processCounts <- function(bam.Files=NULL,sample.Names=NULL,annot.GFF=NULL,GFF.File=NULL, paired.Reads=FALSE,
stranded.Reads=FALSE, out.File=NULL, temp.Dir=NULL, num.Cores=NULL){
### make sure R doesn't add factors -- R creators never should have made this default = TRUE
# make sure that bam.Files were entered when running processCounts
if(is.null(bam.Files) == TRUE){
stop(call = ExCluster_errors$BAM_argument_missing)
#now make sure the sample.Names variable is set
if(is.null(sample.Names) == TRUE){
stop(call = ExCluster_errors$sample_name_argument_missing)
# make sure that 'paired.Reads' variable is logical
if(is.logical(paired.Reads) == FALSE){
stop(call = ExCluster_errors$paired_reads_not_logical)
# Check to make sure the number of sample & sample names are the same
if (length(bam.Files) != length(sample.Names)){
stop(call = ExCluster_errors$BAM_sample_length_unequal)
########################## Read counts with Rsubread ##########################
### check to make sure either the GFF data is present, or a GFF file path is given.
if(is.null(annot.GFF) == TRUE){
if (is.null(GFF.File) == FALSE){
if (file.exists(GFF.File) == TRUE){
annot.GFF <- read.table(file=GFF.File,header=FALSE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
stop(call = ExCluster_errors$GFF_file_doesnt_exist)
stop(call = ExCluster_errors$GFF_file_argument_missing)
### now check to see if annot.GFF is an S4 object (GRanges) & reformat it
if (substr(typeof(annot.GFF),1,2) == "S4"){
annot.GFF <- GRangesToGFF(annot.GFF)
### check to make sure the GFF file has 9 columns
if (ncol(annot.GFF) != 9){
### now check to make sure that column 9 contains 'ID=', 'Name=', and 'Transcripts=' strings
ID.indices <- length(grep(pattern = "ID=", as.character(annot.GFF[seq(2),9])))
Name.indices <- length(grep(pattern = "Name=", as.character(annot.GFF[seq(2),9])))
Transcripts.indices <- length(grep(pattern = "Transcripts=", as.character(annot.GFF[seq(2),9])))
# if the lengths of these indices do not sum to 6, throw an error
if (ID.indices+Name.indices+Transcripts.indices != 6){
### now reformat the GFF file if all the checks passed, to our internal format
annot.GFF <- reformat_GFF3(annot.GFF)
### default nCores = 1 if not specified, or incorrectly specified
nCores <- 1
# now check if we are using multiple cores
if (is.null(num.Cores) == FALSE){
# check to make sure num.Cores is a 'double' type variable
if (is.double(num.Cores) == TRUE){
nCores <- num.Cores
nCores <- 1
### default the 'tmpDir' argument for featureCounts to tempdir() if not specified
tmpDir <- tempdir()
# now check if the temp.Dir argument was specified in ExClusters input
if (is.null(temp.Dir) == FALSE){
# make sure we can write to temp.Dir
WriteCheck <- file.access(temp.Dir, mode=2)
if (WriteCheck != 0){
tmpDir <- temp.Dir
warning(call = ExCluster_errors$temp_dir_inaccessible)
### are reads stranded?
if (stranded.Reads == FALSE){
stranded.Reads <- 0
stranded.Reads <- 1
### Convert GFF annotations to SAF
SAF.annot <- data.frame(annot.GFF$V2,annot.GFF$V1,annot.GFF$V4,annot.GFF$V5,annot.GFF$V7)
colnames(SAF.annot) <- c("GeneID","Chr","Start","End","Strand")
### Run featureCounts on BAM files
### The authors and original license holders of featureCounts and the Rsubread package make no warranty for its performance
fC <- featureCounts(files = bam.Files, annot.ext = SAF.annot, isGTFAnnotationFile = FALSE, nthreads = nCores, tmpDir=tmpDir,
requireBothEndsMapped = FALSE, allowMultiOverlap = TRUE, largestOverlap = FALSE, isPairedEnd = paired.Reads,
strandSpecific = stranded.Reads)
message('',"Running library size normalization...",'',sep="\n")
### clean up SAF.annot (not needed anymore)
### change fC to data frame & add colnames
DataTable <- data.frame(fC$counts)
colnames(DataTable) <- c(sample.Names)
### run ambiguous read removal if stranded.Reads == FALSE
if (stranded.Reads == 0){
# determine how many overlaps each exon bin has
overlap.GRanges <- parseAmbiguousReads(read.Counts = DataTable, annot.GFF=annot.GFF)
# set ambiguous reads to zero if reads are unstranded
if (is.null(overlap.GRanges) == FALSE){
DataTable[overlap.GRanges,] <- 0
######################## Now normalize read counts ########################
# check if we have at least 1000 rows of data to normalize counts to
if (nrow(DataTable[which(rowMins(as.matrix(DataTable)) >= 8),]) < 1000){
# warn the user that they didn't have a good amount of data
# i.e. if less than 1000 elibile features (i.e. exon bins) were expressed
warning(call = ExCluster_errors$low_exon_bin_count)
# simple library size normalization
sampleSums <- colSums2(as.matrix(DataTable))
# compute baseMean library size (across all conditions)
sampleBaseMean <- mean(sampleSums)
# compute sizeFactor differences for each sample vs basemean
sizeFactors <- sampleSums/sampleBaseMean
# now adjust DataTable based on these size factors
adjusted.Counts <- t(t(DataTable)/sizeFactors)
adjusted.Counts <- normalizeLibrarySizes(DataTable)
######################## Final processing & output ########################
### write output file if necessary
if (is.null(out.File) == FALSE){
WriteCheck <- file.access(dirname(out.File), mode=2)
if (WriteCheck == 0){
### return counts and finish function
message('',"processCounts function has completed.",sep="\n")
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