#' @title Cell Signaling
#' @description Computes "autocrine" or "paracrine" interactions between cell
#' clusters.
#' @details `int.type` must be equal to "paracrine" or "autocrine" exclusively.
#' The "paracrine" option looks for ligands expressed in cluster A and their
#' associated receptors according to LR*db* that are expressed in any other
#' cluster but A. These interactions are labelled "paracrine". The interactions
#' that involve a ligand and a receptor, both differentially expressed in their
#' respective cell clusters according to the **edgeR** analysis performed by the
#' **cluster_analysis()** function, are labelled "specific". The "autocrine"
#' option searches for ligands expressed in cell cluster A and their associated
#' receptors also expressed in A. These interactions are labelled "autocrine".
#' Additionally, it searches for those associated receptors in the other cell
#' clusters (not A) to cover the part of the signaling that is "autocrine" and
#' "paracrine" simultaneously. These interactions are labelled
#' "autocrine/paracrine".
#' @details
#' The `tol` argument allows the user to tolerate a fraction of the cells in
#' cluster A to express the receptors in case `int.type="paracrine"`, that is to
#' call interactions that are dominantly paracrine though not exclusively.
#' Conversely, it allows the user to reject interactions involving receptors
#' that would be expressed by a small fraction of cluster A cells in case
#' `int.type="autocrine"`. By construction theassociation of these two options
#' covers all the possible interactions and increasing the `tol` argument allows
#' the user to move interactions from "autocrine" to "paracrine".
#' @details
#' If the user does not set `c.names`, the clusters will be named from 1 to the
#' maximum number of clusters (cluster 1, cluster 2, ...). The user can exploit
#' the `c.names` vector in the list returned by the **cell_classifier()**
#' function for this purpose. The user can also provide her own cluster names.
#' @details
#' `s.score` is the threshold on the LRscore. The value must lie in the [0;1]
#' interval, default is 0.5 to ensure confident ligand-receptor pair
#' identifications (see our publication). Lower values increase the number of
#' putative interactions while increasing the false positives. Higher values
#' do the opposite.
#' @details
#' `logFC` is a threshold applied to the log fold-change (logFC) computed for
#' each gene during the differential gene expression analysis. Its default value
#' is log~2~(1.5) It further selects the differentially expressed genes (>logFC)
#' after the p-value threshold imposed in the function **cluster_analysis()** below.
#' @details
#' `species` must be equal to "homo sapiens" or "mus musculus", default is
#' "homo sapiens". In the case of mouse data, the function converts mouse genes
#' in human orthologs (according to Ensembl) such that LR*db* can be exploited,
#' and finally output genes are converted back to mouse.
#' @details
#' If `write` is TRUE, then the function writes a text file that reports the
#' interactions in the *cell-signaling* folder. This file is a 4-column table:
#' ligands, receptors, interaction types ("paracrine", "autocrine",
#' "autocrine/paracrine" and "specific"), and the associated LRscore.
#' @details
#' Remarks:
#' @details- This function can be used with any `data` table associated with
#' corresponding `genes` and `cluster` vectors, meaning that advanced users can
#' perform their own data normalization and cell clustering upfront.
#' @details- In case the function **cluster_analysis()** was not executed, this function
#' would work but "specific" interactions would not be annotated as such.
#' @param data a data frame of n rows (genes) and m columns (cells) of read or
#' UMI counts (note : rownames(data)=genes)
#' @param genes a character vector of HUGO official gene symbols of length n
#' @param cluster a numeric vector of length m
#' @param int.type "autocrine" or "paracrine"
#' @param c.names (optional) cluster names
#' @param s.score LRscore threshold
#' @param logFC a number, the log fold-change threshold for differentially
#' expressed genes
#' @param species "homo sapiens" or "mus musculus"
#' @param tol a tolerance parameter for balancing "autocrine|paracrine"
#' interactions to the "autocrine" or "paracrine" group
#' @param write a logical
#' @param verbose a logical
#' @return The function returns "paracrine" or "autocrine" interaction lists.
