gatingResults <- readRDS("gatingResults.rds")
# gatingResults <- readRDS("tests/testthat/gatingResults.rds")
localPath <- "~/rglab/workspace/openCyto"
skip_if_not(dir.exists(file.path(localPath, "misc")))
register_plugins(flowStats:::.tailgate, "tailgate")
test_that("tcell", {
gt_tcell <- gatingTemplate(gtFile)
gs <- load_gs(file.path(localPath,"misc/testSuite/gs-tcell"))
expect_warning(gating(gt_tcell, gs, mc.core = 1, parallel_type = "multicore"), regexp = "HLA is partially matched")
#test toggle helperGates
expect_equal(length(gs_get_pop_paths(gs)), 29)
helperGates <- gt_get_helpergates(gt_tcell, gs)
expect_true(setequal(helperGates, c('/nonDebris/singlets/lymph/cd3/cd4+',
gt_toggle_helpergates(gt_tcell, gs)
expect_equal(length(gs_get_pop_paths(gs)), 19)
expect_equal(length(gs_get_pop_paths(gs, showHidden = TRUE)), 29)
gt_toggle_helpergates(gt_tcell, gs)
expect_equal(length(gs_get_pop_paths(gs)), 29)
#rm helper gates
gs1 <- gs_copy_tree_only(gs)
gt_delete_helpergates(gt_tcell, gs1)
expect_equal(length(gs_get_pop_paths(gs1, showHidden = TRUE)), 19)
thisRes <- gs_pop_get_stats(gs[1], path = "full", type = "percent")
expectRes <- gatingResults[["gating_tcell"]]
expect_equivalent(thisRes[,percent], expectRes[thisRes[,pop],1], tol = 0.04)
expect_equivalent(gs_pop_get_stats(gs[2], path = "full", type = "percent")[,percent], expectRes[thisRes[,pop],2], tol = 0.04)
#test the interactive gating API
nodes <- gs_pop_get_children(gs[[1]], "cd4-cd8+")
for(node in nodes)
gs_pop_remove(gs, node)
opt <- getOption("openCyto")
opt[["check.pop"]] <- FALSE
options(openCyto = opt)
expect_warning(add_pop(gs, gating_method = "tailgate", dims = "CD38,HLA"
, parent = "cd4-cd8+", pop = "CD38+HLA+"
, alias = "activated cd8", preprocessing_method = "standardize_flowset")
, regexp = "HLA is partially matched")
opt[["check.pop"]] <- TRUE
options(openCyto = opt)
#test new .mindensity2 wrapper
gs_add_gating_method(gs, gating_method = "gate_mindensity2", dims = "CCR7,CD45RA", parent = "cd4-cd8+", pop = "+/-+/-")
thisRes <- gs_pop_get_stats(gs[1], path = "full", type = "percent")
expect_equivalent(thisRes[,percent], expectRes[thisRes[,pop],1], tol = 0.04)
expect_true(all(c("cd4-cd8+/CD38+", "cd4-cd8+/HLA+") %in% gs_get_pop_paths(gs, path = "auto")))
#use channel in pop and stains in dims
for(node in nodes[7:9])
gs_pop_remove(gs, node)
expect_warning(add_pop(gs, gating_method = "tailgate"
, dims = "CD38,HLA"
, parent = "cd4-cd8+"
, pop = "-+"
, alias = "activated cd8"
, preprocessing_method = "standardize_flowset"
, regexp = "HLA is partially matched")
thisRes <- gs_pop_get_stats(gs[1], path = "full", type = "percent")
expect_equivalent(thisRes[,percent], expectRes[thisRes[,pop],1], tol = 0.04)
#pure +-
for(node in nodes[7:9])
gs_pop_remove(gs, node)
add_pop(gs, gating_method = "tailgate"
, dims = "CD38,HLA"
, parent = "cd4-cd8+"
, pop = "-+"
, alias = "activated cd8"
, preprocessing_method = "standardize_flowset"
, regexp = "HLA is partially matched")
thisRes <- gs_pop_get_stats(gs[1], path = "full", type = "percent")
expect_equivalent(thisRes[,percent], expectRes[thisRes[,pop],1], tol = 0.04)
#test keep.helperGates = FALSE
nodes <- gs_pop_get_children(gs[[1]], "cd4-cd8+")
for(node in nodes)
gs_pop_remove(gs, node)
add_pop(gs, gating_method = "tailgate", dims = "CD38,HLA"
, parent = "cd4-cd8+", pop = "++"
, alias = "activated cd8", keep.helperGates = FALSE)
