# For keeping track of add_pop history
add_pop_history <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
add_pop_history$records <- list()
#' @title Deprecated functions in package \pkg{openCyto}.
#' @templateVar old add_pop
#' @templateVar new gs_add_gating_method
#' @template template-depr_pkg
#' apply a gating method to the \code{GatingSet}
#' When interacting with the existing gated data, this function provides an alternative way to interact with the GatingSet
#' by supplying the gating description directly through arguments without the need to write the complete
#' csv gating template.
#' Calls to \code{gs_add_gating_method} can also be easily reversed with \code{\link{gs_remove_gating_method}}. Note, however, that it is not possible
#' to differentiate between different \code{GatingSet} objects loaded from the same directory with
#' \code{\link[flowWorkspace]{load_gs}} within a session. Thus, to guarantee a clean history for \code{gs_remove_gating_method},
#' it is necessary to call \code{\link{gs_add_gating_method_init}} on the loaded \code{GatingSet} immediately after re-loading it.
#' See the documentation for \code{\link{gs_add_gating_method_init}} for more details.
#' This will not be an issue for \code{GatingSet} objects created directly using the constructor.
#' @name gs_add_gating_method
#' @aliases add_pop
#' @param gs GatingSet or GatingSetList
#' @param alias,pop,parent,dims,gating_method,gating_args,collapseDataForGating,groupBy,preprocessing_method,preprocessing_args see details in \link[openCyto:gatingTemplate-class]{gatingTemplate}
#' @param strip_extra_quotes \code{logical} Extra quotes are added to strings by fread. This causes problems with parsing R strings to expressions in some cases. Default FALSE for usual behaviour. TRUE should be passed if parsing gating_args fails.
#' @param ... other arguments
#' \itemize{
#' \item{mc.cores}{ passed to \code{multicore} package for parallel computing}
#' \item{parallel_type}{ \code{character} specifying the parallel type. The valid options are "none", "multicore", "cluster".}
#' \item{cl}{ \code{cluster} object passed to \code{parallel} package (when \code{parallel_type} is "cluster")}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{gs_remove_gating_method}} \code{\link{gs_add_gating_method_init}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # add quad gates
#' gs_add_gating_method(gs, gating_method = "mindensity", dims = "CCR7,CD45RA", parent = "cd4-cd8+", pop = "CCR7+/-CD45RA+/-")
#' # polyfunctional gates (boolean combinations of exsiting marginal gates)
#' gs_add_gating_method(gs, gating_method = "polyFunctions", parent = "cd8", gating_args = "cd8/IFNg:cd8/IL2:cd8/TNFa")
#' #boolGate method
#' gs_add_gating_method(gs, alias = "IL2orIFNg", gating_method = "boolGate", parent = "cd4", gating_args = "cd4/IL2|cd4/IFNg")
#' }
#' @export
gs_add_gating_method <- function(gs, alias = "*"
, pop = "+"
, parent
, dims = NA
, gating_method
, gating_args = NA
, collapseDataForGating = NA
, groupBy = NA
, preprocessing_method = NA
, preprocessing_args = NA
, strip_extra_quotes = FALSE
, ...) {
#still check this new pop
#generate the dummy template based on the existing gating hierarchy
dt <- as.data.table(gh_generate_template(gs[[1]]))
pre_add_state <- gs_get_pop_paths(gs[[1]])
#Can't use the existing dummy_gate since it is dedicated as dummy_ref gate generated by multiPos entry (alias = '*')
#which requires the ref node to be explicitly supplied
dt[, gating_method := "dummy"]
gating_args <- .argDeparser(gating_args)
preprocessing_args <- .argDeparser(preprocessing_args)
thisRow <- data.table(alias = alias
, pop = pop
, parent = parent
, dims = dims
, gating_method = gating_method
, gating_args = gating_args
, collapseDataForGating = collapseDataForGating
, groupBy = groupBy
, preprocessing_method = preprocessing_method
, preprocessing_args = preprocessing_args
stop("Can't add multiple rows!Please make sure each argument is of length 1.")
