#' Cross-Study normalize an expressionSet object based on a single
#' vendor's subset of expression data to define the target distribution
#' @param eset expressionSet
#' @param targetDistributionVendor Microarray or RNAseq vendor to use for generating target distribution
#' @param targetDistributionExcludedStudies studies to exclude when generating the target distribution
#' @export
crossStudyNormalize <- function(eset, targetDistributionVendor, targetDistributionExcludedStudies){
eset.target <- eset[ , eset$featureSetVendor == targetDistributionVendor &
!(eset$study_accession %in% targetDistributionExcludedStudies) ]
# Ensure we only use features with complete.cases, as normalize.quantiles.robust
# doesn't handle NAs well - shrinks quantiles
eset.target <- eset.target[ stats::complete.cases(exprs(eset.target)), ]
# perform normalization on selected features (14827) and samples (1973)
normTargetExprs <- preprocessCore::normalize.quantiles.robust(exprs(eset.target), use.log2 = TRUE)
# Create target distribution based on normalized version of selected features and samples
target.dist <- preprocessCore::normalize.quantiles.determine.target(normTargetExprs)
# Normalize all features and samples based on subset target distribution
normAllExprs <- preprocessCore::normalize.quantiles.use.target(exprs(eset), target = target.dist)
# replace expression values in expressionSet and create copy with clear name
dimnames(normAllExprs) <- dimnames(exprs(eset))
# Ensure formatting of returned eSet
pd <- pData(eset)
rownames(pd) <- pd$uid
normAllExprs <- normAllExprs[ , order(match(colnames(normAllExprs), rownames(pd))) ]
normEset <- methods::new("ExpressionSet",
exprs = as.matrix(normAllExprs, rownames = rownames(normAllExprs)),
phenoData = methods::new('AnnotatedDataFrame',
# Clean up as we go
rm(normAllExprs, normTargetExprs, eset.target)
#' Adjust expression data using correction coefficients based on baseline data
#' to account for study_accession, featureSetName, and cell_type
#' @param eset expressionSet
#' @param batch.vars variables to correct for
#' @param covariates additional variables to include in the model
#' @export
batchCorrect <- function(eset, batch.vars, covariates){
eset.baseline <- eset[, eset$time_post_last_vax <= 0 ]
model.vars <- c(batch.vars, covariates)
# samples that failed Y-chromosome QC are not used for generating coefficients,
# but are left in the dataset for analysts to use / rm
eset.baseline.passedYchromQC <- eset.baseline[ , !eset.baseline$failedYchromQC ]
model.formula <- getModelFormula(model.vars)
fit.vals <- getLmFitValues(model.formula,
coefs2adjust = batch.vars)
# create another model matrix with all estimable vars for all timepoints
mm.all <- stats::model.matrix(model.formula, data = pData(eset))
mm.all.subset <- mm.all[, (colnames(mm.all) %in% colnames(fit.vals))]
# adjust the expression values for each sample and feature
# by an amount proportional to the sum of the coefficient values multiplied
# by the presence or absence of the coefficient variable
correctionValues <- fit.vals %*% t(mm.all.subset)
tmpExprs <- exprs(eset) - correctionValues
eset.corr <- methods::new("ExpressionSet",
exprs = as.matrix(tmpExprs, rownames = rownames(tmpExprs)),
phenoData = methods::new('AnnotatedDataFrame', pData(eset))
#' Adjust baseline expression data to account for study_accession, featureSetName, and cell_type
#' @param modelEset expressionSet used to create linear model
#' @param targetEset expressionSet that is corrected given model fit values
#' @param batch.vars variables to correct for
#' @param covariates additional variables to include in the model
#' @export
batchCorrect.importedModel <- function(modelEset, targetEset, batch.vars, covariates){
model.vars <- c(batch.vars, covariates)
esets <- c(model = modelEset, target = targetEset)
factorsToRelevel <- c(model.vars)