#' The interactions that are both "paracrine" and "autocrine" are annotated
#' as "autocrine|paracrine" and are placed in the "autocrine" group by default.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @importFrom stats median pnorm
#' @importFrom stats median sd
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_data_frame write.graph
#' @examples
#' data=matrix(runif(1000,0,1),nrow=5,ncol=200)
#' rownames(data) <- c("A2M","LRP1","AANAT","MTNR1A","ACE")
#' cluster=c(rep(1,100),rep(2,100))
#' cell_signaling(data,rownames(data),cluster,int.type="paracrine",write=FALSE)
cell_signaling <- function(data, genes,
species=c("homo sapiens","mus musculus"),
if (dir.exists("cell-signaling")==FALSE & write==TRUE){
if (is.null(c.names)==TRUE){
c.names <- paste("cluster",seq_len(max(cluster)))
if (min(cluster)!=1){
cluster <- cluster + 1 - min(cluster)
if (length(c.names)!=max(cluster) | sum(duplicated(c.names))>0 |
grepl("/",paste(c.names,collapse =""))){
stop("The length of c.names must be equal to the number of clusters
and must contain no duplicates. The cluster names must not include
special characters")
int.type <- match.arg(int.type)
species <- match.arg(species)
rownames(data) <- genes
z <- seq_len(max(cluster))
lig <- unique(LRdb$ligand)
rec <- unique(LRdb$receptor)
data <- data.frame(data)
data <- data[rowSums(data)>0,]
med <- sum(data)/(nrow(data)*ncol(data))
if (species=='mus musculus'){
Hs2mm <- mm2Hs[,1]
mm2Hs <- mm2Hs[,2]
names(mm2Hs) <- as.character(Hs2mm)
names(Hs2mm) <- as.character(mm2Hs)
m.names <- mm2Hs[rownames(data)]
data <- subset(data,(!is.na(m.names)))
m.names <- m.names[!is.na(m.names)]
rownames(data) <- as.character(m.names)
## Autocrine -------------------
if (int.type=="autocrine"){
if (verbose==TRUE){
cat("Autocrine signaling: ",fill=TRUE)
auto <- list()
if (verbose==TRUE){
cat("Checking for cell/cell signaling:",fill=TRUE)
for (i in z){
if (sum(cluster==i)>1){
tmp <- data[,cluster==i]
tmp <- tmp[rowSums(tmp)>0,]
if (sum(is.element(lig, rownames(tmp)))>0){
lig.tmp <- rownames(tmp)[is.element(rownames(tmp),lig)]
#lig.tmp <- lig.tmp[!is.element(lig.tmp,gene.list[[i]])]
} else {lig.tmp=NULL}
final.tmp <- LRdb[is.element(LRdb$ligand,lig.tmp),seq_len(2)]
final.tmp <- data.frame(final.tmp,as.character(
m.lig <- rowSums(tmp[unique(final.tmp[,1]),])/sum(cluster==i)
names(m.lig) <- unique(final.tmp[,1])
if (sum(is.element(rec, rownames(tmp)))>0){
rec.tmp <- rownames(tmp)[is.element(rownames(tmp[apply(
tmp,1,function(x) sum(x>0))>tol*ncol(tmp),]),rec)]
} else {rec.tmp=NULL}
for (j in z){
if (sum(cluster==i)>1){
temp <- data[,cluster==j]
temp <- temp[rowSums(temp)>0,]
if (sum(is.element(rec, rownames(temp)))>0){
rec.temp <- rownames(temp)[is.element(rownames(temp),rec)]
#rec.temp <- rec.temp[!is.element(rec.temp,gene.list[[j]])]
} else {rec.temp=NULL}
rec.temp <- rec.temp[is.element(rec.temp,rec.tmp)]
m.rec <- rowSums(data.frame(temp[rec.temp,]))/sum(cluster==j)
names(m.rec) <- rec.temp
final <- final.tmp[is.element(final.tmp$receptor,rec.temp),]
final <- cbind(final,LRscore(m.lig[final$ligand],m.rec[final$receptor],
colnames(final) <- c(c.names[i],c.names[j],"interaction type","LRscore")
if (i==j){
final$`interaction type`="autocrine"
final <- final[final[,4]>s.score,]
final <- final[order(final[,4],decreasing=TRUE),]
if (species=="mus musculus"){
final[,1] <- Hs2mm[as.character(final[,1])]
final[,2] <- Hs2mm[as.character(final[,2])]
if (nrow(final)>0){
k <- k+1
auto[[k]] <- final
if (verbose==TRUE){
cat(paste(nrow(final),"interactions from",c.names[i],
int <- c(int,paste(i,"-",j,sep=""))
n.int <- c(n.int,paste(c.names[i],"-",c.names[j],sep=""))
