context("flowSet/flowFrame IO...")
fs <- GvHD[1:2]
expectPD <- pData(fs)
expectPD[["Patient"]] <- as.integer(as.vector(expectPD[["Patient"]]))
expectPD[["Visit"]] <- as.integer(expectPD[["Visit"]])
expectPD[["name"]] <- I(paste0(expectPD[["name"]], ".fcs"))
rownames(expectPD) <- paste0(rownames(expectPD), ".fcs")
tmpdir <- tempfile()
test_that("write.flowSet: test 1", {
suppressWarnings(write.flowSet(fs, tmpdir))
test_that("read.flowSet", {
files <- list.files(tmpdir, pattern = "fcs")
#no phenoData supplied
fs1 <- read.flowSet(files, path = tmpdir)
expect_equivalent(pData(fs1), expectPD[, "name", drop = F])
anno <- list.files(tmpdir, pattern = "txt", full = T)
pd <- Biobase::read.AnnotatedDataFrame(anno)
pd[["name"]] <- I(paste0(pd[["name"]], ".fcs"))
#with phenoData supplied
suppressWarnings(fs1 <- read.flowSet(files, path = tmpdir, phenoData = pd))
pData(fs1)["FCS_File"] <- NULL
expect_equal(pData(fs1), expectPD)
#pd without name
pData(pd)[["name"]] <- NULL
suppressWarnings(fs1 <- read.flowSet(files, path = tmpdir, phenoData = pd))
pData(fs1)[["name"]] <- I(pData(fs1)[["name"]])
pData(fs1)["FCS_File"] <- NULL
expect_equal(pData(fs1), expectPD)
#pd with wrong name
pd <- Biobase::read.AnnotatedDataFrame(anno)
pData(pd)[["name"]] <- paste0(pData(pd)[["name"]], "dummy")
suppressWarnings(fs1 <- read.flowSet(files, path = tmpdir, phenoData = pd))
expect_equal(pData(fs1), pData(pd))
#create duplicated folder
tmpdir1 <- tempfile()
suppressWarnings(write.flowSet(fs, tmpdir1))
#try to read both folders in
files <- list.files(tmpdir, pattern = "fcs", full = T)
files1 <- list.files(tmpdir1, pattern = "fcs", full = T)
fs2 <- read.flowSet(c(files, files1))
#check duplicates
sn <- basename(files)
sn1 <- paste0(sn, ".1")
expect_equal(sampleNames(fs2), c(sn, sn1))
test_that("phenoData<-", {
pd <- expectPD
# without name column
pd[["name"]] <- NULL
sampleNames(fs) <- paste0(sampleNames(fs), ".fcs")
pData(fs) <- pd
#name column is added
expect_equal(expectPD[["name"]], I(pData(fs)[["name"]]))
# name to be different from rownames
pd[["name"]] <- letters[1:2]
pData(fs) <- pd
expect_equal(pData(fs)[["name"]], pd[["name"]])
expect_equal(rownames(pData(fs)), rownames(expectPD))
test_that("test write.FCS", {
fcsfile <- system.file("extdata/CytoTrol_CytoTrol_1.fcs", package = "flowWorkspaceData")
fr <- read.FCS(fcsfile)
tmp <- tempfile()
#change desc col
pData(parameters(fr))[6, "desc"] <- "38"
# Write to file
tmp <- tempfile()
fr1 <- read.FCS(tmp)
expect_equal(markernames(fr1)[2], "38")
