#' @title plotPL
#' @author Roger Gine
#' @family Plots
#' @description Plots the raw data points anotated with a given formula and
#' adducts.
#' @param struct An RHermesExp object
#' @param id Number of the file to plot
#' @param formula Formula annotation to search for (eg. "C6H12O6")
#' @param ads Adducts to plot. Defaults to NA, which plots all of them by
#' default.
#' @param rtrange The retention time interval to plot, in seconds (eg.
#' c(0,1000)). Defaults to a 0-10000s interval, which will cover all points.
#' @param dynamicaxis Whether to use a fixed y scale for all adducts or to adapt
#' the scale according to each adduct intensity
#' @return An interactive plot_ly object
#' @examples
#'\dontshow{struct <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "exampleObject.rds",
#' package = "RHermes"))}
#'p <- plotPL(struct, 1, "C5H11NO2", c("M+H", "M+Na", "M+K"), c(80, 120))
setGeneric("plotPL", function(struct, id, formula, ads = NA, rtrange = c(0,1e4),
dynamicaxis = TRUE) {
#' @rdname plotPL
setMethod("plotPL", c("RHermesExp", "numeric", "character", "ANY",
"ANY", "ANY" ),
function(struct, id, formula, ads= NA, rtrange = c(0,1e4), dynamicaxis = TRUE) {
ads <- struct@metadata@ExpParam@adlist$adduct
} else {
if(!all(ads %in% struct@metadata@ExpParam@adlist$adduct)){
ads <- ads %in% struct@metadata@ExpParam@adlist$adduct
if(length(ads) == 0) {
stop(paste0("No valid adducts selected, please check your",
"selection or leave ads=NA to select them all"))
warning("Some of the adducts are invalid and will not be included")
datafile <- struct@data@PL[[id]]@peaklist
FA_to_ion <- struct@metadata@ExpParam@ionF[[2]]
setkey(FA_to_ion, "f")
fs <- FA_to_ion[f == formula, ]
ions <- fs$ion
datafile <- filter(datafile, .data$formv %in% ions)
if (nrow(datafile) == 0) {return()}
datafile <- filter(datafile, between(.data$rt, rtrange[1], rtrange[2]))
if (nrow(datafile) == 0) {return()}
# toKeep <- vapply(unique(datafile$formv), function(f){
# ifelse(length(which(datafile$formv == f)) > 10, T, F)
# }, logical(1))
# datafile <- datafile[datafile$formv %in% unique(datafile$formv)[toKeep], ]
# if(nrow(datafile) == 0){return()}
datafile$ad <- ""
for (f in unique(datafile$formv)) {
ad <- as.character(fs$an[fs$ion == f])
datafile$ad[datafile$formv == f] <- ad[1]
datafile <- filter(datafile, ad %in% ads)
if (nrow(datafile) == 0) {return()}
pl <- ggplot() +
geom_point(data = datafile,
mapping = aes(x = .data$rt, y = .data$rtiv,
color = .data$isov),
size = 0.5, alpha = 0.6) +
facet_grid(rows = vars(ad)) +
theme_minimal() + ggtitle(formula)
return(ggplotly(pl, dynamicTicks = dynamicaxis))
#' @title plotCoverage
#' @author Roger Gine
#' @family Plots
#' @description Plots a representation of the raw data points covered by the
#' annotations and the redundancy of those annotations (that is, how many times
#' does the same data point get annotated as two different things).
