html3D<-function (df, classvec = NULL, writepdb = FALSE, filenamebase = "output",
writehtml = FALSE, title = NULL, scaled = TRUE, xyz.axes = c(1:3),
# produces a "fake" rasmol file, so 3d coordinates
# can be view using rasmol or other "molecular" viewers
# Thanks to Prof. Willie Taylor for the awk command
if (ncol(df) < 3)
stop("need 3 columns to create 3D plot")
df <- df[, xyz.axes]
btt <- function(x) {
# Rasmol expects coordinates in the angstrom range,
# scale coordinates by factor to get into range
for (i in c(1e-05, 1e-04, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100,
1000, 10000, 1e+05)) {
if (min(x) >= min(i * (-1)) && max(x) <= max(i))
return(x * 10/i)
if (!is.null(classvec)) classvec=checkfac(classvec)
addaxes <- function() {
XX = matrix(c(c(2, 4, -2, -4), c(0, 0, 0, 0), c(0, 0,
0, 0)), ncol = 3, dimnames = list(NULL, LETTERS[24:26]))
axescord = rbind(c(0, 0, 0), XX, XX[, c(3, 1, 2)], XX[,
c(3, 2, 1)])
axescord = cbind(Ind = 1:nrow(axescord), axescord)
axesvec = as.factor(c("AXA", unlist(lapply(c("XXX", "YYY",
"ZZZ"), function(x) {
rep(c("AXA", x), 2)
formataxes <- function(x) {
# A R version of the famous awk lines with thanks to
# Prof. Willie Taylor, London, UK
return(sprintf(paste("ATOM %5.0f %2s %3s X %3.0f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f 1.00 %5.2f",
sep = ""), x[1], c("CA", "X", "Y", "Z")[x[5]],
substr(levels(axesvec)[x[5]], 1, 3), x[1], x[2],
x[3], x[4], x[4]))
axescord = cbind(axescord, as.numeric(axesvec))
axes = apply(axescord, 1, formataxes)
axes[14] = "TER"
formatline <- function(x, classvec, ...) {
if (!is.null(classvec)) {
return(sprintf(paste("ATOM %5.0f ID %3s %1s %3.0f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f 1.00 %5.2f",
sep = ""), x[1], substr(levels(classvec)[x[5]],
1, 3), LETTERS[x[5]], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4],
if (is.null(classvec)) {
return(sprintf(paste("ATOM %5.0f ID SAM %5.0f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f 1.00 %5.2f",
sep = ""), x[1], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[4]))
bels <- df
if (scaled) {
bels <- btt(bels)
rn <- row.names(bels)
bels <- cbind(Ind = 1:nrow(bels), bels)
if (!is.null(classvec))
bels = cbind(bels, vec = as.numeric(classvec))
pdb <- c(addaxes(), apply(bels, 1, formatline, classvec = classvec))
if (writehtml) {
pdbfilename = paste(filenamebase, ".pdb", sep = "")
write(pdb, pdbfilename)
htmlfilename = paste(filenamebase, ".html", sep = "")
chime3D(pdbfilename, classvec = classvec, title = title,
filename = htmlfilename, ...)
if (writepdb) {
pdbfilename = paste(filenamebase, ".pdb", sep = "")
write(pdb, pdbfilename)
chime3D<-function (pdbfilename, classvec = NULL, title = NULL, filename = "output.html",
point.size = 40, cols=NULL, ...){
# Produces a html file, of a 3D graph which can be rotated
# using the FREEWARE chime (win, MacOS)
# Will colour samples by classvec if given one, and will
# produce chime script to
# highlight groups, spin on/off, and include button for restore
# for example see
outfile <- file(filename, "w")
if(!is.null(classvec)) classvec=checkfac(classvec)
if (is.null(title))
title = filename
cat("<html>\n <head><title>", title, "</title></head>\n",
"<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">\n", "<h1 align=\"center\">",
title, "</h1>\n", file = outfile, sep = " ")
cat("<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=6 BORDER=0 WIDTH=850 align=center>\n",
file = outfile, sep = "\n")
# Chime details
cat("<i><U>NOTE:</U> If you can't see the figure, try refreshing your browser otherwise download a FREE copy of",
"<a href='' target='_blank'>Chime</a></i>.",
"<br><b>Rotate</b> using your <font color ='green'>left</font>",
"mouse button. <b>Zoom</b> by pressing the <font color=\"green\">shift key </font> while using your <font color='green'>",
"left</font> mouse button. </i>\n", file = outfile, sep = "\n")
# Green hr
file = outfile, sep = "\n")
