#' Update study_time_collected for known issues
#' @param geMetaData meta-data data.table
#' @param studies list of studies to update
#' @param originalTp original timepoint value
#' @param newTp new timepoint value
#' @export
updateStudyTimepoints <- function(geMetaData, studies, originalTp, newTp){
inTargetStudies <- geMetaData$study_accession %in% studies
if(originalTp != 24){
badTimepoints <- geMetaData$time_post_last_vax == originalTp
badTimepoints <- geMetaData$time_post_last_vax >= originalTp
geMetaData$time_post_last_vax[ inTargetStudies & badTimepoints ] <- newTp
#' Remove samples from certain timepoints from desired studies
#' @param esets list of expressionSetObjects
#' @param study study id
#' @param timepoint study_time_collected value
#' @export
removeTimepointFromEset <- function(esets, study, timepoint){
nms <- names(esets)
esLoc <- grep(study, names(esets))
if(timepoint == "Hours"){
esets[esLoc] <- lapply(esets[esLoc], function(eset){
eset <- eset[ , eset$study_time_collected_unit != timepoint ]
esets[esLoc] <- lapply(esets[esLoc], function(eset){
eset <- eset[ , as.numeric(eset$study_time_collected) != timepoint ]
names(esets) <- nms
#' SDY212 has a biosample that does not have matching meta-data and cannot
#' be explained by the study authors. This function removes that sample.
#' @param esets list of expressionSet objects
#' @export
removeSDY212MissingSample <- function(esets){
nms <- names(esets)
esets <- lapply(seq(1:length(esets)), function(index){
eset <- esets[[index]]
name <- names(esets)[[index]]
if(grepl("SDY212", name)){
eset <- eset[ , eset$biosample_accession != "BS694717"]
names(esets) <- nms
#' To accomodate studies with booster shots, add a timepoint post final vaccination
#' @param dt pData from expressionSet object
#' @export
addTimePostLastVax <- function(dt){
dt$time_post_last_vax <- ifelse(dt$study_accession == "SDY1293",
dt$study_time_collected == 60 ~ 0,
dt$study_time_collected == 61 ~ 1,
dt$study_time_collected == 63 ~ 3,
dt$study_time_collected == 74 ~ 14
dt$unit_post_last_vax <- dt$study_time_collected_unit
#' Add matrix, featureset, and cell_type fields to pData objects
#' @param phenoDataSets list of pData objects
#' @param geMatrices ImmuneSpace connection con$cache$GE_matrices object
#' @export
addMatrixRelatedFields <- function(phenoDataSets, geMatrices){
phenoDataSets <- lapply(names(phenoDataSets), function(matrixName){
pd <- phenoDataSets[[matrixName]]
pd$matrix <- matrixName
pd$featureset <- geMatrices$featureset[[match(matrixName, geMatrices$name)]]
pd$cell_type <- regmatches(pd$cohort_type,
regexpr("Whole blood|PBMC", pd$cohort_type, ignore.case = TRUE))
#' Add name of feature annotation set name used to generate gene expression matrix
#' @param geMetaData single data.table containing all gene expression meta-data
#' @param featureAnnotationMap feature annotation set map table from ImmuneSpace DB
#' @export
addFeatureAnnotationSetName <- function(geMetaData, featureAnnotationMap){
geMetaData$featureSetName <- unlist(sapply(geMetaData$featureset, function(x){
colToUse <- ifelse(x %in% featureAnnotationMap$origid, "origid", "currid")
return(featureAnnotationMap$name[ featureAnnotationMap[[colToUse]] == x])
#' Add name of feature annotation set vendor used to generate gene expression matrix
#' @param geMetaData single data.table containing all gene expression meta-data
#' @param featureAnnotation feature annotation set table from ImmuneSpace DB
#' @export
addFeatureAnnotationSetVendor <- function(geMetaData, featureAnnotation){
geMetaData$featureSetVendor <- featureAnnotation$vendor[ match(geMetaData$featureSetName,
#' Add name of feature annotation set vendor used to generate gene expression matrix
#' @param geMetaData single data.table containing all gene expression meta-data
#' @param gef gene expression files dataset from ImmuneSpace connection object
#' @export
addGSMAccessions <- function(geMetaData, gef){
