#' Plot Venn diagram from \code{allDA} object
#' Plot a Venn (Euler) diagram of features found by different methods.
#' Require the eulerr package unless output is TRUE.
#' @param x (Required) Output from the \code{allDA} function
#' @param tests (Required) Character vector with tests to plot (E.g. \code{c("ttt","adx.t","wil")}, see \code{names(x$results)}). Default none
#' @param alpha Numeric. q-value threshold for significant features. Default 0.1
#' @param split If TRUE will split diagrams in positive and negative estimates if possible
#' @param output If TRUE will return a data.frame instead of a plot
#' @param pkg Use either "eulerr" package (default) or "venneuler" for drawing diagrams.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for plotting
#' @return If output TRUE then a data.frame with Features detected by the different methods
#' @examples
#' # Creating random count_table and predictor
#' set.seed(5)
#' mat <- matrix(rnbinom(500, size = 0.1, mu = 500), nrow = 50, ncol = 10)
#' pred <- c(rep("Control", 5), rep("Treatment", 5))
#' # Running allDA to compare methods
#' # This example uses 1 core (cores = 1).
#' # Remove the cores argument to get it as high (and thereby fast) as possible.
#' res <- allDA(data = mat, predictor = pred, cores = 1)
#' # Plot venn diagram comparing significant features from znb and zpo
#' # znb and zpo only have significant features due to high false positive rates in this example
#' # split = TRUE splits the significant features in positive and negative estimates
#' vennDA(res, tests = c("znb","zpo"), split = TRUE)
#' @export
vennDA <- function(x, tests = NULL, alpha = 0.1, split = FALSE, output = FALSE, pkg = "eulerr", ...){
# Load package
if(pkg == "eulerr"){
ok <- tryCatch({
}, error=function(...) FALSE)
if(pkg == "venneuler"){
ok <- tryCatch({
}, error=function(...) FALSE)
if (ok){
# Check input
if(!all(names(x) == c("raw","adj","est","details","results"))) stop("x is not an allDA object")
plottests <- tests[tests %in% names(x[[2]])]
if(!all(tests %in% names(x[[2]]))){
message(paste(tests[!tests %in% names(x[[2]])],collapse = ", ")," not found in the allDA object")
if(length(plottests) == 0) stop("Nothing to plot")
# Which are significant
featurelist <- list()
for(i in seq_along(plottests)){
sub <- x$adj[,c("Feature",plottests[i])]
if(!plottests[i] %in% c("sam")) featurelist[[i]] <- sub[sub[,2] < alpha,"Feature"]
if(plottests[i] %in% c("sam")) featurelist[[i]] <- sub[sub[,2] != "No","Feature"]
# Split in negative and positive significant
featurelist.pos <- list()
featurelist.neg <- list()
for(i in seq_along(plottests)){
subs <- x$est[,c(1,which(gsub("_.*","",colnames(x$est)) == plottests[i]))]
if(plottests[i] == "bay"){
sub.p <- subs[subs[,2] == levels(subs[,2])[1],"Feature"]
sub.n <- subs[subs[,2] == levels(subs[,2])[2],"Feature"]
featurelist.pos[[i]] <- featurelist[[i]][featurelist[[i]] %in% sub.p]
featurelist.neg[[i]] <- featurelist[[i]][featurelist[[i]] %in% sub.n]
if(plottests[i] %in% c("abc","mva","sam","znb","zpo","poi","qpo","neb","lim","lli","lli2","vli","lia","lic","pea","spe","per","adx.t","adx.w","wil","ttt","ttr","ltt","ltt2","tta","ttc","ere","ere2","erq","erq2","ds2","ds2x","msf","zig","rai")){
featurelist.pos[[i]] <- featurelist[[i]]
featurelist.neg[[i]] <- featurelist[[i]]
} else {
sub.p <- subs[subs[,2] > 0,"Feature"]