#' @param struct An RHermesExp object
#' @param id Number of the PL to use in the plot
#' @return A list of two interactive plot_ly objects
#' @examples
#'\dontshow{struct <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "exampleObject.rds",
#' package = "RHermes"))}
#' if(FALSE){plotCoverage(struct, 1)}
setGeneric("plotCoverage", function(struct, id){
#' @rdname plotCoverage
setMethod("plotCoverage", signature = c("RHermesExp", "numeric"),
function(struct, id) {
pl <- struct@data@PL[[id]]@peaklist[, c("rt", "rtiv", "mz")]
distinct_pl <- nrow(distinct(pl))
noise <- struct@metadata@ExpParam@nthr
if(nrow(struct@data@PL[[id]]@raw) == 0){
return(list(plot_ly(), plot_ly()))
raw <- nrow(filter(struct@data@PL[[id]]@raw, .data$rtiv > noise))
pieplot <- data.frame(Class = c("Covered", "Non-covered"),
Value = c(distinct_pl, raw - distinct_pl))
colors <- c("rgb(211,94,96)", "rgb(128,133,133)")
p1 <- plot_ly(data = pieplot, labels = ~Class, values = ~Value,
type = "pie",
insidetextfont = list(color = "#FFFFFF", size = 18),
marker = list(colors = colors,
line = list(color = "#FFFFFF", width = 1)))
p1 <- p1 %>% layout(title = "Raw data points covered as PL entries")
barplot <- data.frame(Class = c("Total entries", "Distinct entries"),
Value = c(nrow(pl), distinct_pl))
p2 <- plot_ly(data = barplot, x = ~Class, y = ~Value, type = "bar",
insidetextfont = list(color = "#FFFFFF", size = 18),
marker = list(color = colors,
line = list(color = "#FFFFFF", width = 1)))
p2 <- p2 %>% layout(title = "Distinct PL entries vs Total Number")
return(list(p1, p2))
#'@title plotSOI
#'@author Roger Gine
#'@family plots
#'@description Plots the SOI data points, the non-SOI points with the same
#' annotation and, if blank subtraction was performed, it also plots the blank
#' data points.
#'@param struct An RHermesExp object
#'@param id Number of the SOI list to plot
#'@param formula Formula annotation to search for (eg. "C6H12O6")
#'@param ads Adducts to plot. Defaults to NA, which plots all of them by
#' default.
#'@param rtrange The retention time interval to plot, in seconds (eg.
#' c(0,1000)). Defaults to a 0-10000s interval, which will cover all points.
#'@param dynamicaxis Whether to use a fixed y scale for all adducts or to adapt
#' the scale according to each adduct intensity
#'@param interactive Whether to return a plotly object or a ggplot. Defaults to
#' TRUE (plotly).
#'@return An interactive plot_ly object or a static ggplot, depending on the
#' value of interactive
#'\dontshow{struct <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "exampleObject.rds",
#' package = "RHermes"))}
#'p <- plotSOI(struct, 1, "C5H11NO2", c("M+H", "M+Na", "M+K"), c(80, 120))
setGeneric("plotSOI", function(struct, id, formula, ads = NA,
rtrange = c(0,1e4), dynamicaxis = TRUE,
interactive = TRUE) {
#' @rdname plotSOI
setMethod("plotSOI", c("RHermesExp", "numeric", "character",
"ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY"),
function(struct, id, formula, ads = NA, rtrange= c(0, 1e4), dynamicaxis = TRUE,
interactive = TRUE) {
#Adduct selection
ads <- struct@metadata@ExpParam@adlist$adduct
} else {
if(!all(ads %in% struct@metadata@ExpParam@adlist$adduct)){
ads <- ads %in% struct@metadata@ExpParam@adlist$adduct
if(length(ads) == 0) {
stop(paste0("No valid adducts selected, please check your",
"selection or leave ads=NA to select them all"))
warning("Some of the adducts are invalid and will not be included")
#Import SOI list data
plist <- struct@data@SOI[[id]]@PlotDF
filen <- struct@data@SOI[[id]]@filename
plid <- which(vapply(struct@data@PL, function(x) {
return(x@filename == filen)
}, logical(1)))
if(length(plid) > 1){
plid <- plid[1]
warning("More than one PL matched with the SOI filename. ",
"Is everything OK?")
datafile <- struct@data@PL[[plid]]@peaklist
datafile <- datafile[datafile$isov == "M0", ]
Class <- NULL; isov <- NULL #To appease R CMD Check "no visible binding"
datafile[, Class := "Sample"]
#Import blank data if blank subtraction was performed on the SOI list
blankname <- struct@data@SOI[[id]]@SOIParam@blankname
blankid <- which(vapply(struct@data@PL, function(x) {
return(x@filename == blankname)
}, logical(1)))[1]
if(length(blankid) > 1) {
blankid <- blankid[1]
warning("More than one PL matched with the blank file. ",
"Is everything OK?")
