## ............................................................................
## Group Coordinates ####
#' Centroids Coordinates
#' @description Centroids calculation for a given group of cells defined for instance by cell type/ condition.
#' @param X Seurat or SingleCellExperiment object, alternatively a matrix.
#' @param group.by column name of meta.data (Seurat) or ColData (SingleCellExperiment). For Seurat object if NULL active.ident slot will be taken.
#' @param reduction Which dimensionality reduction to use, must be based on MCA.
#' @param dims A vector of integers indicating which dimensions to use with reduction embeddings and loadings for distance calculation.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to methods
#' @return A data.table with coordinates of the group centroids for the specidied dims.
GetGroupCoordinates <- function(X, group.by, reduction, dims, ...) {
UseMethod("GetGroupCoordinates", X)
#' @rdname GetGroupCoordinates
#' @export
GetGroupCoordinates.matrix <- function(X, group.by, reduction = NULL, dims, ...) {
group <- NULL
group.by <- group.by[rownames(X)]
DT_cells <- as.data.table(X[, dims], keep.rownames = "cells")
DT_cells[, group := group.by]
DT_cells <- DT_cells[order(group), ]
setcolorder(DT_cells, c(c("cells", "group"), setdiff(
colnames(DT_cells), c("cells", "group")
axis <- tail(names(DT_cells), -2)
group_centroids <-
DT_cells[, lapply(.SD, mean), by = group, .SDcols = axis]
group_coordinates <-
as.matrix(group_centroids, rownames = "group")
#' @rdname GetGroupCoordinates
#' @export
GetGroupCoordinates.Seurat <-
function(X, group.by = NULL, reduction = "mca", dims = seq(50), ...) {
check <-
reduction = reduction,
dims = dims,
features = NULL,
group.by = group.by
dims <- check$dims
group.by <- check$group.by.vec
Emb <- Embeddings(X, reduction)
group_coordinates <-
X = Emb,
group.by = group.by,
dims = dims
#' @rdname GetGroupCoordinates
#' @export
GetGroupCoordinates.SingleCellExperiment <-
function(X, group.by = NULL, reduction = "MCA", dims, ...) {
check <-
reduction = reduction,
dims = dims,
features = NULL,
cells = NULL,
group.by = group.by
dims <- check$dims
group.by <- check$group.by.vec
Emb <- reducedDim(X, reduction)
group_coordinates <-
X = Emb,
group.by = group.by,
dims = dims
## ............................................................................
## Group Gene Euclidean Distances ####
#' Centroids-Genes distances
#' @description Distance calculation between genes and group of cells centroids.
#' @param X Seurat or SingleCellExperiment object, alternatively a matrix.
#' @param group.by column name of meta.data (Seurat) or ColData (SingleCellExperiment)
#' @param reduction Which dimensionality reduction to use, must be based on MCA.
#' @param dims A vector of integers indicating which dimensions to use with reduction embeddings and loadings for distance calculation.
#' @param features A character vector of features name to subset feature coordinates for distance calculation.
#' @return Distance Matrix between groups (column) and genes (row)
GetGroupGeneDistance <-
function(X, group.by, reduction, dims, features) {
UseMethod("GetGroupGeneDistance", X)
#' @rdname GetGroupGeneDistance
#' @export
GetGroupGeneDistance.Seurat <-
function(X, group.by = NULL, reduction = "mca", dims = seq(50), features = NULL) {
check <-
reduction = reduction,
dims = dims,
features = features,
cells = NULL,
group.by = group.by
dims <- check$dims
features <- check$features
group.by <- check$group.by
group_coordinates <-
group.by = group.by,
reduction = reduction,
dims = dims
if (is.null(features)) {
genes_coordinates <- Loadings(X, reduction)[, dims]
else {
genes_coordinates <- Loadings(X, reduction)[features, dims]
GroupGeneDistance <- t(pairDist(genes_coordinates, group_coordinates))
#' @rdname GetGroupGeneDistance
#' @export
GetGroupGeneDistance.SingleCellExperiment <-
function(X, group.by, reduction = "MCA", dims = seq(50), features = NULL) {
check <-
reduction = reduction,
dims = dims,
features = features,
cells = NULL,
group.by = group.by
dims <- check$dims
features <- check$features
group.by <- check$group.by
group_coordinates <-
GetGroupCoordinates(X, group.by, reduction = reduction, dims = dims)
if (is.null(features)) {
genes_coordinates <-
attr(reducedDim(X, reduction), "genesCoordinates")[, dims]
else {
genes_coordinates <-
attr(reducedDim(X, reduction), "genesCoordinates")[features, dims]
GroupGeneDistance <- t(pairDist(genes_coordinates, group_coordinates))
## ............................................................................
## Group Gene Ranking ####
#' Gene Specificity Ranking Calculation
#' @param X Seurat or SingleCellExperiment object, alternatively a matrix.
