context("---- gh")
test_that("getNodeInd ",{
#invalid numeric indexing
expect_error(flowWorkspace:::.getNodeInd(gh, 2), "string", class = "error")
#invalid node name
expect_error(flowWorkspace:::.getNodeInd(gh, "singlet"), "singlet not found", class = "error")
#valid unique node name
expect_equal(flowWorkspace:::.getNodeInd(gh, "singlets"), 3)
expect_equal(flowWorkspace:::.getNodeInd(gh, "root"), 1)
expect_equal(flowWorkspace:::.getNodeInd(gh, "CD3+"), 4)
#full path indexing
expect_equal(flowWorkspace:::.getNodeInd(gh, "/not debris/singlets/CD3+/CD4/38- DR+"), 6)
expect_equal(flowWorkspace:::.getNodeInd(gh, "/not debris/singlets/CD3+/CD8/38- DR+"), 15)
#partial path
expect_equal(flowWorkspace:::.getNodeInd(gh, "CD4/38- DR+"), 6)
expect_equal(flowWorkspace:::.getNodeInd(gh, "CD8/38- DR+"), 15)
#non-unqiue partial path
expect_error(flowWorkspace:::.getNodeInd(gh, "/38- DR+"), "not found", class = "error")
#non-unique node name indexing
expect_error(flowWorkspace:::.getNodeInd(gh, "38- DR+"), "is ambiguous within the gating tree", class = "error")
#dealing with root
expect_equal(flowWorkspace:::.getNodeInd(gh, "/not debris"), 2)
expect_equal(flowWorkspace:::.getNodeInd(gh, "not debris"), 2)
expect_equal(flowWorkspace:::.getNodeInd(gh, "/root/not debris"), 2)
expect_equal(flowWorkspace:::.getNodeInd(gh, "root/not debris"), 2)
test_that("gh_pop_get_indices ",{
thisRes <- gh_pop_get_indices(gh, "singlets")
expectRes <- readRDS(file.path(resultDir, "getIndice_singlet_gh.rds"))
test_that("gh_pop_set_indices ",{
node <- "singlets"
idx <- gh_pop_get_indices(gh, node)
idx1 <- idx
idx1[c(1,3,5)] <- F
gh_pop_set_indices(gh, node, idx1)
expect_equal(gh_pop_get_indices(gh, node), idx1)
gh_pop_set_indices(gh, node, idx)
expect_equal(gh_pop_get_indices(gh, node), idx)
test_that("gh_get_compensations ",{
thisRes <- gh_get_compensations(gh)
expectRes <- readRDS(file.path(resultDir, "getCompensationMatrices_gh.rds"))
expect_equal(thisRes,expectRes, tolerance = 2e-08)
test_that("gh_pop_is_bool_gate ",{
expect_false(gh_pop_is_bool_gate(gh, "singlets"))
bf <- booleanFilter(`CD4/38- DR+|CD4/CCR7- 45RA+`, filterId = "myBoolFilter")
suppressWarnings(id <- pop_add(bf, gh))
expect_true(gh_pop_is_bool_gate(gh, "myBoolFilter"))
invisible(gh_pop_remove(gh, "myBoolFilter"))
test_that("gh_pop_get_data ",{
fr <- gh_pop_get_data(gh)
expect_is(fr, "cytoframe");
expect_equal(nrow(fr), 119531)
fr <- gh_pop_get_data(gh, "CD8")
expect_equal(nrow(fr), 14564)
cf <- gh_pop_get_data(gh, use.exprs = FALSE)
fr <- cytoframe_to_flowFrame(cf)
expect_equal(nrow(fr), 0)
sn <- sampleNames(gh)
expect_equal(sn, "CytoTrol_CytoTrol_1.fcs")
test_that("gs_get_pop_paths & gh_pop_set_visibility",{
expectRes <- readRDS(file.path(resultDir, "getNodes_gh.rds"))
#full path
expect_equal(gs_get_pop_paths(gh), expectRes[["full_path"]])
expect_equal(gs_get_pop_paths(gh, path = "full"), expectRes[["full_path"]])
expect_equal(gs_get_pop_paths(gh, path = 1), expectRes[["terminal"]])
#fixed partial path
expect_equal(gs_get_pop_paths(gh, path = 2), expectRes[["path_two"]])
expect_equal(gs_get_pop_paths(gh, path = 3), expectRes[["path_three"]])
#auto partial path
expect_equal(gs_get_pop_paths(gh, path = "auto"), expectRes[["path_auto"]])
#full path (bfs)
expect_equal(gs_get_pop_paths(gh, order = "bfs"), expectRes[["full_path_bfs"]])
expect_equal(gs_get_pop_paths(gh, order = "tsort"), expectRes[["full_path_tsort"]])
