context("-- test-gs-compatibility")
gs_dir <- test_gs_dir
context("-- archived gs")
gs_dir <- list.files(dataDir, pattern = "gs_manual",full = TRUE)
gs <- NULL
isCpStaticGate <<- TRUE
test_that("load GatingSet from archive",
suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(gs <<- load_gs(gs_dir)))
expect_that(gs, is_a("GatingSet"))
gs <<- gs_clone(gs)#make it writable
# Remove the new time gate to avoid breaking the existing test suite
# right now we only test if it is loadable, TODO:modify existing test to accommodate time gates
gs_pop_remove(gs, "/Time")
test_that("load read-only archive",
skip_on_os(c("windows", "mac"))
tmp <- tempfile()
save_gs(gs, tmp)
#set the archive permission as readonly
system2("chmod", paste0("-R 555 ", tmp))
gs1 <- load_gs(tmp)
expect_is(gs1, "GatingSet")
colnames(gs1)[1] <- "d"
expect_error(cs_flush_meta(gs_cyto_data(gs1)), "read-only", class = "error")
expect_error(capture.output(gs1 <- load_gs(tmp, backend_readonly = FALSE), type = "message"), "hdf Error", class = "error")
gs1 <- load_gs(tmp, backend_readonly = FALSE)
colnames(gs1)[1]<- "d"
expect_error(cs_flush_meta(gs_cyto_data(gs1)), "Permission", class = "error")
#restore write permission so that tmp can be cleanedup
system2("chmod", paste0("-R 755 ", tmp))
test_that("validity checks for new distributed pb format",
tmp1 <- tempfile()
save_gs(gs, tmp1)
#allow save to the existing folder twice
expect_message(save_gs(gs, tmp1), "Done")
#extra pb
gspbfile <- paste0(identifier(gs), ".gs")
gspbfile1 <- "t.gs"
file.copy(file.path(tmp1, gspbfile), file.path(tmp1, gspbfile1))
expect_error(load_gs(tmp1), "Multiple .gs", class = "error")
expect_error(save_gs(gs, tmp1), "not matched to GatingSet uid", class = "error")
#extra h5
h5f <- paste0("t.", get_default_backend())
file.rename(file.path(tmp1, gspbfile1), file.path(tmp1, h5f))
expect_error(load_gs(tmp1), "No .pb file matched for sample", class = "error")
expect_error(save_gs(gs, tmp1), "file not matched to any sample", class = "error")
#unrecognized file
f1 <- "t.txt"
file.rename(file.path(tmp1, h5f), file.path(tmp1, f1))
expect_error(load_gs(tmp1), "not recognized", class = "error")
expect_error(save_gs(gs, tmp1), "not recognized", class = "error")
file.remove(file.path(tmp1, f1))
#missing gs pb
gspbtmp <- tempfile()
file.rename(file.path(tmp1, gspbfile), gspbtmp)
expect_error(load_gs(tmp1), "No .gs file found", class = "error")
expect_error(save_gs(gs, tmp1), "gs file missing", class = "error")
file.rename(gspbtmp, file.path(tmp1, gspbfile))
#missing h5
sn <- sampleNames(gs)
h5f <- paste(sn, get_default_backend(), sep = ".")
unlink(file.path(tmp1, h5f), recursive = TRUE)
expect_error(load_gs(tmp1), "No cytoframe file matched", class = "error")
expect_error(save_gs(gs, tmp1), "file missing", class = "error")
test_that("save indexed GatingSet",
mytest <- function(gs, mem = TRUE){
cs <- gs_cyto_data(gs)
gs_cyto_data(gs) <- cs[, 1:2]
tmp <- tempfile()
expect_error(save_gs(gs, tmp, backend_opt = "symlink"), "subsetted")
tmp <- tempfile()
suppressMessages(save_gs(gs, tmp))
h5 <- list.files(cs_get_uri(gs), full = T)
expect_equal(length(h5), ifelse(mem, 0 ,2))
ext <- ifelse(mem, ".h5", get_default_backend())
h5 <- list.files(tmp, pattern = ext, full = T)
expect_equal(length(h5), 2)
tmp <- tempfile()
suppressMessages(save_gs(gs, tmp, backend_opt = "move"))
h5 <- list.files(cs_get_uri(gs), full = T)
expect_equal(length(h5), 0)
h5 <- list.files(tmp, pattern = ext, full = T)
expect_equal(length(h5), 2)
gs1 <- load_gs(tmp)
expect_equal(length(colnames(gs_cyto_data(gs1))), 2)
fs <- GvHD[1:2]
gs <- GatingSet(fs, backend = "mem")
expect_true(cf_get_uri(get_cytoframe_from_cs(gs_cyto_data(gs), 1)) == "")
gs <- GatingSet(fs)
expect_true(cf_get_uri(get_cytoframe_from_cs(gs_cyto_data(gs), 1)) != "")
mytest(gs, F)
test_that("save GatingSet to archive",
skip_if(get_default_backend() == "mem")
pd <- pData(gs)
pd[["newCol"]] <- "A"
pData(gs) <- pd
id <- identifier(gs)
expect_is(id, "character")
#save to a new dir
tmp <- tempfile()
skip_if(win32_flag)#somehow save_gs fail bioc win32bit
save_gs(gs, path = tmp)
#load it back
expect_silent(gs <- load_gs(tmp))
expect_output(gs <- load_gs(tmp, verbose = TRUE), "archived by")
expect_that(gs, is_a("GatingSet"))
#check the pd
expect_setequal(colnames(pData(gs)), colnames(pd))
#overwrite the existing dir
expect_message(save_gs(gs, path = tmp), "Done")
#fail to save due to mismatch of gs id
