#' @name CovFromBoots
#' @title Extract the inter-gene covariance matrices for continuous and discrete components of a MAST model for a given coefficient from bootstrap replicates
#' @description Computes the genewise covariance for a model coefficient from bootstrap replicates
#' from `MAST::bootVcov1()`. If coefficients are unestimable (i.e. NA) for a gene, that row/column in the
#' covariance matrix will be NA. Returns a list with components "C" and "D" containing the covariance
#' matrices for the "C"ontinuous and "D"iscrete components of the MAST model.
#' @return list with components "C" and "D" containing covariance matrices for the continuous and discrete components of the model.
#' @param boots a multidimensional array returned by `bootVcov1` or `pbootVcov1`.
#' @param coefficient `character` the name of the model coefficient for which to return the inter-gene covariance matrices.
CovFromBoots <- function(boots = NULL,
coefficient = NULL) {
if (is.null(coefficient)) {
stop("You must specify a model coefficient.")
if (is.null(boots)) {
stop("You must provide bootstrap results.")
pboots <- aperm(boots, perm = c(2, 3, 4, 1))
bmean <- rowMeans(pboots, dims = 3)
l <- apply(pboots, 4, function(x) {
xc <- x - bmean
dim(xc) <- dim(x)
l <- lapply(l, function(x)
cboots <- abind::abind(l, along = 4)
dimnames(cboots)[1:3] <- dimnames(bmean)
dimnames(cboots) <-
setNames(dimnames(cboots), c('genes', 'coef', 'comp', 'rep'))
bootstat <- cboots[, coefficient, , ]
naboots <- rowSums(is.na(bootstat), dims = 2)
naAny <- naboots
bootstat[is.na(bootstat)] <- 0
covariances <- list(C = NULL, D = NULL)
for (component in c("C", "D")) {
i <- bootstat[, , , drop = FALSE]
j <- bootstat[, , , drop = FALSE]
tci <-
(function(component = component,
i = i) {
sub <-
i[, component, , drop = FALSE]
dim(sub) <- dim(sub)[-2]
})(component, i)
tcj <-
(function(component = component,
j = j) {
sub <-
j[, component, , drop = FALSE]
dim(sub) <- dim(sub)[-2]
})(component, j)
tcp <- tcrossprod(tci, tcj)
tcp[(naAny > 0)[, component], ] <- NA
tcp[, (naAny > 0)[, component]] <- NA
covariances[[component]] <- tcp / (dim(tci)[length(dim(tci))] - 1)
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