##' Create a COMPASS Container from a GatingSet
##' This code expects a \code{GatingSet} or \code{GatingSetList}.
##' It expects a regular expression for the node name
##' (i.e. '/4\\+$' would match '/4+' in a node name with the plus
##' sign at the end of the string. Alternatively, you can supply a
##' partial path.
##' The user must supply the 'individual_id', which has the default value suitable for the data we commonly see.
##' 'sample_id' is the 'rownames' of 'pData' of 'GatingSet'.
##' Sometimes the child node names don't match the marker names exactly.
##' This function will try to make some guesses about how to match these up.
##' The \code{filter.fun} parameter is a function that does some regular expression string
##' substitution to try and clean up the node names by removing
##' various symobls that are often added to gates, \{+/-\}. The user can provide their
##' own function to do string cleanup.
##' Counts are extracted as well as metadata and single cell data, and these are fed into the
##' \code{COMPASSContainer} constructor.
##' There is likely not sufficient error checking.
##' @param gs a \code{GatingSet} or \code{GatingSetList}
##' @param node a \code{regular expression} to match a single node in the gating tree. If more than one node is matched, an error is thrown.
##' @param filter.fun a \code{function} that does string substitution to clean up node names, i.e. turns a 'CD4+' into a 'CD4' to try and
##' match against the \code{parameters} slot of the \code{flowFrames} in \code{gs}
##' @param individual_id a \code{character} identifying the subject id column in the \code{gs} metadata
##' @param mp a \code{list} mapping node names to markers. This function tries to guess, but may fail. The user can override the guesswork.
##' @param matchmethod a \code{character} either 'regex' or 'Levenshtein' for matching nodes to markers.
##' @param markers a \code{character} vector of marker names to include.
##' @param swap a \code{logical} default FALSE. Set to TRUE if the marker and channel names are swapped.
##' @param countFilterThreshold \code{numeric} threshold. if the number of parent cells
##' is less than this threshold, we remove that
##' file. Default is 5000.
##' @seealso \code{\link{COMPASSContainer}}
##' @examples \dontrun{
##' ## gs is a GatingSet from flowWorkspace
##' COMPASSContainerFromGatingSet(gs, "4+")
##' }
##' @importFrom plyr laply ldply
##' @importFrom knitr kable
##' @importFrom utils adist
##' @importFrom clue solve_LSAP
##' @export
COMPASSContainerFromGatingSet<-function(gs = NULL, node = NULL, filter.fun = NULL,
individual_id = "PTID",
mp = NULL,
matchmethod = c("Levenshtein","regex"),
markers = NA,swap=FALSE, countFilterThreshold = 5000) {
if (requireNamespace("flowWorkspace",quietly = TRUE)) {
## R CMD check silencing
desc.upper <- desc <- name <- NULL
if (is.null(gs) | is.null(node)) {
stop("Must specify a gating set and parent node.")
## Make 'node' act more like a regular expression if it isn't one already
n <- nchar(node)
if (!substring(node, 1, 1) == "/") node <- paste0("/", node)
if (!substring(node, n, n) == "$") node <- paste0(node, "$")
node <- gsub("(?<!\\\\)\\+", "\\\\+", node, perl=TRUE)
# extract all the counts
message("Extracting cell counts")
parent.counts <- unlist(parent.counts)
names(parent.counts) <- flowWorkspace::sampleNames(x)
nnames <- flowWorkspace::gh_get_pop_paths(gs[[1]], path="full")
parent.pop<-nnames[grepl(node, nnames, fixed = FALSE)]
if (length(parent.pop) > 1) {
stop(gettextf("The node expression %s is not unique.", node))
if (length(parent.pop) == 0) {
stop(gettextf("The node expression %s doesn't identify any nodes.",
# Extract the parent node name from the full population name
# we can just use the parent.pop
parent.node <- laply(strsplit(parent.pop, "/"), function(x) x[length(x)])
message(gettextf("Fetching %s", parent.node))
#stats <- getPopStats(gs, statistic = "count")
pd <- flowWorkspace::pData(gs)
#now we force 'name' column to be the same as rownames
sample_id <- "name"
pd[["name"]] <- rownames(pd)
# Do the expected columns exist?
if (!all(c(sample_id, individual_id) %in% colnames(pd))) {
message("Some columns not found in metadata")
message(gettextf("Expected: %s %s", sample_id, individual_id))
message(gettextf("Missing: %s\n", c(sample_id, individual_id)[which(!c(sample_id, individual_id) %in%
# Get the children of that parent and filter out boolean gates Test if
# children exist, and test if non-empty set returned.
message("Fetching child nodes")
full.child.nodes<-flowWorkspace::gh_pop_get_children(gs[[1]], unique.node,path="auto")
child.nodes <- basename(flowWorkspace::gh_pop_get_children(gs[[1]], unique.node))
if (length(child.nodes) == 0) {
stop(gettextf("Population %s has no children! Choose a different parent population.",
child.nodes <- child.nodes[!sapply(full.child.nodes, function(x) flowWorkspace::gh_pop_is_bool_gate(gs[[1]],
full.child.nodes <- full.child.nodes[!sapply(full.child.nodes, function(x) flowWorkspace::gh_pop_is_bool_gate(gs[[1]],x))]
if (length(child.nodes) == 0) {
stop(gettextf("All the children of %s are boolean gates. Choose a population with non-boolean child gates.",
