#' Check for CelliD arguments
#' @description Performs multiple check of consistency of the argument provided by the user for different CelliD functions.
#' It notably check if the provided features or cells name ar e actually contained in the high level object.
#' @param X Seurat or SingleCell Experiment Object
#' @param group.by Name of meta.data or ColData column.
#' @param reduction Which dimensionality reduction to use, must be based on MCA.
#' @param dims A vector of integers indicating which dimensions to use of specified reduction embeddings and loadings.
#' @param features Character vector of feature names to subset feature coordinates. If not specified will take all features available from specified reduction loadings.
#' @param cells Character vector of cell names to subset cell coordinates. If not specified will take all features available from specified reduction Embeddigns.
#' @return list of corrected arguments if no error is thrown.
checkCelliDArg <-
function(X, group.by, reduction, dims, features, cells) {
UseMethod("checkCelliDArg", X)
#' @rdname checkCelliDArg
checkCelliDArg.Seurat <-
function(X, group.by = NULL, reduction, dims, features = NULL, cells = NULL) {
# dimension check ---------------------------------------------------------
if (length(reduction) != 1) {
stop("Length reduction > 1, please specify a single reduction name")
if (is.null(X@reductions[[reduction]])) {
stop(glue("specified reduction {reduction} does not exist"))
if (is.null(X@reductions[[reduction]]@misc$mca.flag)) {
stop("selected reduction is not an mca")
if (length(dims) == 1) {
dims <- seq(dims)
if (!all(dims %in% seq(ncol(Embeddings(X, reduction))))) {
"specified dimension not covered in {reduction}, only {ncol(Embeddings(X, reduction))} dimension computed"
# feature check -----------------------------------------------------------
if (is.null(features)) {
features <- rownames(Loadings(X, reduction))
else {
Tfeatures <- rownames(Loadings(X, reduction))
featureCheck <- features %in% Tfeatures
if (!all(featureCheck)) {
missingFeatures <- features[!featureCheck]
matchingFeatures <- features[featureCheck]
"\nfeatures {paste(missingFeatures, collapse = \",\")} not in chosen reduction {reduction}\n"
featuresMenu <-
choices = c("continue without", "cancel"),
graphics = FALSE
if (featuresMenu == 1) {
features <- matchingFeatures
else {
stop("function aborted by user")
# cells check -------------------------------------------------------------
if (is.null(cells)) {
cells <- rownames(Embeddings(X, reduction))
} else {
Tcells <- rownames(Embeddings(X, reduction))
cellCheck <- cells %in% Tcells
if (!all(cellCheck)) {
missingcells <- cells[!cellCheck]
matchingcells <- cells[cellCheck]
"\ncells {missingcells} not in reduction {reduction}"
cellsMenu <-
choices = c("continue without", "cancel"),
graphics = FALSE
if (cellsMenu == 1) {
cells <- matchingcells
else {
stop("function aborted by user")
# check metadata ----------------------------------------------------------
if (is.null(group.by)) {
group.by.vec <- X@active.ident
} else {
if (group.by %in% colnames(X@meta.data)) {
group.by.vec <- X@meta.data[[group.by]]
names(group.by.vec) <- rownames(X@meta.data)
else {
"{group.by} column not present in seurat object meta.data"
fc <-
dims = dims,
features = features,
cells = cells,
group.by = group.by,
group.by.vec = group.by.vec
#' @rdname checkCelliDArg
checkCelliDArg.SingleCellExperiment <-
function(X, reduction, dims, features = NULL, cells = NULL, group.by = NULL) {
# dimension check ---------------------------------------------------------
if (length(reduction) != 1) {
stop("Please specify a singe reduction name")
dimSlot <- reducedDim(X, reduction)
cellEmb <- dimSlot
featureEmb <- attr(dimSlot, "genesCoordinates")
if (is.null(dimSlot)) {
stop(glue("specified reduction {reduction} does not exist"))
if (is.null(attr(dimSlot, "mcaFlag"))) {
stop("selected reduction is not an mca")
if (length(dims) == 1) {
dims <- seq(dims)
if (!all(dims %in% seq(ncol(dimSlot)))) {
"specified dimension not covered in {reduction}, only {ncol(dimSlot)} dimension computed"
# feature check -----------------------------------------------------------
if (is.null(features)) {
features <- rownames(featureEmb)
else {
Tfeatures <- rownames(featureEmb)
featureCheck <- features %in% Tfeatures
if (!all(featureCheck)) {
missingFeatures <- features[!featureCheck]
matchingFeatures <- features[featureCheck]
"\nfeatures {paste(missingFeatures, collapse = \",\")} not in chosen reduction {reduction}\n"
featuresMenu <-
choices = c("continue without", "cancel"),
graphics = FALSE
if (featuresMenu == 1) {
features <- matchingFeatures
else {
stop("function aborted by user")
# cells check -------------------------------------------------------------
if (is.null(cells)) {
cells <- rownames(cellEmb)
} else {
Tcells <- rownames(cellEmb)
cellCheck <- cells %in% Tcells
if (!all(cellCheck)) {
missingcells <- cells[!cellCheck]
matchingcells <- cells[cellCheck]
"\ncells {missingcells} not in reduction {reduction}"
cellsMenu <-
choices = c("continue without", "cancel"),
graphics = FALSE
if (cellsMenu == 1) {
cells <- matchingcells
else {
stop("function aborted by user")
# check metadata ----------------------------------------------------------
if (is.null(group.by)) {
group.by <- NULL
group.by.vec <- NULL
} else {
if (group.by %in% colnames(colData(X))) {
group.by.vec <- colData(X)[[group.by]]
names(group.by.vec) <- rownames(colData(X))
else {
"{group.by} column not present in SingleCellExperiment object colData"
fc <-
dims = dims, features = features, cells = cells, group.by.vec = group.by.vec, group.by = group.by
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