#' Test gene expression matrices prior to pre-processing
#' @param esets list of expressionSet objects
#' @export
testExtractedGEData <- function(esets){
chks <- list()
chks$hasNames <- all(!is.null(names(esets)))
naChk <- sapply(esets, function(x){
em <- Biobase::exprs(x)
chks$esetsWithNAvalues <- length(names(esets)[ naChk == TRUE ]) == 0
dims <- lapply(esets, function(x){ dim(Biobase::exprs(x)) })
# SDY1293 has fewest features - 19855 (subset from gsm files with 22207)
dimChk <- unlist(sapply(dims, function(x){
genes <- x[[1]] > 19500
subs <- x[[2]] > 0
return( genes & subs )
chks$esetsWithBadDims <- length(names(esets)[ !dimChk ]) == 0
#' Test gene expression meta-data prior to summarization by gene symbol
#' @param geMetaData gene expression meta-data
#' @export
testGEMetaDataPreSummarization <- function(geMetaData){
results <- all(expectedGeMetaDataColumns %in% colnames(geMetaData))
tmp <- geMetaData[ geMetaData$study_accession == "SDY1276", ]
return(all(grepl("SDY1276", unique(tmp$matrix))))
#' Test gene expression matrix of all samples prior to cross-study normalization
#' @param allGE gene expression matrix of all samples
#' @export
testAllGEMatrixPreNorm <- function(allGE){
chks <- list()
chks$expectedNumberOfSubjects <- dim(allGE)[[2]] == 4869
chks$expectedNumberOfGenes <- dim(allGE)[[1]] > 19500
chks$completeCases <- sum(stats::complete.cases(allGE)) > 10000
chks$importantGenesPresent <- all(c("MVP","ACTB") %in% allGE$rn)
#' Test gene expression meta-data of all samples prior to cross-study normalization
#' @param geMetaData gene expression meta-data of all samples
#' @export
testAllGEMetaDataPreNorm <- function(geMetaData){
chks <- list()
tmp <- apply(geMetaData, 2, function(x){ all(is.na(x)) })
tmp <- tmp[ !names(tmp) %in% c("exposure_material_reported", "exposure_process_preferred")]
chks$naCols <- sum(tmp == TRUE) == 0
expectedCellTypes <- c("Whole blood", "PBMC")
chks$cellTypes <- length(setdiff(unique(geMetaData$cell_types), expectedCellTypes)) == 0
yaleStudies <- c("SDY63", "SDY404", "SDY400", "SDY520", "SDY640")
yaleTimepoints <- unique(geMetaData$time_post_last_vax[ geMetaData$study_accession %in% yaleStudies ])
goodTimepoints <- c(0, 2, 4, 7, 28)
chks$yaleTimepoints <- length(setdiff(yaleTimepoints, goodTimepoints)) == 0
chks$sdy212biosampleRemoved <- !any(geMetaData$biosample_accession == "BS694717")
chks$sdy1325day35Removed <- !any(geMetaData$time_post_last_vax[ geMetaData$study_accession == "SDY1325"] == 35)
chks$noHourlyData <- !any(geMetaData$unit_post_last_vax == "Hours")
chks$allMatricesPresent <- length(unique(geMetaData$matrix)) == 57
chks$allAgesImputed <- all(geMetaData$age_imputed > 0 & !is.na(geMetaData$age_imputed))
#' Test non-normalized base expression set for reasonable y-chromosome imputation and
#' removal of participants without baseline data
#' @param eset non-normalized expression set with all participants
#' @export
testNoNormEset <- function(eset){
chks <- list()
pd <- pData(eset)
allPids <- unique(pd$participant_id)
pidsWithBaseline <- unique(pd$participant_id[ pd$time_post_last_vax >= -7 & pd$time_post_last_vax <= 0 ])
pidsToRm <- setdiff(allPids, pidsWithBaseline)
chks$allPidsHaveBaseline <- length(pidsToRm) == 0
chks$allPidsHaveImputedYchrom <- !any(is.na(pd$y_chrom_present) | pd$y_chrom_present == "NP")
updatedGender <- pd[ grepl("male", pd$gender, ignore.case = TRUE), ]
updatedGender$gender_imputed <- ifelse(updatedGender$y_chrom_present, "Male", "Female")
updatedGender <- updatedGender[ updatedGender$gender != updatedGender$gender_imputed, ]
pidsWithUpdatedGender <- length(unique(updatedGender$participant_id))
chks$reasonableGenderImputation <- pidsWithUpdatedGender < 40
problemSamples <- qualityControl.yChromPresentByMatrix(eset, returnObject = "probSamplesDT")
chks$expectedYchromProblemSamples <- nrow(problemSamples) == 65
chks$allStudiesPresent <- length(unique(pd$study_accession)) == 30
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