#' @param group.by column name of meta.data (Seurat) or ColData (SingleCellExperiment)
#' @param reduction Which dimensionality reduction to use, must be based on MCA.
#' @param dims A vector of integers indicating which dimensions to use with reduction embeddings and loadings for distance calculation.
#' @param features A character vector of features name to subset feature coordinates for distance calculation.
#' @return List of genes ranking for each groups
#' @export
#' @examples
#' seuratPbmc <- RunMCA(seuratPbmc, nmcs = 5)
#' GroupGeneRanking <- GetGroupGeneRanking(seuratPbmc, group.by = "seurat_clusters", dims = 1:5)
GetGroupGeneRanking <-
function(X, group.by, reduction, dims, features) {
UseMethod("GetGroupGeneRanking", X)
#' @rdname GetGroupGeneRanking
#' @export
GetGroupGeneRanking.Seurat <-
function(X, group.by = NULL, reduction = "mca", dims = seq(50), features = NULL) {
GroupGeneDistance <-
X = X,
group.by = group.by,
dims = dims,
reduction = reduction,
features = features
GroupGeneRanking <- DistSort(GroupGeneDistance)
#' @rdname GetGroupGeneRanking
#' @export
GetGroupGeneRanking.SingleCellExperiment <-
function(X, group.by, reduction = "MCA", dims = seq(50), features = NULL) {
GroupGeneDistance <-
X = X,
group.by = group.by,
dims = dims,
reduction = reduction,
features = features
GroupGeneRanking <- DistSort(GroupGeneDistance)
## ............................................................................
## Group Gene Set ####
#' Extract cluster/group gene sets from MCA
#' @param X Seurat or SingleCellExperiment object, alternatively a matrix.
#' @param group.by column name of meta.data (Seurat) or ColData (SingleCellExperiment).
#' @param reduction Which dimensionality reduction to use, must be based on MCA.
#' @param dims A vector of integers indicating which dimensions to use with reduction for distance calculation.
#' @param features A character vector of features name to subset feature coordinates for distance calculation.
#' @param n.features A single integer specifying how many top features will be extracted from ranking.
#' @return Distance Matrix between groups (column) and genes (row)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' seuratPbmc <- RunMCA(seuratPbmc, nmcs = 5)
#' GroupGeneSet <- GetGroupGeneSet(seuratPbmc, dims = 1:5, group.by = "seurat_clusters")
GetGroupGeneSet <-
function(X, group.by, reduction, dims, features, n.features) {
UseMethod("GetGroupGeneSet", X)
#' @rdname GetGroupGeneSet
#' @export
GetGroupGeneSet.Seurat <-
function(X, group.by = NULL, reduction = "mca", dims = seq(50), features = NULL, n.features = 200) {
GroupGeneRanking <-
X = X,
group.by = group.by,
dims = dims,
reduction = reduction,
features = features
GroupGeneSet <-
lapply(GroupGeneRanking, function(x) {
names(head(x, n.features))
#' @rdname GetGroupGeneSet
#' @export
GetGroupGeneSet.SingleCellExperiment <-
function(X, group.by = NULL, reduction = "MCA", dims = seq(50), features = NULL, n.features = 200) {
GroupGeneRanking <-
X = X,
group.by = group.by,
dims = dims,
reduction = reduction,
features = features
GroupGeneSet <-
lapply(GroupGeneRanking, function(x) {
names(head(x, n.features))
# misc --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Sort Gene Cell Distance Matrix
#' @param distance distance matrix with features at rows and cell at columns
#' @return list of ranking of genes by cells
DistSort <- function(distance) {
message("\ncreating ranking\n")
GroupGeneDistance_DF <- as.data.table(distance)
GroupGeneRanking <-
FUN = function(x) {
names(x) <- rownames(distance)
x <- sort(x, method = "quick")
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