blankfile <- struct@data@PL[[blankid]]@peaklist
blankfile <- blankfile[isov == "M0", ]
blankfile[, Class := "Blank"]
datafile <- rbind(datafile, blankfile)
} else {blankid <- NA}
#Filter by selected adducts and RT interval
FA_to_ion <- struct@metadata@ExpParam@ionF[[2]]
setkeyv(FA_to_ion, c("f"))
fs <- FA_to_ion[f == formula, ]
ions <- fs$ion
datafile <- filter(datafile, .data$formv %in% ions)
datafile <- filter(datafile, between(.data$rt, rtrange[1], rtrange[2]))
soiinfo <- filter(plist, .data$form %in% ions)
soiinfo <- filter(soiinfo, between(.data$rt, rtrange[1], rtrange[2]))
#No SOI data in the RT interval
if (nrow(soiinfo) == 0) {return()}
names(soiinfo)[names(soiinfo) == "form"] <- "formv"
names(soiinfo)[names(soiinfo) == "rtiv"] <- "Intensity"
names(datafile)[names(datafile) == "rtiv"] <- "Intensity"
datafile$ad <- ""
for (f in unique(datafile$formv)) {
ad <- as.character(fs$an[fs$ion == f])
datafile$ad[datafile$formv == f] <- ad[1]
soiinfo$ad <- ""
for (f in unique(soiinfo$formv)) {
ad <- as.character(fs$an[fs$ion == f])
soiinfo$ad[soiinfo$formv == f] <- ad[1]
datafile <- filter(datafile, .data$ad %in% ads)
soiinfo <- filter(soiinfo, .data$ad %in% ads)
if (nrow(soiinfo) == 0) {return()}
soiinfo$Class <- "Sample-SOI"
plot <- ggplot() +
geom_point(data = datafile[datafile$Class == "Sample", ],
mapping = aes(x = .data$rt, y = .data$Intensity,
color = .data$Class),
alpha = 0.4) +
geom_point(data = datafile[datafile$Class == "Blank", ],
mapping = aes(x = .data$rt, y = .data$Intensity,
color = .data$Class),
alpha = 0.5)+
geom_point(data = soiinfo,
mapping = aes(x = .data$rt, y = .data$Intensity,
color = .data$Class),
alpha = 0.8) +
scale_color_manual(breaks = c("Blank", "Sample", "Sample-SOI"),
values = c("#6D9503", "#8E032B", "#370B6B"))+
facet_grid(rows = vars(ad)) + theme_minimal() +
} else {
plot <- ggplot() +
geom_point(data = datafile[datafile$Class == "Sample", ],
mapping = aes(x = .data$rt, y = .data$Intensity,
color = .data$Class),
alpha = 0.3)+
geom_point(data = soiinfo,
mapping = aes(x = .data$rt, y = .data$Intensity,
color = .data$Class),
alpha = 0.8) +
scale_color_manual(breaks = c("Sample", "Sample-SOI"),
values = c("#8E032B", "#370B6B"))+
facet_grid(rows = vars(ad)) + theme_minimal() +
return(ggplotly(plot, dynamicTicks = dynamicaxis))
} else {
#'@title plotFidelity
#'@author Roger Gine
#'@family plots
#'@description Plots the selected SOI isotopic profile and a
#' comparison with its theoretical abundances calculated from
#' the molecular formula.
#'@param struct An RHermesExp object.
#'@param id Number of the SOI to plot.
#'@param entry The SOI entry to check.
#'@param plot Default to TRUE. The parameter is used for
#' consistency with the function internal use in filterSOI(). If
#' set to FALSE, returns some statistics about the isotopic
#' fidelity.
#'@return An interactive plot_ly object. If plot set to FALSE,
#' returns a list of isotopic fidelity metrics.
