context("Gating Template")
one_pop_token <- "[\\+-]"
pop_name_pat <- "[^\\+-]*"
one_pop_pat <- paste(pop_name_pat, one_pop_token, sep = "")
two_pop_token <- "(\\+/-)|(-/\\+)"
two_pop_pat <- paste(pop_name_pat, "(", two_pop_token, ")", sep = "")
two_or_one_pop_pat <- paste0("(", two_pop_pat, ")|(", one_pop_pat, ")")
#test_that("templateGen", {
# templateGen(gh)
# })
dt <- fread(gtFile)
test_that(".preprocess_csv", {
preprocessed_dt <<- .preprocess_csv(dt)
# Now we deprecate tail gate, so update legacy result
expect_equivalent(preprocessed_dt[,-2, with = F], expectResults[["preprocess_csv"]][,-2, with = F])
#check.pop feature breaks this test
# test_that(".gatingTemplate", {
# preprocessed_dt[, isMultiPops := FALSE]
# suppressMessages(thisRes <- .gatingTemplate(preprocessed_dt, name="default"))
# expect_equal(thisRes[,-2, with = F], expectResults[["tcell"]][,-2, with = F])
# })
test_that(".getFullPath", {
ref_node <- "root"
expect_equal(.getFullPath(ref_node, preprocessed_dt), "root")
ref_node <- "cd3"
expect_equal(.getFullPath(ref_node, preprocessed_dt), "/nonDebris/singlets/lymph/cd3")
ref_node <- "lymph/cd3"
expect_equal(.getFullPath(ref_node, preprocessed_dt), "/nonDebris/singlets/lymph/cd3")
ref_node <- "/lymph/cd3"
expect_error(.getFullPath(ref_node, preprocessed_dt), "Not able to to find reference")
ref_node <- "cd31"
expect_error(.getFullPath(ref_node, preprocessed_dt), "Not able to to find reference")
#used by multiple test cases
template_row <- data.table(alias = "TH", pop = "c+-"
, parent = "cd3", dims = "cd4,cd8"
, gating_method = "mindensity", gating_args = ""
, collapseDataForGating = "TRUE", groupBy = "4"
, preprocessing_method = "", preprocessing_args = ""
test_that(".validity_check_alias", {
#illegal character |,&,:,/
errMsg <- "contains illegal character:"
expect_error(.validity_check_alias("cd4+:"), errMsg)
expect_error(.validity_check_alias("cd3/cd4+"), errMsg)
expect_error(.validity_check_alias("cd8&cd4+"), errMsg)
expect_error(.validity_check_alias("cd4+|cd8"), errMsg)
test_that(".unique_check_alias", {
parentPath <- "/nonDebris/singlets/lymph/cd3"
expect_null(.unique_check_alias(preprocessed_dt, alias = "cd4", this_parent = parentPath))
expect_error(.unique_check_alias(preprocessed_dt, alias = "cd4+", this_parent = parentPath), "not unique")
#with pop names specified
this_row <- copy(template_row)
this_row[, alias := "cd4,cd8"]
this_row[, pop := "*"]
expect_error(.unique_check_alias(this_row, alias = "cd4,cd8", this_parent = "cd3"), "not unique")
expect_null(.unique_check_alias(this_row, alias = "cd4", this_parent = "cd3"))
#no pop names specified
this_row[, alias := "*"]
expect_null(.unique_check_alias(this_row, alias = "*", this_parent = "cd3"))
test_that(".splitTerms", {
dims <- "A,B"
# A+B+
expectRes <- list(list(alias ="A+", pop = "+")
, list(alias = "B+", pop = "+")
expect_equivalent(.splitTerms(one_pop_pat, two_pop_token, "A+B+", dims), expectRes)
expect_equivalent(.splitTerms(one_pop_pat, two_pop_token, "++", dims), expectRes)
expect_equivalent(.splitTerms(two_or_one_pop_pat, two_pop_token, "A+B+", dims), expectRes)
expectRes <- list(list(alias =c("A+", "A-"), pop = c("+", "-"))
, list(alias = "B+", pop = "+")
expect_equivalent(.splitTerms(two_or_one_pop_pat, two_pop_token, "A+/-B+", dims), expectRes)
expect_equivalent(.splitTerms(two_or_one_pop_pat, two_pop_token, "+/-+", dims), expectRes)
test_that(".gen_dummy_ref_gate", {
this_row <- copy(template_row)
this_row[, alias := "cd4,cd8"]
this_row[, pop := "*"]
dummy_row1 <- copy(this_row)
dummy_row1[, alias := "cd4"]
dummy_row1[, pop := ""]
dummy_row1[, gating_method := "dummy_gate"]