# When I read the file back in, the SPILL matrix appears to be malformed.
fr <- read.FCS(fcsfile)
expect_equal(keyword(fr)[["transformation"]], "applied")
keyword(fr)[["FILENAME"]] <- "setToDummy"
expect_equal(expectRes[["read.FCS"]][["NHLBI"]], digest(fr))
fr1 <- read.FCS(tmp)
keys <- description(fr)
keys[["$TOT"]] <- trimws(keys[["$TOT"]])
keys[c("$BEGINDATA", "$ENDDATA")] <- NULL <- description(fr1)[["FILENAME"]] <- "setToDummy"
expect_equal([names(keys)], keys)
expect_equivalent(exprs(fr), exprs(fr1))
#disable default linearize trans
fr_notrans <- read.FCS(fcsfile, transformation = FALSE)
#flowCore_$PnR and transformation keywords should be absent now
#and there are should be no other difference in keywords between the two read
missing.keys <- names(keys)[which(!names(keys) %in% names(description(fr_notrans)))]
expect_equal(length(missing.keys), 25)
expect_true(all(grepl("(flowCore_\\$P)|(transformation)", missing.keys)))
#any the resulted write will produce no trans related keyword r
fr1 <- read.FCS(tmp, transformation = FALSE)
missing.keys <- names(keys)[which(!names(keys) %in% names(description(fr1)))]
expect_equal(length(missing.keys), 25)
expect_true(all(grepl("(flowCore_\\$P)|(transformation)", missing.keys)))
# when default linearize is enabled
fr1 <- read.FCS(tmp)
missing.keys <- names(keys)[which(!names(keys) %in% names(description(fr1)))]
expect_equal(length(missing.keys), 0)
#transform fr
fr.trans <- transform(fr_notrans, estimateLogicle(fr_notrans, markernames(fr_notrans)))
expect_equal(keyword(fr.trans)[["transformation"]], "custom")
#new keywords flowCore_$P* has been inserted
missing.keys <- names(keys)[which(!names(keys) %in% names(description(fr.trans)))]
expect_equal(length(missing.keys), 0)
#these keywords remains even disable trans when read it back
fr1 <- read.FCS(tmp, transformation = FALSE)
expect_equal(keyword(fr1)[["transformation"]], "custom")
missing.keys <- names(keys)[which(!names(keys) %in% names(description(fr1)))]
expect_equal(length(missing.keys), 0)
#and transformation flag has no effect on read when it is already custom
fr1 <- read.FCS(tmp)
expect_equal(keyword(fr1)[["transformation"]], "custom")
missing.keys <- names(keys)[which(!names(keys) %in% names(description(fr1)))]
expect_equal(length(missing.keys), 0)
# test delimiter(\) escaping
description(fr)[["$DATE"]] <- "05\\JUN\\2012"
fr1 <- read.FCS(tmp, emptyValue = F) <- description(fr1)[["FILENAME"]] <- "setToDummy"
expect_equal([["$DATE"]], "05\\\\JUN\\\\2012")[["$DATE"]] <- keys[["$DATE"]]
expect_equal([names(keys)], keys)
expect_equivalent(exprs(fr), exprs(fr1))
# write it again to see if the existing double delimiter is handled properly
fr1 <- read.FCS(tmp, emptyValue = F) <- description(fr1)[["FILENAME"]] <- "setToDummy"
expect_equal([["$DATE"]], "05\\\\JUN\\\\2012")[["$DATE"]] <- keys[["$DATE"]]
expect_equal([names(keys)], keys)
expect_equivalent(exprs(fr), exprs(fr1))
#test other delimiter
suppressWarnings(write.FCS(fr,tmp, delimiter = ";"))
fr1 <- read.FCS(tmp, emptyValue = F) <- description(fr1)[["FILENAME"]] <- "setToDummy"
expect_equal([["$DATE"]], "05\\JUN\\2012")[["$DATE"]] <- keys[["$DATE"]]
expect_equal([names(keys)], keys)
expect_equivalent(exprs(fr), exprs(fr1))
#when colmn.pattern is used to subset channels in read.FCS
#make sure the id in $Pn is set properly in write.FCS
fr_sub <- read.FCS(fcsfile, column.pattern = '-A')
tmp <- tempfile()
suppressWarnings(write.FCS(fr_sub , filename = tmp))
fr1 <- read.FCS(tmp)
expect_equal(pData(parameters(fr_sub))[["name"]], pData(parameters(fr1))[["name"]], check.attributes = FALSE)
expect_equal(pData(parameters(fr_sub))[["desc"]], pData(parameters(fr1))[["desc"]], check.attributes = FALSE)
test_that("write.flowSet: test2", {
foo <- GvHD[1:2]
## now write out into files
outDir <- tempfile()
suppressWarnings(write.flowSet(foo, outDir))
expect_equal(dir(outDir), c("annotation.txt", "s5a01.fcs", "s5a02.fcs"))
outDir <- tempfile()
suppressWarnings(write.flowSet(foo, outDir, filename = c("a")))
expect_equal(dir(outDir), c("1_a.fcs", "2_a.fcs", "annotation.txt"))
outDir <- tempfile()
suppressWarnings(write.flowSet(foo, outDir, filename = c("a", "b")))
expect_equal(dir(outDir), c("a.fcs", "annotation.txt", "b.fcs"))
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