# This file for functions under development before they get added to the files where they belong
# From XCIR output (skewing estimates) make calls for new SNPs
newCalls <- function(xcirout, newdata){
clean <- sample_clean(xcirout)
sscols <- c("sample", "CHROM", "POS", "GENE", "ANNO", "AD_hap1", "AD_hap2")
newdata <- merge(clean, newdata[, sscols, with = FALSE], by = "sample")
newdata[, dp1 := pmin(AD_hap1, AD_hap2)]
newdata[, tot := AD_hap1 + AD_hap2]
# Estimates
newdata[, fg := dp1/tot]
newdata[, var_fg := (tot * a_est * b_est * (a_est + b_est + tot))]
newdata[, var_fg := var_fg/((a_est + b_est)^2 * (a_est + b_est + 1))]
newdata[, var_fg := var_fg/tot^2] # Because we want the variance for the fraction, not the variance for the counts
newdata[, t := (fg-f)/sqrt(var_fg)] #Test statistic
newdata[, p_value := pnorm(t, lower.tail = FALSE)]
newdata[, status := ifelse(p_value < 0.05, "E", "S")]
#' Combine p-values from multiple SNPs
#' @param newcalls The \code{data.table} output by \code{newCalls}.
#' @param maxSNP A \code{numeric}. The maximum number of SNPs to use (i.e:
#' p-values to combine).
#' @param method A \code{character}. One of "fisher", "stouffer", "zscore".
#' zscore uses the total read count to weight each SNP.
#' @return The \code{newcalls} \code{data.table} with a new f_value column.
fisherCombine <- function(newcalls, maxSNP = 4, method = "fisher"){
out <- copy(newcalls)
out[, CNT := .N, by = c("sample", "GENE")]
out[, IDX := seq_len(.N), by = c("sample", "GENE")]
out <- out[IDX <= maxSNP]
out[, kcomb := pmin(CNT, maxSNP)]
if(method == "fisher"){
out[, X := -2*sum(log(p_value)), by = c("sample", "GENE")]
out[, f_value := pchisq(X, df = 2*kcomb, lower.tail = FALSE)]
} else if(method == "stouffer"){
out[, Z := sum(qnorm(1 - p_value))/sqrt(kcomb), by = c("sample", "GENE")]
out[, z_value := pnorm(Z, 0, kcomb, lower.tail = FALSE)]
} else if(method == "zscore"){
# Use total read count to weight
out[, Z := sum(sqrt(tot)*qnorm(1 - p_value))/sqrt(sum(tot)), by = c("sample", "GENE")]
out[, z_value := pnorm(Z, lower.tail = FALSE)]
getZ <- function(xcirout){
Zdt <- copy(xcirout)
Zdt[, mup := mean(p_value), by = "GENE"]
Zdt[, sdp := sd(p_value), by = "GENE"]
Zdt[, Z := (p_value - mup)/sdp]
# Limitations
# - Only works for two variants
# - Assumes most expressed variant is correct (s.t there are only two combinations)
.logL_BB_phasing <- function(a, dp1, dp2, dp){
a1 <- exp(a[1]) + 1
b1 <- exp(a[2]) + 1
pp1 <- exp(a[3])/(1+exp(a[3])) #Probability that phasing is correct for the top two genes
lpp1 <- XCIR:::ldbb(dp1, dp, a1, b1)
lpp2 <- XCIR:::ldbb(dp2, dp, a1, b1)
lik <- pp1 * exp(lpp1) + (1-pp1) * exp(lpp2)
logL <- -sum(lik)
# -> BB needs to be changed to prep dp2 and pp1 (a[3])
# i.e: Top2 SNPs per gene
BB_phasing <- function(dt_xci, full_dt, a0 = NULL, optimizer = "nlminb", method = NULL,
limits = FALSE, debug = FALSE){
dt <- copy(full_dt)
samples <- unique(dt_xci$sample)
a0 <- c(1,1, log(0.80/0.20))
for(sample_i in samples){
dp1 <- dt_xci[sample == sample_i, dp1]
dp2 <- dt_xci[sample == sample_i, dp2]
dp <- dt_xci[sample == sample_i, tot]
Nxcig <- dt_xci[sample == sample_i, .N]
lowb <- c(0, 0)
upb <- c(Inf, Inf)
upb <- c(699, 700)
method <- "L-BFGS-B"
} else{
lowb <- -Inf
upb <- Inf
# Refular optim
res_optim <- nlminb(a0, XCIR:::.logL_BB, dp1 = dp1, dp = dp)
# Refular optim
res_optim2 <- nlminb(a0, .logL_BB_phasing, dp1 = dp1, dp2 = dp2, dp = dp)
negLogLname <- "objective"
message <- res_optim$message
message <- ifelse(is.null(message), "", message)
dt[sample == sample_i, a_est := exp(res_optim$par[1]) + 1]
dt[sample == sample_i, b_est := exp(res_optim$par[2]) + 1]
dt[sample == sample_i, model := "BB"]
dt[sample == sample_i, k := length(res_optim$par)]
dt[sample == sample_i, logL := res_optim[[negLogLname]]] #-logL
dt[sample == sample_i, convergence := res_optim$convergence]
dt[sample == sample_i, flag := message]
dt[sample == sample_i, AIC := 2*k + 2*logL]
dt[sample == sample_i, Ntrain := Nxcig]
dt[sample == sample_i, BIC := log(Ntrain)*k + 2*logL]
# EM: Try using an EM instead of the likelihood based approach
M1 <- function(x, n, as, bs){
# E step
# The conditional probability to which subpopulation each observation x belongs is computed as the ratio
# of the density computed for category C over the sum of all densities.
# - Compute likelihood for each mixture
# - Estimate the fraction of each mixture
d0 <- pi0 * dbb(x, n, as, bs)
d1 <- pi1 * dbinom(x, n, pi_err)
d <- d0 + d1
p0 <- d0/d
p1 <- d1/d
# M step
# - Compute expected value of log likelihood
pi0 <- sum(p0)/n
pi1 <- sum(p1)/n
return() #return the parameter values and possibly the number of iteration and the likelihood difference.
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