# Make sure the child node names are mapped to channel names correctly.
# This is awful.. we don't have a way to track which dimension of a 2D
# gate is of importance.. so this code tries to take a guess by matching
# node names to marker names and doing some deduplication if there's
# ambiguity. I cannot even begin to count the number of ways this could
# fail. I'll check that the number of mapped nodes at the end matches
# the expected number of child nodes, and error out if it doesn't. We
# may also want to let the user pass a map.
.checkMarkerConsistency <- function(xx) {
if (inherits(xx, "GatingSetList")) {
mlist <- unlist( recursive=FALSE, lapply(xx@data, function(x) {
dat <- flowWorkspace::gs_pop_get_data(x)
lapply( objects(dat@frames), function(obj) {
fr <- get(obj, envir=dat@frames)
return(na.omit( flowCore::parameters(fr)@data$desc ))
}) )
} else if (inherits(xx, "GatingSet")) {
dat <- flowWorkspace::gs_pop_get_data(xx)
mlist <- lapply( objects(dat@frames), function(obj) {
fr <- get(obj, envir=dat@frames)
return(na.omit( flowCore::parameters(fr)@data$desc ))
} else {
stop("Expected object of type 'GatingSetList' or 'GatingSet'")
mlist <- flowWorkspace::lapply(xx, function(x) na.omit(flowCore::parameters(flowWorkspace::gh_pop_get_data(x,
use.exprs = FALSE))@data$desc))
common <- Reduce(intersect, mlist)
unyn <- Reduce(union, mlist)
warnflag <- FALSE
if (!all(common %in% unyn)) {
warnflag <- TRUE
message("common markers are: ")
message(gettextf("%s ", common))
if (!is.na(markers)) {
if (all(markers %in% common)) {
warnflag <- FALSE
} else {
warnflag <- TRUE
if (warnflag) {
warning("Not all markers are shared across files.")
message("Disparate markers are:")
message(gettextf("%s ", setdiff(unyn, common)))
if (is.null(mp)) {
params <- flowCore::parameters(flowWorkspace::gh_pop_get_data(gs[[1]], use.exprs = FALSE))@data
params <- data.table(params[, c("name", "desc")])
# make case consistent
params[, `:=`(desc.upper, toupper(desc))]
child.nodes.upper <- toupper(child.nodes)
child.nodes <- data.table(data.frame(child.nodes, child.nodes.upper,full.child.nodes))
setkeyv(params, "desc")
if (class(filter.fun) != "function") {
filter.fun <- function(x) {
gsub("-", "", gsub("\\d+\\.", "", gsub("\\\\", "", gsub("/",
"", gsub("\\+", "", x)))))
child.nodes[, `:=`(child.nodes.upper, filter.fun(child.nodes.upper))]
matchmethod <- match.arg(arg = matchmethod, choices = c("Levenshtein",
if (matchmethod == "Levenshtein") {
distances <- adist(child.nodes[, child.nodes.upper], na.omit(params[,
matching <- as.vector(solve_LSAP(distances))
matched <- cbind(as.data.frame(params[matching, list(name, desc)]), data.frame(node=child.nodes[, full.child.nodes]))
map <- data.table(matched)
} else {
stop("matchmethod regex not supported when swap=TRUE");
map <- na.omit(unique(ldply(child.nodes[, child.nodes.upper],
function(x) {
params[desc.upper %like% x, `:=`(child.nodes.upper,
map <- data.table(merge(map, child.nodes, by = "child.nodes.upper",
all.x = TRUE))
map[, `:=`(node, child.nodes)]
#drop uncompensated markers
tbl <- table(map$node)
if (any(tbl > 1)) {
row.remove <- sapply(which(tbl > 1), function(x) {
row.keep <- which(map$desc %in% filter.fun(names(tbl)[x]))
all.row <- which(map$node %in% names(tbl)[x])
row.remove <- setdiff(all.row, row.keep)
map <- map[-c(row.remove), ]
# Some error checking
if (nrow(map) != length(child.nodes[, child.nodes])) {
message(gettextf("We failed to guess the mapping between the node %s and the markers in the flowFrame\n",
message("Our best guess was:")
message("Expected nodes:")
message(gettextf("%s ", child.nodes$child.nodes))
message("Available dyes:")
message(gettextf("%s ", na.omit(as.vector(params$desc))))
message("Try specifying the mapping manually.")
map <- map[, c(2, 3, 6), with = FALSE]
# Filter based on selected markers
if (!is.na(markers)) {
setkey(map, desc)
map <- map[markers, ]
message("We will map the following nodes to markers:")
# construct the map
# if(swap){
# mp <- as.character(map[,name])
# }else{
mp <- as.character(map[, desc])
# }
names(mp) <- map[, node]
mp <- as.list(mp)
# Construct the expression
expr <- as.name(paste(names(mp), collapse = "|"))
message(gettextf("Extracting single cell data for %s", as.character(expr)))
# extract the single cell values
#exprs can now be a vector of characters
expr <- do.call(c,strsplit(as.character(expr),"\\|"))
##validity check on the parent children relationship
children.ids <- sapply(full.child.nodes, flowWorkspace::.getNodeInd, obj = gs[[1]], USE.NAMES = FALSE)
map.ids <- sapply(expr, flowWorkspace::.getNodeInd, obj = gs[[1]], USE.NAMES = FALSE)
ind <- !map.ids %in% children.ids
stop(paste(expr[ind], collapse = "|"), " are not the children node of ", unique.node)
sc_data <- try(flowWorkspace::gs_get_singlecell_expression( x=gs, nodes = expr, map = mp,swap=swap))
message("getData failed. Perhaps the marker list is not unique in the flowFrame.")
message("All markers and channels:")
message("Creating COMPASS Container")
cc <- COMPASSContainer(data = sc_data, counts = counts, meta = pd,
individual_id = individual_id, sample_id = sample_id, countFilterThreshold = countFilterThreshold)
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