#'\dontshow{struct <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "exampleObject.rds",
#' package = "RHermes"))}
#'p <- plotFidelity(struct, 1, 9)
setGeneric("plotFidelity", function(struct, id, entry, plot = TRUE) {
#' @rdname plotFidelity
setMethod("plotFidelity", c("RHermesExp", "numeric", "numeric", "ANY"),
function(struct, id, entry, plot = TRUE) {
#Extract SOI and PL information from the selected SOI list
SOI <- struct@data@SOI[[id]]
fname <- SOI@filename
correspondingPL <- which(struct@metadata@filenames == fname)[1]
PL <- struct@data@PL[[correspondingPL]]@peaklist
#Filter the PL to the selected SOI region
curSOI <- SOI@SOIList[entry, ]
PL <- filter(PL, .data$formv == curSOI$formula)
PL <- filter(PL, data.table::between(.data$rt, curSOI$start, curSOI$end))
if (plot) {
p <- ggplotly(ggplot(PL) +
geom_point(aes(x = .data$rt, y = .data$rtiv,
color = .data$isov)) +
theme_minimal() +
#Carbon number check with M1 peak intensity pattern
maxpoint <- which.max(PL$rtiv[PL$isov == "M0"])
rt_at_max <- PL$rt[PL$isov == "M0"][maxpoint]
if (any(with(PL, isov == "M1" & rt == rt_at_max))) {
numC <- 100 * PL$rtiv[with(PL, isov == "M1" & rt == rt_at_max)][1] /
(1.1 * PL$rtiv[PL$isov == "M0"][maxpoint])
} else {
numC <- "Could not be defined. M1 not found below M0 max value"
f <- gsub(x = curSOI$formula, pattern = "[", replacement = "",
fixed = TRUE) %>%
gsub(x = ., pattern = "]", replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)
makeup <- CHNOSZ::makeup(f)
if (is.numeric(numC)) {
carbonCheck <- ifelse(round(numC) == makeup[["C"]],
"M1 intensity pattern matches with the formula",
"M1 pattern doesn't quite match")
} else {
carbonCheck <- numC
#Generate the isopattern plots
isodf <- data.frame(
name = c("13C", "17O", "18O", "2H",
"15N", "33S", "34S", "36S", "37Cl", "81Br", "41K", "6Li",
"10B", "21Ne", "22Ne", "25Mg", "26Mg", "29Si", "30Si",
"42Ca", "43Ca", "44Ca", "48Ca", "46Ti", "47Ti", "49Ti",
"50Ti", "50Cr", "53Cr", "54Cr", "54Fe", "57Fe", "58Fe",
"60Ni", "61Ni", "62Ni", "64Ni", "65Cu", "66Zn", "67Zn",
"68Zn", "70Zn", "76Se", "77Se", "78Se", "82Se", "84Sr",
"86Sr", "87Sr", "91Zr", "92Zr", "94Zr", "96Zr"),
code = c("M",
"[17O]", "[18O]", "D", "[15N]", "[33S]", "[34S]", "[36S]",
"[37Cl]", "[81Br]", "[41K]", "[6Li]", "[10B]", "[21Ne]",
"[22Ne]", "[25Mg]", "[26Mg]", "[29Si]", "[30Si]", "[42Ca]",
"[43Ca]", "[44Ca]", "[48Ca]", "[46Ti]", "[47Ti]", "[49Ti]",
"[50Ti]", "[50Cr]", "[53Cr]", "[54Cr]", "[54Fe]", "[57Fe]",
"[58Fe]", "[60Ni]", "[61Ni]", "[62Ni]", "[64Ni]", "[65Cu]",
"[66Zn]", "[67Zn]", "[68Zn]", "[70Zn]", "[76Se]", "[77Se]",
"[78Se]", "[82Se]", "[84Sr]", "[86Sr]", "[87Sr]", "[91Zr]",
"[92Zr]", "[94Zr]", "[96Zr]"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
isotopes <- NULL #To appease R CMD Check "no visible binding"
data("isotopes", package = "enviPat", envir = environment())
pat <- enviPat::isopattern(isotopes = isotopes, chemforms = f,
threshold = 0.1, verbose = F)[[1]]
pat <- apply(pat, 1, function(x){
x[3:length(x)] <- x[3:length(x)] - pat[1, 3:ncol(pat)]
}) %>% t() %>% rbind()
pat[pat < 0] <- 0
cols <- which(colnames(pat) %in% isodf$name)
#Sort the cols in the order the iso appear on the list
idx <- vapply(cols, function(x) {
which(colnames(pat)[x] == isodf$name)[1]
}, numeric(1))
cols <- cols[order(idx)]
pat <- as.data.frame(pat)
pat$code <- ""
for (i in cols) {
different <- which(pat[, i] != 0)
pat$code[different] <- paste0(pat$code[different],
rep(isodf$code[colnames(pat)[i] ==
pat[different, i])
pat$code[1] <- "M0"
pat$abundance <- pat$abundance * PL$rtiv[PL$isov == "M0"][maxpoint]/100
pat$class <- "Theoretical"
#Calculate isointensities at max M0 intensity peak
exp_int <- vapply(pat$code, function(iso) {
x <- PL$rtiv[PL$rt == rt_at_max & PL$isov == iso]
if (length(x) == 0) {
} else {
}, numeric(1)) %>% as.data.frame(x = .)
