
Defines functions PolyfunctionalityScore.default PolyfunctionalityScore.COMPASSResult PolyfunctionalityScore FunctionalityScore.default FunctionalityScore.COMPASSResult FunctionalityScore

Documented in FunctionalityScore FunctionalityScore.COMPASSResult FunctionalityScore.default PolyfunctionalityScore PolyfunctionalityScore.COMPASSResult PolyfunctionalityScore.default

##' Compute the Functionality Score for each subject fit in a COMPASS model
##' Computes the functionality score for each observation from the gamma matrix
##' of a COMPASS model fit. The scores are normalized according to the total
##' number of possible subsets that could be observed (\code{2^M - 1}).
##' @param x An object of class \code{COMPASSResult}, as returned by
##'   \code{\link{COMPASS}}. Alternatively, a matrix of functionality scores,
##'   used under the assumption that the 'null' category has been dropped.
##' @param n The number of markers included in an experiment. It is inferred
##'   from the data when \code{x} is a \code{COMPASSResult}.
##' @param markers The set of markers for which to compute a Functionality score. By default uses all markers. Must match names returned by \code{markers()}.
##' @return A numeric vector of functionality scores.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' FunctionalityScore(CR)
##' @note The null category is implicitly dropped when computing the functionality
##'   score for a \code{COMPASS} result; this is not true for the regular matrix
##'   method.
##' @import pdist
FunctionalityScore <- function(x, n,markers=NULL) {

##' @rdname FunctionalityScore
##' @export
FunctionalityScore.COMPASSResult <- function(x, n,markers=NULL) {
  ## we drop the last column as it is the 'NULL' category
  n <- ncol(x$fit$categories) - 1
  y <- x$fit$mean_gamma[, -ncol(x$fit$mean_gamma),drop=FALSE]
  fs = apply(y, 1, function(row) {
    sum(row) / (2^n - 1)
  #If markers was given, we compute a functionality score based on the subset of markers
  if (!is.null(markers)) {
    if (!all(markers %in% markers(x))){
      stop("Invalid marker names")
    message("Computing a Functionality Score based on ",
            paste(markers, collapse = ", "))
    new_categories = unique(categories(x, FALSE)[, markers, drop = FALSE])
    all_categories = categories(x, FALSE)[, markers, drop = FALSE]
    suppressWarnings({dmat = as.matrix(pdist(new_categories,all_categories))})
    cat_indices = apply(dmat,1,function(y)which(y == 0))
    if (!is.matrix(cat_indices)) {
      cat_indices <- matrix(cat_indices, ncol = length(cat_indices))
    new_mean_gamma = apply(cat_indices, 2, function(i)
      apply(Gamma(x)[, i, ], 1, mean))
    new_categories = cbind(new_categories, Counts = rowSums(new_categories))
    reord = c(setdiff(1:nrow(new_categories), which(new_categories[, "Counts"] ==
                                                      0)), which(new_categories[, "Counts"] == 0))
    new_categories = new_categories[reord, ]
    new_mean_gamma = new_mean_gamma[, reord]
    colnames(new_mean_gamma) = apply(new_categories[, -ncol(new_categories)], 1, function(x)
      paste0(x, collapse = ""))
    new_scores = rowSums(new_mean_gamma[,-ncol(new_mean_gamma)])
    new_scores = new_scores/(2^length(markers) - 1)
    fs = new_scores

##' @rdname FunctionalityScore
##' @export
FunctionalityScore.default <- function(x, n,markers=NULL) {
  apply(x, 1, function(row) {
    sum(row) / (2^n - 1)

##' Compute the Polyfunctionality Score for each subject fit in a COMPASS model
##' Computes the Polyfunctionality score for each observation from the
##' gamma matrix of a \code{COMPASS} model fit. The scores are normalized to
##' one.
##' @param x An object of class \code{COMPASSResult}, as returned by
##'   \code{\link{COMPASS}}. Alternatively, a matrix of functionality scores.
##' @param degree A vector of weights. If missing, this is the 'degree of
##' functionality', that is, the number of markers expressed in a particular
##' category.
##' @param n The total number of markers. This is inferred when \code{x} is a
##'   \code{COMPASSResult}, and is unused in that case.
##' @param markers A \code{character} specifying the markers for which to compute the score. Must match names in \code{markers()}.
##' @return A numeric vector of polyfunctionality scores.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' PolyfunctionalityScore(CR)
PolyfunctionalityScore <- function(x, degree, n,markers=NULL) {

##' @rdname PolyfunctionalityScore
##' @export
PolyfunctionalityScore.COMPASSResult <- function(x, degree, n,markers=NULL) {
  degree <- x$fit$categories[, "Counts"]
  n <- ncol(x$fit$categories) - 1
  y <- x$fit$mean_gamma
  pfs = apply(y, 1, function(row) {
    ## (2 / (n+1)) is a factor that normalized the score between 0 and 1
    sum(row * degree / choose(n, degree)) / n * (2 / (n + 1))
  if (!is.null(markers)) {
    if (!all(markers %in% markers(x))) {
      stop("Invalid marker names")
    message("Computing a Polyfunctionality Score based on ",paste(markers,collapse=", "))
    new_categories = unique(categories(x,FALSE)[,markers,drop = FALSE])
    all_categories = categories(x,FALSE)[,markers,drop = FALSE]
    suppressWarnings({dmat = as.matrix(pdist(new_categories,all_categories))})
    cat_indices = apply(dmat,1,function(y)which(y == 0))
    if (!is.matrix(cat_indices)) {
      cat_indices <- matrix(cat_indices, ncol = length(cat_indices))
    new_mean_gamma = apply(cat_indices,2,function(i)apply(Gamma(x)[,i,],1,mean))
    degree <- rowSums(new_categories)
    n <- ncol(new_categories)
    y <- new_mean_gamma
    pfs = apply(y, 1, function(row) {
      ## (2 / (n+1)) is a factor that normalized the score between 0 and 1
      sum(row * degree / choose(n, degree)) / n * (2 / (n + 1))

##' @rdname PolyfunctionalityScore
##' @export
PolyfunctionalityScore.default <- function(x, degree, n,markers=NULL) {
  apply(x, 1, function(row) {
    ## (2 / (n+1)) is a factor that normalized the score between 0 and 1
    sum(row * degree / choose(n, degree)) / n * (2 / (n + 1))
RGLab/COMPASS documentation built on Feb. 11, 2021, 3:23 p.m.