#' Make heatmap
#' This function creates a heatmap for a subset of proteins in dataFrame
#' specified in groupData, heatmap is divided into facets according to isLabel
#' @param dataFrame data frame, contains columns:
#' `Protein Group Accessions` character
#' `Protein Descriptions` character
#' Fraction integer
#' isLabel character ('TRUE'/'FALSE' values)
#' `Precursor Area` double
#' scenario character
#' @param groupData data frame, mandatory column:
#' `Protein Group Accessions` character - this column is used for filtering
#' optional columns: any other column of type character that should
#' be used for renaming
#' @param groupName character, name that should be used for the group specified
#' in groupData
#' @param titleAlign character, one of the 'left', 'center'/'centre', 'right',
#' specifies alignment of the title in plot
#' @param newNamesCol character, if groupData contains column for re-naming and
#' you want to use it, specify the column name in here
#' @param colNumber numeric, values of 1 or 2, specifies whether facets will be
#' shown side-by-side or above each other
#' @param ylabel character
#' @param xlabel character
#' @param legendLabel character
#' @param legendPosition character, one of "right" or "bottom"
#' @param grid logical, specifies presence/absence of gridline in the plot
#' @param labelled character, label to be used for isLabel == TRUE
#' @param unlabelled character, label to be used for isLabel == FALSE
#' @param orderColumn character, if groupData contains column for re-ordering
#' and you want to use it, specify the column name in here
#' @import ggplot2
#' @return plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ##Use example normalised proteins file
#' inputFile <- system.file("extData", "dataNormProts.txt", package = "ComPrAn")
#' #read file in and change structure of table to required format
#' forAnalysis <- protImportForAnalysis(inputFile)
#' ##example plot:
#' groupDfn <- system.file("extData", "exampleGroup.txt", package = "ComPrAn")
#' groupName <- 'group1'
#' groupData <- data.table::fread(groupDfn)
#' groupHeatMap(forAnalysis[forAnalysis$scenario == "B",], groupData, groupName)
groupHeatMap <- function(dataFrame, groupData, groupName, titleAlign = "left",
newNamesCol = NULL, colNumber = 2, ylabel = "Protein", xlabel = "Fraction",
legendLabel = "Relative Protein Abundance", legendPosition = "right",
grid = TRUE,labelled = "labeled",unlabelled="unlabeled",orderColumn = NULL){
#join DF and group data - proteins present in group but absent in the data
#will be shown as empty
groupData %>%
select(`Protein Group Accessions`, newNamesCol,orderColumn) -> groupData
right_join(dataFrame, groupData) -> dataFrame
dataFrame[is.na(dataFrame$isLabel),]$isLabel <- FALSE}
if(!is.null(newNamesCol)){ycolumn <- newNamesCol #rename proteins
} else {ycolumn <- 'Protein Group Accessions'}
if(is.null(orderColumn)){ #draw basic plot
p <- ggplot(dataFrame, aes(x = Fraction,y = get(ycolumn),
fill = `Precursor Area`, colour =`Precursor Area` )) +
geom_tile(na.rm = TRUE)
protsOrder <- dataFrame[,orderColumn]
p <- ggplot(dataFrame, aes(x = Fraction,y = get(ycolumn),
fill = `Precursor Area`, colour =`Precursor Area`)) +
geom_tile(na.rm = TRUE)}
p <- p + facet_wrap(isLabel ~ ., ncol = colNumber,
labeller = labeller(isLabel=c("TRUE"=labelled,"FALSE"=unlabelled)))+
labs(title = groupName) + ylab(ylabel) + xlab(xlabel) +
scale_fill_gradient(legendLabel,low='#cacde8',high ='#0019bf',
na.value="grey60",breaks = seq(0,1,0.25), limits = c(0,1))+
scale_color_gradient(legendLabel,low='#cacde8',high ='#0019bf',
na.value="grey60",breaks = seq(0,1,0.25), limits = c(0,1))+
coord_cartesian(expand = 0)
if(grid){p<- p +theme_minimal() + #add grid
theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
} else {p<- p +theme_classic()}
if (titleAlign == 'left'){adjust <- 0 #title alignment settings
} else if ((titleAlign == 'centre')|(titleAlign=='center')) {adjust <- 0.5
} else if(titleAlign == 'right'){adjust <- 1}
p <- p + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = adjust),
legend.position = legendPosition)
if(legendPosition == "bottom"){
p <- p+guides(fill=guide_colourbar(title.position="top",title.hjust=0.5,
draw.ulim = FALSE, draw.llim = FALSE,barwidth = 12))
draw.ulim = FALSE, draw.llim = FALSE,barwidth = 2))}
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