#Sort by abundance
colnames(exp_int) <- "abundance"
pat$code <- factor(pat$code,
levels = unique(pat$code[order(-pat$abundance)]))
exp_int$code <- pat$code
exp_int$class <- "Experimental"
df <- rbind(pat[, c("abundance", "code", "class")], exp_int)
if (plot) {
p2 <- ggplot(df)+
geom_col(aes(x = .data$code, y = .data$abundance,
fill = .data$class),
position = "dodge") +
ylab("Expected intensities") + theme_minimal() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90),
plot.margin = unit(c(1, 1, 1, 1), "cm"))
p2 <- ggplotly(p2)
p3 <- subplot(p, p2, nrows = 2, which_layout = 2) %>%
layout(title = curSOI$formula)
#Calculate isotopic cosine score -We drop M0 to avoid bias-
tint <- pat$abundance[-1]
eint <- exp_int$abundance[-1]
tooWeak <- which(tint < 20000)
if (length(tooWeak) != 0) {
tint <- tint[-tooWeak]
eint <- eint[-tooWeak]
if (length(tint) == 0) {
cos <- 1 #Nothing that we could observe. Doesn't get penalized
} else if (sum(eint) == 0) {
cos <- 0 #No isotopes detected when there should be
} else {
cos <- 1 - philentropy::dice_dist(eint,tint, testNA = F)
##Other atom checks
toCheck <- c("37Cl", "81Br", "34S")
otherChecks <- lapply(toCheck, function(atom) {
if (any(grepl(pattern = atom, x = df$code))) {
isoname <- paste0("[", atom, "]", 1)
cur <- df[df$code == isoname, ]
th <- cur$abundance[cur$class == "Theoretical"]
if (th[1] < 30000) {
exp <- cur$abundance[cur$class == "Experimental"]
return(data.table::between(exp, th * 0.5, th * 1.5))
} else {
names(otherChecks) <- toCheck
if (plot) {
return(list(p3, numC, carbonCheck, cos, otherChecks))
} else {
return(list(numC, carbonCheck, cos, otherChecks))
#'@title plotIL
#'@author Roger Gine
#'@description Draws a mz-rt representation of the inclusion list entries,
#'coloured by their intensity value.
#'@param struct An RHermesExp object
#'@param id Number of the inclusion list to plot
#'@return An interactive plot_ly object
#'@family Plots
#'\dontshow{struct <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "exampleObject.rds",
#' package = "RHermes"))}
#'plotIL(struct, 1)
setGeneric("plotIL", function(struct, id) {
#' @rdname plotIL
setMethod("plotIL", c("RHermesExp", "numeric"),
function(struct, id){
ggplotly(ggplot(struct@data@MS2Exp[[id]]@IL@IL) +
geom_segment(aes(x = .data[["start"]], xend = .data[["end"]],
y = .data[["mass"]], yend = .data[["mass"]],
color = log10(.data[["MaxInt"]]))))
#'@title plotSS
#'@author Roger Gine
#'@description Plots an Hermes-cleaned MS2 spectum (mz/int).
#'@param struct An RHermesExp object
#'@param ms2id Number of the MS2Exp object where the spectrum is
#'@param ssnumber Number of the spectrum to plot
#'@return A ggplot object
#'@family plots
#'\dontshow{struct <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "exampleObject.rds",
#' package = "RHermes"))}
#'if(FALSE){plotSS(struct, 1, 1)}
setGeneric("plotSS", function(struct, ms2id, ssnumber) {
#' @rdname plotSS
setMethod("plotSS", c("RHermesExp", "numeric", "numeric"),
function(struct, ms2id, ssnumber) {
entry <- struct@data@MS2Exp[[ms2id]]@Ident$MS2Features[ssnumber,]
query <- entry$ssdata[[1]]
maxint <- max(query$int)
#query$int <- query$int/max(query$int) * 100 #No normalization for this plot
bestdf <- query[query$int > 10, ]
bestdf$mz <- round(bestdf$mz, 4)
molecmass <- entry$precmass
moldf <- data.frame(mz = molecmass)
subtitle <- ""
title <- ""
pl <- ggplot() +
geom_segment(data = query, aes(x = .data$mz, xend = .data$mz,
y = 0, yend = .data$int),
color = "black") +
geom_point(data = moldf, aes(x = .data$mz, y = 0), shape = 17,
size = 2) +
theme_minimal() + ylab("Intensity (Counts)") +
theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1, 0.7, 1, 0.8), "cm"),
text = element_text(size = 11, family = "Segoe UI Light"),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
geom_text(data = bestdf, aes(x = .data$mz, y = .data$int + 5,
label = .data$mz),
family = "Segoe UI Light", check_overlap = TRUE) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(min(query$mz, molecmass) - 20,
max(query$mz, molecmass) + 20))+
ggtitle(title, subtitle)
# ggplotly(pl, height = 400)
#'@title plotRawMS2
#'@author Roger Gine
#'@description Plots an all MS2 fragments distribution along the rt of a given
#' inclusion list entry.