#change node name
invisible(gh_pop_set_name(gh, "singlets", "S"))
expect_equal(gs_get_pop_paths(gh), gsub("singlets", "S", expectRes[["full_path"]]))
invisible(gh_pop_set_name(gh, "S", "singlets"))
expect_equal(gs_get_pop_paths(gh), expectRes[["full_path"]])
#hide node(terminal)
invisible(gh_pop_set_visibility(gh, "DNT", FALSE))
expect_equal(gs_get_pop_paths(gh), expectRes[["full_path"]][-23])
invisible(gh_pop_set_visibility(gh, "DNT", TRUE))
expect_equal(gs_get_pop_paths(gh), expectRes[["full_path"]])
#hide node(non-terminal)
invisible(gh_pop_set_visibility(gh, "singlets", FALSE))
expect_equal(gs_get_pop_paths(gh), expectRes[["full_path"]][-3])
invisible(gh_pop_set_visibility(gh, "singlets", TRUE))
expect_equal(gs_get_pop_paths(gh), expectRes[["full_path"]])
test_that("gh_pop_set_gate", {
gate_cd4 <- gh_pop_get_gate(gh, "CD4")
gate_cd8 <- gh_pop_get_gate(gh, "CD8")
invisible(gh_pop_set_gate(gh, "CD4", gate_cd8))
expect_equal(gh_pop_get_gate(gh, "CD4")@cov, gate_cd8@cov)
suppressMessages(recompute(gh, "CD4"))
expect_equal(gh_pop_get_stats(gh, "CD4")[[2]], gh_pop_get_stats(gh, "CD8")[[2]])
#restore the gate
invisible(gh_pop_set_gate(gh, "CD4", gate_cd4))
suppressMessages(recompute(gh, "CD4"))
nodelist <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
allNodes <- gs_get_pop_paths(gh, showHidden = TRUE)
nodelist$v <-integer()
flowWorkspace:::.getAllDescendants(gh, "CD3+", nodelist)
thisRes <- nodelist$v
expectRes <- readRDS(file.path(resultDir, "getAllDescendants_cd3_gh.rds"))
expect_equal(allNodes[thisRes], expectRes)
nodelist$v <-integer()
flowWorkspace:::.getAllDescendants(gh, "CD4", nodelist)
thisRes <- nodelist$v
expectRes <- readRDS(file.path(resultDir, "getAllDescendants_cd4_gh.rds"))
expect_equal(allNodes[thisRes], expectRes)
nodelist$v <-integer()
flowWorkspace:::.getAllDescendants(gh, "CD8", nodelist)
thisRes <- nodelist$v
expectRes <- readRDS(file.path(resultDir, "getAllDescendants_cd8_gh.rds"))
expect_equal(allNodes[thisRes], expectRes)
test_that("show ",{
thisRes <- paste(capture.output(show(gh)), collapse = "")
expectRes <- "Sample: CytoTrol_CytoTrol_1.fcs GatingHierarchy with 24 gates"
expect_equal(thisRes, expectRes)
thisRes <- keyword(gh)
expectRes <- readRDS(file.path(resultDir, "kw_gh.rds"))
kw_fn <- "CytoTrol_CytoTrol_1.fcs"
expect_true(grepl(kw_fn, thisRes$FILENAME))
expect_true(grepl(kw_fn, expectRes$FILENAME))
expectRes$FILENAME <- NULL
expectRes$FCSversion <- NULL #avoid comaptibility test failure
thisRes$FCSversion <- NULL
#skip flowCore_R keys due to the historical archived results do not have this info up to date
thisRes <- thisRes[!grepl("(flowCore_\\$P)|(transformation)",names(thisRes))]
colnames(thisRes[["SPILL"]]) <- gsub("<|>", "", colnames(thisRes[["SPILL"]]))
expectRes <- expectRes[!grepl("(flowCore_\\$P)|(transformation)",names(expectRes))]
#fix legacy result
expectRes[paste0("$P",5:11, "N")] <- paste0("<", expectRes[paste0("$P",5:11, "N")], ">")
expectRes <- lapply(expectRes, function(i){
expectRes[["$BEGINDATA"]] <- NULL
expectRes[["$ENDDATA"]] <- NULL
expectRes[["GUID"]] <- "CytoTrol_CytoTrol_1.fcs"
expect_equal(thisRes[names(expectRes)], expectRes, tol = 6e-6)
expect_equal(keyword(gh, 'P11DISPLAY'), "LOG")
expect_equal(keyword(gh, '$P8N'), "<V450-A>")
expect_equal(gs_pop_get_parent(gh, "singlets"), "/not debris")