dummy_row1[, gating_args := file.path("cd3/cd4,cd8")]
dummy_row1[, collapseDataForGating := ""]
dummy_row1[, groupBy := ""]
dummy_row1[, preprocessing_method := ""]
dummy_row1[, preprocessing_args := ""]
dummy_row2 <- copy(dummy_row1)
dummy_row2[, alias := "cd8"]
expectRes <- rbindlist(list(this_row, dummy_row1, dummy_row2))
expect_equal(.gen_dummy_ref_gate(this_row), expectRes)
test_that(".gen_1dgate", {
this_row <- copy(template_row)
expectRes <- rbindlist(list(this_row, this_row))
expectRes[1, alias := "cd4+"]
expectRes[1, pop := "+"]
expectRes[1, dims := "cd4"]
expectRes[2, alias := "cd8+"]
expectRes[2, pop := "+"]
expectRes[2, dims := "cd8"]
thisRes <- .gen_1dgate(this_row)
expect_equal(thisRes, expectRes)
this_row <- copy(template_row)
this_row[, pop := "-+/-"]
thisRes <- .gen_1dgate(this_row)
expect_equal(thisRes, expectRes)
#inconsistency between dims and pops
this_row <- copy(template_row)
this_row[, pop := "-+"]
expect_equal(.gen_1dgate(this_row), expectRes)
test_that(".gen_refGate", {
this_row <- copy(template_row)
this_row[, pop := "+-"]
expectRes <- copy(this_row)
expectRes[, gating_method := "refGate"]
expectRes[, gating_args := "cd3/cd4+:cd3/cd8+"]
expectRes[, collapseDataForGating := ""]
expectRes[, groupBy := ""]
thisRes <- .gen_refGate("+-", this_row, c("cd4+", "cd8+"), this_row[, alias])
expect_equal(thisRes, expectRes)
this_row <- copy(template_row)
this_row[, pop := "-+/-"]
expectRes <- rbindlist(list(this_row, this_row))
expectRes[1, alias := "cd4-cd8+"]
expectRes[1, pop := "-+"]
expectRes[1, gating_method := "refGate"]
expectRes[1, gating_args := "cd3/cd4+:cd3/cd8+"]
expectRes[1, collapseDataForGating := ""]
expectRes[1, groupBy := ""]
expectRes[2, alias := "cd4-cd8-"]
expectRes[2, pop := "--"]
expectRes[2, gating_method := "refGate"]
expectRes[2, gating_args := "cd3/cd4+:cd3/cd8+"]
expectRes[2, collapseDataForGating := ""]
expectRes[2, groupBy := ""]
thisRes <- .gen_refGate(c("-+" ,"--"),alias=c("cd4-cd8+" ,"cd4-cd8-"), this_row, c("cd4+", "cd8+"))
expect_equivalent(thisRes, expectRes)
test_that(".preprocess_row", {
#return as it is
this_row <- copy(template_row)
this_row[, pop := "+"]
expectRes <- this_row
#invalid pop name
this_row <- copy(template_row)
this_row[, pop := "++-"]
expect_error(.preprocess_row(this_row), "pop")
#A+/- 1d
this_row <- copy(template_row)
this_row[, pop := "+/-"]
this_row[, dims := "cd4"]
expectRes <- rbindlist(list(this_row, this_row))
expectRes[1, alias := "cd4+"]
expectRes[1, pop := "+"]
expectRes[2, alias := "cd4-"]
expectRes[2, pop := "-"]
expectRes[2, gating_method := "refGate"]
expectRes[2, gating_args := "cd3/cd4+"]
expect_equal(suppressMessages(.preprocess_row(this_row)), expectRes)
#A+/- 2d
this_row <- copy(template_row)
this_row[, pop := "+/-"]
expectRes <- rbindlist(list(this_row, this_row))
expectRes[1, alias := "TH+"]
expectRes[1, pop := "+"]
expectRes[2, alias := "TH-"]
expectRes[2, pop := "-"]
expectRes[2, gating_method := "refGate"]
expectRes[2, gating_args := "cd3/TH+"]
expect_equal(suppressMessages(.preprocess_row(this_row)), expectRes)
this_row[, dims := "cd3,cd4,cd8"]
expect_error(suppressMessages(.preprocess_row(this_row)), regexp = "invalid number of dim")
this_row <- copy(template_row)
this_row[, pop := "+-"]
this_row[, dims := "cd4,cd8"]
expectRes <- rbindlist(list(this_row, this_row, this_row))
expectRes[1, alias := "cd4+"]
expectRes[1, pop := "+"]
expectRes[1, dims := "cd4"]
expectRes[2, alias := "cd8+"]
expectRes[2, pop := "+"]
expectRes[2, dims := "cd8"]
expectRes[3, gating_method := "refGate"]
expectRes[3, gating_args := "cd3/cd4+:cd3/cd8+"]
expectRes[3, collapseDataForGating := ""]
