#' Custom pre-processing for particularly ornery studies
#' @param assay assay name
#' @param df assay data-frame
#' @export
customProcessing <- function(assay, df){
dt <- data.table(df)
dt$value_preferred <- as.numeric(dt$value_preferred)
# Fix SDY1276 log scaling - both assays
dt <- dt[study_accession == "SDY1276", value_preferred := 4 ^ value_preferred]
if(assay == "neut_ab_titer"){
# Fix baseline values for SDY1289
dt <- dt[study_accession == "SDY1289" &
value_preferred == 0 &
as.numeric(study_time_collected) == 0,
value_preferred := 1]
# Create baseline data for SDY1264
sdy1264 <- dt[study_accession == "SDY1264"]
dayZero <- copy(sdy1264)
dayZero[, study_time_collected := "0"]
dayZero[, value_preferred := 1]
dayZero[, value_reported := "1"]
dupes <- which(duplicated(dayZero$participant_id))
if (length(dupes) > 0) {
dayZero <- dayZero[-which]
dt <- rbind(dt, dayZero)
#' Pre-processing for 'titer::Calculate' functions
#' @param dt data.table with HAI or NAb data
#' @param postVaxDayRange range of integer values for study_time_collected cutpoints
#' @export
preProcessImmData <- function(dt, postVaxDayRange){
# remove dupes - coming from ImmuneSpace, not generated
dt <- dt[ !duplicated(dt) ]
# Filter data down to samples with selected post-baseline or baseline timepoints
dt$study_time_collected <- as.numeric(dt$study_time_collected)
dt <- dt[ study_time_collected %in% seq(postVaxDayRange[[1]], postVaxDayRange[[2]]) |
study_time_collected <= 0 ]
# Filter to rows representing max titer value for each timepoint and virus
dt <- dt[, .SD[value_preferred == max(value_preferred)],
by = c("participant_id", "virus", "study_time_collected")]
# define type (post-baseline vs baseline)
dt$sample_type <- ifelse(dt$study_time_collected <= 0, "pre", "post")
# Filter baseline samples to Day-0 or closest <0 day
pre <- dt[ sample_type == "pre",
.SD[study_time_collected == max(study_time_collected)],
by = c("participant_id", "virus") ]
# Filter columns to only those needed and rename as necessary
pre <- pre[, list(Pre = value_preferred,
Study_time_collected_pre = study_time_collected,
# Filter the post-baseline samples down to those that have the max value_preferred
# and then if there are ties, use the study_time_collected closest to baseline
post <- dt[ sample_type == "post",
.SD[value_preferred == max(value_preferred),
.SD[study_time_collected == min(study_time_collected)]
by = c("participant_id", "virus") ]
# Filter columns to only those needed and rename as necessary
post <- post[, list(Post = value_preferred,
Study_time_collected_post = study_time_collected,
# Put baseline and post back together - reduces to only those with both pre and post
full <- merge(pre, post, by = c('participant_id',
# Update Strain to add study and age_cohort for identifiability
# full[, study_accession := paste(study_accession,
# ifelse(full$age_imputed > ageCutoffs[[1]], "old", "young"),
# sep = "_")]
full[, virus := paste(irpBatchName, virus, sep = "_")]
# Ensure that every study * age_cohort * strain has matching numbers of Subjects
# by removing individuals that do not have values for all strains in their
# study * age_cohort group
full <- full[, sumStrains := length(unique(virus)), by = c("irpBatchName")]
full <- full[, indivStrains := .N, by = c("irpBatchName", "participant_id")]
full <- full[ sumStrains == indivStrains ]
# Remove unnecessary columns and update names
full <- full[, list(SubjectID = participant_id,
Strain = virus,
# Split into titer list for FormatTiters based on study
titer_list_study <- split(full, f = full$irpBatchName)
# Ensure correct data.frame format for the FormatTiters call
titer_list_study <- lapply(X = titer_list_study, FUN = as.data.frame)
#' Flexible function that wraps around `titer::Calculate` methods while
#' also handling study * age_cohorts that cannot be modelled with an exponential model