, regexp = "HLA is partially matched")
expect_false(any(c("cd4-cd8+/CD38+", "cd4-cd8+/HLA+") %in% gs_get_pop_paths(gs, path = "auto")))
expect_equal(gs_pop_get_children(gs[[1]], "cd4-cd8+", path = "auto"), "activated cd8")
test_that("tcell--asinhtGml2", {
fcs <- list.files(pattern = "CytoTrol*", system.file("extdata", package = "flowWorkspaceData"), full.names = TRUE)
fs <- load_cytoset_from_fcs(fcs)
gs <- GatingSet(fs)
comp <- compensation(spillover(fs[[1]])[["SPILL"]])
gs <- compensate(gs, comp)
trans <- asinhtGml2_trans()
chnls <- as.vector(parameters(comp))
trans.list <- transformerList(chnls, trans)
gs <- transform(gs, trans.list)
# autoplot(gs_pop_get_data(gs), chnls[1])
#load gating template
localPath <- "~/rglab/workspace/openCyto"
gtFile <- system.file("extdata/gating_template/tcell.csv", package = "openCyto")
#modify scale-specific parameters
dt <- fread(gtFile)
dt[c(5, 8), gating_args := NA]
tmp <- tempfile()
write.csv(dt, file = tmp, row.names = FALSE)
gt_tcell <- gatingTemplate(tmp)
expect_warning(gating(gt_tcell, gs, mc.core = 1, parallel_type = "multicore"), regexp = "HLA is partially matched")
# autoplot(gs[[1]])
thisRes <- gs_pop_get_count_fast(gs, path = "full")
expectRes <- gatingResults[["gating_tcell_asinhtGml2"]]
expect_equal(thisRes, expectRes, tol = 0.018)
test_that("ICS", {
gtfile <- system.file("extdata/gating_template/ICS.csv", package = "openCyto")
gt <- gatingTemplate(gtfile)
gs <- load_gs(file.path(localPath,"misc/testSuite/gs-ICS"))[1]
gs_pop_remove(gs, "s")
#TODO:investigate segfault associated with multicore and L#125 asinhtGml2_trans
expect_warning(gating(gt, gs
# , mc.core = 2
# , parallel_type = "multicore"
), regexp = "Pacific Blue-A is partially matched")
expectRes <- gatingResults[["gating_ICS"]]
thisRes <- gs_pop_get_stats(gs[1], path = "full", type = "percent")
expect_equivalent(thisRes[,percent], expectRes[thisRes[,pop],1], tol = 0.04)
#test add_pop with polyFunctions
#test add_pop with boolean method
pop <- "IL2orIFNg"
gs_pop_remove(gs, pop)
gs_add_gating_method(gs, alias = pop, gating_method = "boolGate", parent = "cd4", gating_args = "cd4/IL2|cd4/IFNg")
thisRes <- gs_pop_get_stats(gs[1], path = "full", type = "percent")
expect_equivalent(thisRes[,percent], expectRes[thisRes[,pop],1], tol = 0.04)
test_that("treg", {
skip("TO investigate the failure")
gtfile <- system.file("extdata/gating_template/treg.csv", package = "openCyto")
gt <- gatingTemplate(gtfile)
gs <- load_gs(file.path(localPath,"misc/testSuite/gs-treg"))
gs_pop_remove(gs, "boundary")
#TODO: fix mc.core=3 error
expect_warning(gating(gt, gs, mc.core = 1, parallel_type = "multicore"), "did not converge")
expectRes <- gatingResults[["gating_treg"]]
thisRes <- gs_pop_get_stats(gs[1], path = "full", type = "percent")
expect_equivalent(thisRes[,percent], expectRes[thisRes[,pop],1], tol = 0.025)
test_that("bcell", {
gtfile <- system.file("extdata/gating_template/bcell.csv", package = "openCyto")
gt <- gatingTemplate(gtfile)
gs <- load_gs(path = file.path(localPath,"misc/testSuite/gs-bcell"))
gs_pop_remove(gs, "boundary")
expect_warning(gating(gt, gs, mc.core = 1, parallel_type = "multicore"), "did not converge")
expectRes <- gatingResults[["gating_bcell"]]
thisRes <- gs_pop_get_stats(gs[1], path = "full", type = "percent")
expect_equivalent(thisRes[,percent], expectRes[thisRes[,pop],1], tol = 0.08)
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