expect_equal(gs_pop_get_parent(gh, "not debris/singlets"), "/not debris")
expect_error(gs_pop_get_parent(gh, "singlet"), "singlet not found", class = "error")
expect_error(gs_pop_get_parent(gh, "root"), "0 :parent not found!", class = "error")
expect_equal(gs_pop_get_children(gh, "not debris/singlets"), "/not debris/singlets/CD3+")
expect_equal(gs_pop_get_children(gh, "singlets"), "/not debris/singlets/CD3+")
expect_error(gs_pop_get_children(gh, "singlet"), "singlet not found", class = "error")
expect_error(gs_pop_get_children(gh, "38- DR+"), "ambiguous", class = "error")
expect_equal(gs_pop_get_children(gh, "CD4/38- DR+"), character(0))
expect_equal(gs_pop_get_children(gh, "CD3+"), c("/not debris/singlets/CD3+/CD4"
, "/not debris/singlets/CD3+/CD8"
, "/not debris/singlets/CD3+/DNT"
, "/not debris/singlets/CD3+/DPT")
expect_error(flowWorkspace:::.getPopStat(gh, 3), "string", class = "error")
expect_error(flowWorkspace:::.getPopStat(gh, "singlet"), "not found", class = "error")
expect_equal(flowWorkspace:::.getPopStat(gh, "singlets"), list(openCyto = c(percent = 9.487789e-01, count = 8.702200e+04)
, xml = c(percent = 9.488988e-01, count = 8.703300e+04)
, tol = 1e-7 )
expect_equal(flowWorkspace:::.getPopStat(gh, "root"), list(openCyto = c(percent = 1, count = 119531)
, xml = c(percent = 1, count = 119531)
expect_equal(gh_pop_get_proportion(gh, "singlets"), 0.9487789)
expect_equal(gh_pop_get_proportion(gh, "singlets", xml = FALSE), 0.9487789)
expect_equal(gh_pop_get_proportion(gh, "singlets", xml = TRUE), 0.9488988, tol = 1e-7)
expect_error(gh_pop_get_proportion(gh, "singlet"), "singlet not found", class = "error")
expect_equal(gh_pop_get_stats(gh, "singlets")[[2]], 87022)
expect_equal(gh_pop_get_stats(gh, "singlets", xml = FALSE)[[2]], 87022)
expect_equal(gh_pop_get_stats(gh, "singlets", xml = TRUE)[[2]], 87033)
expect_error(gh_pop_get_stats(gh, "singlet"), "singlet not found", class = "error")
thisRes <- gh_pop_compare_stats(gh, path = "full")
expect_is(thisRes, "data.table")
expectRes <- fread(file.path(resultDir, "getPopStats_gh.csv"))
expectRes[, node := V1]
expectRes[, V1 := NULL]
expect_equal(rownames(thisRes),expectRes[["node"]])#check rownames
expect_equal(thisRes[, xml.freq], thisRes[, openCyto.freq], tol = 3e-3)
test_that("compute CV from gh",{
thisRes <- flowWorkspace:::.computeCV_gh(gh)
expect_is(thisRes, "matrix")
expectRes <- readRDS(file.path(resultDir, "cv_gh.rds"))
rownames(thisRes) <- basename(rownames(thisRes))
expect_equal(thisRes, expectRes, tol = 3e-3)
thisRes <- gh_pop_get_gate(gh, "singlets")
expect_is(thisRes, "polygonGate")
#add a rectangleGate to test
rg <- rectangleGate(filterId="myRectGate", list("FSC-A"=c(200, 600),"SSC-A"=c(0, 400)))
id <- pop_add(rg, gh)
thisRes <- gh_pop_get_gate(gh, "myRectGate")
expect_is(thisRes, "rectangleGate")
expect_equal(thisRes@min, rg@min)
expect_equal(thisRes@max, rg@max)
expect_equivalent(parameters(thisRes), parameters(rg))
invisible(gh_pop_remove(gh, "myRectGate"))
#add a bool gate to test
bf <- booleanFilter(`CD4/38- DR+|CD4/CCR7- 45RA+`, filterId = "myBoolFilter")
suppressWarnings(id <- pop_add(bf, gh))
thisRes <- gh_pop_get_gate(gh, "myBoolFilter")
expect_is(thisRes, "booleanFilter")
expect_equal(as.character(thisRes@expr), as.character(bf@expr))
invisible(gh_pop_remove(gh, "myBoolFilter"))
##TODO: test rangeGate (no R API to add it, have to parse it from xml )