sub.n <- subs[subs[,2] < 0,"Feature"]
featurelist.pos[[i]] <- featurelist[[i]][featurelist[[i]] %in% sub.p]
featurelist.neg[[i]] <- featurelist[[i]][featurelist[[i]] %in% sub.n]
# If no estimate/logFC provided throw all significant in both positive and negative list
if(!plottests[i] %in% c("abc","mva","sam","bay","znb","zpo","poi","qpo","neb","lim","lli","lli2","vli","lia","lic","pea","spe","per","adx.t","adx.w","wil","ttt","ttr","ltt","ltt2","tta","ttc","ere","ere2","erq","erq2","ds2","ds2x","msf","zig","rai")){
featurelist.pos[[i]] <- featurelist[[i]]
featurelist.neg[[i]] <- featurelist[[i]]
# Collect significant features and make correct naming
vennfeat.p <- do.call(c, featurelist.pos)
vennfeat.n <- do.call(c, featurelist.neg)
vennfeat <- c(vennfeat.p,vennfeat.n)
if(length(vennfeat) == 0) stop("No significant features")
naming.pos <- list()
naming.neg <- list()
for(i in seq_along(featurelist)){
if(plottests[i] == "bay"){
naming.pos[[i]] <- rep(paste0(plottests[i],"_",levels(x$results$bay$ordering)[1]),length(featurelist.pos[[i]]))
naming.neg[[i]] <- rep(paste0(plottests[i],"_",levels(x$results$bay$ordering)[2]),length(featurelist.neg[[i]]))
} else {
naming.pos[[i]] <- rep(paste0(plottests[i],"_Positive"),length(featurelist.pos[[i]]))
naming.neg[[i]] <- rep(paste0(plottests[i],"_Negative"),length(featurelist.neg[[i]]))
vennname.pos <- do.call(c, naming.pos)
vennname.neg <- do.call(c, naming.neg)
vennname <- c(vennname.pos,vennname.neg)
} else {
vennfeat <- do.call(c, featurelist)
if(length(vennfeat) == 0) stop("No significant features")
naming <- list()
for(i in seq_along(featurelist)){
naming[[i]] <- rep(plottests[i],length(featurelist[[i]]))
vennname <- do.call(c, naming)
# Make dataframe with significant features for each method
venndf <- data.frame(vennfeat,vennname)
# Remove the duplicate ones created earlier for methods without estimates/logFC
for(i in seq_along(plottests)){
if(!plottests[i] %in% c("abc","mva","sam","bay","znb","zpo","poi","qpo","neb","lim","lli","lli2","vli","lia","lic","pea","spe","per","adx.t","adx.w","wil","ttt","ltt","ltt2","tta","ttc","ere","ere2","erq","erq2","ds2","ds2x","msf","zig","rai")){
venndf <- venndf[venndf$vennname != paste0(plottests[i],"_Negative"),]
venndf$vennname <- as.character(venndf$vennname)
venndf[venndf$vennname == paste0(plottests[i],"_Positive"),"vennname"] <- plottests[i]
if(plottests[i] %in% c("znb","zpo","poi","qpo","neb") & !plottests[i] %in% gsub("_.*","",colnames(x$est))){
venndf <- venndf[venndf$vennname != paste0(plottests[i],"_Negative"),]
venndf$vennname <- as.character(venndf$vennname)
venndf[venndf$vennname == paste0(plottests[i],"_Positive"),"vennname"] <- plottests[i]
# Remove NAs
venndf <- na.omit(venndf)
# Return data.frame or plot
colnames(venndf) <- c("Feature","Method")
} else {
if(pkg == "venneuler"){
venndia <- venneuler::venneuler(venndf)
plot(venndia, ...)
if(pkg == "eulerr"){
euler.list <- list()
for(i in seq_along(unique(venndf$vennname))){
euler.list[[i]] <- venndf[venndf$vennname == unique(venndf$vennname)[i],1]
names(euler.list) <- unique(venndf$vennname)
plot(eulerr::euler(euler.list), quantities = TRUE, ...)
} else {
if(pkg == "eulerr") stop("eulerr package required")
if(pkg == "venneuler") stop("venneuler package required")
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