expectRes[3, groupBy := ""]
expect_equal(suppressMessages(.preprocess_row(this_row)), expectRes)
#A+B+ (refGate)
this_row <- copy(template_row)
this_row[, pop := "+-"]
this_row[, dims := "cd4,cd8"]
this_row[, gating_method := "refGate"]
expect_equal(.preprocess_row(this_row), this_row)
this_row <- copy(template_row)
this_row[, pop := "+/--"]
this_row[, dims := "cd4,cd8"]
expectRes <- rbindlist(list(this_row, this_row, this_row, this_row))
expectRes[1, alias := "cd4+"]
expectRes[1, pop := "+"]
expectRes[1, dims := "cd4"]
expectRes[2, alias := "cd8+"]
expectRes[2, pop := "+"]
expectRes[2, dims := "cd8"]
expectRes[3, alias := "cd4+cd8-"]
expectRes[3, pop := "+-"]
expectRes[3, gating_method := "refGate"]
expectRes[3, gating_args := "cd3/cd4+:cd3/cd8+"]
expectRes[3, collapseDataForGating := ""]
expectRes[3, groupBy := ""]
expectRes[4, alias := "cd4-cd8-"]
expectRes[4, pop := "--"]
expectRes[4, gating_method := "refGate"]
expectRes[4, gating_args := "cd3/cd4+:cd3/cd8+"]
expectRes[4, collapseDataForGating := ""]
expectRes[4, groupBy := ""]
expect_equal(suppressMessages(.preprocess_row(this_row)), expectRes)
this_row <- copy(template_row)
this_row[, pop := "+"]
this_row[, dims := "cd4"]
this_row[, gating_method := "gate_flowclust"]
expectRes <- copy(this_row)
expectRes[, gating_method := "gate_flowclust_1d"]
expectRes[, pop := "+"]
expect_equal(.preprocess_row(this_row), expectRes)
this_row <- copy(template_row)
this_row[, pop := "+"]
this_row[, gating_method := "gate_flowclust"]
expectRes <- copy(this_row)
expectRes[, gating_method := "gate_flowclust_2d"]
expect_equal(.preprocess_row(this_row), expectRes)
#no expansion
this_row <- copy(template_row)
this_row[, alias := "*"]
this_row[, pop := "*"]
expect_equal(.preprocess_row(this_row), this_row)
#with expansion
this_row[, alias := "cd4,cd8"]
expect_equal(.preprocess_row(this_row), .gen_dummy_ref_gate(this_row))
test_that("gatingTemplate constructor", {
thisPath <- system.file(package = "openCyto")
# thisPath <- file.path(thisPath, "inst")
gtfiles <- list.files(file.path(thisPath, "extdata/gating_template"), full = TRUE)[-c(5:6)]
for(thisFile in gtfiles){
templateName <- file_path_sans_ext(basename(thisFile))
if(templateName == "ICS")
next #skip polyfunctional test and this csv template already gets tested in test-gating-suite.R
thisRes <- gatingTemplate(thisFile, skip = 0)
expectGt <- expectResults[[templateName]]
#update expectResult due to the new change in pop columns and cytoverse API
# browser()
for(node in nodes(expectGt))
popname <- names(nodeData(expectGt)[[node]][["pop"]])
nodeData(expectGt,node, "pop")[[1]]@name <- gsub("[^-\\+/]", "", popname)
for(child in gt_get_children(expectGt, node)){
if(isS4(edgeData(expectGt, node, child, "gtMethod")[[1]])){
methodname <- edgeData(expectGt, node, child, "gtMethod")[[1]]@name
edgeData(expectGt, node, child, "gtMethod")[[1]]@name <- gsub("flowClust\\.", "gate_flowclust_", methodname)
expect_equal(thisRes, expectGt, info = templateName)
# browser()
#test method
dt.orig <- fread(thisFile, skip = 0)
dt.orig <- openCyto:::.preprocess_csv(dt.orig) <-
#sort by alias
keys <- c("alias", "parent")
setkeyv(dt.orig, keys)
setkeyv(, keys)
#standardize collapseDataForGating col
dt.orig[, collapseDataForGating:=as.logical(ifelse(collapseDataForGating == "", FALSE, collapseDataForGating))]
#skip gating_args (for tcell panel) since there is format changes due to the scientifc notation (1e3 -->1000)
#and we don't want to change this csv since it is used elsewehere
if(templateName == "tcell")
expect_equal(dt.orig[, -6, with = FALSE],[, -6, with = FALSE])
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