#' Estimating (empirical) statistical power
#' Estimating (empirical) statistical power for a specific differential abundance and expression method on a specific dataset
#' @param data Either a data.frame with counts/abundances, OR a \code{phyloseq} object. If a data.frame is provided rows should be taxa/genes/proteins and columns samples, and there should be rownames
#' @param predictor The predictor of interest. Either a Factor or Numeric, OR if \code{data} is a \code{phyloseq} object the name of the variable in \code{sample_data(data)} in quotation. If the \code{predictor} is numeric it will be treated as such in the analyses
#' @param paired For paired/blocked experimental designs. Either a Factor with Subject/Block ID for running paired/blocked analysis, OR if \code{data} is a \code{phyloseq} object the name of the variable in \code{sample_data(data)} in quotation.
#' @param covars Either a named list with covariates, OR if \code{data} is a \code{phyloseq} object a character vector with names of the variables in \code{sample_data(data)}
#' @param test Character. Which test to include. See \code{testDA} for details on the implemented tests.
#' @param effectSizes Numeric. The effect sizes for the spike-ins. Default \code{c(2,4,8,16,32)}
#' @param alpha.p p-value threshold for false positive rates. Default 0.05
#' @param alpha.q q-value threshold for determining significance for \code{empirical power}. Default 0.1. This will change \code{fdr.output} for "sam".
#' @param p.adj Character. Method for p-value adjustment. See \code{p.adjust} for details. Default "fdr"
#' @param R Integer. Number of times to run the tests. Default 5
#' @param relative Logical. TRUE (default) for compositional data, FALSE for absolute abundances or pre-normalized data.
#' @param k Vector of length 3. Number of Features to spike in each tertile (lower, mid, upper). E.g. \code{k=c(5,10,15)}: 5 features spiked in low abundance tertile, 10 features spiked in mid abundance tertile and 15 features spiked in high abundance tertile. Default NULL, which will spike 2 percent of the total amount of features in each tertile (a total of 6 percent), but minimum c(5,5,5)
#' @param cores Integer. Number of cores to use for parallel computing. Default one less than available. Set to 1 for sequential computing.
#' @param args List. A list with arguments passed to method.
#' @param out.all If TRUE linear models will output results and p-values from \code{anova}/\code{drop1}, ds2/ds2x will run LRT and not Wald test, erq and erq2 will produce one p-value for the predictor, and limma will run F-tests. If FALSE will output results for 2. level of the \code{predictor}. If NULL (default) set as TRUE for multi-class predictors and FALSE otherwise
#' @param core.check If TRUE will make an interactive check that the amount of cores specified are desired. Only if \code{cores>20}. This is to ensure that the function doesn't automatically overloads a server with workers.
#' @param verbose If TRUE will print informative messages
#' @details Currently implemented methods: see \code{testDA}
#' @return An object of class \code{DAPower}, which contains a list with 1: A data.frame with results, 2: alpha.p value, 3: alpha.q value
#' @import snow doSNOW foreach utils
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom pROC roc
#' @examples
#' # Creating random count_table and predictor
#' set.seed(5)
#' mat <- matrix(rnbinom(1000, size = 0.5, mu = 500), nrow = 50, ncol = 20)
#' rownames(mat) <- 1:50
#' pred <- c(rep("Control", 10), rep("Treatment", 10))
#' # Running powerDA on Wilcoxon test to test it with different effect sizes
#' # This example uses 1 core (cores = 1).
#' # Remove the cores argument to get it as high (and thereby fast) as possible.
