plot a median line for all
#' values in the group
#' @param ylabel character
#' @param xlabel character
#' @param legendLabel character
#' @param labelled character, label to be used for isLabel == TRUE
#' @param unlabelled character, label to be used for isLabel == FALSE
#' @param jitterPoints numeric
#' @param pointSize numeric, size of the point in the plot
#' @param grid logical, specifies presence/absence of gridline in the plot
#' @param titleAlign character, one of the 'left', 'center'/'centre', 'right',
#' specifies alignment of the title in plot
#' @param alphaValue numeric, transparency of the point, values 0 to 1
#' @param controlSample character, either labelled or unlabelled, this setting
#' will adjust plot coloring based on which sample is a control
#' @param textSize numeric, size of text in the plot
#' @param axisTextSize numeric, size of axis labels in the plot
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @return plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ##Use example normalised proteins file
#' inputFile <- system.file("extData", "dataNormProts.txt", package = "ComPrAn")
#' #read file in and change structure of table to required format
#' forAnalysis <- protImportForAnalysis(inputFile)
#' ##example plot:
#' groupDV <- c("Q16540","P52815","P09001","Q13405","Q9H2W6")
#' groupName <- 'group1'
#' max_frac <- 23
#' oneGroupTwoLabelsCoMigration(forAnalysis, max_frac, groupDV,groupName)
oneGroupTwoLabelsCoMigration <- function(
dataFrame, max_frac, groupData = NULL, groupName = 'group1',
meanLine = FALSE,medianLine = FALSE,ylabel = 'Relative Protein Abundance',
xlabel = 'Fraction',legendLabel = 'Condition', labelled = 'Labeled',
unlabelled = 'Unlabeled',jitterPoints = 0.3, pointSize = 2.5,
grid = FALSE,titleAlign = 'left', alphaValue = 1,controlSample = "",
textSize = 12, axisTextSize = 8){
if (controlSample == "labelled"|controlSample == "labeled"){
col_vector_proteins <- c("TRUE" = "#ff9d2e", "FALSE" = "#07b58a")
}else if(controlSample == "unlabelled"|controlSample == "unlabeled"){
col_vector_proteins <- c("FALSE" = "#ff9d2e", "TRUE" = "#07b58a")}
if(is.null(groupData)) {
stop('Please provide a list of proteins you would like to plot')}
dataFrame <- dataFrame[dataFrame$scenario == "A",]#filter only scenario A
dataFrame %>%
select(-scenario) %>%
filter(`Protein Group Accessions` %in% groupData) %>%
filter(!is.na(`Precursor Area`)) %>% group_by(Fraction, isLabel) %>%
mutate (meanValue = mean(`Precursor Area`, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
mutate (medianValue = median(`Precursor Area`, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
ungroup() -> dataFrame
linetype_vector <- c('twodash', 'solid') #define linetype_vector
names(linetype_vector) <- c('mean','median')
p <- ggplot(dataFrame, aes(x = Fraction, y = `Precursor Area`,
col = isLabel)) +
geom_point(position = position_jitter(jitterPoints),alpha = alphaValue,
size = pointSize) +
scale_color_manual(legendLabel, values = col_vector_proteins,
labels = c("TRUE" = labelled,"FALSE" = unlabelled))+
scale_fill_manual(legendLabel, values = col_vector_proteins,
labels = c("TRUE" =labelled, "FALSE" =unlabelled))+
ylab(ylabel) + xlab(xlabel) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq_len(max_frac),minor_breaks = NULL)+
scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0,1,0.2))+ labs(title = groupName)+
scale_linetype_manual('Line type', values = linetype_vector)
if(meanLine) { ## add line that is a mean of all protein values
p <- p + geom_line(aes(y=meanValue, colour = isLabel, linetype = 'mean')
,size = 1, na.rm = TRUE)}
if (medianLine) { ## add line that is a median of all protein values
p <- p + geom_line(
aes(y = medianValue, colour = isLabel, linetype = 'median'),
size=1, na.rm = TRUE)}
if(grid){p<- p +theme_minimal() + theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
} else {p<- p +theme_classic()}
if (titleAlign == 'left'){adjust <- 0 #title alignment settings
} else if ((titleAlign == 'centre')|(titleAlign=='center')) {adjust <- 0.5
} else if(titleAlign == 'right'){adjust <- 1}
p <- p + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = adjust),
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