#'@param struct An RHermesExp object
#'@param ms2id Number of the MS2Exp object where the spectrum is
#'@param entryid Number of the inclusion list entry to plot
#'@return A list of four objects: a plot of the fragments grouped by their mz, a
#' plot of the fragments grouped by their shape similarity, the similarity
#' network and a summary table of peaks found and the group they belong to.
#'@family plots
#'@import networkD3
#'\dontshow{struct <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "exampleObject.rds",
#' package = "RHermes"))}
#'plotRawMS2(struct, 1, 2)
setGeneric("plotRawMS2", function(struct, ms2id, entryid) {
#' @rdname plotRawMS2
setMethod("plotRawMS2", c("RHermesExp", "numeric", "ANY"),
function(struct, ms2id, entryid) {
if (is.na(entryid)) {
return(list(p_bymz = ggplotly(ggplot()), p_bygroup = ggplotly(ggplot()),
net = NA, pks = data.frame()))
ms2data <- struct@data@MS2Exp[[ms2id]]@MS2Data
withdata <- which(vapply(ms2data, function(x){length(x) != 0}, logical(1)))
if(!entryid %in% withdata){
return(list(p_bymz = ggplotly(ggplot()), p_bygroup = ggplotly(ggplot()),
net = NA, pks = data.frame()))
ss <- generate_ss(entryid, MS2list = ms2data, contaminant = 173.5,
delta = 0.1, fs = character(), idx = numeric(),
to_plot = TRUE)
soi <- ss$soi
members <- ss$members
net <- ss$net
data <- ss$data
pks <- ss$pks
pks$members <- members
ss <- ss$ss
mem_to_keep <- vapply(members, function(x){
curpks <- pks[pks$members == x, ]
is_intense <- any(curpks$maxo > 3e4)
has_many_pks <- nrow(curpks) > 2
return(is_intense | has_many_pks)
}, logical(1))
members <- members[mem_to_keep]
pks <- pks[pks$members %in% members, ]
# oldpoints <- soi
# oldpoints$member <- "Original points"
xlim <- c(min(soi$rt)-8, max(soi$rt)+8)
res <- reassign_and_check(pks, soi)
pks <- res[[1]]
soi <- res[[2]]
if (nrow(soi) == 0) {
return(list(p_bymz = ggplotly(ggplot()), p_bygroup = ggplotly(ggplot()),
net = NA, pks = data.frame()))
if (any(!mem_to_keep)) {
net <- igraph::delete.vertices(net, which(!mem_to_keep))
soi$member <- "Not considered"
for (i in unique(members)) {
soi$member[soi$peak %in% which(members == i)] <- paste("Superspec.",
p_bymz <- ggplot(soi) +
geom_point(aes(x = .data$rt, y = .data$rtiv,
color = as.factor(.data$mz)))+
xlim(xlim) + theme_minimal()
p_bygroup <- ggplot(soi) +
geom_point(aes(x = .data$rt, y = .data$rtiv,
color = as.factor(.data$member)))+
xlim(xlim) + theme_minimal()
net <- networkD3::igraph_to_networkD3(net, group = members)
net <- visNetwork(net$nodes %>% rename(label = .data$name) %>%
mutate(id = seq_len(nrow(net$nodes)) - 1), net$links %>%
rename(from = .data$source, to = .data$target))
net %<>% visNodes(color = list(background = "lightblue")) %>%
visEdges(smooth = FALSE) %>%
visPhysics(solver = "forceAtlas2Based",
forceAtlas2Based = list(gravitationalConstant = -100),
stabilization = FALSE)
return(list(p_bymz = p_bymz, p_bygroup = p_bygroup, net = net, pks = pks))
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