#' res <- powerDA(data = mat, predictor = pred, test = "wil", cores = 1)
#' summary(res)
#' \donttest{
#' # Include a paired variable for dependent/blocked samples
#' subject <- rep(1:10, 2)
#' res <- powerDA(data = mat, predictor = pred, paired = subject, test = "ttt", cores = 1)
#' # Include covariates
#' covar1 <- rnorm(20)
#' covar2 <- rep(c("A","B"), 10)
#' res <- powerDA(data = mat, predictor = pred,
#' covars = list(FirstCovar = covar1, CallItWhatYouWant = covar2),
#' test = "lrm", cores = 1)
#' # Data is absolute abundance
#' res <- powerDA(data = mat, predictor = pred, relative = FALSE, test = "ttt", cores = 1)
#' }
#' @export
powerDA <- function(data, predictor, paired = NULL, covars = NULL, test = NULL, effectSizes = c(2,4,8,16,32), alpha.p = 0.05, alpha.q = 0.1, p.adj = "fdr", R = 5, relative = TRUE, k = NULL, cores = (detectCores()-1), args = list(), out.all = NULL, core.check = TRUE, verbose = TRUE){
# Check for servers
if(cores > 20){
ANSWER <- readline(paste("You are about to run testDA using",cores,"cores. Enter y to proceed "))
if(ANSWER != "y") stop("Process aborted")
# Extract from phyloseq
if(is(data, "phyloseq")){
DAdata <- DA.phyloseq(data, predictor, paired, covars)
count_table <- DAdata$count_table
predictor <- DAdata$predictor
paired <- DAdata$paired
covars <- DAdata$covars
} else {
count_table <- data
for(i in seq_along(covars)){
assign(names(covars)[i], covars[[i]])
# Coerce data
if(!is.null(paired)) paired <- as.factor(paired)
count_table <- as.matrix(count_table)
# Checks
if(is.null(test)) stop("'test' has to be specified")
if(relative) if(!isTRUE(all(unlist(count_table) == floor(unlist(count_table))))) stop("count_table must only contain integer values")
if(min(count_table) < 0) stop("count_table contains negative values")
if(sum(colSums(count_table) == 0) > 0) stop("Some samples are empty")
if(ncol(count_table) != length(predictor)) stop("Number of samples in count_table does not match length of predictor")
if(length(unique(predictor)) < 2) stop("predictor should have at least two levels")
if(length(test) != 1) stop("'test' has to have length 1")
if(verbose) message(paste("Running on",cores,"cores"))
# Remove Features not present in any samples
if(sum(rowSums(count_table) == 0) != 0) message(paste(sum(rowSums(count_table) == 0),"empty features removed"))
count_table <- count_table[rowSums(count_table) > 0,]
if(nrow(count_table) <= 15) warning("Dataset contains very few features")
# Spike vs no features
k <- rep(round(nrow(count_table)*0.02),3)
if(sum(k) < 15){
k <- c(5,5,5)
if(sum(k) == nrow(count_table)) stop("Set to spike all features. Change k argument")
if(sum(k) > nrow(count_table)) stop("Set to spike more features than are present in the data. Change k argument")
if(sum(k) < 15 & sum(k) >= 10 & R <= 10) message("Few features spiked. Increase 'k' or set 'R' to more than 10 to ensure proper estimations")
if(sum(k) < 10 & sum(k) >= 5 & R <= 20) message("Few features spiked. Increase 'k' or set 'R' to more than 20 to ensure proper estimations")
if(sum(k) < 5 & R <= 50) message("Very few features spiked. Increase 'k' or set 'R' to more than 50 to ensure proper estimations")
if(sum(k) > nrow(count_table)/2) message("Set to spike more than half of the dataset, which might give unreliable estimates, Change k argument")
# predictor
if(verbose) if(any(is.na(predictor))) warning("Predictor contains NAs!")
num.pred <- TRUE
if(verbose) message(paste("predictor is assumed to be a quantitative variable, ranging from",min(predictor, na.rm = TRUE),"to",max(predictor, na.rm = TRUE)))
if(length(levels(as.factor(predictor))) == 2){
ANSWER <- readline("The predictor is quantitative, but only contains 2 unique values. Are you sure this is correct? Enter y to proceed ")
if(ANSWER != "y") stop("Wrap the predictor with as.factor(predictor) to treat it is a categorical variable")
} else {
num.pred <- FALSE
if(length(levels(as.factor(predictor))) > length(unique(predictor))) stop("predictor has more levels than unique values!")