# Column 1 of table - chime options
cat("<TR> <TD WIDTH=300 CELLPADDING=5 VALIGN=TOP>\n", file = outfile,
sep = "\n")
# Spinning on and off
cat("\n<p><b>Spin Graph</b>\n<li>Start continuous spinning",
"<embed type='application/x-spt' width=12 height=12 button=push \ntarget='graph' script='spin on'></li>\n",
"<li> Stop continuous spinning ", "<embed type='application/x-spt' width=12 height=12 button=push \ntarget='graph' script='spin off'></li></P>\n",
file = outfile, sep = "\n")
# Restore original roation and zoom
cat("\n<p><b>Restore</b><li>original rotation and zoom",
"<embed type='application/x-spt' width=12 height=12 button=push \ntarget='graph'",
"script='reset; rotate x 180'></li></p\n", file = outfile,
sep = "\n")
# Colours for classes
doclasscol <- function(classvec) {
cat("\n<p><b>Colour classses</b>\n", file = outfile,
sep = "/n")
nclass <- length(levels(classvec))
letts <- LETTERS[1:nclass]
graphcols = cols
if (is.null(graphcols)) graphcols <- getcol(nc = c(1:nclass), palette = "colours1")
# Colour each class option
for (i in c(1:nclass)) {
cat("\n<li>", levels(classvec)[i], " samples (",
graphcols[i], ")\n", "<embed type='application/x-spt' \n width=12 height=12 button=push target='graph'\n",
" script='select *; colour atoms grey; select *",
letts[i], "; colour atoms ", graphcols[i], "'></li>\n",
file = outfile, sep = "")
# restore orginal colours
cat("\n<p><b>Restore</b><li>Original Colours\n", "<embed type='application/x-spt' \n width=12 height=12 button=push target='graph' \n script='",
file = outfile, sep = "")
for (i in c(1:nclass)) {
cat(" select *", letts[i], "; colour atoms ", graphcols[i],
";\n", file = outfile, sep = "")
cat("'></li></p>\n", file = outfile, sep = "")
# Finish section
cat("</p>", file = outfile, sep = "/n")
if (!is.null(classvec)) doclasscol(classvec)
# Table columns 2,3 (spacers)
cat("</TD>\n\n<TD WIDTH=5 BGCOLOR=GREEN><BR></TD> <TD WIDTH=10><BR></TD>\n",
file = outfile, sep = "\n")
# Table Column 4
cat("<TD valign=TOP WIDTH=450 BGCOLOR=white>\n", file = outfile,
sep = " ")
# Load graph onto web site
cat("<embed src =", pdbfilename, "name = 'graph'\n", file = outfile,
sep = " ")
cat(" script= 'select *; spacefill ", point.size, "; set ambient ",
point.size, ";\nrotate x 180;select *X; connect; colour bonds black; spacefill off;\nselect none;\n select XXX3;label F1;\n select YYY7; label F2;\n select ZZZ11; label F3;\n colour labels black;\nselect none;",
file = outfile, sep = " ")
if (!is.null(classvec)) {
nclass <- length(levels(classvec))
letts <- LETTERS[1:nclass]
graphcols = cols
if (is.null(graphcols)) graphcols <- getcol(nc = c(1:nclass), palette = "colours1")
for (i in c(1:nclass)) {
cat("select *", letts[i], "; colour atoms ", graphcols[i],
";\n", file = outfile, sep = "")
cat("'\n", file = outfile, sep = "")
if (is.null(classvec))
cat("select SAM; colour atoms red'\n", file = outfile,
sep = " ")
cat("\nbgcolor = white", "display 3d =true", "height = 600 width =600>\n</TD>\n",
file = outfile, sep = "\n")
cat("</tr>\n</table>\n</html>", file = outfile, sep = "\n")
"jmol3D" <-
function(df, classvec=NULL, title=NULL, jmoldir="../jmol/Jmol.js",
filename="output.html", point.size=40, xyz.axes =c(1:3),scaled=TRUE, ...){
# Produces a html file, of a 3D graph which can be rotated
# using the open source software jmol
# Will colour samples by classvec if given one, and will
# produce chime script to
# highlight groups, spin on/off, and include button for restore
# for example see
makepdb<-function(df, classvec = NULL, scaled = TRUE, xyz.axes = c(1:3)){
if (ncol(df) < 3)
stop("need 3 columns to create 3D plot")
df <- df[, xyz.axes]
btt <- function(x) {
# Generally rasmol expects coordinates in the angstrom range,
# multiple coordinates by factor
# to get into rasmol realistic range
for (i in c(1e-05, 1e-04, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100,
1000, 10000, 1e+05)) {
if (min(x) >= min(i * (-1)) && max(x) <= max(i))
return(x * 10/i)
addaxes <-function() {
