#' array-ify a string with a possible leading path/URL/whatever
#' @param x a string
#' @param y a split character
#' @return the array produced by splitting basename(x) on y
#' @export
str2vec <- function(x, y="_") {
strsplit(basename(x), y)[[1]]
#' grab the z'th element(s) off of a vector formed by splitting x on y
#' useful for (e.g.) grabbing source barcodes from GEO
#' @param x a string
#' @param y a split character ("_")
#' @param z which element(s) to retrieve (1)
#' @return the element(s) [z] produced by splitting basename(x) on y
#' @export
strshift <- function(x, y="_", z=1) {
paste(str2vec(x, y)[z], collapse=y)
#' pop a string off a string, for (e.g.) grabbing source barcodes from GEO
#' @param x a string
#' @param y a split character
#' @param z which element(s) to retrieve (the last one)
#' @return the element(S) produced by splitting basename(x) on y
#' @export
strpop <- function(x, y="_", z=NULL) {
vec <- str2vec(x, y)
if (is.null(z)) z <- length(vec)
paste(vec[z], collapse=y)
#' The opposite of strpop: push string(s) onto a string.
#' @param w a string
#' @param x one or more elements to push onto the string
#' @param y optional, split character (default: "_")
#' @param z optional, add x after str2vec(w)[z] (default: length(str2vec(w)))
#' @return a string
#' @export
strpush <- function(w, x, y="_", z=NULL) {
vec <- str2vec(w, y)
if (is.null(z)) z <- length(vec)
paste(append(vec, x, z), collapse=y)
#' for tidying up rowRanges prior to merging
#' @param x a GRanges or GRangesList that has metadata columns it doesn't need
#' @describeIn ozymandias-utils
#' @export
stripMcols <- function(x) { # {{{
if (is(x, "GRangesList")) {
xx <- unlist(x)
nm <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(names(xx), ".", fixed=T), `[`, 1))
mcols(xx) <- NULL
x <- split(xx, nm)
} else if (is(x, "GRanges")) {
mcols(x) <- NULL
} # }}}
#' mask (set to NA) beta values by pval for a GenomicRatioSet
#' @param grSet a GenomicRatioSet with matrices "Beta" and "pval"
#' @param pcutoff optional p-value cutoff for masking, default is 0.01
#' @describeIn ozymandias-utils
#' @export
maskBetas <- function(grSet, pcutoff=0.01, ...) { # {{{
if (!"pval" %in% names(assays(grSet))) {
message("You do not have detection calls stored in assays(grSet)$pval")
message("Cannot mask beta values. Returning your grSet unaltered.")
} else if (!is(assays(grSet)$pval, "Matrix")) {
## this can save a HUGE amount of space overall
assays(grSet)$pval <- Matrix(assays(grSet)$pval)
is.na(assays(grSet)$Beta[which(assays(grSet)$pval > pcutoff)]) <- TRUE
} # }}}
#' convenience function to feed getSurv, OSurv, EFSurv
#' @param x a SummarizedExperiment-like dataset
#' @param timeCol column name for time to event covariate, default "time"
#' @param eventCol column name for censoring/event covariate, default "event"
#' @return a boolean vector: whether each column has both covariates
#' @describeIn ozymandias-utils
#' @export
hasSurv <- function(x, timeCol="time", eventCol="event") {
return(!is.na(x[[timeCol]]) & !is.na(x[[eventCol]]))
#' convenience function to feed OSurv, EFSurv
#' @param x a SummarizedExperiment-like dataset
#' @param timeCol column name for time to event, default "OS"
#' @param eventCol column name for censoring/event (0/1), default "OSevent"
#' @return a \code{Surv} object, if one can be constructed from x
#' @describeIn ozymandias-utils
#' @export
getSurv <- function(x, timeCol="time", eventCol="event") {
xx <- colData(x)[hasSurv(x, timeCol=timeCol, eventCol=eventCol),]
Surv(xx[[timeCol]], xx[[eventCol]])
#' Get overall survival for a SummarizedExperiment-like dataset
#' @param x a SummarizedExperiment-like dataset
#' @param timeCol column name for time to event, default "OS"
#' @param eventCol column name for censoring/event (0/1), default "OSevent"
#' @return a \code{Surv} object, if one can be constructed from x
#' @describeIn ozymandias-utils
#' @export
OSurv <- function(x, timeCol="OS", eventCol="OSevent") {
getSurv(x, timeCol, eventCol)
#' Get event-free survival from SummarizedExperiment-like data
#' @param x a SummarizedExperiment-like dataset
#' @param timeCol column name for time to event, default "EFS"
#' @param eventCol column name for censoring/event (0/1), default "EFSevent"
#' @return a \code{Surv} object, if one can be constructed from x
#' @describeIn ozymandias-utils
#' @export
EFSurv <- function(x, timeCol="EFS", eventCol="EFSevent") {
getSurv(x, timeCol, eventCol)
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