gr <- graph_from_data_frame(final,directed=FALSE)
if (write==TRUE){
if (k!=0){
names(auto) <- n.int
## Paracrine -------------------
if (int.type=="paracrine"){
gene.list <- vector("list",max(cluster))
for (i in z){
if (file.exists(paste("./cluster-analysis/table_dge_",c.names[i],
resu <- fread(paste("./cluster-analysis/table_dge_",c.names[i],
gene.list[[i]] <- resu$genes[resu$logFC>logFC]
if (species == "mus musculus"){
gene.list[[i]] <- mm2Hs[gene.list[[i]]]
gene.list[[i]] <- gene.list[[i]][!is.na(gene.list[[i]])]
} else {
gene.list[[i]] <- "none"
cat(paste("No such file as table_dge_",c.names[i],
".txt in the cluster-analysis folder", sep=""),fill=TRUE)
if (verbose==TRUE){
cat("Paracrine signaling: ",fill=TRUE)
para <- list()
if (verbose==TRUE){
cat("Checking for signaling between cell types",fill=TRUE)
for (i in z){
if (sum(cluster==i)>1){
tmp <- data[,cluster==i]
tmp <- tmp[rowSums(tmp)>0,]
if (sum(is.element(lig, rownames(tmp)))>0){
lig.tmp <- rownames(tmp)[is.element(rownames(tmp),lig)]
#lig.tmp <- lig.tmp[!is.element(lig.tmp,gene.list[[i]])]
} else {lig.tmp=NULL}
final.tmp <- LRdb[is.element(LRdb$ligand,lig.tmp),seq_len(2)]
final.tmp <- data.frame(final.tmp,as.character(
m.lig <- rowSums(tmp[unique(final.tmp[,1]),])/sum(cluster==i)
names(m.lig) <- unique(final.tmp[,1])
if (sum(is.element(rec, rownames(tmp)))>0){
rec.tmp <- rownames(tmp)[is.element(rownames(tmp[
apply(tmp,1,function(x) sum(x>0))>tol*ncol(tmp),]),rec)]
} else {rec.tmp=NULL}
for (j in z[-i]){
if (sum(cluster==j)>1){
temp <- data[,cluster==j]
temp <- temp[rowSums(temp)>0,]
if (sum(is.element(rec, rownames(temp)))>0){
rec.temp <- rownames(temp)[is.element(rownames(temp),rec)]
#rec.temp <- rec.temp[!is.element(rec.temp,gene.list[[j]])]
} else {rec.temp=NULL}
rec.temp <- rec.temp[!is.element(rec.temp,rec.tmp)]
m.rec <- rowSums(data.frame(temp[rec.temp,]))/sum(cluster==j)
names(m.rec) <- rec.temp
final <- final.tmp[is.element(final.tmp$receptor,rec.temp),]
final <- cbind(final,LRscore(m.lig[final$ligand],m.rec[final$receptor],
exclus <- final$ligand %in% gene.list[[i]] & final$receptor %in%
if (sum(exclus)!=0){
f.exclu <- final[exclus,]
final <- final[!(final$ligand %in% gene.list[[i]] & final$receptor
%in% gene.list[[j]]),]
f.exclu[,3] <- "specific"
final <- rbind(f.exclu,final)
colnames(final) <- c(c.names[i],c.names[j],"interaction type",
final <- final[final[,4]>s.score,]
final <- final[order(final[,4],decreasing=TRUE),]
if (species=="mus musculus"){
final[,1] <- Hs2mm[as.character(final[,1])]
final[,2] <- Hs2mm[as.character(final[,2])]
if (nrow(final)>0){
para[[k]] <- final
if (verbose==TRUE){
cat(paste(nrow(final),"interactions from",c.names[i],"to",
int <- c(int,paste(i,"-",j,sep=""))
n.int <- c(n.int,paste(c.names[i],"-",c.names[j],sep=""))
gr <- graph_from_data_frame(final,directed=FALSE)
if (write==TRUE){
} else {
if (verbose==TRUE){
cat(paste(nrow(final),"No significant interaction found from",c.names[i],"to",
if (k!=0){
names(para) <- n.int
## Returns ---------------------
if (int.type=="autocrine"){
if (int.type=="paracrine"){
#' Calculation of the LRscore
#' @param l a value (or a vector) of the mean ligand expression in the
#' secreting cluster
#' @param r a value (or a vector) of the mean receptor expression in the
#' receiving cluster
#' @param s a value for scaling the score (usually the mean of the whole
#' read count table, the median or another similar value is possible),
#' must be over 0
#' @return a value or a vector
#' @export
#' @examples
#' l=1
#' r=9
#' s=5
#' LRscore(l,r,s)
LRscore <- function(l,r,s){
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