#' @param titer_list pre-processed list of dataframes with hai or nab data
#' @param analysis RBA or MFC
#' @param discretize cut points to use for discretizing response call groups
#' @export
performTiterAnalysis <- function(titer_list, analysis, discretize){
# Discretize using maximum residual after baseline-adjustment for each subject
# - model each strain using linear model of Pre-vax value ~ Fold Change
# - get residuals for each subject x strain (create matrix of subs x strain)
# - get max value of all residuals for each subject
# - discretize (bin) subjects by the quantile value given (eg. <0.3, 0.3-0.7, >0.7)
# Calculates the baseline-adjusted fold change for each strain of virus using (unnormalized)
# fold change and baseline titers. Linear regression or an exponential curve is used to remove
# the effect of baseline titers on fold changes. The score function (scoreFun) is used to
# combine the adjusted fold change across multiple strains. Missing (NA) values are handled by
# being returned as missing in the endpoints in the output
if( analysis == "RBA" ){
# Run once one each strain to find strains that do not converge
# in an exponential model. It is unclear if there is a programmatic
# way to determine the conditions that lead to non-convergence prior
# to running the main function.
validatedData <- list()
for(study in names(titer_list)){
strainsInStudy <- list()
studyData <- titer_list[[study]]
for(strain in names(studyData) ){
ret <- tryCatch(
titer::Calculate_maxRBA(studyData[strain], discretize = discretize),
error = function(e) return(e)
if( "models" %in% names(ret) ){
validatedData[[study]][[strain]] <- titer_list[[study]][[strain]]
# print(strain)
# list of non-convergers for reference:
# ---- HAI ----
# SDY1119_old_B/Wisconsin/01/2010
# SDY269_LAIV_young_A/South Dakota/06/2007
# SDY269_LAIV_young_B/Florida/4/2006
# SDY400_young_A/California/7/2009
# ---- NAb ----
# SDY1264_young_YF17D
# SDY1289_young_YF17D
# SDY1294_young_Yellow fever virus 17D
# SDY180_Pneunomax_young_P. pneumoniae Serotype 12 (12F)
# SDY180_Pneunomax_young_P. pneumoniae Serotype 4 (4)
# SDY1325_young_Neisseria meningitidis strain A (F8238)
# SDY80_old_A/Brisbane/59/2007
analysisResults <- lapply(validatedData, titer::Calculate_maxRBA, discretize = discretize)
# ----- MAX FOLD CHANGE -------
# Note that ALL strains, including those that fail RBA are used here
analysisResults <- lapply(titer_list, titer::Calculate_MFC, discretize = discretize)
# Need to allow for variable discretization values and length(values)
# Analysis Results come back in form of list of study * age_cohort
tmp <- lapply(names(analysisResults), function(study){
studyRes <- analysisResults[[study]]
analysisTerm <- ifelse(analysis == "RBA",
paste0("max", analysis),
colsToUse <- sapply(discretize, function(discTerm){
cname <- paste0(analysisTerm, "_d", gsub("0\\.", "", as.character(discTerm)), "0")
maxStrainTitle <- paste0("maxStrain_", analysis)
baselineTimepoint <- paste0("ImmResp_baseline_timepoint_", analysis)
baselineValue <- paste0("ImmResp_baseline_value_", analysis)
postVaxTimepoint <- paste0("ImmResp_postVax_timepoint_", analysis)
postVaxValue <- paste0("ImmResp_postVax_value_", analysis)
resultsList <- list()
resultsList$SubjectID <- names(studyRes[[analysisTerm]])
resultsList[[analysisTerm]] <- studyRes[[analysisTerm]]
newCols <- c(baselineTimepoint, baselineValue, postVaxTimepoint, postVaxValue)
for(cname in newCols){
resultsList[[ cname ]] <- rep(NA, length(resultsList$SubjectID))
for(colNm in colsToUse){