if(verbose) message(paste("predictor is assumed to be a categorical variable with",length(unique(predictor)),"levels:",paste(levels(as.factor(predictor)),collapse = ", ")))
if(verbose) message(paste("The paired variable has",length(unique(paired)),"levels"))
# out.all
if(length(unique(predictor)) == 2) out.all <- FALSE
if(length(unique(predictor)) > 2) out.all <- TRUE
if(num.pred) out.all <- FALSE
# Covars
for(i in seq_along(covars)){
if(verbose) if(any(is.na(covars[[i]]))) warning(names(covars)[i],"contains NAs!")
if(verbose) message(paste(names(covars)[i],"is assumed to be a quantitative variable, ranging from",min(covars[[i]], na.rm = TRUE),"to",max(covars[[i]], na.rm = TRUE)))
} else {
if(verbose) message(paste(names(covars)[i],"is assumed to be a categorical variable with",length(unique(covars[[i]])),"levels:",paste(levels(as.factor(covars[[i]])),collapse = ", ")))
if(verbose) cat("Spikeing...\n")
# Shuffle predictor
rands <- lapply(seq_len(R),function(x) sample(predictor))
} else {
rands <- lapply(seq_len(R),function(x) unsplit(lapply(split(predictor,paired), sample), paired))
# Spikeins
spikeds.l <- list()
for(eff in seq_along(effectSizes)){
spikeds.l[[eff]] <- lapply(seq_len(R),function(x) spikein(count_table, rands[[x]], effectSizes[eff], k, num.pred, relative))
spikeds <- do.call(c, spikeds.l)
count_tables <- lapply(seq_len(R*length(effectSizes)),function(x) spikeds[[x]][[1]])
# Test list
tests.par <- paste0(unlist(lapply(effectSizes,function(x) rep(x,R))),"-",rep(paste0(seq_len(R),"_",rep(test,R)),R))
### Run tests
# Progress bar
pb <- txtProgressBar(max = length(tests.par), style = 3)
progress <- function(n) setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
opts <- list(progress = progress)
# Start parallel
if(cores == 1) {
} else {
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
# Run the tests in parallel
results <- foreach(i = tests.par, .options.snow = opts) %dopar% {
# Extract run info
what.run <- which(i == tests.par)
run.no <- as.numeric(gsub(".*-","",gsub("_.*","",i)))
i <- gsub(".*_","",i)
i <- "zzz"
# Run tests
res.sub <- tryCatch(switch(i,
zzz = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,covars), args)),
mva = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,covars,relative, p.adj), args)),
wil = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired, relative,p.adj), args)),
ttt = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired, relative,p.adj), args)),
ttr = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired, relative,p.adj), args)),
ltt = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,relative,p.adj), args)),
ttc = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,p.adj), args)),
tta = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,p.adj), args)),
ltt2 = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,p.adj), args)),
neb = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,covars,relative,out.all,p.adj), args)),
erq = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,covars,out.all,p.adj), args)),
ere = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],p.adj), args)),
erq2 = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,covars,out.all,p.adj), args)),
ere2 = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],p.adj), args)),
msf = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],p.adj), args)),
zig = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,covars,p.adj), args)),
abc = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],covars,out.all,p.adj), args)),
ds2 = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,covars,out.all,p.adj), args)),
ds2x = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,covars,out.all,p.adj), args)),
per = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired, relative,p.adj), args)),
bay = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]]), args)),
adx = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]]), args)),
lim = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,covars,relative,out.all,p.adj), args)),
lic = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,covars,out.all,p.adj), args)),
lia = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,covars,out.all,p.adj), args)),
lli = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,covars,relative,out.all,p.adj), args)),
lli2 = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,covars,out.all,p.adj), args)),
kru = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],relative,p.adj), args)),