# Make sure "young" comes first
esets <- relevelEsets(esets, factorsToRelevel)
modelEset <- esets$model
targetEset <- esets$target
# Ensure baseline and passing Y-chromosome QC only for determining coefficients
modelEset.baseline <- modelEset[, modelEset$time_post_last_vax <= 0 ]
modelEset.baseline.passedYchromQC <- modelEset.baseline[, !modelEset.baseline$failedYchromQC ]
model.formula <- getModelFormula(model.vars)
fit.vals <- getLmFitValues(model.formula,
coefs2adjust = batch.vars)
exprs.target <- exprs(targetEset)
geneIntersect <- intersect(rownames(exprs.target),
exprs.target.subset <- exprs.target[ geneIntersect, ]
# Find common components of the model matrix for target and the modelEset.baseline
mm.target <- stats::model.matrix(model.formula, data = pData(targetEset))
factorIntersect <- intersect(colnames(mm.target), colnames(fit.vals))
mm.target.subset <- mm.target[ , factorIntersect ]
# Subset fit values to match dimensions of
fit.vals.subset <- fit.vals[ geneIntersect, factorIntersect ]
# Create correction values by matrix multiplication of the gene * coef fit matrix
mm.target.subset.t <- t(mm.target.subset)
# Double-check the column order for yfit-vals and mm.target.subset
mm.target.subset.t <- mm.target.subset.t[ order(match(rownames(mm.target.subset.t),
colnames(fit.vals.subset))), ]
# Ensure that correction matrix has same ordering as the expression matrix to be corrected
correctionValues <- fit.vals.subset %*% mm.target.subset.t
correctionValues <- correctionValues[ order(match(rownames(correctionValues),
rownames(exprs.target.subset))), ]
# create new expression matrix
exprs.target.corr <- exprs.target.subset - correctionValues
# ensure phenotypic data is ordered correctly as this is not checked
# when inserted directly - i.e. pData(x) <- pd
pd <- pData(targetEset)
pd <- pd[ order(match(pd$uid, colnames(exprs.target.corr))), ]
# Create new expressionSet object as validation fails for insertion into target
# due to internal checks related to expression matrix
eset.target.corr <- methods::new("ExpressionSet",
exprs = as.matrix(exprs.target.corr, rownames = rownames(exprs.target.corr)),
phenoData = methods::new('AnnotatedDataFrame', pd))
#' Get linear model fit values for each gene
#' @param eset.baseline baseline expressionSet
#' @param model.formula model formula
#' @param coefs2adjust Coeffieicts to include in the adjusted model
#' @export
getLmFitValues <- function(model.formula, eset.baseline, coefs2adjust){
mm <- stats::model.matrix(model.formula, data = pData(eset.baseline))
# Remove model matrix variables that are not estimable
notEstimable <- limma::nonEstimable(mm)
mm.est <- mm[, !colnames(mm) %in% notEstimable]
# Create a linear model based on the model matrix with all estimable vars for day 0
fit <- limma::lmFit(object = exprs(eset.baseline), design = mm.est)
# Select only study, featureAnnotationSet, and cell type as variables to use
# (do not use gender)
coefs2adjust <- grep(paste0(coefs2adjust, collapse = "|"),
colnames(mm.est), value = TRUE)
# subset the coefficient values of the linear fit output by coefficients to adjust as well
fit.vals <- fit$coefficients[, coefs2adjust]
#' Get linear model formula
#' @param model.vars vector of variables
#' @export
getModelFormula <- function(model.vars){
model.formula <- stats::as.formula(paste0('~', paste0(model.vars, collapse='+')))
#' Get linear model fit values for each gene
#' @param esets expressionSets
#' @param factorsToRelevel factors to relevel
#' @export
relevelEsets <- function(esets, factorsToRelevel){
for(fac in factorsToRelevel){
ref.batch <- intersect(unique(esets$model[[fac]]),
esets$model[[fac]] <- stats::relevel(as.factor(esets$model[[fac]]),
ref = ref.batch)
esets$target[[fac]] <- stats::relevel(as.factor(esets$target[[fac]]),
ref = ref.batch)
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