resultsList[[gsub("d", "p", colNm)]] <- studyRes[[colNm]]
if( analysis == "RBA"){
if(length(colnames(studyRes$residualMatrix)) == 1){
resultsList[[maxStrainTitle]] <- rep(colnames(studyRes$residualMatrix)[[1]],
resultsList[[maxStrainTitle]] <- unlist(sapply(seq(1, length(studyRes$maxRBA)), function(i){
maxValue <- studyRes$maxRBA[[i]]
strain <- names(which(studyRes$residualMatrix[i, ] == maxValue))
strainFCs <- data.frame(sapply(titer_list[[study]], '[', 'FC'))
colnames(strainFCs) <- names(titer_list[[study]])
resultsList[[maxStrainTitle]] <- apply(strainFCs, 1, function(i){
strain <- names(which.max(i))
for(i in seq(1, length(resultsList$SubjectID))){
strainInfoDF <- titer_list[[study]][[ resultsList[[maxStrainTitle]][[i]] ]]
rowId <- which(strainInfoDF$SubjectID == resultsList$SubjectID[[i]])
resultsList[[baselineTimepoint]][[i]] <- strainInfoDF$Study_time_collected_pre[ rowId ]
resultsList[[postVaxTimepoint]][[i]] <- strainInfoDF$Study_time_collected_post[ rowId ]
resultsList[[baselineValue]][[i]] <- strainInfoDF$Pre[ rowId ]
resultsList[[postVaxValue]][[i]] <- strainInfoDF$Post[ rowId ]
resultsList[[maxStrainTitle]] <- gsub("SDY\\d{2,4}.*_", "", resultsList[[maxStrainTitle]])
ret <- data.frame(resultsList, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
tmp <- rbindlist(tmp)
#' run both maxRBA and MFC calculations using the 'titer' package by
#' Stefan Avey of Yale University
#' @param titer_list pre-processed list of dataframes with hai or nab data
#' @param df immdata df
#' @param discretizationValues cut points to use for discretizing response call groups
#' @export
runAllAnalyses <- function(titer_list, df, discretizationValues){
# titer:: Calculate_maxRBA
tmp_rba <- performTiterAnalysis(titer_list = titer_list,
analysis = "RBA",
discretize = discretizationValues[["RBA"]])
rba_df <- merge(df, tmp_rba,
by.x = "participant_id", by.y = 'SubjectID')
# titer::Calculate_MFC (multiple fold change)
tmp_mfc <- performTiterAnalysis(titer_list = titer_list,
analysis = "MFC",
discretize = discretizationValues[["MFC"]])
mfc_df <- merge(df, tmp_mfc,
by.x = "participant_id", by.y = 'SubjectID')
sharedCols <- intersect(colnames(rba_df), colnames(mfc_df))
all <- merge(mfc_df, rba_df, by = sharedCols, all = TRUE) # ensure those with MFC, not RBA stick around
all <- all[ !duplicated(all) ]
#' Generate immune response calls for HAI or NAb using pipeline originally
#' developed by Daniel Chawla at Yale University
#' @param assay assay name
#' @param df immdata df
#' @param postVaxDayRange Allowable timepoints for post-vaccine values
#' @param discretizationValues cut points to use for discretizing response call groups
#' @export
generateNAbHAIresponse <- function(assay, df, postVaxDayRange, discretizationValues){
dt <- customProcessing(assay = assay,
df = df)
titer_list_study <- preProcessImmData(dt = dt,
postVaxDayRange = postVaxDayRange)
titer_list <- suppressMessages(lapply(X = titer_list_study,
FUN = titer::FormatTiters,
log2Transform = TRUE,
fcMinZero = FALSE))
df <- runAllAnalyses(titer_list = titer_list,
df = df,
discretizationValues = discretizationValues)
#' Generate immune response call for age specific ELISA cohort
#' @param dt immdata data.table
#' @param discretizationValues points to use for cutting of low, mid, high responders
#' @param postVaxDayRange range of allowable study_time_collected
#' @export
generateELISAResponse <- function(dt, discretizationValues, postVaxDayRange){
dt[grep("IgG_serotype", analyte), analyte := "IgG"] # for SDY1260
dt <- dt[grep("^IgG$|^Hepatitis", analyte)]