aoa = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],covars,p.adj), args)),
aoc = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],covars,p.adj), args)),
aov = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],covars,relative,p.adj), args)),
lao = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],covars,relative,p.adj), args)),
lao2 = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],covars,p.adj), args)),
lrm = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,covars, relative,out.all,p.adj), args)),
lmc = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,covars,out.all,p.adj), args)),
lma = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,covars,out.all,p.adj), args)),
llm = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,covars,relative,out.all,p.adj), args)),
llm2 = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,covars,out.all,p.adj), args)),
spe = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],relative,p.adj), args)),
pea = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],relative,p.adj), args)),
poi = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,covars,relative,out.all,p.adj), args)),
qpo = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],covars,relative,out.all,p.adj), args)),
vli = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,covars,out.all,p.adj), args)),
zpo = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],covars,relative,out.all,p.adj), args)),
znb = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],covars,relative,out.all,p.adj), args)),
fri = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,relative,p.adj), args)),
qua = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,relative,p.adj), args)),
sam = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_tables[[what.run]],rands[[run.no]],paired,fdr.output = alpha.q), args))),
error = function(e) NULL)
if(!i %in% c("sam","adx")){
res.sub[is.na(res.sub$pval),"pval"] <- 1
res.sub[is.na(res.sub$pval.adj),"pval.adj"] <- 1
names(results) <- tests.par
# Split aldex
if(test == "adx"){
results.t <- lapply(results, function(x) x[,c(1:9,12,13)])
results.w <- lapply(results, function(x) x[,c(1:7,10:13)])
for(k in seq_along(results.t)){
colnames(results.t[[k]]) <- c(colnames(results[[1]])[1:7],"pval","pval.adj","ordering","Feature")
colnames(results.w[[k]]) <- c(colnames(results[[1]])[1:7],"pval","pval.adj","ordering","Feature")
results.t[[k]]$Method <- "ALDEx2 t-test (adx)"
results.w[[k]]$Method <- "ALDEx2 wilcox (adx)"
names(results.t) <- paste0(names(results.t),".t")
names(results.w) <- paste0(names(results.w),".w")
results <- c(results.t,results.w)
tests.par <- names(results)
spikeds <- c(spikeds,spikeds)
r <- NULL
final.results <- foreach(r = tests.par, .combine = rbind) %do% {
res.sub <- results[names(results) == r][[1]]
# Make pseudo-pval for SAMseq
if(test == "sam"){
res.sub$pval <- 1/rank(res.sub$Score)
res.sub$pval.adj <- 1
res.sub[res.sub$Sig == "Yes","pval.adj"] <- 0
# Confusion matrix
totalPos <- nrow(res.sub[res.sub$pval <= alpha.p,])
totalNeg <- nrow(res.sub[res.sub$pval > alpha.p,])
truePos <- sum(res.sub[res.sub$pval <= alpha.p,"Feature"] %in% spikeds[[which(r == tests.par)]][[2]])
falseNeg <- sum(res.sub[res.sub$pval > alpha.p,"Feature"] %in% spikeds[[which(r == tests.par)]][[2]])
falsePos <- totalPos - truePos
trueNeg <- totalNeg - falseNeg
if(test == "sam"){
fpr <- NA
} else {
if((falsePos + trueNeg) != 0){
fpr <- falsePos / (falsePos + trueNeg)
} else {
fpr <- 0
# Confusion matrix adjusted
totalPos.adj <- nrow(res.sub[res.sub$pval.adj <= alpha.q,])
truePos.adj <- sum(res.sub[res.sub$pval.adj <= alpha.q,"Feature"] %in% spikeds[[which(r == tests.par)]][[2]])
falsePos.adj <- totalPos.adj - truePos.adj
if(totalPos.adj != 0){
fdr <- falsePos.adj / totalPos.adj
} else {
fdr <- 0
# Spike detection rate (empircal power aka sensitivity)
sdr <- truePos.adj / sum(k)
test_roc <- NULL
test_roc <- pROC::roc(as.numeric(res.sub$Feature %in% spikeds[[which(r == tests.par)]][[2]]) ~ res.sub$pval, auc=TRUE, direction = ">", quiet=TRUE),
error = function(e) NULL)
auc <- as.numeric(test_roc$auc)
} else {
auc <- 0.5
# Combine and return
df.combined <- data.frame(Method = res.sub$Method[1],
Run = as.numeric(gsub(".*-","",gsub("_.*","",r))),
EffectSize = as.numeric(gsub("-.*","",gsub("_.*","",r))),
AUC = auc,
FPR = fpr,
FDR = fdr,
Power = sdr)
rownames(df.combined) <- NULL
final <- list(final.results,alpha.p,alpha.q)
class(final) <- "DAPower"
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