gef <- gef[ !is.na(gef$geo_accession), ]
geMetaData$gsm <- gef$geo_accession[ match(geMetaData$biosample_accession,
#' Add demographic variables needed for analysis
#' @param geMetaData single data.table containing all gene expression meta-data
#' @export
addAnalysisVariables <- function(geMetaData){
geMetaData <- geMetaData[ , c("Hispanic",
) :=
list(1 * (ethnicity == 'Hispanic or Latino'),
1 * (race == 'White'),
1 * (race == 'Asian'),
1 * (race == 'Black or African American'))
#' Create new featureSetName field that coalesces similar platforms for analysis
#' @param dt data table
#' @export
addCoalescedFeatureSetName <- function(dt){
dt$featureSetName2 <- dt$featureSetName
dt$featureSetName2[ grepl('ustom', dt$featureSetName) ] <- 'RNA-seq'
dt$featureSetName2[ grepl('HT-12', dt$featureSetName) ] <- 'HumanHT-12_2018'
#' Remove incomplete rows
#' @param eset expressionSet
#' @export
removeAllNArows <- function(eset){
em <- Biobase::exprs(eset)
allNARows <- apply(em, 1, function(x){ all(is.na(x)) })
eset <- eset[ !allNARows, ]
#' Subset to just columns needed for cross-study normalization and batch-correction
#' @param geMetaData single data.table containing all gene expression meta-data
#' @export
subsetToOnlyNeededColumns <- function(geMetaData){
geMetaData <- geMetaData[ , ..expectedGeMetaDataColumns ]
#' Summarize probe-level gene expression data by gene symbol selecting the probe
#' for each gene symbol that has maximum average value across all samples within
#' that expression set
#' @param esets list of expressionSet object
#' @export
summarizeByGeneSymbol <- function(esets){
summarizedEsets <- list()
for(i in 1:length(esets)){
# Calc probe average without log transform and DO NOT allow NAs
exprs <- data.table(Biobase::exprs(esets[[i]]), keep.rownames = TRUE)
goodRows <- apply(exprs[,-1], 1, function(row){ all(!is.na(row)) })
exprs <- exprs[ goodRows ]
# calcAvgWithoutLog <- function(row){ sum(2^row) / length(row) }
# exprs[ , prb_avg := apply(exprs[,-1], 1, calcAvgWithoutLog) ]
exprs[ , prb_avg := apply(exprs[,-1], 1, mean)]
# Ensure that feature data is accurate and ordered correctly before
# assigning a gene_symbol
fdat <- Biobase::fData(esets[[i]])
fdat <- fdat[ fdat$FeatureId %in% exprs$rn, ]
fdat <- fdat[ order(match(fdat$FeatureId, exprs$rn)), ]
exprs$gs <- fdat$gene_symbol
# Check for duplicates at probe level and remove.
# This issue is likely caused by gene_symbols being updated in the latest annotation.
# E.g. probe 1 previously mapped to gene A and gene B, then gene A was updated
# to be gene B as well.
exprs <- exprs[ !duplicated(exprs), ]
# Check for probes mapping to multiple gene symbols and remove
tmp <- data.table(probe = rownames(exprs),
gs = exprs$gs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
probesWithMultipleGS <- tmp[ , count := .N, by = "probe"][ count > 1 ]
if(nrow(probesWithMultipleGS) > 0){
exprs <- exprs[ !(rownames(exprs) %in% probesWithMultipleGS$probe), ]
# filter to max probe for each gene symbol
maxPrb <- exprs[, prb_max := max(prb_avg) , by = "gs" ][ prb_avg == prb_max ]
# Check and remove summary level duplicates w
# here multiple probes have exact same average value AND same sample values
maxPrb <- maxPrb[ !(duplicated(maxPrb)), ]
# Check and remove summary level NA values
maxPrb <- maxPrb[ !is.na(maxPrb$gs) ]
# handle cases where duplicated gs due to same average value,
# but slightly different sample values
# e.g. SDY1289 - Lausanne Adult Cohort
if( any(duplicated(maxPrb$gs)) ){
dupGs <- maxPrb$gs[ duplicated(maxPrb$gs) ]
for(dup in unique(dupGs)){
rows <- grep(dup, maxPrb$gs)
rmRows <- rows[ 1:length(rows) - 1 ]
maxPrb <- maxPrb[ -rmRows ]
maxPrb[ , c("prb_avg", "prb_max", "rn") := NULL ]
summarizedEsets[[i]] <- maxPrb
#' Impute presence of y chromosome based on expression of Y chromosome-related genes
#' and flag for QC if values do not match
#' @param eset expressionSet
#' @export
imputeYchrom.useAllTimepoints <- function(eset){