dt[, study_time_collected := as.numeric(study_time_collected)]
dt[, value_preferred := as.numeric(value_preferred)]
# Correct SDY1328 dates per comments of S. Fourati - post-vax in month 2
dt[study_accession == "SDY1328" & study_time_collected == 7, study_time_collected := 30]
# Filter data down to samples with selected post-baseline or baseline timepoints
postVaxTp <- seq(postVaxDayRange[[1]], postVaxDayRange[[2]])
dt <- dt[study_time_collected %in% c(0, postVaxTp)]
# SDY1328 - ensure day 0 are considered "naive"
# Standardize the FC for naive subjects that show no change to be 0
study_accession == "SDY1328" & (value_preferred == 2.5 | study_time_collected == 0),
value_preferred := 1
# Corrections for SDY984 and SDY1328
dt[study_accession %in% c("SDY984", "SDY1328"), value_preferred := log2(value_preferred)]
# SDY1260 corrections: sum Serotype A and Serotype C
dt[study_accession == "SDY1260", value_preferred := `^`(2, value_preferred)]
dt <- dt[
study_accession == "SDY1260",
value_preferred := log2(sum(value_preferred)),
by = c("participant_id", "study_time_collected", "vaccine", "vaccine_type", "pathogen")
colsCreatingDupes <- c("expsample_accession", "value_reported", "unit_reported")
dt <- dt[, c(colsCreatingDupes) := NULL]
# De-dupe for SDY1260
dt <- dt[!duplicated(dt)]
# define type (post-baseline vs baseline)
dt[, sample_type := ifelse(study_time_collected == 0, "pre", "post")]
# Filter baseline samples to Day-0 or closest <0 day
pre <- dt[sample_type == "pre"]
# Filter columns to only those needed and rename as necessary
pre[, c("ImmResp_baseline_value_MFC",
# Filter the post-baseline samples down to those that have the max value_preferred
post <- dt[sample_type == "post"]
# Filter columns to only those needed and rename as necessary
post[, c("ImmResp_postVax_value_MFC",
colsToRm <- c(
pre[, c(colsToRm) := NULL]
post[, c(colsToRm) := NULL]
# Put baseline and post back together - reduces to only those with both pre and post
sharedCols <- intersect(colnames(post), colnames(pre))
full <- merge(pre, post, by = sharedCols, all = TRUE)
# only those with both pre and post
full <- full[!is.na(ImmResp_postVax_value_MFC) & !is.na(ImmResp_baseline_value_MFC)]
# add MFC - Actually using baseline as background and subtracting instead of doing proper MFC
full[, MFC := as.numeric(ImmResp_postVax_value_MFC) - as.numeric(ImmResp_baseline_value_MFC)]
# discretize within study
discretize <- function(values, cutPoint) {
x <- stats::quantile(values, c(cutPoint, 1 - cutPoint))
res <- sapply(values, function(y) {
if (y <= x[[1]]) {
} else if(y >= x[[2]]) {
} else {
for (point in discretizationValues) {
colName <- paste0("MFC_p", gsub("0\\.", "", point), "0")
c(colName) := discretize(MFC, point),
by = c("study_accession", "vaccine_type")
full[, analyte := NULL]
#' Generate immune response calls for HAI, NAb or ELISA
#' @param assay assay name
#' @param data immdata df
#' @param postVaxDayRange Allowable timepoints for post-vaccine values
#' @param discretizationValues cut points to use for discretizing response call groups
#' @export
generateResponseCall <- function(assay, data, postVaxDayRange, discretizationValues){
if(assay %in% c("hai","neut_ab_titer")){
res <- generateNAbHAIresponse(
assay = assay,
df = data,
postVaxDayRange = postVaxDayRange,
discretizationValues = discretizationValues
}else if(assay == "elisa"){
res <- generateELISAResponse(
dt = data,
discretizationValues = discretizationValues$MFC,
postVaxDayRange = postVaxDayRange
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