expect_error(save_gs(gs[1], path = tmp), "not match", class = "error")
# check gs id is preserved
cdf <- list.files(tmp, get_default_backend(), full.names = TRUE)
expect_equal(identifier(gs), id)
#update gs id
id.new <- "test"
identifier(gs) <- id.new
expect_equal(identifier(gs), id.new)
#restore id
identifier(gs) <- id
#fail to save due to the mismatch of h5 files between folder and gs
redundant <- file.path(tmp, paste0("redundant.", get_default_backend()))
expect_error(save_gs(gs, path = tmp), "Not a valid", class = "error")
# protect the readonly data
cf <- get_cytoframe_from_cs(gs_cyto_data(gs), 1)
expect_error(exprs(cf)[1,1] <- 0, "read-only", class = "error")
colnames(gs_cyto_data(gs))[1] <- "dd"
expect_equal(colnames(gs)[1], "dd")
expect_error(cs_flush_meta(gs_cyto_data(gs)) , "read-only", class = "error")
#but can be saved
tmp1 <- tempfile()
#either by save_gs
save_gs(gs, tmp1)
gs1 <- load_gs(tmp1)
expect_equal(colnames(gs1)[1], "dd")
#or by clone
gs1 <- gs_clone(gs)
expect_equal(colnames(gs1)[1], "dd")
#skip h5 when write to itself
expect_message(save_gs(gs, path = tmp, backend_opt = "skip"), "Done")
#skip h5 when the new dir already has h5 pre-copied
tmp1 <- tempfile()
# file.copy(cdf, file.path(tmp1, list.files(tmp, ".h5")))
expect_message(save_gs(gs, path = tmp1, backend_opt = "skip"), "Done")
expect_equal(length(list.files(tmp1, get_default_backend())), 0)
tmp1 <- tempfile()
expect_error(save_gs(gs, path = tmp1, backend_opt = "link"), "no longer", class = "error")
tmp1 <- tempfile()
expect_message(save_gs(gs, path = tmp1, backend_opt = "symlink"), "Done")
h5 <- list.files(tmp1, get_default_backend(), full.names = TRUE)
expect_equal(length(h5), 1)
expect_equal(normalizePath(Sys.readlink(h5)), normalizePath(cdf))
tmp1 <- tempfile()
expect_message(save_gs(gs, path = tmp1, backend_opt = "move"), "Done")
h5 <- list.files(tmp1, get_default_backend(), full.names = TRUE)
expect_equal(length(h5), 1)
## it is placed here because trans may get cleared later on by cloning process
flowDataPath <- system.file("extdata", package = "flowWorkspaceData")
fcsFiles <- list.files(pattern = "CytoTrol", flowDataPath, full = TRUE)
fr <- read.FCS(fcsFiles[[1]])
chnl <- "V450-A"
raw <- exprs(fr)[,chnl]
gh <- gs[[1]]
#test gh_get_transformations
# only return the transfromation associated with given channel
tran <- gh_get_transformations(gh, channel = "<B710-A>")
expect_is(tran, "function")
expect_null(gh_get_transformations(gh, channel = "<"))
tran <- gh_get_transformations(gh, channel = "<B710-AA>")
trans <- gh_get_transformations(gh)
expect_is(trans, "list")
trans <- trans[[1]]
inverseTrans <- gh_get_transformations(gh, inverse = TRUE)[[1]]
transformed <- trans(raw)
raw1 <- inverseTrans(transformed)
expect_equal(raw, raw1, tolerance = 2e-3)
#test flowJoTrans
trans <- flowjo_biexp()
inverseTrans <- flowjo_biexp(inverse = TRUE)
transformed <- trans(raw)
raw1 <- inverseTrans(transformed)
expect_equal(raw, raw1, tolerance = 2e-3)
source("GatingSet-testSuite.R", local = TRUE)
gh <- NULL
test_that("extract GatingHierarchy from GatingSet",{
gh <<- gs[[1]]
gh2 <- gs[["CytoTrol_CytoTrol_1.fcs"]]
expect_is(gh, "GatingHierarchy")
expect_true(!identical(get_gatingset_id(gh2@pointer), get_gatingset_id(gh@pointer)))
expect_true(!identical(gh@pointer, gh2@pointer))
expect_equal(gh_pop_get_data(gh), gh_pop_get_data(gh2))
source("GatingHierarchy-testSuite.R", local = TRUE)
##TODO: has some issue with the latest change from #203, breaks the test on gs_get_singlecell_expression call
test_that("Construct new GatingSet based on the existing gating hierarchy",
#re-load the gs since the trans get lost during clone
suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(gs1 <- load_gs(list.files(dataDir, pattern = "gs_manual",full = TRUE))))
gh <- gs1[[1]]
suppressMessages(gs <<- gh_apply_to_new_fcs(gh, list.files(dataDir, pattern = "CytoTrol_CytoTrol",full = TRUE)[1], compensation_source = "template"))
expect_that(gs, is_a("GatingSet"))
expect_equal(gs_get_pop_paths(gs), gs_get_pop_paths(gs1))
expect_equal(gs_pop_get_stats(gs), gs_pop_get_stats(gs1), tol = 2e-3)
isCpStaticGate <<- TRUE
source("GatingSet-testSuite.R", local = TRUE)
gh <- NULL
test_that("extract GatingHierarchy from GatingSet",{
gh <<- gs[[1]]
expect_that(gh, is_a("GatingHierarchy"));
source("GatingHierarchy-testSuite.R", local = TRUE)
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