XX = matrix(c(c(2,4,-2,-4), c(0,0,0,0), c(0,0,0,0)), ncol=3, dimnames=list(NULL, LETTERS[24:26]))
axescord = rbind(c(0,0,0),XX, XX[,c(3,1,2)],XX[,c(3,2,1)])
axescord = cbind(Ind = 1:nrow(axescord), axescord)
axesvec= as.factor(c("AXA",unlist(lapply(c("XXX", "YYY", "ZZZ"), function(x){rep(c("AXA",x),2)}))))
formataxes<-function(x) {
# A R version of the famous awk lines with thanks to
# Prof. Willie Taylor, London, UK
return(sprintf(paste("\"ATOM %5.0f %2s %3s X %3.0f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f 1.00 %5.2f\\n\" +\n",
sep = ""), x[1], c("CA", "X", "Y", "Z")[x[5]], substr(levels(axesvec)[x[5]], 1, 3), x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[4]))
#axesno <- axesvec
#axescord = cbind(axescord, as.numeric(as.character(axesno)))
#axescord = cbind(axescord, rep(26, nrow(axescord)))
axescord = cbind(axescord, as.numeric(axesvec))
axes= apply(axescord, 1, formataxes)
axes[14]= paste("\"", "TER", "\\n\" +\n", sep="")
formatline <- function(x, classvec, ...) {
if (!is.null(classvec)) {
return(sprintf(paste("\"ATOM %5.0f ID %3s %1s %3.0f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f 1.00 %5.2f\\n\" +\n",sep = ""), x[1], substr(levels(classvec)[x[5]],
1, 3), LETTERS[x[5]], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4],
if (is.null(classvec)) {
return(sprintf(paste("\"ATOM %5.0f ID SAM %5.0f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f 1.00 %5.2f\\n\" +\n",
sep = ""), x[1], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[4]))
bels <- df
if (scaled) {
bels <- btt(bels)
rn <- row.names(bels)
bels <- cbind(Ind = 1:nrow(bels), bels)
if (!is.null(classvec))
bels = cbind(bels, vec = as.numeric(classvec))
pdb <- c(addaxes(), apply(bels, 1, formatline, classvec=classvec))
outfile <- file(filename, "w")
cat("<html>\n <head><title>", title, "</title> <script src=", file = outfile, sep = " ")
cat("\"",jmoldir,"\"", sep="", file=outfile)
cat("></script></head>\n", "<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">\n",
"<h1 align=\"center\">", title, "</h1>\n", file = outfile, sep = " ")
cat("<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=6 BORDER=0 WIDTH=850 align=center>\n",file=outfile, sep="\n")
# Jmol details
cat("<i><U>NOTE:</U> If you can't see the figure, try refreshing your browser otherwise you will need to have jmol installed on your webserver. See ",
"<a href='' target='_blank'>Jmol homepage</a></i>.", "<br><b>Rotate</b> using your <font color ='green'>left</font>",
"mouse button. <b>Zoom</b> by pressing the <font color=\"green\">shift key </font> while using your <font color='green'>",
"left</font> mouse button. </i>\n", file=outfile, sep="\n")
# Green hr
cat("<TR> <TD COLSPAN=4> <HR ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=100% COLOR=GREEN NOSHADE SIZE=5></TD></TR>\n",file=outfile, sep="\n")
# Column 1 of table - chime options
cat("<TR> <TD WIDTH=300 CELLPADDING=5 VALIGN=TOP>\n",file=outfile, sep="\n")
# Table columns 2,3 (spacers)
cat("</TD>\n\n<TD WIDTH=5 BGCOLOR=GREEN><BR></TD> <TD WIDTH=10><BR></TD>\n", file=outfile, sep="\n")
# Table Column 4
cat("<TD valign=TOP WIDTH=450 BGCOLOR=white>\n", file=outfile, sep=" ")
# Load graph onto web site
cat("<script>\n jmolInitialize(", file=outfile, sep=" ")
cat("\"", dirname(jmoldir),"\"", file=outfile, sep="")
cat("); // REQUIRED\n ", file=outfile, sep=" ")
parms= "set axes on; wireframe off; color background white; select *; spacefill 40;color axes black; select *A; color red; select *B; color yellow; select *C; color blue; select *D; colour orange; set ambient 40; rotate x 180'"
molfile = makepdb(df=df, classvec=classvec, scaled = scaled, xyz.axes = xyz.axes)
cat("var mymol = \n", molfile, sep= " ", file=outfile)
cat("\n ", "jmolAppletInline(600, mymol, '", parms, file=outfile, sep="")
cat(");\njmolDebugAlert(true);\n</script>", file=outfile, sep="\n")
cat("</tr>\n</table>\n</body>\n</html>",file=outfile, sep="\n")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.