#' @describeIn mast_filter plot the proportions of wells are filtered due to different criteria
#' @param byGroup in the case of \code{burdenOfFiltering} should the filter be stratified by groups, or only the plotting.
#' @examples
#' burdenOfFiltering(vbetaFA, groups='ncells', byGroup=TRUE)
#' burdenOfFiltering(vbetaFA, groups='ncells')
burdenOfFiltering <- function(sc, groups, byGroup=FALSE, filt_control = NULL){
checkGroups(sc, groups)
conditionby <- NULL
if(byGroup) conditionby <- groups
filt <- mast_filter(sc, groups=conditionby, filt_control=filt_control, apply_filter=FALSE)
index <- apply(filt, 1, function(x){suppressWarnings(mx <- min(which(x))); if(!is.finite(mx)) mx <- 4; mx})
outcome <- c(names(filt), 'none')[index]
filt <- cbind(as.data.frame(colData(sc)), outcome=outcome)
tab <- do.call(table, c(filt[, groups, drop=FALSE], filt[, 'outcome', drop=FALSE]))
lattice::barchart(tab, main=sprintf('Burden of filtering by %s', paste(groups, collapse=" and ")), auto.key=TRUE, horizontal=FALSE, stack=FALSE)
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") globalVariables('filter')
#'Concordance plots of filtered single vs n-cell assays
#'Plot the average expression value of two subsets of the data.
#' Generally these might be 1 cell and multiple-cell replicates,
#' in which case if the \code{mcols} column \code{ncells} is
#' set then the averages will be adjusted accordingly.
#' But it could be any grouping.
#'@param SCellAssay is a FluidigmAssay for the 1-cell per well assay
#'@param NCellAssay is a FluidigmAssay for the n-cell per well assay
#'@param filterCriteria is a list of filtering criteria to apply to the SCellAssay and NCellAssay
#'@param groups is a character vector naming the group within which to perform filtering. NULL by default.
#' @param ... passed to \code{getConcordance}
#' @seealso getConcordance
#' @return printed plot
#' data(vbetaFA)
#' sca1 <- subset(vbetaFA, ncells==1)
#' sca100 <- subset(vbetaFA, ncells==100)
#' plotSCAConcordance(sca1, sca100)
plotSCAConcordance<-function(SCellAssay, NCellAssay, filterCriteria=list(nOutlier = 2, sigmaContinuous = 9,sigmaProportion = 9), groups=NULL, ...){
stop("SCellAssay and NCellAssay must inherit from SingleCellAssay");
filtered.hc<-mast_filter(NCellAssay,filt_control=filterCriteria, groups=groups)
concord.unfiltered<-getConcordance(SCellAssay,NCellAssay, groups=groups, ...)
concord.filtered<-getConcordance(filtered.sc,filtered.hc, groups=groups, ...)
ggplot2::theme_bw()+ggplot2::scale_x_continuous("Reference Assay")+ggplot2::scale_y_continuous("Comparison Assay")
message(sprintf("Sum of Squares before Filtering: %s\n After filtering: %s\n Difference: %s",round(wss.unfilt,2),round(wss.filt,2),round(wss.unfilt-wss.filt,2)))
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