#there's a weird bug where rbinding a 0-row dt and a non-zero row dt returns > 4M rows.
dt <- rbind(dt, thisRow)
dt = thisRow
tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
write.csv(dt, tmp, row.names = F)
#skip the validity check on the other entries
# Pass ... to gatingTemplate to allow strip_extra_quotes to be passed
suppressMessages(gt <- gatingTemplate(tmp, strict = FALSE,strip_extra_quotes = strip_extra_quotes))
suppressMessages(gt_gating(gt, gs, ...))
post_add_state <- gs_get_pop_paths(gs[[1]])
## Add records if everything succeeded
# Find record for this gating set or create it if necessary
if(!(identifier(gs) %in% names(add_pop_history$records))){
add_pop_history$records[[identifier(gs)]] <- list()
# Fresh record, so make the pre_add snapshot the first
# Otherwise, it's already there from the last call to gs_add_gating_method)
add_pop_history$records[[identifier(gs)]][[1]] <- pre_add_state
## If it's a GatingSetList, make this the first snapshot for each of its GatingSets if needed
if(is(gs, "GatingSetList")){
lapply(gs, function(x){
if(!(identifier(x) %in% names(add_pop_history$records))){
add_pop_history$records[[identifier(x)]] <- list()
add_pop_history$records[[identifier(x)]][[1]] <- pre_add_state
# Push on the new record
add_pop_history$records[[identifier(gs)]][[length(add_pop_history$records[[identifier(gs)]])+1]] <- post_add_state
# If it's a GatingSetList, push on the new record for each of its GatingSets
if(is(gs, "GatingSetList")){
lapply(gs, function(x){
add_pop_history$records[[identifier(x)]][[length(add_pop_history$records[[identifier(x)]])+1]] <- post_add_state
#' @export
add_pop <- function(gs, alias = "*"
, pop = "+"
, parent
, dims = NA
, gating_method
, gating_args = NA
, collapseDataForGating = NA
, groupBy = NA
, preprocessing_method = NA
, preprocessing_args = NA
, strip_extra_quotes = FALSE
, ...){
gs_add_gating_method(gs, alias, pop, parent, dims, gating_method
, gating_args, collapseDataForGating, groupBy
, preprocessing_method, preprocessing_args
, strip_extra_quotes, ...)
#' @templateVar old add_pop_init
#' @templateVar new gs_add_gating_method_init
#' @template template-depr_pkg
#' Clear history of \code{gs_add_gating_method} calls for a given \code{GatingSet} or \code{GatingSetList}
#' Repeated calls to the \code{\link{load_gs}} method in the same session
#' will yield indistinguishable objects that can result in overlapping history
#' of \code{\link{gs_add_gating_method}} calls. This method allows for the history to be cleared
#' if the user would like to reload the \code{GatingSet} and start fresh. Calling
#' \code{gs_add_gating_method_init} without an argument will clear the entire \code{gs_add_gating_method} history.
#' @name gs_add_gating_method_init
#' @aliases add_pop_init
#' @usage
#' gs_add_gating_method_init(gs)
#' @param gs a \code{GatingSet} or \code{GatingSetList}. Can be omitted to clean entire \code{gs_add_gating_method} history.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load in a GatingSet
#' gs <- load_gs(path)
#' # Add some nodes using gs_add_gating_method
#' gs_add_gating_method(gs, gating_method = "mindensity", dims = "CCR7,CD45RA", parent = "cd4-cd8+", pop = "CCR7+/-CD45RA+/-")
#' gs_add_gating_method(gs, gating_method = "polyFunctions", parent = "cd8", gating_args = "cd8/IFNg:cd8/IL2:cd8/TNFa")
#' # Remove the effect of the last gs_add_gating_method call using gs_remove_gating_method (note that the first call's effects remain)
#' gs_remove_gating_method(gs)
#' # Re-load the GatingSet to start over
#' gs <- load_gs(path)
#' # At this point, gs will still see the history of the first gs_add_gating_method call above
#' # which will cause problems for later calls to gs_remove_gating_method.
#' # To fix that, just call gs_add_gating_method_init() to start a clean history
#' gs_add_gating_method_init(gs)
#' # Now you can continue using gs_add_gating_method and gs_remove_gating_method from scratch
#' gs_add_gating_method(gs, gating_method = "mindensity", dims = "CCR7,CD45RA", parent = "cd4-cd8+", pop = "CCR7+/-CD45RA+/-")
#' }
#' @export
gs_add_gating_method_init <- function(gs = NULL){
if(is(gs, "GatingSetList")){
lapply(gs, function(x) add_pop_history$records[[identifier(x)]] <- NULL)
add_pop_history$records[[identifier(gs)]] <- NULL
add_pop_history$records <- list()
#' @export
add_pop_init <- function(gs = NULL){
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