PD <- data.table(pData(eset))
PD[, y_chrom_present_timepoint := NA]
yGenes <- intersect(featureNames(eset), yChromGenes)
yGenes <- yGenes[ which(rowSums(is.na(exprs(eset)[yGenes,])) == 0) ]
matrices <- unique(as.character(eset$matrix))
for(matrix in matrices){
# SDY1119 TD2 OLD - only one pid, SDY1276 cohorts are separated by gender
if(!grepl("SDY1276", matrix)){
smpls <- which(eset$matrix == matrix)
if(length(smpls) > 2){
yChromEset <- eset[yGenes, smpls]
# Get clusters from reduced dimensional projection to eliminate
# issues
mds <- limma::plotMDS(yChromEset)
mdsClust <- stats::kmeans(mds$x, 2)
mdsCall <- mdsClust$cluster
# Figure out which of original clusters has higher overall values
# for expression of yChromGenes
clustANames <- names(mdsCall)[ mdsCall == 1 ]
clustAexprs <- yChromEset[ , yChromEset$uid %in% clustANames]
clustAMeans <- mean(colMeans(exprs(clustAexprs)))
clustBexprs <- yChromEset[ , !yChromEset$uid %in% clustANames]
clustBMeans <- mean(colMeans(exprs(clustBexprs)))
if(clustAMeans > clustBMeans){
y_chrom_present <- ifelse(mdsCall == 1, TRUE, FALSE)
y_chrom_present <- ifelse(mdsCall == 1, FALSE, TRUE)
PD$y_chrom_present_timepoint[ match(names(y_chrom_present), PD$uid) ] <- y_chrom_present
# If ychrom is not imputed based on expression level, impute from reported gender
ychromImputationNotDone <- which(is.na(PD$y_chrom_present_timepoint))
PD$y_chrom_present_timepoint[ychromImputationNotDone] <-
ifelse(PD$gender[ychromImputationNotDone] == "Male", TRUE, FALSE)
# if y_chrom_present in agreement for all timepoints, use that
# If y_chrom_present not in agreement for all timepoints:
# 1. Has gender_reported and all gender_reported in agreement: derive from gender_reported
# 2. No gender_reported, use majority y_chrom_present
summarizeYchrom <- function(gender_reported, y_chrom_present_timepoint){
reported_gender <- unique(gender_reported)
y_chrom_present <- unique(y_chrom_present_timepoint)
if (length(y_chrom_present) == 1) {
# y_chrom_present in agreement for all timepoints
} else {
# y_chrom_present not in agreement for all timepoints
if (length(reported_gender) == 1 & reported_gender %in% c("Male", "Female")) {
# Has gender_reported an all in agreement
y_chrom_present <- ifelse(reported_gender == "Male", TRUE, FALSE)
} else {
# No gender_reported or not in agreement
res <- table(y_chrom_present_timepoint)
majority <- names(res)[ res == max(res) ]
if(length(majority) == 1){
# Clear majority
# No clear majority
# flag problem samples with following logic:
# 1. All values for y_chrom_present are in agreement: all pass
# 2. y_chrom_present varies by timepoint:
# 2a. has gender_reported: derive ychrom from gender_reported and pass if in agreement
# 2b. no gender_reported and clear majority for ychrom: pass if in agreement with majority
# 2c. no gender_reported and no clear majority for ychrom: all fail.
flagProblemTimepoints <- function(gender_reported, y_chrom_present_timepoint){
if (length(unique(y_chrom_present_timepoint)) == 1) {
} else if (unique(gender_reported) %in% c("Female", "Male")) {
# Imputed ychrom values differ by timepoint: Flag when ychrom does not align with
# expected ychrom value based on gender
expected_y_chrom <- ifelse(gender_reported == "Male", TRUE, FALSE)
return(y_chrom_present_timepoint != expected_y_chrom)
} else {
# ychrom varies by timepoint and gender_reported not reported:
# Check if clear majority of ychrom values
res <- table(y_chrom_present_timepoint)
majority <- names(res)[ res == max(res) ]
if (length(majority) == 1) {
# Clear majority: fail QC if disagrees with majority
return(y_chrom_present_timepoint != majority)
} else {
# No clear majority: all fail.
PD[ , y_chrom_present := summarizeYchrom(gender, y_chrom_present_timepoint), by = "participant_id"]
PD[ , failedYchromQC := flagProblemTimepoints(gender, y_chrom_present_timepoint), by = "participant_id"]
pData(eset) <- PD
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