nodes <- gs_get_pop_paths(gh, path = "auto")
#with customized x,y (incorrect prj)
projections <- list("singlets" = c("FSC-H", "FSC-A")
, "CD3+" = c("CD3", "FSC-A")
, "CD4" = c("CD4", "CD3")
, "CD4/38- DR-" = c("SSC-A", "<V545-A>")
expect_error(flowWorkspace:::.mergeGates(gh, i = nodes[6:9], bool = FALSE, merge = TRUE, projections = projections)
, "Given projection")
#swapped x,y (we don't really allow to change the dimensions for 2D gate yet, only the order can be changed)
projections[["CD4/38- DR-"]] <- c("<R660-A>", "<V545-A>")
thisRes <- flowWorkspace:::.mergeGates(gh, i = nodes[6:9], bool = FALSE, merge = TRUE, projections = projections)
expectRes <- list(`CD4/38- DR+` = list(popIds = nodes[6:9]
, parentId = nodes[5])
expect_equal(thisRes, expectRes)
#merge 4 quadrants
thisRes <- flowWorkspace:::.mergeGates(gh, i = nodes[6:9], bool = FALSE, merge = TRUE)
expect_equal(thisRes, expectRes)
# 4 quadrants + 1 pop
thisRes <- flowWorkspace:::.mergeGates(gh, i = nodes[5:9], bool = FALSE, merge = TRUE)
expectRes <- c(`CD4` = "CD4", expectRes)
expect_equal(thisRes, expectRes)
thisRes <- flowWorkspace:::.mergeGates(gh, i = nodes[6:12], bool = FALSE, merge = TRUE)
expectRes <- list(`CD4/38- DR+` = list(popIds = nodes[6:9]
, parentId = "CD4")
,`CD4/CCR7- 45RA+` = list(popIds = nodes[10:12]
, parentId = "CD4")
expect_equal(thisRes, expectRes)
#4 quadrants without merge
thisRes <- flowWorkspace:::.mergeGates(gh, i = nodes[6:9], bool = FALSE, merge = FALSE)
expectRes <- list(`CD4/38- DR+` = "CD4/38- DR+"
, `CD4/38+ DR+` = "CD4/38+ DR+"
, `CD4/38+ DR-` = "CD4/38+ DR-"
, `CD4/38- DR-` = "CD4/38- DR-")
expect_equal(thisRes, expectRes)
thisRes <- flowWorkspace:::pretty10exp(c(1, 10, 100, 1000), drop.1 = TRUE)
expectRes <- expression(10^0, 10^1, 10^2, 10^3)
expect_equal(thisRes, expectRes)
thisRes <- flowWorkspace:::pretty10exp(c(1, 10, 100, 1000), drop.1 = FALSE)
expectRes <- expression(1 %*% 10^0, 1 %*% 10^1, 1 %*% 10^2, 1 %*% 10^3)
expect_equal(thisRes, expectRes)
test_that("gh_pop_get_indices_mat for COMPASS",{
thisRes <- gh_pop_get_indices_mat(gh, "CD8/38- DR+|CD8/CCR7- 45RA+")
expectRes <- readRDS(file.path(resultDir, "getIndiceMat_gh.rds"))
fr <- gh_pop_get_data(gh, use.exprs = FALSE)
this_pd <- pData(parameters(fr))
#'make up ICS markers
this_pd[8:12, "desc"] <- c("IL2", "IL4", "IL22", "TNFa", "CD154")
#'no mapping provided
#we don't parse + signs since they could be part of pop names
nodes <- c("CD4/IL2+","CD4/IL22+")
expect_error(flowWorkspace:::.getPopChnlMapping(this_pd, nodes), "Marker not found: IL2+")
#remove + from pop names
nodes <- c("CD4/IL2","CD4/IL22")
expectRes <- data.frame(name = c("<V450-A>", "<G560-A>")
, desc = c("IL2", "IL22")
, stringsAsFactors = F
, pop = nodes
expect_equivalent(flowWorkspace:::.getPopChnlMapping(this_pd, nodes), expectRes)
#partial match for IL22
nodes <- c("CD4/IL2","CD4/22")
expectRes[["pop"]] <- nodes
expect_equivalent(flowWorkspace:::.getPopChnlMapping(this_pd, nodes), expectRes)
#'mapping provided
# but without the proper names
nodes <- c("CD4/IL2+","CD4/IL22+")
mapping <- list("IL2", "IL22")
expect_error(flowWorkspace:::.getPopChnlMapping(this_pd, nodes, mapping), "Marker not found: IL2+")
# add names
names(mapping) <- nodes
expectRes[["pop"]] <- nodes
expect_equivalent(flowWorkspace:::.getPopChnlMapping(this_pd, nodes, mapping), expectRes)
#incorrect mapping
mapping <- list("IL2", "IL3")
