
Defines functions DA.sam

Documented in DA.sam

#' SAMSeq
#' SAMSeq implementation for \code{DAtest}
#' @param data Either a matrix with counts/abundances, OR a \code{phyloseq} object. If a matrix/data.frame is provided rows should be taxa/genes/proteins and columns samples
#' @param predictor The predictor of interest. Factor or Numeric, OR if \code{data} is a \code{phyloseq} object the name of the variable in \code{sample_data(data)} in quotation
#' @param paired For paired/blocked experimental designs. Either a Factor with Subject/Block ID for running paired/blocked analysis, OR if \code{data} is a \code{phyloseq} object the name of the variable in \code{sample_data(data)} in quotation
#' @param fdr.output Passed to \code{SAMseq}. (Approximate) False Discovery Rate cutoff for output in significant genes table
#' @param allResults If TRUE will return raw results from the \code{SAMseq} function
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the \code{SAMseq} function
#' @return A data.frame with with results.
#' @examples 
#' # Creating random count_table and predictor
#' set.seed(4)
#' mat <- matrix(rnbinom(1000, size = 0.1, mu = 500), nrow = 100, ncol = 10)
#' rownames(mat) <- 1:100
#' pred <- c(rep("Control", 5), rep("Treatment", 5))
#' # Running SamSeq
#' res <- DA.sam(data = mat, predictor = pred)
#' @export
DA.sam <- function(data, predictor, paired = NULL, fdr.output = 0.05, allResults = FALSE, ...){

  ok <- tryCatch({
  }, error=function(...) FALSE)
  if (ok){
    # Extract from phyloseq
    if(is(data, "phyloseq")){
      DAdata <- DA.phyloseq(data, predictor, paired)
      count_table <- DAdata$count_table
      predictor <- DAdata$predictor
      paired <- DAdata$paired
    } else {
      count_table <- data
    pred.lev <- levels(as.factor(predictor))
    # Run the test
      # Quantitative
      res <- samr::SAMseq(count_table, predictor, resp.type = "Quantitative", genenames = rownames(count_table), fdr.output = fdr.output, ...)
    } else {
      # Categorical
      predictor <- as.numeric(as.factor(predictor))
      if(length(levels(as.factor(predictor))) == 2){
          res <- samr::SAMseq(count_table, predictor, resp.type = "Two class unpaired", genenames = rownames(count_table), fdr.output = fdr.output, ...)
        } else {
          predictor[predictor == 1] <- -1
          predictor[predictor == 2] <- 1
          predictor <- as.numeric(as.factor(paired)) * predictor
          res <- samr::SAMseq(count_table, predictor, resp.type = "Two class paired", genenames = rownames(count_table), fdr.output = fdr.output, ...)
      } else {
        res <- samr::SAMseq(count_table, predictor, resp.type = "Multiclass", genenames = rownames(count_table), fdr.output = fdr.output, ...)
    # Collect results
    if(res$samr.obj$resp.type == "Multiclass"){
      df <- data.frame(Feature = rownames(count_table),
                       Score = res$samr.obj$tt,
                       Sig = factor("No",levels = c("No","Yes")))
      tryCatch(df[df$Feature %in% as.matrix(res$siggenes.table$genes.up)[,1],"Sig"] <- "Yes",error = function(e) NULL)
      cont <- as.data.frame(res$samr.obj$stand.contrasts)
      colnames(cont) <- paste("Contrast",colnames(cont))
      df <- cbind(df,cont)
    } else {
      if(res$samr.obj$resp.type == "Quantitative"){
        df <- data.frame(Feature = rownames(count_table),
                         Score = res$samr.obj$tt,
                         Sig.up = factor("No",levels = c("No","Yes")),
                         Sig.lo = factor("No",levels = c("No","Yes")))
        tryCatch(df[df$Feature %in% as.matrix(res$siggenes.table$genes.up)[,1],"Sig.up"] <- "Yes",error = function(e) NULL)
        tryCatch(df[df$Feature %in% as.matrix(res$siggenes.table$genes.lo)[,1],"Sig.lo"] <- "Yes",error = function(e) NULL)
        df$Sig <- "No"
        df[df$Sig.up == "Yes" | df$Sig.lo == "Yes","Sig"] <- "Yes"
      } else {
        df <- data.frame(Feature = rownames(count_table),
                         Score = res$samr.obj$tt,
                         Fold.change = res$samr.obj$foldchange,
                         log2FC = log2(res$samr.obj$foldchange),
                         Sig.up = factor("No",levels = c("No","Yes")),
                         Sig.lo = factor("No",levels = c("No","Yes")))
        df$ordering <- NA
        df[!is.na(df$log2FC) & df$log2FC > 0,"ordering"] <- paste0(pred.lev[2],">",pred.lev[1])
        df[!is.na(df$log2FC) & df$log2FC < 0,"ordering"] <- paste0(pred.lev[1],">",pred.lev[2])
        tryCatch(df[df$Feature %in% as.matrix(res$siggenes.table$genes.up)[,1],"Sig.up"] <- "Yes",error = function(e) NULL)
        tryCatch(df[df$Feature %in% as.matrix(res$siggenes.table$genes.lo)[,1],"Sig.lo"] <- "Yes",error = function(e) NULL)
        df$Sig <- "No"
        df[df$Sig.up == "Yes" | df$Sig.lo == "Yes","Sig"] <- "Yes"
    df$Method <- "SAMseq (sam)"
    if(is(data, "phyloseq")) df <- addTax(data, df)
    } else {
  } else {
    stop("samr package required")
Russel88/DAtest documentation built on March 24, 2022, 3:50 p.m.