names(mapping) <- nodes
expect_error(flowWorkspace:::.getPopChnlMapping(this_pd, nodes, mapping), "Marker not found: IL3")
#ambiguous mapping
mapping <- list("IL2", "2")
names(mapping) <- nodes
expect_error(flowWorkspace:::.getPopChnlMapping(this_pd, nodes, mapping), "2 paritally matched to multiple markers but failed to exactly matched to any of them")
#correct mappping with extra items (ignored during the matching)
mapping <- list("IL2", "IL22")
names(mapping) <- nodes
mapping[["extra"]] <- "marker1"
expect_equivalent(flowWorkspace:::.getPopChnlMapping(this_pd, nodes, mapping), expectRes)
#correct partial mapping
mapping <- list("IL2", "154")
names(mapping) <- nodes
expectRes[2,"name"] <- "Time"
expectRes[2,"desc"] <- "CD154"
expect_equivalent(flowWorkspace:::.getPopChnlMapping(this_pd, nodes, mapping), expectRes)
#case sensitive at the moment
mapping <- list("IL2", "cd154")
names(mapping) <- nodes
expect_error(flowWorkspace:::.getPopChnlMapping(this_pd, nodes, mapping), "Marker not found: cd154")
test_that("keyword setters", {
gs_copy <- gs_clone(gs)
gh1 <- gs_copy[[1]]
#add new
gh_keyword_insert(gh1, "k1", 2)
expect_error(gh_keyword_insert(gh1, "k1", 2), "exist")
gh_keyword_rename(gh1, "k1", "k2")
expect_error(gh_keyword_rename(gh1, "k1", "k2"), "not found")
expect_equal(keyword(gh1)[["k2"]], "2")
#set (subset)
gh_keyword_set(gh1, "k2", 5)
expect_equal(keyword(gh1)[["k2"]], "5")
gh_keyword_delete(gh1, "k2")
expect_error(gh_keyword_delete(gh1, "k2"), "not found")
# Testing vectorized operations
gs_copy <- gs_clone(gs)
gh1 <- gs_copy[[1]]
#add new
gh_keyword_insert(gh1, c("k1", "k2", "k3"), c("red", 5, 1.23))
# If any is already present, the call should fail
expect_error(gh_keyword_insert(gh1, c("k1", "k2"), c("blue", 6)), "exist")
gh_keyword_rename(gh1, c("k1", "k2"), c("key1", "key2"))
expect_error(gh_keyword_rename(gh1, c("k1", "k2"), c("key1", "key2")), "not found")
expected <- list(key1="red", key2="5")
expect_equal(keyword(gh1)[c("key1", "key2")], expected)
#set (subset) -- overwrite two and add one
gh_keyword_set(gh1, c("key1", "key2", "key4"), c("green", 7, "newval"))
expected <- list(key1="green", key2="7", k3="1.23", key4="newval")
expect_equal(keyword(gh1)[c("key1", "key2", "k3", "key4")], expected)
gh_keyword_delete(gh1, c("key2", "key4"))
# If any are not longer present, the call should fail
expect_error(gh_keyword_delete(gh1, c("key2", "k3")), "not found")
# Testing vectorized operations with named vectors
gs_copy <- gs_clone(gs)
gh1 <- gs_copy[[1]]
#add new
gh_keyword_insert(gh1, c(k1="red", k2=5, k3=1.23))
# If any is already present, the call should fail
expect_error(gh_keyword_insert(gh1, c(k1="blue", k2=6)), "exist")
gh_keyword_rename(gh1, c(k1="key1", k2="key2"))
expect_error(gh_keyword_rename(gh1, c(k1="key1", k2="key2")), "not found")
expected <- list(key1="red", key2="5")
expect_equal(keyword(gh1)[c("key1", "key2")], expected)
#set (subset) -- overwrite two and add one
gh_keyword_set(gh1, c("key1", "key2", "key4"), c("green", 7, "newval"))
expected <- list(key1="green", key2="7", k3="1.23", key4="newval")
expect_equal(keyword(gh1)[c("key1", "key2", "k3", "key4")], expected)
gh_keyword_delete(gh1, c("key2", "key4"))
# If any are not longer present, the call should fail
expect_error(gh_keyword_delete(gh1, c("key2", "k3")), "not found")
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